Chapter 134: Killing the God Spear Holy War!

A piece of minefield formed in the Taikoo starry sky.

The thunder bursts and flickers in the thunder domain, and all the stars that are affected by the thunder are instantly torn apart.

Those fragments ran rampant in the Primordial Star Territory, or burned to ashes, or were captured by other stars.

Time slowly passed, and several days had passed in the predicament.

On this day, the thunder domain did not change at all, but those in the midair slowly disappeared.

“Success? Or failed?”

“Can this road work?”

“In the prehistoric times, there are already enough saints, there is no need for any Hun Yuan Da Luo to appear!”

Everyone who knew about this had their own thoughts in their hearts, staring at the minefield closely.

“I have a Taoist heart, so I’m locked in the dust!”

“Today, the dust is full of light, shining through the world!”

Wow! Wow!

The sound of running water sounded, and a long river of virtual and real appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

Everyone looked around, and in that long river, there seemed to be countless emperor heavens stepping out of it.

In the end, these emperor heavens slowly overlapped and turned into the last him.

The Thunder Territory on that side was also put away by him with Chaos Beads.

Rumble! Rumble!

A Hunyuan Daluojin Wonderland powerhouse was born, and he felt that the predecessor world also brought down countless rays of light and rain.

I was irradiated by this light and absorbed the rain.

I don’t know how many creatures who have not yet enlightened in the prehistoric land, suddenly enlightened the spiritual wisdom.

Those who are traumatized are also healed instantly.

Even for those who do not have these, their realm is a step forward.

This is a gift to everything!

“You have preached, you have really preached!”

“There is a way, I’ll wait for a way ahead!”

“The path of Hunyuan works. We can’t prove Dao saints, but we can also prove Dao Hunyuan!”


The expressions of the great supernatural powers were joyful, and their original hope of sanctification had been shattered.

But now Huang Tian has let them see another way.

A path they can make!

“Congratulations, Daoist Emperor Zhengdao Hunyuan, you are qualified to be tied with me!”

After several changes in Laozi’s expression, he finally recovered his calm and spoke to the emperor.

“Congratulations, Daoist Emperor Huangtian, Zhengdao Hunyuan!”


“Congratulations, Daoist Emperor Huangtian, Zhengdao Hunyuan!”

Yuan Shi and other saints also stood up and bowed to the emperor, and recognized the emperor’s identity.

“Congratulations to the Emperor Tianzun for enlightening Dao Hunyuan, from now on forever, eternity will always be there!”

“Congratulations to Huangtian Tianzun for enlightening Dao Hunyuan, from now on forever, everlasting!”


In the predicament, all beings knew the emperor’s proof of the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

All call the emperor with the name of Tianzun, congratulations to him!

Huangtian’s expression remained unchanged, he looked at Taiqing Laozi.

“Now that I am in the realm of Hunyuan, you still want to stop me?”

Looking at Emperor Tian, ​​Laozi didn’t give in at all, but saw him speak.

“Friend Huangtian, now you have reached the realm of Hunyuan, the general trend of heaven should be clear, this time the calamity, Emperor Jun should not die!”

“If so, do I have to kill him?”

Emperor Tian also gave in the slightest.

How about knowing that Di Jun is the protagonist of this amount of robbery?

For killing so many human races, shouldn’t he make Di Jun pay the price?

“The realm of Hunyuan is just a sage. In this predicament, I think it is difficult to kill you, but it is not impossible to suppress you!”

Seeing Huang Tian not knowing how to advance or retreat, a cold light flashed in Taiqing Laozi’s eyes.


Taiqing Laozi’s breath suddenly burst out, and this coercion swept the entire Taikoo Star Territory.

Directly freeze the entire Swire Star Territory stars so that they can’t move anything.

In his hand, the Tai Chi diagram burst out with mysterious light, which swept from the top of Laozi’s head towards the four directions.

As long as he is willing, that Taiji Tu can move towards Huangtian suppression at any time!

As he said, the saint and Hunyuan are just the same person.

But in the predicament, the saint is stronger than Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


Just because the sage’s true spirit and soul is placed on the heavenly way, and in the midst of the wilderness, the heavenly way is the backing of the sage.

If the way of heaven is immortal, the power of the saint is immortal.

Even if you can destroy the saint’s body, as long as his true spirit is immortal, you can always use the power of heaven to reshape the saint’s body.

And Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could not be supplemented by the power of heaven in the prehistoric times.

In the fight with the saint, the saint will be exhausted, and even if it can’t be killed, it can be sealed.

If the primordial world is compared to a company, then the saints are the genuine employees of this company, and they can borrow the company’s resources.

And Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can only be regarded as a temporary employee of this company, and even this is not even regarded as a guest.

Therefore, Laozi is very confident to suppress Huangtian!

While Huang Tian watched Laozi’s movements, he licked his lips, and there seemed to be a flash of excitement in his eyes.

“Holy war?”

“I have this intention, and I also want to know, can I use this long spear in my hand to kill the saint!”

Huang Tian’s words fell, and a dark, bloody spear appeared in his hand.

As soon as this spear appeared, it filled with boundless evil spirits, as if slaughtered hundreds of billions of living beings.

Looking at the spear in Huangtian’s hand, Laozi’s expression suddenly changed.

He finally knew why he felt a sense of familiarity when Huang Tian appeared in front of him.

“This is… the Gunslinger!”

“Fengxi, it was you!”

“You actually joined the human race in the name of Emperor Tian!”

Hearing Laozi’s words, many great supernatural powers were stunned, and their eyes showed such expressions.

“Fengxi… The younger brother of Saint Nuwa!”

“I said, there is no such thing as a monster in the human race, it turns out that he was pretending to be Fengxi!”

“In this case, I can still accept it, otherwise, my heart will be broken!”


The respective divine minds were constantly communicating in the air, and the shock they had received suddenly felt a lot smaller.

Just because the emperor is Fengxi.

They are people of the same generation, and now they are just one step ahead.

“Yes, I am Fengxi!”

“Come on, you also know that this is a gunshot, fight with me!”


Huang Tian, ​​that is, Feng Xi, nodded slightly, sneered coldly, all over his body with murderous intent!

The Killing Spear in his hand shook slightly, and a terrifying murderous aura burst out, directly shaking the Primordial Star Territory that was originally anchored by Laozi.

A trace of bloody evil spirit appeared in the Primordial Star Territory.

“Huh! War will fight, I’m afraid you won’t succeed?!”

Laozi snorted slightly, his eyes faintly, and a mighty force moved away from him.

The Tai Chi picture hanging in the sky bloomed with profound light, and the combination of yin and yang two qi, evolved into a golden bridge, and killed it towards Fengxi.

“Look at the gun!”

Feng Xi’s killing intent was all over her body, and her evil spirits kept surging, setting him off like a demon god.

The Gunkilling Spear in his hand was instantly here, and the power was transmitted to the Gunkilling Spear. On the Gunkilling Spear, countless primitive patterns flashed with divine light.

Like a pitch-black dragon, it opened its mouth wide and whizzed towards Laozi.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Xi stabbed tens of thousands of times, each with a strong killing intent, and there was a vast aura.

It seems to be the ancient atmosphere when the world first opened.

Rumble! Rumble!

The entire Primordial Star Territory twisted and shook in the hands of the two of them, and between the swings of the spears, the black and red light flickered, like a poisonous snake, spitting his snake letter, seeking the opportunity of a fatal blow.

Facing the sharpshooter in Fengxi’s hand, Laozi did not dare to be careless.

He also knows the Gunslinger in Fengxi’s hands.

This sharp gun rank is not the best innate spirit treasure, but when it comes to the power of attack, it is not said to be the first in the prehistoric, but it is also the first batch.

Just relying on it to hurt the soul of the soul, it is enough to prove his terrible.

Why doesn’t the saint die?

Isn’t it because their true spirits are placed on the heavens?

And this sharp gun can attack their true spirits. For this, Laozi doesn’t care about it.

He raised his hand, and Taiji Tu appeared in his hand.

I saw the shadow of the Taiji figure blooming, and the yin and yang on it, and the four images and eight hexagrams appeared together.

Protecting him, Feng Xi’s thousands of moves and hundreds of methods can not break through his Tai Chi Tu’s defense!

“Hahaha, Taiqing Laozi, don’t be like a tortoise with a shrunken head, you have the ability to fight hard with my sharp gun!”

“Today, I want to know, the saint, can he fall under my sharp spear!”

Feng Xi smiled, the divine light in his eyes burst out, and he became more and more excited.

Sage, it used to be a realm he couldn’t pursue.

Now, he has also reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he wants to know what this saint is in front of him!

The great power of the great avenue poured into the hand like a river like a sharp gun, this fierce sharp gun finally showed the power of terror.

I saw the infinite black and red spear light burst out, and in an instant, the space and stars in the Primordial Star Territory were shattered, like the end of the day, extremely terrifying.


Feng Xi let out a cold drink, and appeared in front of Laozi abruptly. He swung the sharp gun in his hand quickly, and the gun was suddenly glowing like rain.

The war broke out, and Taiqing Laozi was fought, and every moment was thousands of collisions.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Now one of them is a saint and the other is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, both of them are immortal.

They constantly shuttled through the Primordial Star Territory, smashing countless stars, and fought together fiercely. Two treasures clashed, one after another roared with magical powers.

Here, in an instant, it was beaten into a turbulent flow, chaos, and the figures of the two became blurred and they continued to fight in this turbulent flow.

Star Territory Vibration!

Nothingness tears!

Time and space collapse!

Everything is being crazily destroyed, the long howling of the two people again and again, and there are countless sharp and terrible voices resounding, making people frightened.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

A series of crazy collisions sounded, and in a blink of an eye, it seemed to have experienced a violent storm.

Countless laws of light flew around, and the two figures soared out of the turbulence one after another, all covered in shredded clothes, scars all over the body, blood dripping, and confronting each other in the Primordial Star Territory.

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