Chapter 123 Unyielding Nuwa Will Make a Move!

Under Di Jun’s order, the monster army began to take action against the human race.

These monster races came suddenly, and those human races on the outermost periphery didn’t have much defense at all.

In addition, their strength is not as good as these menacing monsters. Soon, these small tribes of human races in the periphery were all slaughtered to death.

At this moment, I don’t know how many human races died, causing blood to flow into rivers in the precipice, and the evil spirit was permeated, and a thick resentment was spreading across the sky!

Such an abnormal change naturally also awakened countless great supernatural powers who were in retreat.

They looked at the prevalence of resentment, and looked at the human races slaughtered by the monster race, they fell into silence.

“Why? The Monster Race actually did something to the Human Race?”

“Right now, just as the Lich decisive battle is about to slaughter so many human races, isn’t Di Jun afraid to offend the saint?”

“The Human Race is over, it’s only about a hundred thousand years ago, how could it be the opponent of the Demon Race!”


The great magical powers communicated in the void, and there was no lack of regret for the human race in the words. They believed that the human race had no room for resistance under the attack of the monster race, unless the saints helped!

Right now, although they regretted, they did not dare to intervene.

The saints can know all kinds of things at a single thought, and now, those saints have not intervened, and they naturally can’t intervene.

Just when they looked at the human tribes in the periphery, they were being slaughtered by the monsters.

The Terran did not sit still. In order to preach the migration of all the tribes, the monks in the Terran ancestral land moved out one by one.

After they realized that it was the hands of the monster clan, the seven super-large tribes that were split up at the beginning moved together with a large number of large tribes.

While sending a large army of human races to resist the attacks of those monster races, while stepping up to gather a large number of small tribes of human races.

Then they headed towards the coast of the East China Sea, where is the ancestral land of the human race, and it is their last hope to resist the monster race.

Even if they can’t resist the monster race, even if they die, they hope to die in their ancestral land!

. . . . . . . . . .

The coast of the East China Sea, the ancestral land of the human race.

In the human hall, the three ancestors of the Suiren clan and a group of sages of the human race realized that this was the disaster of the human race when the demon race slaughtered the human race tribe.

They gathered together, murderous and worried in their eyes.

“Brother, give the order!”

“The Yaozu dare to do something to my human race, we must not sit still and wait for death!”

You Chao stood up. He, who was originally gentle in temperament, was full of murderous intent at this moment, and a bloody smell came out of him.

It seems that with a slight breath of the nose, he can smell the endless waves of blood.

“Yes, when my human race migrated, and the strength was not as good as now, we dared to fight with the demon race, and now we are afraid that his demon race will not succeed?!”

“One word, kill!”

“I never die with the monster race!”


One after another Human Race sage stood up, their eyes filled with determination and fearlessness.

The aura on the body is soaring, they are the last backbone of the human race, any enemy who wants to destroy their human race, then they must step over their corpses.

Human race is never afraid of war!

If you want to slaughter their human race, that also depends on whether the opponent’s teeth are hard enough!

“The descendant of the ancestral order, lift the Human Palace high, and all the Human Palace monks, with the super tribe as the fulcrum, and the large tribes as the link, to bring my human race back!”

“Those who offend my human race will never die!”

The Sui Ren clan looked at the sages of the human race who were full of determination and fearlessness, and a smile appeared on his face.

With such a united human race, he has nothing to fear.

Rumble! Rumble!

There was a roar, and the Human Palace, which was originally located in the center of the human ancestral land, suddenly flew into the air, bursting out with boundless light.

This light is very bright, but not the slightest dazzling, but it gives people a mighty feeling.

This immeasurable light crossed the mountains and rivers, and appeared in front of every human race.

“This is… this is the Human Palace!”

“The Hall of Humanity is calling us, and the three ancestors are calling us!”

“Kill! For the tribe, for the human race, immortal endlessly!”


The blood of countless human races was burning in their hearts, and they were still a little uneasy and fearful in their hearts.

At that moment, under the ray of light, all the distracting thoughts in their hearts dissipated.

Yes, there is only firmness and fierceness. How can it be so easy to kill other people!

The roar, the shout of killing, instantly sounded in various places all over the human race, it was the human race desperately trying to survive.

The original migration road, and the later development road, let them know an iron law!

The prehistoric is cruel, and weakness does not keep them alive. Only the blood and corpses of the enemy can be used to demonstrate their power and power to allow them to live.

Even if these human tribes were divided, the strength of a single tribe could not be compared with those elite monster tribes in the heavenly court.

However, they fought with these powerful monster races, they were not afraid of life and death, and they were not afraid of powerful enemies, just to allow their relatives to live.

Suddenly, the entire prehistoric world seemed to be performing such a scene.

Blood, fighting, crying, ruins, these are the predominant themes nowadays.

Life, at this moment, seemed so fragile, even if the human race did not fear death, but when they resisted, they still couldn’t understand why the demon race had to do it against them!

“Why? What did my human do wrong to cause such a catastrophe?”

“Where is the Madonna, where is the Mother of the Earth, where is the Holy Father, where is the leader of the human religion?”

“Ah! The bastards of the monster race, I’m fighting with you!”


Some people resisted, and there were countless people weeping and crying. Their faces were full of desolation and helplessness. At this moment, it seemed that people were particularly distressed.

. . . . . . . . . .

Nüwa Tian, ​​in Nüwa Palace.

Nu Wa’s eyes were reddish, and her fists were clenched tightly. She knew that the human race was suffering, and she did not agree to Di Jun’s proposal.

But even so, the established destiny of the human race has not changed the slightest. After seeing the current tragedy of the human race, her heart is full of sorrow, as if dripping blood.

How could it not be so?

These are all the children she made out of her own hands in the first place!

She could even think of how heartache and disappointment it would be to know that she did not intervene after Feng Xi returned.

“No! I am the Mother of the Human Race, I must not sit back and watch things continue to develop!”

Nu Wa stood up, and the horrible breath all over her body flashed away, shattering the space behind her.

Immediately, Nu Wa’s figure disappeared.

However, when she just walked out of Wa Huangtian, her footsteps paused slightly, and her eyes became cold.

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