Chapter 122: Tuluo Tribe, Miniature!

Among the human races, after receiving orders from the ancestral land, each of the small tribes quickly migrated towards the nearest large tribe.

The Tuluo tribe is a miniature of them.

Some tamed monsters carry the old people and children of the Tuluo tribe, as well as the necessary items for their lives.

And their soldiers are standing on both sides, looking at the surrounding with vigilant eyes, paying attention to whether there is any danger coming.

Standing in the middle is the patriarch of the Tuluo tribe, who is also the strongest of the entire Tuluo tribe.

Every patriarch of the Tuluo tribe is called Tuluo, which is their heritage.

Up to now, the name Tu Luo has been passed down for nearly twenty generations.

“Patriarch, why did you say we were called back?”

“This is the first time.”

A boy holding a big bow with sharp eyes, but a boy who was only thirteen or fourteen years old asked Tu Luo.

Tu Luo patted the boy on the head and spoke to him.

“Tu Mu, you kid, what do you want to do so much?”

“Just follow the instructions obediently.”

“I can tell you kid, don’t run around, this is not our hunting ground, there are many dangers, then I will not be able to save you.”

Tu Mu touched his head, and said somewhat unhappy.

“Hmph, don’t shoot my head, I’m almost stupid by you!”

“The day you are waiting for me to surpass you, you have photographed me seven thousand eight hundred and forty-six times, and I will take all of them back by that time!”

With that, Tu Mu made a grimace and walked to the side.

Tu Mu touched his nose and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

“This kid…”

His eyes were full of gentleness when he looked at Tu Mu.

This Tu Mu, now at the age of thirteen or fourteen, was already in the realm of a true immortal, and he was only one level weaker than him.

He believes that Tu Mu’s achievements will be better than him in the future!

But soon, his heart was full of worry.

He is not Tu Mu. He understands very well that if an emergency gathering order can be issued from the ancestral land, then it means that there will be a big crisis on the human race, and their small tribes have no room for resistance.

Tu Luo murmured to himself as he watched the tribal people meandering forward.

“This can’t be done. It will take ten days to reach the nearest tribe. To drive with all your strength, the clansmen simply can’t hold it!”

“Damn it, if you let me know, who did it to my human race, I will want him to look good!”

“Haha, how about knowing that someone does it? This is the fate that your human race is destined to be unable to escape. You should be destroyed in this wild world.” A gloomy voice sounded from all directions.

The murderous intent in this word made the whole world seem to have a gust of wind, and the people of the Tuluo tribe felt like they were about to freeze.

They leaned together one after another, and the human races who had practiced the Tao of Totem put ordinary people in the middle one after another, looking around with guard.

Tu Luo’s complexion also changed. He has cultivated totem for a long time, and now his strength has reached the realm of Xuanxian, but he has no idea where this voice came from.

His heart couldn’t help but sink, and a bad premonition appeared in their hearts.

“Someone, sneaky, don’t come out soon, or you won’t blame me for being polite.” Tu Luo’s eyes ran away with cold light.

“A small and humble race, what qualifications does it have to be born in a prehistoric age like me?”

After the words fell, tens of thousands of demon tribes surrounded the Tuluo tribe under the leadership of a human snake-head demon king.

(The demon king is generally the golden immortal, the demon god is the Taiyi golden immortal, and the demon saint is Da Luo!)

“Demon Race! You dare to attack my Human Race?”

Tu Luo’s expression couldn’t help but change.

If it is said that among the prehistoric people, which race and human race have the greatest hatred, then it is none other than the monster race.

At the beginning of the migration journey, they were constantly blocked by the Monster Race, and they were also blocked by the Monster Race to open up.

Between the two sides, there has long been a deep hatred.

“Hehe, what about attacking your human race?”

“Don’t be afraid to tell you, this time my monster tribe army is exhausted, it is to completely destroy your human tribe!”

The Demon King spit out a snake letter, and his eyes were full of coldness.

“Damn it, it’s just wishful thinking that you waited for the monster race to destroy my human race!”

“Clan people, prepare to fight, kill all these monster clan animals!”

Tu Luo’s eyes were full of determination.

Behind him, all the human races with cultivation bases also took out their weapons one after another, and their eyes were full of ruthlessness.

“Oh? I still want to resist, but I don’t know how long you can hold on?”

The king only met the Cangmu tribe, but it was a pity that the king slaughtered the entire tribe in less than half an hour. It was not addictive at all. I hope you can hold on for a little longer. ”

The Demon King’s eyes were a bit of playfulness, and he looked like a cat and a mouse.

But when Tu Luo listened to the words of the Demon King, the murderous intent in his eyes suddenly appeared, but his heart sank suddenly.

The Cangmu tribe is a similar tribe of their Tuluo tribe. The two tribes communicated with each other, and their tribe leader was also in the realm of Xuanxian, and they were slaughtered in just half an hour.

Perhaps today, their Tuluo tribe is also less fortunate.

It’s just that he can die, but the children of their tribe can’t die!

Thinking of this, with his right hand behind his back, he quietly made a gesture.

The expressions in the eyes of many people who watched have changed.

Looking at Tu Luo’s expression, the Demon King suddenly waved his hand, lost interest, and said with a cold light in his eyes.

“What should I say to you people who are about to die? I don’t have time to spend with you. We have another goal!”

“The monster army obeys the order to slaughter the human tribe in front of you!”

“Jie Jie Jie! Kill! Kill all these human blood foods!”

“I haven’t eaten enough of these human delicacies. It seems that I am going to feast on it today.”


Under the command of the Demon King, the tens of thousands of monster tribes rushed towards the Tu Luo tribe one after another, their eyes were full of bloodthirsty rays, and their already hideous faces became more difficult to look at now.

Tu Luo looked at the monster clan who had been killed, his eyes were full of stern emotions, and he saw him speak

“The people of the tribe, in order to protect our relatives, fight with these monsters, even if we die, don’t let them have a better life!”

“Kill! For the people! For survival!”

The soldiers of the Tu Luo tribe did not have the slightest fear. They followed Tu Luo and slew towards the monsters.

Perhaps their strength is very weak, not as good as these monster races.

But so what?

If you want to take away their human race’s life, you have to trade your life for it. The other race’s ability to survive in this predicament is also a step-by-step battle.

The sound of fighting resounded throughout this area. Although the Human Race had a slight resistance, it was still a collapsed situation in front of the Monster Race.

After all, this is just a small tribe, and its strength is not enough. Often dozens of people are killed or injured to kill a monster soldier.

However, the Yaozu used a magical power to cause hundreds of people to die, and soon the battlefield became one-sided.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the Tuluo tribe were slaughtered by the demon tribe, and Tuluo wanted to die with the demon king under the complete destruction of the tribe, and he blew himself up.

It’s just that he didn’t even think that the Demon King had a defensive spirit treasure, and eventually blew himself to death, only severely wounding the Demon King.


The Demon King spit out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. He took out a bead and said Fa Jue in his mouth, so as to absorb the grievances of all races.

“Quickly use the blood to practice Dafa, refine the bleeding pill and soul pill, we have the next goal!”

“My lord, some human races have escaped. Are we going to pursue them?”

A snake demon came to the demon king’s side and spoke to him.

“No, it’s not worth pursuing and killing some people. I’ll finish the refinement soon and go to the next human tribe. I don’t want the blood wolf guy to do a great job again!”

A divine light flashed in the eyes of the Demon King, and he spoke to the snake demon beside him.

What happened here is just a microcosm of the prehistoric human tribe…

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