Chapter 118 Blood Training, Blood Wolf’s Chance!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

A crisp tinkling sound rang in this seemingly small cave.

Although Blood Wolf had lost its demon power at this moment, his body that had been tempered by demon power did not regress in the slightest.

With extraordinary hearing, he turned his head and locked the place where the sound was made.

When he saw a gleaming stone, his eyes suddenly changed.

“Huh? What is that?”

After a long silence, the blood wolf slowly walked towards the stone.

Soon, he came to the stone and looked at the demon text on it, the expression in his eyes suddenly changed.

There is joy, helplessness, and struggle.

It turned out that a magical power was recorded on this stone.

This supernatural power is called blood training, and once it is used, it can refining people who have lost resistance into blood pills and soul pills.

The blood pill contains the power of qi and blood, which is a collection of the essence of flesh and blood.

The soul pill is formed by the gathering of souls.

Both remove the impurities and leave the essence.

Therefore, it can be easily absorbed without any side effects.

At the beginning, that fierce blood tiger, it was because of this magical power that he was able to move horizontally and horizontally here, and quickly became the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

If he hadn’t been too rampant and killed a disciple of Daluo, he would not have been killed by Daluo.

This supernatural power was able to survive, but it was the blood tiger that had nowhere to escape before he used his methods to keep it.

At the moment, the blood wolf flashed lightly in his eyes.

“It’s a blood training method. As long as there is a living thing being trained by me, my injury will recover in a short time, and my cultivation level will improve a lot.”

“It’s just that I’m in this Jedi right now, where is the living creature that can make me blood training?”

“Huh? Wait, living creature!!!”

As if thinking of something, the blood wolf turned his head and looked at the place where he was originally, there was a human race that was restrained by him.

“Hahaha, God is on my side, I won’t die!”

The blood wolf laughed presumptuously, and his heart was full of joy.

Without much hesitation, the blood wolf came to the human race and said with a grin.

“You are going to die soon. For the sake of your contribution to me, do you have any last words?”

The human race lying on the ground is also wearing animal skins, with hatred and murder in his eyes.

“Huh! You beast, kill my human race, I only hate my inability to protect my human race!”

“But, you won’t be proud of it for long, and soon you will die too!”

“I’m waiting for that day to come, bah!”

The Human Race spoke sonorously and did not fear death at all. After speaking, he spit out a mouthful of sputum at the blood wolf.

Hearing the human race’s words, blood wolves’ eyes flashed with anger.

But soon, he calmed down.

“Originally, I was going to let you die a little easier, but now, I want you to watch you die with your own eyes!”

“Blood practice, get up!”


After the words fell, the blood wolf spit out a mouthful of blood.

There is no demon power in his body, and he wants to urge this blood training method. At the moment, he has no choice but to sacrifice it with essence and blood.

The drop of blood that appeared in front of him quickly split up.

The traces of blood formed a large complex array.

At the moment that the big formation was formed, a ray of blood enveloped the human race.


The human race lying on the ground turned a sullen face, and the whole body was violent, as if there was a rat moving in the body.

A trace of blood emerged from him, gathered in the air, and gradually formed an illusory blood pill.

In addition, there is also a hint of white mist emerging from his forehead, forming an illusory soul pill.

Time slowly passed, and the cry of the human race gradually became low and unheard, and lost its breath.

In front of the blood wolf, the blood pill and soul pill were also formed.

There was excitement in the blood wolf’s eyes, he ignored the others, and quickly opened his mouth, swallowing the blood pill and the soul pill.

Then he crawled on the ground and absorbed it.

The breathing gradually became louder, and a bloody light emerged from the blood wolf’s body.

At a certain moment, the blood wolf opened his eyes, with a look of surprise in them.

“What a bloody Dafa!”

“Now my injury is not only healed, but my cultivation base has broken through to the Golden Fairy Realm!”

“Human race really is a big tonic, it deserves to be the created race!”

“I need more…”

The voice disappeared in the cave, and the blood wolf’s figure had already left.

After everything returned to calm, a figure shrouded in mist emerged.

With a wave of his hand, he seemed to see the scene that happened before, and the corners of his mouth seemed to draw a smile.

The mist trembled slightly and moved towards the entire cave.

After a while, when the fog dissipated, the entire cave disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

. . . . . . . .

The Rongshan tribe, like the human tribe next to the Houyi tribe, was a disintegrated human tribe.

With a population of less than 10,000, the only person with the highest cultivation level is the realm of Xuanxian.

But fortunately, the place where they are located is within the control of the human race.

Although there are still monsters, their cultivation bases are almost different from them.

However, on this very happy day, disaster has come.

In the midair, the blood wolf looked at the human tribe underneath with scarlet eyes, and couldn’t help sticking out his tongue and licking the corner of his mouth.

“Found it again, delicious blood food!”

The blood wolf muttered to himself, and a large formation was laid between his hands, and the entire Rongshan tribe was sealed.

Immediately the blood training Dafa was displayed, and endless red light emerged, covering the entire Rongshan tribe.

“Who? Dare to offend my Rongshan tribe!”

A burly middle-aged man flew into the air, and behind him was a giant tree in the sky emerging.

Countless branches stretched out from behind him and slammed toward the fallen blood training formation.

“Oh, you can’t help yourself, isn’t it okay to die obediently?”

In the midair, a look of disdain appeared in the eyes of the blood wolf, and with a wave of his paw, he tore the human race in half directly.

“The clan… the patriarch is dead, hurry, run away!”

“The tribal warriors stay and let the old people and children go first!”


The blood wolf looked at the chaotic human tribe underneath, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

“Struggle, what’s the use of struggling?”

“Another human tribe of ten thousand people, if you add this one, I will slaughter nine human tribes!”

“Practicing the entire tribe, I must be able to be promoted from Jinxian to Taiyi Jinxian!”

“It’s just… my actions have already shocked those powerful human tribes, and it seems it’s time to return to the heavens!”

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