Chapter 117 Calculate Again, Kill Tiger Mountain!

Xihe did not hesitate to calculate Hou Yi with his own good corpse, trapping him on the Moon Star forever.

She let the great creatures see the cruelty that belongs to women alone.

For a while, the two words Xihe became a taboo in the predicament.

However, with the passage of time, the matter of Hou Yi that had caused an uproar in the predicament was forgotten by the creatures in the predicament.

Three thousand years have passed so slowly.

In the entire prehistoric land, although it was full of wind and rain, the second family of Lich kept restraint.

Looking at the current situation, some people in the predicament are somewhat dissatisfied.

In the West, in Mount Xumi.

Xiuying and Zhunti sat opposite each other, one smiled while holding flowers, and the other seemed to sleep rather than sleep.

Sanskrit singing sounded around them, like the voice of heaven.

Not far away from them, some of the disciples whom they had accepted under their sect, at this moment, are all immersed in the avenue.

After a long while, the sound of Sanskrit singing disappeared.

Zhun Ti waved his hand and sent those disciples back to their respective caves.

“Brother, I originally thought that the death of the nine-headed golden crow could provoke a war between the witches, but I didn’t expect the liches to be so restrained.”

“Next, how shall we proceed?”

A divine light flashed in Zhunti’s eyes. The last time he suffered, but the result of the matter did not achieve the results he wanted, he was very dissatisfied now.

Hearing Zhunti’s words, Xiuying slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes are very deep, if you look closely, it seems that you can see one world after another, and in each world, there is a him.

“Junior Brother, you have done enough.”

“The contradiction between the liches has arisen, we just need to wait carefully!”

The quoted words seemed very plain, and he didn’t put his mind between the liches. At this moment, he was more concerned about not wanting Zhun to talk about the intervening liches.

The last time he cast the spell, he drove the ten golden crows to the wilderness, and the sun went all the way, creating a boundless karma on the wilderness.

Part of it boils down to Zhun Ti’s body, so that Zhun Ti’s originally stable saint realm began to become unstable.

If you do this again, it is hard to say that you will not fall into the position of saint.

Don’t say that the saints are immortal and cause and effect are not imposed on the body. It depends on whom they compare with.

Otherwise, when Hongyun was robbed, they wouldn’t watch it coldly.

To be able to become saints by Zhunti and Recitation is to set the four *** ambitions, so as to become holy by virtue.

They have had a cause and effect with the way of heaven, and harming the land and desolation is tantamount to harming the way of heaven.

It is precisely because of this that Zhunti suffered the fire of karma last time, and the foundation became unstable.

Zhunti naturally understood his concerns, he said with a slight smile.

“Senior brother, you know that when you do things, you never want to give up halfway.”

“Since I have intervened in it, I don’t want to just pull away like this right now.”

“Don’t worry, I already have a perfect idea this time.”

Hearing Zhunti’s words, the catcher’s eyes condensed, and he was a little puzzled, not knowing where Zhunti came from so much confidence.

“In the predicament, apart from the Wu Clan and the Demon Clan, there is only one clan of creatures of all races that can enter my eyes.”

Looking at Zhunti, it took a long while to spit out two words.

“Human Race!”

. . . . . . . . . .

In the wild east land, there is a hill with a tip of a kilometer divided into two. This mountain is called Zhanhu Mountain.

According to legend, that was in a very distant era, a fierce blood tiger was causing trouble here, and was eventually beheaded by an immortal with a sword, and the tip of the mountain was the masterpiece of that sword.

It is precisely because of this that in this Zhanhu Mountain, there is a certain evil spirit surrounding it all the year round.

All the creatures that enter it will eventually be polluted by the evil spirits, and eventually their bodies will decay and be assimilated by this evil spirits.

Therefore, this Zhanhu Mountain is also within a radius of thousands of miles, and it is so prestigious that no one can break in.

But, on this day.

A brilliance filled with monster aura sank into Zhanhu Mountain.

Just after this evil spirit disappeared for a long while, a few brilliance flowed by.

When Guanghua dissipated, three human youths wearing animal skins appeared here.

Their eyes are divine, their bodies are extremely burly, and their bodies reveal a mysterious aura.

“Damn, he escaped!”

“Don’t worry, this is Zhanhu Mountain. Even if we enter this mountain, it is difficult to escape.”

“It’s just a pity that the tribe kidnapped by him.”


Murder and regret were in the words of the three of them.

In the Zhanhu Mountain at this moment, that black demon energy is also about to dissipate at this moment.

“Cough cough! Damn human race, this wolf just ate a few of your tribesmen and grabbed a stored grain. You will chase down this wolf when you wait, it’s damned!”

“Unexpectedly, my dignified blood wolf ancestors and grandchildren will eventually die in this Slashing Tiger Mountain!”

Through the black demon energy, one could see a blood wolf with scars on his body collapsed to the ground, and a human race was lying down not far in front of him.

Just as his words fell for a moment, a faint light flashed, and a hole appeared in the distance, and the hole was shining with light.

The blood wolf looked at the cave, and a surprise flashed in his eyes.

“Hahaha, there is no end to me, I will be able to survive!”

When the words fell, the blood wolf mustered up the last demon power, rolled up that human race, and rushed into the cave in a flash.

Just as they entered the cave, the blood wolf fell into a coma because it exhausted its heart and demon power.

I don’t know how long it has passed, the blood wolf woke up, looking at this small cave, a anthropomorphic smile appeared on the wolf’s head.

“The sky never stops me, damn human race, when this wolf heals his injury, he will definitely get revenge!”

A murderous look flashed in the eyes of the blood wolf, and then even crawling on the ground, his abdomen shrank, as if healed.

But soon, he opened his eyes unwillingly.

“How come there is no? Why is there no aura?”

Seeing the dim light gleaming at the entrance of the cave, a thoughtful expression flashed across his eyes.

“Could it be that the formation at the entrance of the cave not only isolates the evil spirit from the outside world, but also isolates the spiritual energy?”

“It’s just that, I can’t recover my injuries and demon power at all, and there is no way to rush out of this deadly place!”

“Will I still be unable to escape the fate of death in the end?!”

The blood wolf’s eyes were unclear, and his mood at this moment was like riding a roller coaster, high and low.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

“Huh? What is that?”

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