Chapter 106

Above the eternal sky, the starry sky formed by the star formation of that week shattered, and the breath of time and space flowed in it.

The collision between Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin’s time-space funeral and Dijun made all the great creatures stunned.

They discovered that although Dijun and Dijiang should be in the realm of quasi-sages, their strength seemed to have entered another level.

Above East Kunlun, Laozi’s eyes flashed with light, and Yuan Shi’s face was slightly gloomy.

“Big brother, second brother, the power displayed by Di Jun and Di Jiang seems to be a bit…”

The corners of Tongtian’s mouth raised slightly, as if he saw something of interest, he spoke to Laozi and Yuanshi.

“Although the combat power is somewhat beyond the scope of the quasi-sage, it has not yet reached the level of the saint.”

“Perhaps, the full force will drive Zhou Tianxingdou large array or Twelve Du Tianshensha large array to reach the level of a saint.”

Laozi’s tone was very flat, the divine light in his eyes had disappeared, and the whole person seemed extraordinarily calm.

“Heh, if it weren’t for this accident to be exposed, I’m afraid we would all be kept in the dark.”

“Presumably, they all want to directly use their luck to set foot in the realm of the saint after annihilating each other!”

“It’s really a good calculation, no wonder they can become the master of the clan.”

A cold light flashed in Yuan Shi’s eyes, and the corners of his mouth were full of sneers.

If it hasn’t been exposed, it’s fine, but now it has been exposed under their noses, and it is impossible for them to want to be holy!

There were already enough people who had become holy to share the cake, and he would never allow anyone to share the cake at the table.

“Brother, the Lich Clan, if you let them become saints, I’m afraid the time will come…”

Yuan Shi did not say everything, but the cold light in his eyes proved what he wanted to do.

“No, the witches don’t know the number of days, and they will have their own day of defeat in the future!”

“After the Ten Golden Crows, the demon clan made a lot of trouble, and its luck diminished, and it was unsustainable.”

“What’s more, don’t you think it’s weird that the ten golden crows appeared in Honghuang?”

Laozi’s eyes were dull, and he didn’t pay attention to the Lich Clan at all.

After hearing Laozi’s words, both Yuanshi and Tongtian changed their expressions.

They didn’t think so much before, but now that Laozi said so, they also feel that the appearance of the ten golden crows in Honghuang is a bit strange.

“Brother, you mean…”

Before Tongtian’s words were finished, it was interrupted by Laozi.

“Don’t tell, don’t tell, I can just wait and see this matter!”

Hearing Laozi’s words, Yuanshi and Tongtian both fell silent, and then the three of them turned their eyes to the place where Dijiang and Dijun were fighting.

In the West, on Mount Xumi, he looked at Zhun Ti in front of him, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

“Junior Brother, how do you feel?”

I saw that Zhunti was burning with a red flame at this moment, and a trace of black aura rose up.

These are karma!

Although the Golden Crow is in trouble, the Yaozu has to bear most of the karma, but Zhunti, as the provoker, naturally can’t escape.

Even if he is a saint, he will not add himself to all causes, and all causes shall not be accounted for!

A trace of pain flashed in Zhunti’s eyes, and a reluctant smile came out from the corner of his mouth.

“Master… Brother don’t worry, I’m fine!”

“All of this is worthwhile. Fortunately, the senior brother helped me to cover up the secrets. Otherwise, according to Dijun’s current cultivation base, I might be able to find clues.”

Xiuying fell silent, and felt owed in his heart for his junior.

Revitalizing the West is the expression of the two of them, but it has always seemed that Zhunti is acting alone.

For this reason, Zhunti even came up with a shameless name.

“Senior brother doesn’t have to be like this. At the beginning, if the brother hadn’t enlightened me, maybe I didn’t have the status of today’s saint at all!”

“All this is the junior’s willingness!”

Hearing Zhunti’s words, Xiuying raised his head, his hands clasped together, and a firmness flashed in his eyes.

“Junior Brother, what will happen in the future, I will face it with you!”

Zhunti didn’t say much, but the reluctant smile on his face was relieved at this moment.

. . . . . . . . .

In the battlefield, after the aftermath of the fight between Di Jun and Di Jiang dissipated.

The sky full of stars behind Di Jun became bleak and illusory, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and the killing intent in his eyes.

On one side, Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin were also embarrassed. Under their protection, Houyi didn’t suffer any injuries, but their faces were still extremely pale.

Di Jun looked at the three of Dijiang, without a word, the Hetu Luoshu in his hand burst into light, and the illusory stars behind him solidified again.

If he could get rid of Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin who were threatening to their monster race here, he would definitely not let it go.

However, at this moment, between the heaven and the earth, pillars of evil spirits rose up and approached them at a swift speed.

As these columns of evil spirits approached, voices shook the world and sounded in Di Jun’s ears.

“Emperor Jun and miscellaneous hair, Hugh is rampant, today you are on this wild land, it is your death date!”

“Xiu hurt my eldest brother, you flat-haired beast, come and fight with my Zhu Rong quickly, and see if I won’t screw your head off!”


When Di Jun heard those ancestral witches like Zhu Rong, each mouthful of miscellaneous hairs, and a mouthful of beasts, his eyebrows ached.

He looked at Hou Yi and at the great witch who had killed his nine children, his eyes were full of struggling. He wanted to do it, but he was not sure of winning.

At this time, Fuxi’s figure also appeared in front of Di Jun.

“Your Majesty, it is not the time to start the war. The Zhoutian Star Dou formation has not yet been fully deployed, and it is hard to predict the victory or defeat at this moment!”

“His Royal Highness is still with the Eastern Emperor, and it is hard to worry about getting to His Highness Ten in a fight, so let’s go back to the Heavenly Court first!”

Hearing Fuxi’s words, Di Jun’s face suddenly changed. He looked at the corpses of his nine children, his eyes filled with grief.


The bereavement relieves the pain, and the murder of the enemy is right in front of him, but he can’t report it. He immediately furious, and golden blood spurted from his mouth.

“Send the order, withdraw troops!”

Di Jun gritted his teeth and said, his heart was bleeding.

Dong Huangtai on the side also flashed a look of unwillingness in his eyes, but did not dare to gamble on the life of his brother’s last child.

He could only snorted coldly and left with unwillingness to leave, but before leaving, he gave Hou Yi a murderous look.

Stars flashed, and the nine-headed golden crow body shot by Hou Yi disappeared, and Di Jun and others also disappeared.

“Dijiang, today’s hatred, this emperor has written down, when the day of the decisive battle of the Lich, I will ask the Wu Clan to bury my son!”

Di Jun’s murderous words echoed in the air.

“Really? Then just take a look at who is beheading who!”

Di Jiang snorted disdainfully, and didn’t take Di Jun’s words to heart.

Afterwards, Di Jiang turned to look at Hou Yi, a trace of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

“Good boy, I haven’t lost the face of my witch race. In time, you will be able to break through the restrictions and become the ancestor witch!”

A look of grief flashed in Hou Yi’s eyes.

“Thank you Di Jiang Zu Wu and Zhu Jiu Yin Zu Wu for their life-saving grace, but it is a pity that Yi came one step late and did not save Brother Kua, he…”

At the end, Hou Yi’s eyes were filled with tears.

The man does not flick when he has tears, just because he has not reached the point of sadness.

Listening to Hou Yi’s words, a look of regret flashed in Di Jiang’s eyes.

Kuafu, he knew and was full of expectations for him, but he did not expect to die under the siege of ten golden crows.

He patted Hou Yi on the shoulder and spoke to him.

“Cheer up, take care of your injury, until the day of the decisive battle of the Lich, kill more demons to avenge it!”

After that, Dijiang grabbed Hou Yi, and Zhu Rong and the others who rushed here together tore through the space and returned to the Wu Clan base camp!

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