Chapter 105: Great Sun Phantom, Time and Space Disappeared!


Having escaped from the Jiu Yin who had fought against the Eastern Emperor Tai, he snorted coldly as he watched the stars that were smashing down in midair.

There was no trace of fear in his eyes, and he saw his right foot lightly stepped forward, and an invisible wave instantly spread to all directions.

Those screaming stars stopped in the air instantly, as if time had completely frozen at this moment.

Do not! Time is not frozen at this moment!

Because, neither Donghuang Taiyi nor Dijiang were affected, and if you look closely, the position of the stars that fell down is slowly changing.

The reason why they seem to be frozen at that moment is simply because the candle nine Yin has slowed down that time.

Therefore, the speed at which these stars smashed down became very slow, and it may only be able to move a long distance in a hundred years.

And this is the talent of Zhu Jiu Yin, and it is also the reason why it is called the ancestral witch of time.

“Time accelerates, roll me back!”

A cold drink came from Zhu Jiu Yin’s mouth, and he flicked his sleeves, and the stars that had been frozen in the sky suddenly slammed back in the direction they had come, at an extremely fast speed.

This is because the Jiuyin of the Candlestick has changed the direction of the impact of these stars and the time speed of their impact.

Rumble! Rumble!

The stars that flew back toward the starry sky exploded in the sky one by one.

A ray of starlight swept through, and the aftermath of these starlights was calmed down.

A figure appeared in the air, and his whole body aura seemed extremely violent, an extremely intense murderous intent, which penetrated between the heaven and the earth.

“Hou Yi is going to die today, and you can’t live either!”

This figure is Dijun, and when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi used Zhou Tianxing to fight the big formation, he rushed towards this place.

He stretched out his hand and waved, and the Hetu Luoshu appeared in his hand. The Hetu Luoshu glowed, flickering, and seemed to be communicating with the surrounding starry sky.

“Then see if you can kill us!”

Zhu Jiuyin’s expression did not change at all, and his figure flashed to Di Jun’s body, and slammed his fist towards Di Jun.

The Hetuluo book in Di Jun’s hand showed light, and the surrounding stars gathered towards Di Jun, forming a huge shield of stars, blocking him.

Then countless formed a gathering, a star and spear formed behind him, the number of which is unpredictable.

Now that the Zhou Tianxing Star Array is set up, as long as Emperor Jun does not die, he can continue to condense the Star Spear this week.

Under Di Jun’s guidance, these stars and spears made a whistling sound and slew towards Hou Yi, who was seriously injured and unable to move.

Di Jun knew very well that even with the help of Zhou Tian Xingdou, it would be impossible to kill Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin within a quarter and a half.

Therefore, his goal from beginning to end was Hou Yi who was seriously injured on the ground.

Facing Di Jun’s hand, both Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin’s complexion changed.

They are not afraid of the spears of the stars, these spears of the stars may not even be able to break their bodies, but it is different for Houyi.

After all, Hou Yi was seriously injured by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi first, and there is almost no room for a backhand at the moment. If both of them ignore it, then Hou Yi will most likely die in front of them.

They all hadn’t expected Di Jun’s hand.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a sound of the explosion of the Star Spear, and when the smoke dissipated, the space was shattered, and the figures of Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin appeared. At this moment, Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin were a little embarrassed.

Just to protect Hou Yi, they abruptly endured the bombardment of these stars and spears. Although they were not injured, they were still a little embarrassed.

“Master Dijiang Zuwu, Master Zhujiuyin Zuwu, you leave me alone, this great array can’t help you, you can leave!”

“Let Hou Yi die here, be able to shoot nine golden crows, avenge my father and brother Kua, and give me revenge for many Wu Clan erlangs, Hou Yi died without regret!”

Hou Yi had a somewhat worried look on his face. For him, his life was no longer important. After all, it was enough to kill the nine golden crows by himself.

And Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin are the beliefs of their witches, their beliefs, if they had an accident here, then the witches would not be able to beat the monsters at all.

“Shut up! When did my Wu clan abandon my brother?”

“If I leave you behind, what face will I have when I go back to see the hundreds of millions of Wu Clan Erlang? How face will I face the Father God?”

Di Jiang’s expression remained unchanged, he scolded Hou Yi, didn’t he know the danger of coming here?

If he really didn’t want to control Hou Yi, then he could completely ignore this matter.

But the Wu Clan has never abandoned the habit of the Clan. Now that he is here, he will take Hou Yi away whenever he says anything.

“The vengeance of killing children, the grudge of the lich, today will require you to pay for your life!”

“Zhou Tian’s star-fighting formation, the stars rotate, the big day!”

Di Jun’s voice full of grief and murder came from Nine Heavens. After the words fell, billions of stars appeared!

These stars formed a weird formation, a series of patterns were linked together, and a round of phantom shadows of the sun star appeared, smashing towards the three of Dijiang.

The endless high temperature burned the space to pieces, and the endless void turbulence raged, and everything had no room for resistance in front of the sun and star phantom.

A solemn emotion flashed in the eyes of Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin.

It seems that the Monster Race has not been a vegetarian in the past few years, and has continued to innovate on top of the original Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation. The power of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation is now more than double that of the previous one!

Don’t think that doubling is a very small number. You have to know that Zhou Tian’s star battle formation is a peerless formation that can compete with the Witch Clan’s twelve capital Tianshen evil formations. Who is his opponent?

It is Pangu’s true body, non-sages cannot resist!

Doubled the power, if you can’t say it, you can compete with the twelve capital gods of their witch race.

“Candle Nine Yin, you and I work together to break it!”

Di Jiang’s face was solemn, even he felt thorny with this blow, and said to Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin nodded slightly, his eyes were also full of solemnity.

Afterwards, the silver and white light on Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin continued to circulate, blending with each other.

The two men gathered their hands at their waists, and then shot them towards the sun together.

“Time and space are shattered-funeral!”

boom! boom! boom!

The space in front of Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin blasted loudly, and they began to become chaotic and distorted.

The power of time and space of the two are mingled with each other, but they are constantly destroying each other, and this destructive force is extremely strong, forming a silver-white beam of light that penetrates towards the phantom of the sun star Away.

Rumble! Rumble!

The place covered by the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array suddenly shook, as if it could not withstand the power of the two sides fighting.

And in the outside world, the great supernatural powers who were always watching the movement here saw the phantom of a sun star and a silver-white beam of light colliding with each other, and the endless light and heat directly broke through the shackles of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation and vented towards the four directions. go.

A layer of land covering a radius of one million li was scraped off, countless mountains and forests were destroyed, countless prehistoric creatures were melted, and this blow almost completely changed the landform of one million li.

“So strong!”

“The second family of Lich is worthy of being the top powerhouse in the wild, I’m afraid those saints…”

At this moment, the entire prehistoric land was in silence, and countless prehistoric creatures were shaken and speechless.

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