I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 634: Naozhou: What do you want to do with Yidaosai? ! 【Seven thousand】

Osaka, the hotel where Ogata and the others stayed—

With the help of Amachi, he put on a kimono, hakama, and haori. After inserting two new swords on his left waist, he turned his head to the side and said:

"Then I'll go one step ahead."

Ogata has become accustomed to the feeling of wearing a knife on his left waist. After sending Da Shiten and Da Ziza for repair, Ogata feels extremely unaccustomed, and feels like running naked after taking off his clothes.

Not only not used to it, but also not wearing two knives at the waist, there is always a sense of insecurity.

No one can say "emergency" this kind of thing.

Uncertainty, while waiting for Da Shitian and Da Zizai to fix them, suddenly one day, a lunatic who loves indiscriminate killing slashed towards Ogata with a knife.

So for safety's sake, Ogata bought two new knives from a knife shop on the day the saber was sent for repair.

Ogata didn't plan to buy expensive knives because he only intended to use them temporarily. These 2 knives were added together, and Ogata spent 2 taels of gold.

Amachi, who was kneeling in front of Ogata, nodded and smiled:

"Be careful on the road."

Today is the day when the "Large Test Combination" is held.

Now that he had agreed to the Naoshu meeting, Ogata didn't intend to break his promise.

The current time point is only about 7 o'clock in the morning, which is not a short time before the start of the "big test match": 8 o'clock is not a short time, and Ogata, who is polite and does not want to be late, is already helping Amachi. Put on your clothes and get ready to travel.

Feng Mo had already gone out early in the morning, and went to find his old subordinates, Xianbingwei, to play and reminisce about the past.

"Do you two have any plans for this morning?" Ogata asked.

"No arrangement!" A Zhu said first, "Ms. A Ding and I are going to go shopping and walk around places we haven't been to yet!"

Ogata nodded: "Then you two can go shopping and kill the time this morning."

"I'll go first, and I'll be back after noon today."

Having said that, Ogata waved his hands to Amachi and the others while leaving the room, and then left the hotel non-stop, and strode towards the whole army building, the place where this year's "big trial match" was held.

Osaka, Isshiki Sword Museum, Isshiki's room—

In the clean and tidy room, there was only the sound of a comb combing his hair.

Wearing his favorite goose-yellow kimono, with a pink belt around his waist, and a pair of cute white cloth stockings on her feet, she is facing the mirror in front of her, combing her hair.

After combing her waist-length hair neatly, Isshiki began to pull her hair in a slightly jerky manner.

She first combed her hair into the most popular hairstyle now: Shimada updo.

After pulling up her hair, Isshiki began to look at herself in the mirror carefully.

Look at the right half of his face combing Shimada's bun, and then look at the left half of his face again-finally pursing his lips, shook his head gently, and spread the hair that had just been pulled out.

After spreading his hair, Isshiki pulled up a new hairstyle: Maru-ji.

After finishing the new hair style, Isshiki repeated the steps just now-after looking at herself in the mirror carefully, then she spread out her newly-drawn hair.

She kept changing to new hairstyles.

Shimada updo, Maru updo, Katsuyama updo... Nowadays, she has tried the most commonly used hair styles for girls, but she feels a little dissatisfied no matter what the hair style is.

In the end, she changed back to her original hairstyle—the most popular Shimada updo now.

After combing her hair, Isshihua opened a small box on the table next to her.

The box contained cosmetics that she had borrowed from her mother after learning makeup from her mother the day before yesterday.

Ever since Isshiki Huada remembered, she had no interest in makeup, and she never put on makeup. She always has no makeup on weekdays.

It wasn't until the day before yesterday that after asking her mother for advice, Isshika first came into contact with this skill.

Although I have tried very hard to learn makeup from my mother in the past two days, it may be because Isshiki has a poor talent in this area. After 2 full days, Isshiki only learned how to apply lip gloss and thrush.

After opening the shell-shaped small box containing lip grease, I dipped the ring finger and tail finger of the right hand with light red lip grease, and followed the instructions of her mother before, applying her red lips in accordance with memory.

—It seems to be a bit too colorful...looks like a wandering girl...

Wipe off and reapply.

—It’s a bit too light...same as unpainted...

Wipe it off again, apply again...

After Isshiki wiped her lips seven times over and over again, she finally wiped out a color that barely satisfied her.

Wiping off the remaining lip fat from her fingers, Isshiki began to draw her eyebrows.

Compared with the previous pulling hair and lipstick, the eyebrows are much smoother, and the effect of the one-color flower is drawn only once.

Putting down the thrush pen, Isshiki let out a sigh of satisfaction—

"Hua, are you all right? You've been in the room for nearly half an hour. What are you doing? Aren't you sleeping late? It's almost time to set off! If you are sleeping late, get up!"

There was a sudden sound of his father outside the door: the sound like water made Isshika startled.

Zhizhou is now very old, so most of the current sword hall matters are left to Issehua's father: Isse Rushui takes care of it.

Now Rushui is almost the actual owner of the Isshiki Sword Museum, so he has to participate in the feast of the "big test".

"Cai, I'm not sleeping late!" Isshiki hurriedly said.

"Since you are not sleeping late, come out quickly! Let's go!"

After speaking, Yishihua heard his father's footsteps fading away.

After confirming that her father had left, Isshika turned her gaze to the mirror in front of her again.

I usually always have no makeup, and I am accustomed to the one-color flowers without makeup. At this time, looking at myself with red lips and eyebrows in the mirror, I can't help but feel a strange sense of strangeness.

Isseki's skin is already very fair, the kind of fairness that can reflect light under the sun's rays.

Her already very fair skin complemented the red lips with lipstick, making the Isshiki flower exudes a completely different beauty from that of her without makeup.

"Half an hour..."

Isshiki Tweed whispered.

"So it's been so long..."

She was concentrating on her hair and makeup, but she felt that less than a stick of incense had passed.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with her hair and makeup, Isshihwa got up, folded her hands in front of her, walked out of the room slowly, and walked towards the gate of their Isshiki sword hall.

At this time, a lot of people had gathered at the gate of Isse Sword Hall-Issehua's grandfather and father, and more than a dozen apprentices who will be brought to participate in the "big trial" later.

Zhizhou and Rushui are now teaching more than ten apprentices in front of them, and what they are saying is nothing more than reminding them to be polite later, and don't do anything that would humiliate their reputation in the sword hall.

Among the more than ten apprentices, only 3 of them will be competing with others later, and the rest are valued by Zhizhou and Rushui. I plan to take them to watch the trial, meet the world, and take a good look at the masters. How to swing the sword.

The words of Zhizhou and Rushui just ended at this time.

From the corner of his eye, seeing a goose-yellow figure finally walking towards them, Rushui quickly turned his head.

After seeing her daughter's current appearance, Rushui couldn't help but startled: "Hua, you... put on makeup?"

The appearance of her daughter's makeup-as a father, she has seen it for the first time.

"It's just on a whim, just paint your lips and eyebrows casually." Isshiki said lightly.

The dozen or so apprentices who had just finished speaking were swarming around Isshihua at this time.

"Miss Isshiki! Your makeup is so beautiful!"

"Miss Isshiki, this is the first time I have seen you put on makeup?"

"Miss Isshiki..."

She has a beautiful appearance and excellent swordsmanship. She is also the granddaughter of the master of the sword museum, Isshika, who has always had a high level of favor in the sword museum. She is the dream lover who has no mathematician in the museum.

In fact, there are also many apprentices in Isshiki Sword Museum who are pursuing Isshika, but so far no suitor has been favored by Isshika.

Facing these apprentices who were rushing to praise her, Isshihwa only smiled politely, and then said some kind words.

Rushui looked at her daughter who suddenly put on makeup.

As for Zhi Zhou-he is now looking at Isshiki not far away with a complex expression, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"...Okay, now that everyone is here, let's go." Zhi Zhou whispered, "so as not to be late, and... don't let the VIP whom I finally invited to wait for us for too long."

In order to avoid the farce of "being late without recognizing the way", while walking around Osaka with Amachi and Azhu yesterday, Ogata stopped by the whole army and stepped on it once and confirmed the whole soldier. The location of the pavilion.

Following his memory, Ogata headed straight towards the entire military hall, and soon the majestic gate of the entire military hall appeared within his field of vision.

"Big Test Combination" only allows people from the Sword Hall to enter and watch.

Because no unrelated people were allowed to watch it, the Sword Hall did not publicize their feast.

Therefore, not many people know that there will be an annual "big trial" in the military hall today.

At this time, there were not many people gathered outside the gate of the military hall. Only twos and threes will stop for a moment, stretch their necks and look into the sword hall, and when they find that there is nothing attractive, they will retract their necks and continue to do what they should do.

At the gate of the National Military Museum stood four very good-looking youths.

Ogata thought to himself that these four people were probably the people who were in charge of standing here at the gate and receiving all the visitors, so he walked quickly towards the four and asked them:

"Are the people from Isshiki Sword Hall coming?"

The four young people looked at Ogata with suspicious and vigilant eyes.

A young man who looked very honest said directly: "The people in Isshiki Sword Hall are still in the future."

"So...that's bothering you." Ogata gently bowed to the four people politely, then walked to the gate of the sword hall and hid under the shade of a tree, waiting for the arrival of Isshiki Naoshu and others.

If it’s the day of the "Big Test Combination" and you arrive at the All Military Hall in advance, please wait for a while outside the hall. I will bring you into the hall with you when I arrive with the people from the Isshiki Sword Hall. —This is what Naozhou said to Ogata after successfully inviting Ogata.

According to Zhi Zhou, their "big test" adopts extremely strict entry and exit regulations.

VIPs are allowed to enter the venue to watch the trial match, but the VIPs must be personally led into the hall by a sufficient number of people in each sword hall.

They rely on these strict regulations to prevent some unrelated people from sneaking in.

In other words, Ogata, who is currently alone and without Naoshu's leadership, can't enter the museum at all.

Since Zhizhou and the others are still in the future, Xuyi followed Zhizhou's previous instructions and stood quietly by the gate of the hall, waiting for Zhizhou and the others to arrive.

—Speaking of which...it seems to be the time when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom...

Ogata raised the edge of the hat slightly, and looked up at the blue sky above his head.

—It’s been so long since I came to the Edo period...I don’t seem to have seen a sea of ​​blooming cherry blossoms...

It is mid-April, and Ogata suddenly remembered that it is time for the cherry blossoms to bloom in full bloom all over Japan.

Thinking of the cherry blossoms, Okinawa thought that it has been nearly 2 years since the journey. Although I have seen cherry blossoms in the past 2 years, I have never seen the endless sea of ​​cherry blossoms.

Seeing all kinds of strange sights that have never been seen before-this is Ogata's greatest hobby, there is no one.

—Let’s see if there is a chance, and take Amachi to see the Sakura Sea...

"Hey you!"

Just as Ogata was thinking about it to pass the time, a violent shout from his side interrupted his thoughts.

Ogata looked over at the sound-he saw a handsome face, but left a young samurai who pulled his face to a negative number, and was striding towards him.

"Why are you standing here?"

The young samurai then yelled roughly at Ogata.

"If you want to enjoy the shade, please go somewhere else to enjoy the shade!"

Kitahara got up today before dawn.

The reason for doing this is not for anything else, just because I can have more time to dress myself up.

The hair on the top of the head is shaved and the hair on the temples is neatly combed, pulling out a perfect moon head.

The nasal hairs in the nose were carefully cleaned, the booger was taken out clean, and the nails of both hands were trimmed.

Perfection—This is Beiyuan’s only evaluation of his current image.

Since getting up...No, it should be said that since last night, Kitahara has felt his heart throbbing and throbbing wildly, making it hard to fall asleep with excitement.

He can't wait any longer.

Can't wait to quickly show off his swordsmanship in front of Isshika, as well as the heroic posture of using sharp swordsmanship to defeat the enemy.

He admires Issehua almost fanatical. In order to pursue Issehua, he has carefully investigated Yisehua's preferences for a long time, and strives to become a man that Issehua will like.

In order to achieve this goal, Kitahara made a good relationship with almost all of Isshika's friends, and then asked them one by one about all the information related to Isshika.

The hard work he did was not in vain—in the last year, he successfully investigated the type that Isshika likes: those with strong swordsmanship.

When discussing marriage-related issues with many of her friends, Isshika said the same thing: I only like people with strong swordsmanship.

When learning this information, Kitahara was quite excited.

A strong swordsman-isn't this just talking about me? !

He has shown his extraordinary talent for swordsmanship since he was a child. He believes that his swordsmanship has reached an unparalleled level among the younger generation in Osaka.

Moreover, he is handsome, and his family is also very good, and he is very close to Isshika.

All across Osaka, who else can match Isshiki better than him?

Kitahara has been eager to show off his swordsmanship in front of Isshika.

finally! He was waiting for this opportunity!

This is the "big trial match" that is about to begin today!

Isshiki has never participated in the "big test match" before, but for some reason, last month, Isshiki Sword Museum released news last month: Isshiki will definitely come to watch the "big test match".

All of a sudden, the admirers of Isshika, headed by Kitahara, were all excited and geared up.

Kitahara is not the only one who admires Isshika.

After learning that Isshika was coming to watch the "big test match", a large number of apprentices began to work hard, trying to get the qualifications to watch or participate in the "big test match".

As for Kitahara—he started training like crazy after hearing the news that made him ecstatic.

And now, it's finally time to test his hard training...no, it's time to test his long-standing efforts to pursue Isshika.

Beiyuan had not remembered how many times he had come to the gate of the museum to check the Isshiki sword museum.

He hoped that he would personally lead the people of Isse Sword Hall into the house. In this way, it is convenient for him to get close to Isshi Zhizhou and others.

"Are the people from Isse Sword Hall coming?" As soon as he arrived at the gate of the museum, Beiyuan asked the four juniors who were in charge of receiving visitors at the gate.

"Brother Beiyuan, not yet." The four juniors hurriedly said respectfully.

"Isn't there yet..." Beiyuan, with a hint of disappointment flashing in his eyes, was about to return to the hall.

But at this moment-the corner of his eye was cast to the door of the hall, and a familiar figure was standing.

"Huh?" Kitahara frowned and looked at the samurai wearing a hat and face scarf standing by the gate.

-This guy... Why is he familiar... What is this guy standing next to the gate of our sword hall?

After thinking for a moment, Kitahara suddenly remembered who this person was.

—Isn't this the one who performed the knife extraction on the street a few days ago to sell tooth powder?

After recalling who this person was, Kitahara's gaze at the warrior hat immediately showed naked contempt.

What he looks down on most is this kind of juggler who uses swordsmanship as an eye-catching juggler.

It is because there are too many such people that have corrupted the reputation of the samurai and lowered the level of swordsmanship.

Kitahara admits that this person has two skills in drawing swords, but that's all. He can also do the actions of this person at that time, and he can do better than him.

This kind of clown who uses swordsmanship as a tool for sensationalism is only suitable for continuing to sell tooth powder on the street, and is not qualified to stand by the gate of the National Military Museum.

With contempt for the hat warrior, Kitahara strode towards him and shouted:

"Hey, you! Why are you standing here? If you want to enjoy the cold, give me another place to enjoy the cold!"

Ogata glanced at him and looked familiar, but couldn't remember where he had met Kitahara, and whispered:

"I'm not in the shade, I'm waiting for someone."

"If you are waiting for someone, please stand further away and wait for someone." Beiyuan continued to say in a strong tone, "You will be troubled by standing here."

"I'm not a casual person." After realizing that this person may be regarded as a cat or dog who has nothing to do with the "big test", Ogata explained, "I was invited by Isshiki Naoshu at Isshiki Kenkan. Everyone in the sword hall came together to watch the'big test match'."

"The person I am waiting for is Mr. Isshiki..."

Before Ogata's words were finished, Kitahara opened his mouth wide in an exaggerated manner, and said in a naked mocking tone:

"You? Are you invited by Mr. Isshiki? You, a person who sells tooth powder by juggling on the street, can lie well, okay?"

"If someone like Mr. Isshiki wants to invite others to watch the'Big Test Combination', he will definitely only invite some outstanding people. How can someone like you be invited?"

"You also don't look at your age. Is it possible that someone at your age will be invited by Mr. Isshiki?"

-Tooth powder?

The mist that hung in Ogata's mind suddenly cleared.

He finally remembered who this person was.

Isn't this the samurai who stood beside Miura who came to meet Amachi a few days ago?

"I didn't lie." Ogata's tone was already a little impatient. "When Mr. Isshiki and them come, the misunderstanding will be cleared."

"Enough, stop talking about this nonsense." No matter what, Kitahara didn't believe that someone who sold tooth powder on the street a few days ago and was so young could receive an invitation from Mr. Isshiki, "Please leave quickly. If you can, I will. I don’t want to do anything impolite to you."

As soon as Kitahara's words fell, the four apprentices who were in charge of receiving visitors who were also very suspicious of Ogata's identity surrounded him with a vigilant look, and looked at Ogata with a vigilant look when helping his brother.

Kitahara's arrogant attitude has made Ogata's brows frowned.

"I'll say it one last time-please leave."

The last syllable of Beiyuan’s "please leave" fell, and a panic and panic shouted from the intersection not far from them:

"Kitahara! Who do you want to leave!"

Bei Yuan's face changed suddenly by this violent drink.

The person who made this violent drink was a pale face who was leading the crowd of Isshi Sword Hall rushing towards this side.

Zhizhou now feels that the clothes on his back are wet-wet by cold sweat.

In order not to let Ogata, who might arrive early, wait for a long time, Naoshu specially led some people to leave early.

Ogata’s conjecture about the reason for Naoshu’s invitation to watch the "Big Test Combination" is actually completely correct. The reason Naoshu invited Ogata is actually to build a good relationship with Ogata, so as to achieve the "curve down". the goal of.

Naozhou has already realized that it is useless to invite Ogata to join their "fallen scene".

If this is the case, let's change the way: first make a good relationship with Ogata, and after the relationship with Ogata becomes close, then invite him to dedicate his life to the scene.

In short-whether Ogata will eventually agree to come down together, it is not a bad idea to have a good relationship with Ogata.

Naoshu has made up his mind: no matter what, he has to get closer to Ogata in today's "big test".

However... the smug Zhizhou, as soon as he saw the gate of the whole military hall, he saw a scene that made him sweat-the Kitahara he knew was joining 4 young people who were probably apprentices in the whole military hall, and surrounded them. In front of Fang.

At the same time, I happened to hear Beiyuan's sentence: I'll say it one last time, please leave!

Zhizhou's brain was down for a moment under the impact of various emotions.

He felt angry at first-he pleaded with Ogata with an attitude of wishing to kneel on the ground and begged Ogata to watch the "big test match", and finally invited Ogata, but Kitahara left there?

After the anger, it was fear.

He was afraid that Ogata would leave in anger, making his previous efforts in vain.

At the same time...I am also afraid that Kitahara, who is so rude to Ogata, will be countered by Ogata...

At this time, Isshika, who was walking behind Naoshu's side, now also stared at a pair of beautiful eyes, with a bit of astonishment and a little... looking angrily at Kitahara who was clamoring to let Ogata leave.

Almost without thinking too much, Zhizhou blurted out:

"Kitahara! Who do you want to leave!"

"One, Mr. Isshiki...?" Kitahara looked at Isshiki who had strode in front of them with a shocked expression on his face.

Naoshu ignored Kitahara, and asked Ogata in a panic:

"Mr. Mashima, Kitahara did nothing to you, right?"

Naoshu used the highest honorific words for Ogata.

Beiyuan had never seen Nao Zhou so respectful before, and it was his turn to go down.

"...It's okay." After all, it's not a terrible thing, and in order not to make it difficult for Naoshu to do, Ogata decided to make the big things small and the small ones, "It's just a small misunderstanding."

Ogata briefly introduced what happened just now.

Seeing that the matter was not serious and Ogata didn't seem to be very angry, Naoshu heaved a sigh of relief.

"Beiyuan, this person is a distinguished guest of our Isse Sword Hall! How could you be so rude to him just now!"

Although Ogata did not seem to be very angry, Kitahara was so rude to Ogata just now that he couldn't just pass by anyway. Those who should apologize still have to apologize.

Beiyuan was completely confused now.

He looked at Ogata blankly, and then at Isshiki again.

Finally-looked at Isshihua again.

Isshiki now, as always, looked at him with a gaze that didn't seem to have any sentiment, but in the depths of Ishiki's dark pupils, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Beiyuan still noticed a little bit of resentment and dissatisfaction.

Kitahara realized that he was in trouble, and to save his image in the eyes of Isshika and others, he quickly bowed to Ogata 90 degrees:

"I'm very sorry! I was rude just now! Please forgive me!"

At this time, Beiyuan no longer had that arrogant posture.



Ask for a monthly pass! Asking for a monthly pass while the leopard is crying! (Leopard has a headache and crying.jpg)

Seeing a book friend guessed it, that's right! Isshiki's character prototype is the genius female swordsman at the end of the Edo period: Chiba Sanako!

In my favorite Japanese drama: "The Legend of Ryoma", my favorite character is this "little Chiba beauty", because Sanako in the play wears a goose yellow kimono most often, so this The Isshiki in the book always wears goose yellow clothes.

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