I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 633: Osaka: Prepare for battle! Conquer Koyasan! 【Six thousand one hundred】


Inside a seemingly ordinary hut—

"Genichi, you don't need to die, but you didn't expect you to be so energetic."

Slightly mean words came into Lin and Genichi's ears.

Hearing these harsh words, Genichi didn't get the slightest anger. Instead, he put his arms around his chest and said with a grin:

"Mrs. Bee, aren't you not only dead, but also very energetic? If I remember correctly, you seem to be about the same age as me, right?"

Lin sat side by side with her uncle.

Compared to Yuanyi sitting cross-legged very casually, Lin is undoubtedly more polite and regular. She kneels and sits respectfully with her hands on her legs.

Opposite the two, sat an old woman in a black and red kimono.

She was probably between 6 and 70 years old. Under the merciless erosion of the years, her skin was as yellow as a dried orange peel and covered with wrinkles.

Although she is old and yellow, she can vaguely tell from her facial features that this old woman was also a beauty who fascinated countless men when she was young.

Even if he is old now, he can still feel a few charming charms from his brows and eyes.

"Heh." The old woman who was called "Mrs. Bee" by Yuanyi sneered, "What age is yours? I'm much younger than you. I'm only 60 years old this year."

After that, Mrs. Bee looked away from Yuanyi and moved to Lin who was sitting next to Yuanyi.

When her gaze turned to Lin's body, Mrs. Bee's gaze instantly softened a lot.

"Lin, it's been a long time. You haven't seen it for such a long time, you have become more heroic."

Lin leaned down and saluted Mrs. Bee respectfully: "Mrs. Bee, it's been a long time since I've seen you. I've missed your greetings for a long time, but please forgive me."

"The last time I saw you... I remember it was 3 years ago, when you smashed and burned down the Honxiang Temple in Nara."

While talking, Mrs. Feng glanced at the dark sword, Yan Mo, on the tatami mat on Lin's right.

"At that time, you were carrying this Yan Mo who was snatched from the Elephant Temple, and your companion named Mamiya ran to me covered in blood, begging to rest here for a while and deal with the injury. I can still remember the scenes..."

"Haha." Lin smiled freely at this time, and then stroked Yan Mo on the tatami mat on the right with her right hand. "Time flies so fast... I didn't even realize that attacking the Honxiang Temple... it was already. Did it happen 3 years ago..."

Lin and Genichi exchanged greetings with Mrs. Bee, and then gradually came to the topic.

"Mrs. Bee." Lin put on a serious tone, "My uncle and I came here on purpose. In fact, there is something important to ask you for help. I want you to help me take in a girl temporarily."

"Keep the girl in?" Mrs. Bee was puzzled, "Is that the girl who has been hiding behind you just now, who is playing outside with your subordinate?"

"Yes. Her name is Azhu. She has been left out for some reasons, and for some reasons, I cannot send her home temporarily."

"I would like to ask you to help me take her in for a while, and when the things on my side are finished, I will take her away again."

"...Can't you tell me why I can't send her home immediately?"

"Sorry..." Lin shook her head, "If I can, I want to hide the details as much as possible."

"...It shouldn't be a girl who is difficult to entangle or take care of."

"About this, please don't worry." Lin nodded, "Azhu and I got along briefly for a while. She is a very well-behaved and obedient child and will never cause you any trouble."

"..." Mrs. Bee was silent.

Lin quietly looked directly at Mrs. Bee's eyes, waiting for her answer.

"...I see." Madam Bee sighed lightly, "If it's just a little girl...I can barely take it in."

"Thank you endlessly." Lin leaned down and bowed deeply to Mrs. Bee.

"Don't say thank you." Madam Bee waved her hand, "I just repay the favor debts that I owe Genichi."

"If it weren't because I owed Yuanyi a lot of favor, I wouldn't have taken over such a troublesome thing."

Hearing Mrs. Bee's words, Yuan smiled: "Come to Nara to find you, someone who will pay back your gratitude, and help you if you have grudges. It really is the right thing."

After Lin and Yuanyi chatted with Mrs. Bee for a while, both stood up.

"Then—Mrs. Bee, the girl will be pleased. We still have something to do, so we won't continue to harass in your mansion."

"You are leaving..." Mrs. Bee slowly stood up, "In that case—"


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing the air blasted loudly.

I saw a "meteor", like a Changhong piercing the sun, slamming against Yuanyi fiercely.

Facing this "meteor" that suddenly struck, Yuanyi was very calm-he quickly pulled out his threat: Yan Rong, cut to this "meteor"!


The "Meteor" offensive was blocked.

Ordinary people with poor eyesight can finally see the true face of this "shooting star"-a steel needle half as long as an adult's forearm.

The thickest part of this steel needle is as wide as **** of a well-proportioned adult male.

Under the shining of the sunlight projected through the window, this well-maintained steel needle exudes a black, bright light.

And the person holding this steel needle is Mrs. Bee.

The tip of the steel needle touched Yanrong's blade.

Mrs. Bee used a bit of strength, and Yuanyi used a bit of strength.

With such a delicate balance, the two weapons horned in mid-air.

"'Bee Needle'..." Yuan glanced at the big steel needle that was wrestling with his Yan Rong, shrugged and smiled, "It's a weapon that makes me miss it."

"...Should it be said that it is ‘you deserve it’?" Yuan Yichao showed a helpless expression on Mrs. Bee, "You really haven’t changed."

"When you and I were both young before, once you met me, you must compete with me."

"Now you and I are a lot of years old, and it's still the same."

"I thought you were getting older, and your militant nature would be a little bit weaker."

"Less long-winded." Mrs. Bee licked her lips, "You are older than me, and you don't see your drinking-loving nature constricted."

After all, Mrs. Bee voluntarily withdrew from the fight with Yuanyi, and leaped back, opening the distance between herself and Yuanyi.

Such an old person is doing such agile movements-how to look at this picture, how to violate the peace.

"Since it's rare to see you again, how can I not compete with you?"

Mrs. Bee licked her lips again, then stretched out her left hand to touch her waist, and once again took out a thick and long steel needle.

Holding a steel needle in each hand, she obviously just took an extra steel needle, but it can make people feel that the aura of her whole body is different.

"Come on, Genichi!"

Mrs. Bee jerked on the collar of the upper body kimono, and took off the upper body kimono, revealing only the upper body wrapped in the breast cloth.

Yuan Yi let out a helpless sigh, then slightly lowered his body's center of gravity, holding Yan Rong with one hand with his right hand, and posed a mid-section posture towards the opposite Madam Bee.

"Xiao Lin, you go out first."

Yuan Yi said.

"I want to... have a long-lost ‘emotional exchange’ with this ‘venomous bee’."

Mrs. Couguo took out the bee needles to attack Yuan 1, and then asked her to go out temporarily—Lin looked calm and unremarkable from beginning to end.

"I see." Lin nodded softly, "Then I will wait for you outside."

Lin left the room without any hesitation.

As soon as the paper sliding door of the room was closed, I heard the sound of Jin Ge's struggling behind the door.

Lin went straight to a small courtyard attached to Mrs. Bee's house.

After arriving in the yard, Lin saw Azhu and Shimada who was spending time with Azhu in the yard.

After seeing Lin coming, Shimada and Azhu both greeted her.

"Azhu." Lin, who is not good at making expressions, forced a smile, "For a while, you will live here temporarily."

"Although the mother-in-law here looks scary, she is actually a very kind person."

"After we help you investigate the way that caused you to become such a person, and that has allowed you to return to ordinary people, we will immediately come back to pick you up, and then send you home."

Hearing Lin's words, Azhu's face showed a few loneliness.

But these few touches of loneliness only lasted for a moment and then dissipated.

"Well, I see." Azhu Chaolin forced a smile.

From Edo to Nara, Azhu saw all the things that the gourd house and the group did for her, and remembered it in his heart.

She now trusts the people in the gourd house quite a bit.

Looking at the strong and sensible child in front of her, Lin couldn't help showing a smile from her heart, raising her hand and stroking her hair.

Before that, Lin was a little worried whether the child could not understand her intention of not letting her return home earlier, and was crying there.

So far, Lin is really worried.

After so many storms, this child is much stronger and more sensible than she thought.

"I will pick you up as soon as possible, and then send you home." Lin said with confidence.

"Xiao Lin!"

At this time, Yuan Yi's voice came.

I saw Yuanyi and Mrs. Bee walking towards Lin and them one after another.

The appearance of these two old people did not look like people who had just experienced a fierce battle. Neither of them had any injuries. Only Mrs. Bee's breathing was a little bit short, and her forehead was a little bit sweaty.

"Your name is Azhu, right."

Mrs. Bee walked quickly to Azhu's body, then squatted on the ground, keeping her eyes lower than Azhu's.

"My name is Fenghua, just call me Mrs. Feng."

"After a while, please take care of it."

Mrs. Bee showed a kind smile that was different from the belligerent look of "licking her lips, let Yuanichi let her horse come as soon as possible".

"Yeah..." A Zhu nodded, a little afraid, showing a shy smile.

Lin, Yuanyi, and Shimada are striding away from the house of Mrs. Bee with the word "Pin".

"By the way... Lord, I'm a little worried." Shimada asked Lin hesitantly.

"What are you worried about?" Lin asked.

"I am worried that Azhu will be homesick and eager to run out without authorization, wanting to go back to Osaka to find her family..."

"About this, you don't have to worry about it." Lin said lightly, "For the time being, Azhu has the idea of ​​running home alone. Even if she did, she would not be able to get out."

"If you live in another person's house, there may still be some chance of sneaking out."

"But since he lives in Mrs. Bee's house, Atake will never get out of Nara unless he has a pair of wings."

Shimada couldn't help showing a look of surprise when Lin said that.

"Who is that Mrs. Bee? How powerful is it?"

"Did I? She is an old friend of Uncle Gong's."

"You only said that she was an old friend of Yuan Da Ren..." Shimada said helplessly, "Except for knowing that she is an old friend of Yuan Da Ren, I don't know anything else..."

"She is now in seclusion." Huan Yuan said at this time, "so it is not convenient to talk too much about her to outsiders."

"I can only tell you-she is a master of tracking and anti-tracking." Yuan Yi shrugged, "and is absolutely trustworthy. It is most appropriate to entrust Azhu to her."

When Genichi said this, Shimada couldn't help swallowing in surprise.

Then he whispered with a volume that only oneself can hear: "Sure enough, it is not a normal person who can be friends with Yuan Da Yuan."

"...It's almost noon now." Lin who was walking ahead suddenly raised her head and glanced at the sun that was about to hang high in the sky, and then slowly said, "What do you want for lunch?"

"I'm free." Yuan Yi.

Shimada: "I'm free."

"Then just eat something that doesn't consume time." Lin looked around, and finally fixed her vision at a tea house not far away.

"Katsurokuro, go to the tea house and buy some snacks that are not hot to eat." Lin took out her wallet and threw it to Shimada. "You don't need to buy too much. We will leave for Osaka this afternoon, and Kuro and them meet."

"If we eat too much, it will affect our journey."

"Okay!" Shimada, who took the order, hurried to the tea house not far away, holding the purse thrown by Lin.

After Shimada went to buy food, Lin and Yuan walked to the side of the street and waited quietly for Shimada's return.

While waiting for Shimada to return, Lin seemed to unconsciously put her arms around her chest, then turned her head to the side, looking southeast.

It's like looking at something.

Noting Lin's strange source, Zhao Lin asked:

"Xiao Lin, what are you looking at?"

"Looking at the Elephant Temple." She replied.

"Honxiang Temple?" Yuanyi followed him and looked towards the southeast. "Isn't the Honxiang Temple already burnt to ashes."

"Uncle, I was thinking recently..." Lin put down her arms around her chest and stroked Yan Mo who was hanging on her right waist with her right hand.

"The current'Kansai population disappearance incident'...is there any connection with the gangsters at Honjoji three years ago..."

Daban, Daban City—

The relationship between Daban City and Daban is similar to the relationship between the Forbidden City and bj.

The city of Osaka stands in the center of the city, and is one of the forbidden areas that are absolutely inaccessible to people such as leisure and people.

More than two hundred years ago, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who had begun to rise to prominence, appointed Osaka as the center of their Toyotomi clan's reign, and built a magnificent, bronze-like Osaka city.

According to historical records, the city of Osaka built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi was amazed by Westerners at that time. They praised the city of Osaka, saying that there is no city in the West that can rival the city of Osaka.

It is a pity that this luxurious castle is just a flash in the pan.

After Toyotomi Hideyoshi's death and Ieyasu Tokugawa usurped Toyotomi's power, the Tokugawa clan launched two battles in Osaka and defeated the Toyotomi clan. This Osaka castle was also a headache for the Tokugawa clan. With the destruction of Toyotomi clan, it was burned in the fire.

After the Toyotomi clan was eliminated, the Edo Shogunate rebuilt Osaka Castle from the ashes.

The current Osaka Castle is the "Tokugawa Osaka Castle" without the mark of Toyotomi after being rebuilt.

On weekdays, it is the Osaka Castle who lives and manages the city of Osaka, who is in charge of the city and supervises the name of the Western country.

At this moment, the current Osaka Castle: Masatsu Horita, dressed in formal attire, respectfully bows down to a dusty middle-aged man in front of him.

"Old Master, I'm sorry, you can't be more frightened."

This dusty middle-aged man has just arrived in Osaka and has just arrived in Osaka.

Matsuhira Masahin waved his hand, indicating that Horita need not be polite.

"Okay, stop talking about it."

Matsuhira Dingxin implements his vigorous personality to the end, and doesn't waste too much time on greetings.

"Go directly to the topic, and tell me well about Koyasan."

"Yes!" After a loud replied, Hotta took out a stack of papers with dense handwriting that he had prepared from his arms, and handed Matsudaira's letter with both hands.

"Since more than a month ago, the ship disguised as carrying fruits and vegetables was detected at the port of Osaka, but it was actually after a merchant ship carrying armor. I immediately organized a manpower to control all the crew on the merchant ship. And launch interrogation and investigation."

"My lord, these are the testimonies that were interrogated from the crew of the ship involved, and the results of various follow-up investigations, please have a look."

"After sending you an urgent matter, the next official found out a lot of things."

"Combined with the current intelligence-the place where this batch of armor will ultimately be transported to, has been determined to be Koyasan!"

After hearing the word "Koyasan", Matsuhira's face changed, and he quickly took the stack of papers and began to look at it quickly.

After reading the last word on the last sheet of the paper, Songping Dingxin put down the paper and said in a deep voice:

"What are these bald donkeys..."

As the number one commercial capital in the world, Osaka's port throughput is even the best in Japan. There are countless ships entering and leaving the port of Osaka every day.

As the busiest port in the country, Daban Port has the most stringent inspections.

They usually check whether there are any inspectors who are smuggling strange things. Just a month ago, they found out a bunch of things from a merchant ship that made the inspectors at the time scared into a cold sweat.

It was a merchant ship that was transporting fruits and vegetables on the surface.

However, in that box of fruits and vegetables, one piece of armor was found.

After turning the merchant ship upside down, more than 200 pieces of armor were found.

Armor-this is an incredible contraband.

The government is not afraid of you hiding swords or bows and arrows privately.

I'm only afraid that you will hide your armor privately.

In ancient society, armor could allow a soldier to easily use one enemy ten killer.

Whether in ancient China or ancient Japan, the government was extremely taboo against smuggling and collecting armor.

After learning that there were ships smuggling so many armors, Horita quickly realized that the matter was not trivial, so he personally went to supervise the investigation of this "smuggling armor" incident.

If you don't investigate, it's just a matter of investigation. Horita was shocked to wet his clothes with cold sweat.

Although it was not possible to find out who the main messenger was behind the scenes, it was found that the place where this batch of armor was most likely to be transported-Koyasan.

Although there is no conclusive evidence to prove it, Horita is already in shock.

This matter involves the Buddhist forces of Koyasan-this is beyond the reach of Horita.

So he hurriedly sent a rush to Matsudaira who was in Kyoto to apologize to the emperor at the time, and notified Matsudaira of the incident.

The Edo Shogunate has always been on guard against Buddhist forces.

On guard against Buddhist forces, it may be better than guard against the emperor and the Kyoto court.

Realizing that this matter is not a trivial matter, and Horita alone can no longer intervene in an incident of this magnitude, Matsudaira rushed to Osaka from Kyoto, ready to personally intervene and deal with the matter.

Putting down the stack of papers, and said in a deep voice, "This bunch of bald donkeys...what are they doing..." Matsuba Dingxin frowned and fell silent.

In the current environment, Horita did not dare to speak out, waiting quietly, letting time pass bit by bit.

Until after a while-

"...Horita. Without disturbing everyone, including civilians, how much force can be mobilized around Osaka? How much cannon and artillery can be mobilized?"

"Probably..." Horita's head swiftly moved, "Probably can mobilize about 1,000 people... Cavalry can mobilize about 50 horses. As for iron cannons and artillery..."

Horita froze for a long time, unable to tell a specific number for a long time.

"Damn!" Matsudaira yelled impatiently, "As the Osaka Castle, you don't even know how many iron cannons and artillery can be mobilized in and around Osaka?!"

Horita, whose face changed greatly from fright, hurriedly lay down on the ground and apologized to Matsuba Matshinbu.

Songping rubbed his eyebrows confidently, and then let out a long sigh.


"You go to arrange now-immediately start mobilizing the army."

"Remember, everything must be done in the dark, so that no one can notice it."

"Then immediately figure out the number of iron cannons and artillery that can be mobilized for me now."

"If your successful deployment can satisfy me, I won't care about your negligence this time."

Hearing Matsuhira's words, Masahiro Horita showed ecstasy on his face, chanting "Yes" and "The next official will be suspended."

No longer paying attention to Horita, Matsudaira stood up silently, walked to the window, and looked southeast. Starting from Osaka and walking southeast for about 13 miles (about 50 kilometers in modern times), he can reach the hearts of countless Buddhists. Holy Land: Koyasan.

"Don't force me to use the same methods that Oda Nobunaga used to deal with Hieiyama..." Matsudaira Masanobu murmured.



I solemnly declare: The world view of this book is semi-overhead. Don't confuse the Koyasan in this book with the Koyasan in reality.

The author has always been a little worried—if the book is spread to Japan and let the monks of Koyasan see, will it put me on the "Koyasan Travel Blacklist"... I have always wanted to travel to Koyasan, if I was caught by Koyasan I would cry qaq if I get blacklisted

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