I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 631: Will Ogata come as a guest at the swordsmanship competition? 【Five thousand six hundre

The three Ogata and Nao Zhou, who hadn't seen them for a while, stared with big and small eyes, and the scene was kind of funny for a while.

If one of the people at the scene has the most exaggerated expression, then it is of course not straightforward.

Although Ogata is now wearing a face towel and a hat, Ogata’s figure, the saber around his waist, and the two ninjas standing on the left and right of him, made Naozhou immediately recognize that this person is He wanted to break his head before, and he also wanted to make him join the man in their "destroyed cause".

"Oo, Ogata..." Naoshu's tongue was numb, twisting stiffly.

As soon as he uttered the name "Ogata", Naoshu finally recovered his mind, realizing that this place was not a convenient place to recite the name of Ogata, so he quickly shut his mouth and changed his name to Majima.

"Mashima-sama, you, why are you here...?"

"I want to ask you this question too..."

——Is Daban really a big city with a population of one million...

Ogata couldn't help but complain.

At this time, Ogata suddenly discovered that since he came to Osaka, he seems to have frequently encountered acquaintances and people he knew...

After suppressing the urge to continue to spit, Ogata raised his eyes and looked at the small broken house behind Zhizhou: "Mr. Isshiki, I want to ask: Is this place the residence of Master Yuji?"

Hearing what Ogata said, Naoshu suddenly realized the reason why Ogata would be here, and hurriedly asked Ogata:

"Master Mako, are you here to find Master Yuer?"

"Yeah." Ogata didn't hide it. After all, this is not something worth concealing. "I heard that the master Yuji's knife repairing skills are at its peak, so I came here specially and wanted to entrust the second master to repair the saber underneath."

"Is it here to find Master Yu Er to repair the knife..." Zhi Zhou stopped aside and gave up his way, "Master Yu Er happens to be at home now, please come in."

"Mr. Naoshu, are you friends with Master Yuji?" Ogata asked Naoshu as he walked into the small ruined house along the way that Naoshu made way.

"I'm an old friend for many years." Zhizhou laughed. "Our Isseki family has always asked Master Yu Er to help in casting the knife. If the knife is damaged, it is entrusted to Master Er to help repair it."

"I don't have much to do today, so I was thinking about chatting with this old friend, and by the way, I would like to see how the progress of the knife I commissioned to repair before was progressing."

"I didn't expect to meet you again here, the world is really unpredictable."

After Yu felt once again that Osaka was really small, Ogata removed Dashaten from his left waist, and while holding it with his right hand, he surveyed the scene in the small ruined house.

The appearance of this small ruined house is tattered, and the inside is almost the same.

After passing through the door of the house, it leads directly to a slightly cramped hall. There is almost no decent furniture in the hall, only a few shabby and old cushions.

The corridor is still intact, and the ceiling is a bit horrible. When I looked up, there were three large or small holes in the ceiling of the hall.

However, although the interior of the house is rudimentary and dilapidated, it is still clean, and the corridors and walls have been well cleaned.

Ogata sniffed, and when he was just outside the house, he smelled a very heavy peculiar smell mixed with the smell of iron, charcoal, and the smell of something being burnt.

After entering the house, the peculiar smell immediately became heavier.

Ogata noticed that the peculiar smell seemed to be coming from a room with thick curtains deep in the house.

In addition to these peculiar smells, there was also a sharpening of the knife from the room.

"Zhou Zhou."

At this time, a somewhat hoarse middle-aged male voice came from that room.

"Who is here?"

"Master Yu Er!" Zhi Zhou Chong shouted in the direction from the voice just now, "There is a...my old friend who wants to find you to repair the knife! Stop what you are doing first."

"Your old friend? Take him in."

This short conversation ended with this cold word.

"Majima-sama." Naoshu, who is old enough to be Ogata's grandfather, respectfully acted "please" towards Ogata. How do you see how this scene violates, "Please come with me. I'll take you to give The second master where he works."

After finishing talking, Zhi Zhou strode straight towards what he called "Master Yu's workshop"-that is, the room that constantly had peculiar smells and noises.

Immediately after Zhi Zhou, after opening the curtain of that room, the scene behind the curtain made Ogata's eyes light up.

Behind the curtain is a blacksmith's shop.

In the southeast corner of the blacksmith's shop, there are pieces of unbeaten pig iron and a hill made of coal.

The northeast corner is the smelting platform responsible for iron strikes. There are facilities such as a wing (similar to a blower), a horizontal seat (where the knifemaker sits when he strikes an iron), a fire bed and other facilities.

In the corner of the northwest corner, leaning on a rod, it feels that with a single swipe, an adult’s head can be smashed to the ground like a watermelon falling from a tall building.

The southwest corner of the room is the only place with tatami mats. A middle-aged man with a very strong figure is squatting in this place, stepping on a whetstone with his foot, and grind the knife in his hands with the whetstone under his feet in a specific rhythm.

This middle-aged man felt like he was about 40 years old. He had dark skin and a small head that was extremely rare in this era. Short hair stood up like steel needles.

Wearing only this thin gray bathrobe, the figure is quite strong, especially the arms. The muscles of both arms are as tight as granite and full of strength.

The reason why Ogata's eyes shine when he enters this blacksmith's shop is because of this middle-aged man... to be precise, it is because of the knife sharpened in the hands of this middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is now grinding a badly broken knife.

Not only the blade is full of notches, but the blade is bent directly to the right by nearly 10 degrees.

If such a broken sword were handed over to Ogata, and Ogata managed to fix it, then even if Ogata racked his brains, he would not be able to think of any way to repair such a severely damaged sword.

However-the scene before Ogata's eyes at this time clearly told Ogata: Someone really has a way to fix the knife.

This broken knife is now in a very strange state.

This knife is bounded by the center of the blade. From the center of the blade to the tip of the blade, the blade is full of notches and bends.

From the center of the blade to the root of the blade, the blade is straight and unnotched, just like a new knife.

A knife has both broken and new states... its appearance is indescribably strange. To make a similar analogy... it's like grafting a branch of a peach tree to a banana tree.

The reason is that the reason why this knife is in such a weird state is because the middle-aged man started to repair it from the root of the knife's blade.

At this time, the middle-aged man had been sharpening the blade root of the knife with the whetstone until Ogata and the others came in, and did not put aside their work or looked up at Ogata and the others.

"Mashima-sama." Naoshu introduced to Ogata and the others in a timely manner, "This is Master Yuji."

"Master Yuji! This is my old friend-Mashima Goro."

"Meeting for the first time, Master Yuji." After Naoshu's voice fell, Ogata bowed slightly and introduced himself, "Goro Shimoshimajima."

The sound of sharpening the knife finally stopped.

The middle-aged man...that is, Yuji finally stopped the work of sharpening the knife at this time, and looked up at Ogata and others.

"...Hello, I'm Yuji. Just find a place to sit."

Yuji's self-introduction was very brief, and he didn't talk too much with Ogata.

After putting the half-cut knife in his hand aside, Yuji crossed his hands into the sleeves of the yukata.

"Let me see the knife you want to commission me to repair."

Yuji's nonsense and straightforward style is quite in line with Ogata's appetite.

Since Yuji was so straightforward, Ogata didn't talk too much nonsense, and pulled out Taishaten and Taizao, and handed the two swords to Yuji.

"I want to entrust you to repair these two knives."

Yu Er received the knife with both hands.

Looking at the notched blades of Da Shitian and Da Zizai, Yu'er looked strange and expressionless.

Moving his gaze, looking roughly behind the knife, he raised his eyebrows vigorously, and whispered in a slightly surprised tone:

"This type of knife casting method...Is this a knife made by a monk from Tian Xiangzong?"

Yuji only glanced at the blade to recognize who made the two swords, which surprised and pleasantly surprised Ogata.

"Exactly." Ogata said.

"Are the works of the monk Tianxiangzong..." Yu'er murmured, "It's been a long time since I saw the works of those bald donkeys...what is the name of these two knives?"

"Fighting with the sword, letting go, and the threat is at ease..."

-Bald donkey?

After hearing the title "Bald Ass" from Yuji, Ogata felt an ominous premonition in his heart for some reason...

"Do you use Buddhism language as the name of the sword... Hmph, it is indeed the style of those bald donkeys."

"These two knives seem to have used some Nanban casting skills...but they are mainly based on the unique casting technique of Tian Xiangzong."

Speaking of this, Yuer scanned the Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zao in his hands several times, and then nodded gently.

"A good knife, both toughness and sharpness. I have seen countless kinds of swords, and there are only a handful of them that can outperform your two knives in terms of quality."

"Can you keep these two knives intact?" Ogata asked.

"...Did you see this knife?" Yuji didn't respond directly to Ogata's question, but suddenly turned to the half-fixed broken knife that he just put aside. He said, "I can repair even a knife damaged like this, let alone your knife?"

Yu Er looked at the blades of Da Shitian and Da Zizai that had been chopped into pits and saws.

"Although your knife is not slightly damaged, it is not difficult to repair him as well as before."

Hearing Yuji's words, Ogata's face involuntarily showed a happy smile.

"Then, I beg you, the price..."

Before Ogata had finished speaking, he suddenly saw Yuji in front of him handing back the double sword he was holding.

Then he said something that made Ogata's expression stiff.

"But I don't want to help you repair the knife."

As soon as Yu Er said this, the blacksmith shop was silent for several seconds.

After a few seconds, Ah Zhu, who had always been lively, took the lead to break the silence. Valley

"Why?" Azhu said anxiously, "Didn't you say that repairing Mashima-sama's knife is not a difficult task?"

"Well, I did." Yu Eryi nodded solemnly.

"Will it be expensive to repair the knife?" Ah Ding also followed at this time, "If we are worried that we can't pay..."

Before Ah Ding finished speaking, Yu Er interrupted:

"It's nothing about money. I simply don't want to help you repair the knife. No matter how much money you give me, I won't help you repair it."

At this time, Ogata suddenly recalled that Yuji had just called the monks of Tianxiangzong "bald donkeys."

"...Master Yuji." Ogata solemnly said, "Have you...have had any feasts with the monks of Tian Xiangzong before?"

"...You are neither right nor right." Yu Er closed his eyes, raised his head, and took a deep breath, "I am not having a festival with the monks of Tianxiangzong, I have a festival with all the monks in the world!"

After speaking, Yuer, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes suddenly.

His eyes were full of strong resentment.

He muttered:

"Twenty-five years ago, a girl I had always had a crush on eloped with a smelly monk."

"Since then, I have made up my mind-I am not at odds with Buddhism!"

"Your knife is a knife made by a monk, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. I don't want to touch this kind of knife made by a monk."

"Please come back."




Ogata's brain stopped working for a while.

It's not just Ogata.

Both Ah Ding and Ah Zhu both have their brains suspended from work.

As for Naoshu, who was sitting behind Ogata and them, he showed a helpless expression.

It took a long time for Ogata's brain to finally start working again.

After the brain resumed operation, the first words that came out of Ogata's mind were:


——Because of this? !

Yu Er, who has been expressionless and looks like an expert, now puts his arms around his chest, his face is very angry, like a little boy who has been robbed of snacks.

It was for this reason that he refused to help him repair the knife-which made Ogata not know what expression to put on.

Yuji's expression just now made Ogata wonder if he and the monk had an unending blood feud...

It is useless to do more research on why Yuji refused to repair the knife. It is better to find a way to persuade Yuji to help him repair the knife, so Ogata put aside Yuji's complaint and said quickly:

"Could you please accommodate me? I would like to double the price below."

"I've said it, it's not a question of money." Yuer replied without hesitation, "I said if I didn't repair it, I didn't repair it."

"And I'm still busy now."

Yuer snarled at the "side-bent" knife on his side.

"I'm busy fixing Zhou's knife right now. It will take at least another month for his knife to be completely repaired. There is no time to repair your knife now."

"This knife is my nephew's knife." Naoshu smiled at Ogata at this time, and said, "My stupid nephew didn't know where the problem was with his head, and suddenly yelled that he would study what can split the stone. Swordsmanship."

"I took my knife and slashed at a huge boulder, and then he chopped the knife like this."

Ogata's face couldn't help but sink at this moment.

Whether it is able to repair a knife with such a severe "sidebend" as new, or you can see at a glance that Ogata's sabre was made by a monk from Tianxiangzong, these all mean that Yuer is an extremely skilled knifemaker. .

It was hard to find such a craftsman with such outstanding skills, Ogata really didn't want to miss it.

If I missed Yuer, God knows when I will find such a powerful knifemaker.

And for Ogata now, the best place to repair a knife is no different from Osaka.

Because it is the closest to Koyasan, the straight line distance between the two places is only 50 kilometers.

After the knife was repaired, he could just head straight to Gaoye Mountain to find a way to clear the "undead poison" in the body.

Ogata, who didn't want to be so disappointed anyway, cleared his throat and prepared to continue trying to persuade Yuji.

But at this moment--

"Master Yu Second."

Naoshu, who had been sitting behind Ogata and them just now, spoke.

After everyone's doubts focused on Zhi Zhou, Zhi Zhou continued to say:

"Could you please help Mashima-sama to repair the knife because we are old friends?"

As soon as Zhi Zhou said this, Yu Er, who had a firm face just now, finally changed his face.

Yu two: "Zhou Zhou?"

"As for the repair of my nephew's knife, you can delay it a bit." Zhizhou glanced at the "side scimitar", "You can repair Mashima-sama's knife first."

"After Majima-sama's knife is repaired, it won't be too late to repair my nephew's knife."

"Zhou Zhou, are you serious?" Yu Er asked with a frown.

"Of course it's serious." Zhizhou's tone became more serious at this time, "Mashima-sama is... my very important old friend, please, please treat me as a face, make an exception and help Zhen Master Island, let him repair the knife."

After that, Zhi Zhou bent down and bowed to the opposite Zhi Zhou in a kneeling position.

"Mr. Isshiki..." Looking at Naoshu who was helping him fight for the chance to repair the knife, Ogata's eyes flashed with surprise and joy.

Yu Er now looks complicated.

He looked at Ogata, and then at Yuji.

Finally—he sighed.

"...Since Yuer, you're all talking about it... OK."

Yuji Ogata spread his hands.

"Give me your knife."

Yuji, who had just returned the oil and salt, finally changed his mind. Ogata, who couldn't hide the joy on his face, handed Da Shiten and Da Ziza to Yuji again with a sword and a sheath.

After receiving Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zao, Yu Er said slowly:

"It will take 7 days for your knife to be repaired."

"Come back to me to fetch the knife in 7 days."

"The cost of repairing your two knives is 12 taels in total. You have to pay me half of the money as a deposit first, and the remaining money will be paid after the repaired knife is returned to you."



"Mr. Isshiki, thank you very much for your help."

After leaving Yu Er's work room and returning to the empty hall of this ruined house, Xu Jianyi immediately saluted Zhi Zhou and thanked him.

"Hahaha, it's okay." Zhizhou smiled, "It's just a matter of effort."

After delivering Ogata and Ogata, Ogata’s waist is now empty~www.readwn.com~ For a long time, Ogata has become accustomed to the feeling of heavy objects hanging on his left waist, and he walks along. Get used to stepping deeper with your left foot and shallower with your right foot. .

Now there is no knife hanging on his left waist-this makes Ogata extremely uncomfortable, and he can't help but become awkward when he walks.

"You really helped me a lot." Ogata continued to bow to Naoshu and thanked him. "I really don't know how to thank you."

"You don't need to thank you for anything. I also said it, but it's just a matter of effort." Naozhou continued to laugh, "Mashima-sama, the reason why you came to Osaka is to find Master Yuji to repair the knife?"

"Well, that's it." Ogata nodded, "If it wasn't for the sake of finding a master Yuji, who is said to be very powerful, to help me repair the knife, I would probably not come to Osaka."

At this moment, Zhi Zhou's face appeared thoughtful.

"Mashima-sama, I wonder if you will be free in the future?"

"The day after tomorrow? Hmm...I should be quite free until my knife is repaired." Ogata answered honestly.

Ogata plans to spend the time waiting for the knife to be repaired, and to accompany Acho and the others to leisurely play in this prosperous Osaka city until the knife is repaired.


At this time, Zhi Zhou's eyes flashed with the light of "Planning".

"In that case...Mashima-sama, I have a ruthless please."

"I wonder if Mashima-sama, can you come to my sword hall to watch my Isshiki sword hall and the rest of the sword hall's "big test match"?"



In fact, the author also really wants to know how those horrendous swordsmiths repaired such badly broken knives like new ones... Just looking at the "Life on the Blade", I can't understand the principle at all. ...

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