I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 630: A wonderful fate with another giant X girl [7 thousand five hundred]

"Here." The pastoral village made a nuisance towards an inn that looked ordinary in front of him, "This is where we live now."

Ogata glanced at the hotel in front of him, and the inn’s door plaque read the three Chinese characters "Kondoya". Then I scanned the surroundings of the circle-although this place is not far from Shinmachi, it is quite desolate and low in traffic.

In a nutshell-this place is a rather unremarkable area in Osaka.

"Have everyone in your gourd house come to Osaka?" Ogata asked.

Makimura shook his head: "No. At present, I, Mamiya, and Asai are the only ones who come to Osaka. The rest will come later. I will tell you the details later."

The Kadaya has only two floors. Makimura led Ogata and Amachi to the second floor in one breath, and then stopped in front of the corner room.

Just standing in front of the paper sliding door of this room, Xu Jian heard a very familiar voice and a very familiar sentence from behind the door...

"Mamiya, you still repair this kind of Nanban pocket watch..."

"Well, I used to study this kind of watch repair in Nagasaki before. I told you that cheap is not good. Nanban's pocket watch is only sold for 500 yuan? This kind of watch will definitely break after a few days, you see— Sure enough, right? Okay, it's barely repaired, but if it breaks, I might be powerless."

"When I worked so hard to negotiate with Yukimura, the two of you were really laid back..." Mucun twitched the corner of his mouth, and unceremoniously opened the door.

"Oh, Makimura, you're back...huh?" Mamiya's eyes widened, staring blankly at Ogata and Amachi standing behind Makimura, "Ogata-kun...Ms. Amachi..."

Asai, who was sitting across from Mamiya with a silver pocket watch in his hand, was also dumbfounded at this time by his mistake.

"Long time no see. Mamiya, Asai." Ogata smiled at the two people who hadn't met since the end of last year in Edo. "We and you... really have a wonderful fate."

The gatedaya where Mamiya and the others lived is an ordinary hotel with no special features, and the rooms in such an ordinary hotel are naturally ordinary. In their three rooms, they couldn't find any words of praise other than "big", so a big room, basically without any furniture, only a few cushions.

The five people of Ogata, Amachi, Mamiya, Makimura, and Asai sat in a circle. Makimura took the lead to tell the story of his encounter with Ogata and Amachi.

"...In this way, I ran into brother Ogata and Miss Amachi." Makimura said slowly, "After that, I will bring them both over."

After listening to the story of "Ogata and Amachi Encounter" described by Makimura, the first person to express his thoughts is Mamiya—

"...Ogata-kun, it's exactly as you said just now-we and you really have a wonderful fate..."

Mamiya let out a sigh of relief, revealing an unbelievable appearance.

"Unexpectedly, when we went to Osaka, we could meet you by chance by such a coincidence."

"I thought you were still in Ezo land..."

"Some time ago, when we just left Edo and were about to come to Kansai, we had already heard of it-your feat of defeating the 10,000 shogunate in Ezo."

"When we heard this news, we couldn't believe our ears. We really couldn't imagine that this was a feat that a samurai could accomplish."

"Looking at all the swordsmen in ancient and modern times, let alone Miyamoto Musashi and others, even Uizumi Nobuzuna and Tsukahara Buden may not be as good as you."

Speaking of this, Mamiya smiled and raised his hand, patted Ogata's shoulder, who was sitting next to him.

"I'm really... more and more curious about how people in future generations will evaluate you..."

Ogata only smiled when Mamiya didn't have any strange emotions, but only the simplest words of appreciation.

"As long as the Edo shogunate is still there, the official evaluation of me will probably be no better." Ogata said in a joke. Let me unload eight pieces of Ezo land."

"About me, let's talk about this first, now let's talk about your business."

Ogata moved his gaze, letting his gaze cross the faces of Mamiya, Makimura, and Asai one by one.

"Why are you three here?"

"Well..." Mamiya looked at him with a gaze as if to show Ogata's body through, "...we are here to trace the ‘immortality’."

"After we parted with you, we got new clues about'immortality' in Edo."

"We followed this clue and came to Osaka."

Listening to Mamiya's words, Ogata's eyes were uncontrollably surprised.

At this moment, Mamiya continued:

"Ogata-kun, what are the gains for you and Ms. Aking going north to Ezo to find the two masters and apprentices Xuanzheng and Xuanzhi?"

"..." Ogata thought for a moment, and said, "...The harvest is quite fruitful. It is a big step forward before curing my body with the'immortal poison' hidden in it."

"That's it..." Mamiya murmured softly, "In this case, both of us are holding important information related to ‘immortality’..."

"...Ogata-kun, let's just exchange information."

"I will tell you the information we currently know, and then you will tell us your information. We exchange what is necessary for mutual benefit and mutual benefit."

As soon as Mamiya's voice fell, Asai on the side said anxiously:

"Hey! Mamiya! How are you doing this? If you don't say hello to the lord, you will exchange information with Ogata and him."

"I still have this autonomy." Mamiya Assai smiled, "Ogata-kun is no stranger to us."

"Exchanging information with him is a matter of great benefit to them and to us."

"If the lord was here, he would definitely choose to exchange information with Ogata-kun and others without hesitation."

After speaking, Mamiya turned his gaze back to Ogata.

"Ogata-kun, what do you think?"

"...Okay." Ogata nodded after thinking about it for a long time. "Then let's exchange information. I am also curious-what new information you have in Edo."

As Mamiya just said, exchanging information with the gourd house has a lot of benefits. Ogata couldn't think of a reason for rejecting Mamiya's proposal.

Maybe Mamiya and the others really have information that he and Amachi don't know in their hands.

"Then—let's talk about it first." Mamiya cleared his throat and began to whisper.

After they experienced the battle with Shiranui, they took a quiet recuperation in Edo, and talked about how they rescued the poor girl who was imprisoned in the Yamada Asemon family not long ago: Atake.

Ogata and Amachi, who had been listening quietly, changed their expressions several times as Mamiya told them.

Ogata's expression changed abruptly twice.

The first sudden change was to learn that Mamiya was actually the son of the famous Yamada Asemon family.

The second sudden change was when I learned that the girl named Azhu actually possesses the powerful resilience that the organs can repair themselves even if the organs are taken.

With such a strong resilience, Ogata almost subconsciously recalled the monsters of Butterfly Island...

"Ogata-kun, Amachi-san." Mamiya suddenly asked them both, "Do you know about the recent frequent disappearances in Kansai?"

The two shook their heads at the same time with great tacit understanding—because they were busy on the road, they rarely went to izakayas, tea houses and other places to listen to the "implementation news".

"In Edo, we heard about it briefly before." Mamiya slowly said, "In recent times, there have been frequent disappearances in Kansai. People of all ages, men and women, samurai and common people are missing. We will do this. The disappearance is referred to as the'Kansai Disappearance Incident' for short."

"When we heard about this rumor, we didn't pay much attention to it."

"It wasn't until Atake was rescued. We didn't realize that the'Kansai Persons Missing Incident' did not seem simple."

"As a native of Osaka, Atake was kidnapped on the streets of Osaka-it's hard not to link Atake's kidnapping with the'Kansai Persons Missing Incident'."

"We suspect that the instigator of the'Kansai disappearance incident' is the group of people who are studying'immortality'."

"They tied the population to experiment. Azhu was the victim of this experiment."

"So we followed this clue and came to Osaka. We are ready to investigate with Osaka as the center."

At this moment, Makura interjected:

"Brother Ogata, the Yukimura you saw just now is an old friend of our gourd house."

"The lord was kind to him. The reason why Yukumura was able to achieve such a remarkable achievement in such a short period of time was largely because the lord was helping him."

"You can understand that Yukimura as half a member of our gourd house."

"I went to him just now to let Yukimura mobilize his forces to help investigate the'Kansai Persons Missing Incident.'"

The speaker again switches to Mamiya:

"It would be too dangerous to bring Atake to Osaka."

"After all, Azhu was kidnapped in Osaka, and there may be many ‘Research Undead Groups’ hidden in Osaka now. If they find Azhu, it’s troublesome.”

"Before clarifying the true face and strength of the'Research Undead Group', we must try to avoid confronting them."

"And if you don't try to get Azhu's body back to its original state first, and then let her go home directly to reunite with her relatives, it would be very dangerous."

"If her relatives are allowed to find out about her abnormal condition in the future, she might be handed over to the government as a monster, or be done more excessively."

"So, to sum up-the lord she decided to send me, Makimura, and Asai to Osaka first to prepare for the investigation of the'Kansai Persons Missing Incident.'"

"And she took Atake to Nara with Yuanyi and Shimada. She was going to entrust Atake to a trustworthy old friend of Yuanyi to take care of him. After Atake was paid, he would come to Osaka with us. Converge."

"The lord and the others are probably coming to Nara by now, and they will be in Osaka in a few days."

Nara, one of the famous ancient capitals of Japan, is located on the Kinki Plain in the central part of Japan, like Kyoto and Osaka.

Nara is located directly east of Osaka, and the straight-line distance between the two cities is only a mere 30 kilometers.

The story of the people in Gourdaya and Ogata after their separation from Ogata is over.

After hearing about their experiences over the past few months, Ogata and Amachi couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Is it a girl who can repair itself even if the organs are taken away..." Ogata muttered in a deep voice, "It seems...that group that is studying'immortality'... already has a way to transform a person's body like a monster. …"

Having said that, Ogata took several deep breaths.

After calming down, Ogata said to Mamiya in a relaxed tone:

"Mamiya, I didn't expect that your real name was Yamada Asemon Yoshitsune... Yoshitsune... really a majestic name. Is that sword Vairocana?"

Ogata looked at the black and purple knife with the hilt and scabbard placed on the tatami mat on the right side of Mamiya.

Mamiya, who showed a smile with complex emotions, raised his hand and gently stroked the scabbard of the knife beside him.

"...These are all things in the past."

"Before, my father always told me: Every time I swing my knife, I can make the world better."

"So whether it is to try the knife or execute the execution of the prisoner, I will not hesitate."

"It wasn't until 5 years ago that my father asked me to chop off the heads of hundreds of innocent people, and the reason was only to use their guts to save the central palace (the queen) in Kyoto, that I was shocked—every time I waved. The sword does not make the world better, it just allows the Edo shogunate to rule the world better."

"Since then, I have no longer the mood and consciousness of staying in the Yamada Asemon family..."

"Instead of continuing to work for the shogunate, it is better to work for a business woman, which makes people feel a little more happy."

"Ah, I'm sorry. It seems a bit too far."

Mamiya took away the hand that stroked Vairuzane's scabbard.

"Ogata-kun, the above is the information about the'immortality' that our gourd house has collected over the past few months."

"What about you? Have you successfully found Xuanzheng and Xuanzhi master and apprentice in Ezo land, or found other useful information?"

Ogata was not in a hurry to respond to Mamiya immediately.

But after a moment of contemplation, quietly said:

"After listening to your information just now... Koyasan is really getting more and more suspicious..."

Mamiya: "Koyasan?"

Suddenly, when he heard from Ogata's mouth "Koyasan", a vocabulary that seemed to be irrelevant to their previous topic, both Mamiya, Makimura and Asai were surprised.

"Amachi and I succeeded in finding Genzhi in Ezo land." Ogata sighed lightly. "When we found him, he was already crazy..."

The stories of Ogata and Amachi are undoubtedly much longer than those of Mamiya. Valley

Ogata first briefly talked about the whole story of his cooperation with the Ainu people in the Red Moon Fortress against the 10,000 army of the shogunate, and then focused on the information they asked from the mouth of the shogunate after they found Xuan Nao.

A young man who claims to be "Taiko", a master of the immortal source of Koyasan, a medicine that can suppress the "immortality", a changer...

Ogata's narration lasted a full half an hour.

After half an hour, the expressions of Mamiya, Makimura, and Asai all became exciting.

Mamiya's expression became weird when he heard Ogata mention the young man who called himself "Taiko".

However, this weird expression only lasted for a while before returning to normal, and I continued to listen carefully to Ogata's narration-because the strange expression of Mamiya was fleeting, no one had noticed the strangeness of Mamiya just now.

"...The above is the information currently known to Ah Ding and I."

"Koyasan is also located in Kansai, 12 miles southeast of Osaka (about 50 kilometers in modern times)."

"Combined with the information you found... I have a bold conjecture—" Ogata's expression was already too serious. "Is it possible that the Buddhist forces in Koyasan are helping to abduct the population used for the'immortality' experiment..."

No one questioned Ogata's bold conjecture just now.

Everyone looked solemn and thought.

"Koyasan..." Asai swallowed, moistening his dry throat, "It really involves a... an incredible behemoth..."

"It is indeed an incredible behemoth..." Mamiya smiled bitterly at this time and grabbed his hair. "Unexpectedly, even Buddhist forces are involved now..."

In the past, Japanese Buddhists called it an arrogant one.

Japanese Buddhists have always been a huge force that cannot be ignored and can even control the situation in the world.

For various reasons, the former Japanese Buddhists not only had their own land, but they could also raise their own army, that is, the famous monk soldier. Because of their belief and blessing, the monk soldiers are a force known for their bravery.

In the Warring States period more than two hundred years ago, these Buddhists in Japan were even more remarkable. There were many believers, strong political influence, huge real estate and army, and Buddhists were able to marry wives, have children, eat meat and drink. , Doing everything is not chanting scriptures, basically no different from warlords.

How exaggerated was the strength of the Buddhist forces at that time?

For example, at the end of the 16th century more than two hundred years ago, at that time, the comprehensive strength was considered to be one of the best in the world: the Oda clan led by Oda Nobunaga dealt with one of the Buddhist forces: Ishiyama Honganji, the former It took a full 10 years to finally convince the Shishan Hongan Temple.

In order to retaliate against the Buddhist forces that often trouble themselves, and to suppress the huge power of Buddhists, Oda Nobunaga burned Mount Hiei, one of the sacred sites of Buddhists in 1571 AD. And slaughter all the creatures on the mountain, regardless of men, women, young or old.

There are quite a few sects in Buddhism in Japan.

Koyasan is the main mountain of Shingon Buddhism. Mount Hiei is the main mountain of the Tendai sect of Buddhism.

Koyasan and Hieisan are both sacred places in the hearts of Japanese Buddhists.

Oda Nobunaga's practice of burning the holy land Hieiyama irritated the Buddhists, so Oda Nobunaga got another title-"Sixth Demon King", which means "Buddha Enemy".

Although later generations have made various comments on Oda Nobunaga's actions to suppress the Buddhist forces, it cannot be denied that he succeeded in defeating the arrogance of the arrogant Buddhists at that time.

After Tokugawa Ieyasu put an end to the turmoil of the Warring States Period and founded the Edo Shogunate, he stepped on the shoulders of giants, absorbed all the experience and lessons of previous generations, and carried out drastic changes to the Buddhist forces.

The current Buddhist forces can no longer have exaggerated real estate, training, and formation of monks and soldiers like before.

They are now like a tiger with its teeth and claws pulled out.

But even if the minions are pulled out, the tiger is still a tiger.

Although they have no military or financial resources, they have great political influence—especially Koyasan.

If you make a rendition on the sacred Koya Mountain, I am afraid that Buddhists across the country will regard you as an enemy.

Too much shocking news was absorbed in one breath, making it difficult for the three of Mamiya and the others to calm down for a while.

After Mamiya raised his hand and patted his forehead a few times, he asked Ogata:

"...Ogata-kun, what are your plans for future actions?"

"I'm going to fix my Da Shiten and Da Zizao first." Ogata, who answered almost without thinking, raised his hand and touched the piece that was lying quietly in his arms. The letter paper at the place of residence, "After the knife is repaired, try to go to Koyasan to investigate."

"What about you? Are you planning to investigate the'Kansai Persons Missing Incident" in Osaka first?"

"...Our current plan is like this." Mamiya said, "but the new information from you is too important."

"The three of us will now wait for the lord, Yuan, and others to come and join us."

"After confluence, consider carefully how to go next."

Speaking of this, thoughts slowly appeared on Mamiya's face, and his mouth closed.

After being quiet for a long time, he raised his gaze again, looked at Ogata beside him, and solemnly said:

"...Ogata-kun. Are you interested in forming an alliance with our Gourdaya as you did before with Shiranui?"

"We are all in Osaka now, and we have the same purpose-all to investigate'immortality'."

"We form an alliance, no matter what we do, we will get twice the result with half the effort."

"The lord must also be happy to form an alliance with you again for the sake of'investigating immortality'."

Mamiya throws an olive branch-Ogata is completely expecting this.

After all, this is not the first time that he has received an invitation to form an alliance from Calabash House. They had formed an alliance before and worked together to deal with Shiranui.

No matter how you look at it, the advantages of forming an alliance with Calabash House outweigh the disadvantages.

However, Ogata did not immediately respond to Mamiya's invitation.

Instead, he looked straight at Mamiya with a calm gaze.

It wasn't until a while later that he quietly asked Mamiya a question that was not related to the invitation he had just invited:

"...Mamiya, when will Ms. Lin, Yuanyi and Shimada arrive in Edo?"

"Huh? I'm not sure about this, probably in 3 or 4 days." Although I don't know why Ogata asked this, Mamiya answered honestly.

"Then-after Miss Lin and the others are here, can you tell me? I have two questions that have been held in my heart for a long time to ask Miss Lin."

"Problem?" Mamiya raised an eyebrow.

Mamiya's eyes flashed... a trace of alertness.

"Don't worry." Ogata smiled, "It's not a question that would offend you. You and I have known each other a lot, don't you know what kind of person I am?"

"I'm happy to form an alliance with you again-but before forming an alliance, I have to ask Miss Lin clearly those two questions."

"If you don't ask clearly. Please forgive me for not being able to fight alongside you again."

"...I see." After being silent for a while, Mamiya nodded, "When the lord and them come, we will notify you as soon as possible."

"Don't ask any weird questions."

Mamiya changed to a joking tone at this time.

"If you ask her why she is 20 years old and still looks like a 13 or 14 year old tooth, she might cry."

"Hey, Mamiya, don't speak ill of the lord while the lord is not there." Mucun said helplessly.

"I'm not speaking badly." Mamiya smiled and shook his head. "I'm just telling the truth."

While they were bickering and laughing in Mamiya, Amachi sitting on Ogata's right side secretly pressed her red lips to Ogata's ear, and whispered:

"What question do you want to ask Miss Lin?"

"Well... I'll tell you later." Ogata responded with a smile, "It's just... I want to confirm two things with Ms. Lin."

The next day, morning—

Osaka, on a deserted street—

"Excuse me." Ogata stopped an aunt who seemed to be at ease. "Do you know where No. 17 Kisara Street is?"

"Mugeng Street No. 17..." The aunt raised her head, thinking, and then pointed behind her, "Go straight in this direction, turn right for 2 blocks and you will reach Mu Geng Street. As for where is No. 17 , I don’t know."

"Go straight in this direction and then turn 2 turns...Thank you." Ogata bowed politely to the aunt.

After bidding farewell to the aunt and returning to Amachi and Azhu who were waiting for him not far away, Azhu asked Ogata impatiently:

"How? Did you find out the location of that Mugen Street?"

Ogata nodded: "It's not far from here, it's almost here. Let's go."

Things are always prioritized. You don't have to repair your weapons first, and you go to Koyasan to investigate. No matter how you look at it, it's a foolish move.

Ogata, who had already planned to "fix the knife first, then investigate", after getting the address of Yuji last night, he decided to visit the knifemaker today.

As the sun rose from the horizon today, Ogata finished washing and was ready to set off.

Naturally, Amachi and Azuki acted together with Ogata.

But the wind demon who had helped Ogata find Yuji's place to live, went on to his old subordinate's "you're my friend".

Although Yuji's specific address is already available, Osaka is also a big city with a population of nearly one million. It took Ogata and the others to finally find Yuji's residence.

The three Ogata followed the instructions of the aunt just now and came to Kisara Street smoothly.

The scenery of Mugen Street... To put it nicely, it is very suitable for seclusion.

This place is located on the outskirts of Osaka, and the flow of people is so low that the three of them have seen no more than their hands since they entered Kisara Street.

The houses on both sides of the street are also low and tattered huts.

It is difficult to find words to praise this place. The best compliment I can think of is probably only "House prices here should be very cheap". UU Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

After entering Kisara Street, Ogata continued to inquire about the location of "No. 17 Kisara Street".

Finally—they found the destination of their trip.

An unremarkable little ruined house on the corner of the street.

"...Is that really the place where Yuji lives?" Amachi couldn't help but asked Ogata beside him.

"According to what the uncle said just now... that small broken house is indeed'No. 17 Kisara Street'..." Ogata also looked at the house that was more like a haunted house with a complicated expression, "Anyway-let's go there first. Let's see."

Ogata and the others quickly walked towards the "haunted house".

"Excuse me—is anyone home?"

Standing in front of the door of the "haunted house", Ogata shouted into the house.

They were also worried that no one would respond in the house.

Unexpectedly-as soon as Ogata's voice fell, the sound of "dongdongdong" footsteps sounded in the house.

Ka... Ka... Ka...

The wooden door that was in disrepair was pulled open with difficulty.

Behind the opened wooden door was a face...that the three of Ogata had seen.

The three Ogata looked at the person behind the sliding door in astonishment.

And the man behind the door also looked at Ogata and the three with a stunned look.

The person who opened the door of this "haunted house" was the old man who persuaded Ogata to come and fall together: Isshishi Naoshu.



This chapter has nearly 8,000 words and ample content. The author has nothing to ask for, just ask for a monthly pass! QAQ

Recommend a good book to everyone: "Life on the Blade". For the plot of "Ogata Repairing the Sword", the author Juntong read this book. This book is really good. If you want to learn more about this book, you can see the following "Writer's Words"↓↓↓

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