I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 620: See "Ogata Ryu Assassination Method!" [Six thousand four hundred]

Two people fought against 12 people, and one of those two people was still an old man-this kind of battle, Takayuki himself couldn't figure out how to lose it?

However, the fact that was presented before his eyes was so cruel—the 12 subordinates that he swarmed up all fell to the ground in a flash.

The man in the hat danced extremely fast with his sword, and one of his subordinates would fall to the ground with every cut.

Almost all the subordinates who were cut down by the man in the hat had no chance to swing their swords before they even had time to attack in the future.

As for the old man, he only took out a sword from his arms-a very common short sword that civilians most often wear on themselves for self-defense.

The old man greeted the enemy with a sword, which was similar to a toy compared to a knife.

He could dodge all the knives that were cut at him quickly, and the timing, direction, and distance of the dodge were all shockingly accurate.

If he can dodge an attack by half a step, he will never use one step.

After avoiding every attack, the sword in the old man's hand will surely be like a poisonous snake coming out of a hole, stabbing the guy who just launched an attack on him, killing him with one blow.

Such a speed of dodge, such a sword action, it is hard to imagine that he is an old man whose hair has fallen out...

The 12 subordinates who swarmed up all fell to the ground within less than 10 seconds...

And those two people-unscathed, did not even take up a few drops of blood on their bodies...

Among the 12 subordinates, the man in the hat alone solved 8 of them, while the other 4 were brought down by the old man.

After all these guards fell to the ground, Takashi's face instantly turned pale.

The expressions of Kijiro and other cadres standing next to Takayuki were also similar to Takayuki's—they had also been frightened stupidly.

One of them was still an old man, and the 12 were easily brought down without breathing--this was beyond their imagination.

At the beginning of the battle, many gamblers hurriedly fled the casino because they were afraid of being implicated. At this time, the casino was extremely quiet. Only two people from Ogata and Takashi one were left, and some were very courageous and wanted to watch the lively gambling. Guests.

Ogata slammed the knife towards the air on his side, threw all the blood attached to the knife onto the pillar next to him, and then walked slowly towards Takayuki.

Looking at Ogata, who was walking slowly towards his side, Takayuki screamed in surprise, but he didn't care about the woman in his arms, and hurried back with his hands and feet.

As for the sulky woman who had been lying in Long's arms just now, Hua Rong was so frightened that she was crying loudly, and the tears from her eye sockets all made up the heavy makeup on her face.

This arrogant woman, who had a face of humor until just now, knelt down on the ground in a fairly standard posture, crying at the same time.

The big red kimono on her was worn loosely. At this moment, doing such a violent movement made the dress on her "toddler", and a lot of spring was coming out.

Because she was so flustered, scared, and crying so badly, Ogata couldn't even hear what she was yelling at, so she could only speculate that she was begging for mercy.

Ogata only glanced at the crying makeup on the cheek that made it red here and the black woman there, and then looked away.

His target is now only one of Takashi, and for the rest except Takayuki, Ogata is not interested, and there is no need to deal with it.

"I'm not going to kill you." Ogata said slowly at this time, "I just want to take you away and ask you some questions."

"As long as you cooperate with us obediently, we won't do anything to you."

"I, I, I, don't, don't!" Ryuxia consciously screamed in a trembling voice, "I, I will not follow and follow you!"

"You, what are you doing there!" Yoshijiro and others not far away shouted, "Also, don't come and kill these two people!"

At present, in this casino, there is still a way to help Takayuki, and only a group of cadres headed by Kijiro.

Ryuzhi yelled loudly to tell Kijirou and the others not to stand stupidly.

After hearing Takayuki's yelling, Kijiro's expression changed slightly-then he continued to stand still.

Their sensibility told them: they must save the next leader of their "big Buddha family" at all costs.

But their rationality tells them: If you rush up, it is no different from sending you to death.

Their guards were so powerful, they were still defeated in an instant when they swarmed.

How many catties they have, whether they have the ability to deal with people who are not even their guards-they still know very well.

Sensibility and reason are fighting in their minds.

In the end, rationality has the upper hand.

Looking at Kijiro and others who were immobile because of fear of Ogata and the others, the panic and fear immediately grew and spread at an alarming rate, filling every corner of Takayuki's face and eyes.

However, at this moment.

The door of their room not far away was jerked open.

Whether it was Ogata, Takayuki and the others, and the gamblers who were still watching the excitement, they turned their heads to look at the door that was suddenly opened.

Standing at the door of the room was a big fat man with a three-tiered chin.

Looking at the big fat man, Longzhi was taken aback for a moment, then his cheeks became red with the extreme surprise and excitement: "Father!"

The person who opened the door was the Dafo Xun and others who hurried over after hearing that someone was making trouble.

Looking at the messy casino in front of him, Dafo Kaoru's face first sank, then he fixed his gaze on Ogata and Fengma who were obviously troublemakers, and asked in a deep voice, "I don't know who the two are?"

Neither Ogata nor Fengma paid attention to Fengma's problem.

Not only did he ignore it, but Fengma whispered to Ogata with a smile on his face: "Brother Ogata, it seems that I don't need to spend any more effort to kidnap the big Buddha Ryuji."

"Yeah." Ogata also smiled, "It seems... we didn't wait for nothing tonight..."

The appearance of the big fat man that suddenly appeared was exactly the same as the portrait of Buddha Kaoru that I saw from Yin Xin this morning. The three-layered chin was too conspicuous.

Coupled with the "father" that Ryuzhi just blurted out, the identity of this big fat man was already apparent.

"I was thinking of accomplishing tonight's goal without making too much noise." Ogata suddenly said to Kazema, "but now it seems...there is no need to insist on a silent assassination anymore. NS."

Speaking of this, Ogata deliberately glanced at the casino that had been messed up by them, and then smiled helplessly.

"In this situation...just use the'Ogata Ryu Assassination Method' directly. It saves time and effort."

"What's that?" Wind Demon asked in confusion.

"This is an assassination method I created. It was used in Ezo land to deal with a **** who almost killed Ah Ding."

"As for the specifics of this assassination method, you will know immediately."



Dafo Kaoru was full of displeasure at this time.

He asked Ogata who they were, but they not only ignored him, they were still whispering to each other.

If it's normal, he might lose his temper early.

But now he is holding it back.

Because he saw the guards lying all over the floor.

These two are not easy to provoke!

Dafo Kaoru didn't want to offend a pair of extremely skilled people too much.

Just when he rushed to the second floor under the leadership of the person in charge of the casino, Dafo Kaoru knew from his mouth the cause and result of this farce-the cause of this farce was simply because Takashi used a rather unreasonable way to make These two people just gave up their positions.

It's not a big deal, there is room for peace talks.

The Great Buddha Kaoru took a few deep breaths, making his face look as soft as possible, and said to Ogata:

"I have just understood the cause and course of the matter."

"It was Inuzi who was not polite and offended the two. On behalf of Inuzi, I apologized to the two."

"To apologize, I would like to give two hundred taels each."

"Look at the two..."

Before Dafo Kaoru had finished speaking, he suddenly saw a flower in front of him-Ogata, who had been talking to the wind demon, suddenly made a mistake with his feet, and pounced at Dafo Kaoru like a tiger down the mountain.

Fengma was stunned for a moment, and followed Ogata with his sword in his palm.

Looking at the two of Ogata who suddenly came to him, Kaoru Dabutsu's face changed drastically.

--what happened? ! Did I say anything to offend them?

The sudden change in front of him immediately messed up Dafo Kaoru's mind.

But at this moment, he saw a person stepped laterally and stood in front of him-it was Shirakawa.



Shirakawa is very excited now.

After following the big Buddha Kaoru into the casino, Shirakawa was quite excited after seeing the corpses all over the floor.

——Unexpectedly, I just want to come to the casino to play two games, and I can meet such a powerful player!

Shirakawa drew a knife in his hand, stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips.

Shirakawa has been studying swordsmanship at a sword museum in the Tohoku that teaches Ono Kazuma.

Shirakawa, who is exceptionally talented, has always been a star in the sword hall.

But I don't know when, Shirakawa suddenly felt that using an undead wooden sword to practice swords was too boring.

So Shirakawa drew out the real sword, and then urged one of his juniors who respected him to use the real sword to compete with him.

He severely wounded his younger brother with a knife.

Knowing that he had done such a thing, he would not be accepted by the master, so he hurriedly left the sword hall, left the northeast, and started life as a ronin before the master discovered what he had done.

After a comparison with his junior real sword, Shirakawa has fallen in love with the real sword showdown in which people are bound to be seriously injured or killed once they fight, as well as the touch of the blade cutting the human body.

The reason why he would attack people and steal money from them was to earn money to live a life on the one hand, and to fight against others with real knives, and to hack people with real knives.

As for the formation of the blood fog crowd after he unknowingly, that's something for later.

Cooperating with the "Big Buddha Clan" and killing people for the "Big Buddha Clan" is just to enjoy the pleasure of fighting and killing while making a lot of money.

Shirakawa hasn't met a decent master for a long time.

Defeated more than a dozen people by just two people-Shirakawa thought he could easily do it.

In fact, Shirakawa had also tried to kill 7 people by one person before.

This is the first time Shirakawa has encountered a master who can counter-kill an enemy several times his own with such a weak number of people like him.

Shirakawa just felt that the blood flow in every blood vessel in his body had increased.

He greeted Ogata with a knife.

Compared to the wind demon with a sword in his hand, he still wanted to deal with Ogata, who was holding a sword like him.

As for ignoring the wind demon, the Buddha Kaoru is in danger? Shirakawa didn't care about it.

Dafo Kaoru is dead or alive, Shirakawa doesn't care-he only cares about whether he can enjoy the fun of fighting against a strong enemy.

"Come on!" Shirakawa yelled, "In Shimoono Kazuki, Shirakawa Hideichiro!"

When Shirakawa rushed towards him, Ogata looked at Shirakawa with a slightly surprised look.

And Shirakawa’s excitement shouting is still not over at this time:

"Let me see if you can make me go all out..."

Before Shirakawa had finished shouting, he saw a blade of light swept over his head from top to bottom.

The one who slashed this sword light-it was Ogata.

Shirakawa's expression suddenly changed, and he subconsciously wanted to raise his sword to block it.

Then he was surprised to find that his body was too late to react.

He can't keep up with Ogata's speed...


Ogata cut Shirakawa's stunned face in half with a knife.

【Ding! Defeat the enemy with Sakahara Ichikyuu·Waterfall]

[Get 100 points of personal experience, and 100 points of experience for swordsmanship "Sakakihara Ichigan"]

[Current personal level: LV40 (2380/6400)]

【Sakihara One Sword Style Level: 14 Steps (845/14000)】

"How...will..." Shirakawa felt the strength of his whole body being lost at a terrifying speed, and his whole body was falling towards the ground.

At the moment he fell to the ground, the last word in this life he heard was--

"Oh... I remember who you are..." Ogata murmured.

When he heard Shirakawa’s name just now, Ogata felt that the name "Shuichiro Shirakawa" seemed familiar.

After reminiscing for a while, I finally remembered-I heard this name from the two of them last night when I interrogated the Scarface and Gao, who broke into Feng Demon's home and planned to dismantle Feng Demon by ten yuan.

According to the two people-this Shirakawa Hideichiro is the leader of their "Blood Mist", currently leading them to cooperate with the "Big Buddha Clan" to help the "Big Buddha Clan" do some dirty work of murder.

Although the two eloquently introduced to Ogata how powerful their leader was last night, Ogata still forgot the name without realizing it-because he didn't care about this person.

Shirakawa, who was slashed by Ogata, did not hold back Ogata and the others for even one second.

After killing Shirakawa, Ogata continued to rush towards the Great Buddha Kaoru.

Several guards standing on the left and right sides of the Buddha Kaoru quickly stepped forward to intercept.

Their interception is still somewhat useful-it succeeded in gaining about 2 seconds for Dafo Kaoru to escape.

Ogata swung several knives and cleared all the "obstacles" between them and the Great Buddha Kaoru in a blink of an eye.

The "obstacles" are no longer there, and only air remains between them and the Buddha Kaoru.

When Shirakawa and his own guards rushed to intercept Ogata and the others, Kaoru Daebu fled back with a panic on his face.

But because Ogata and the others cleared the "obstacles" too fast, after eliminating the guards of Shirakawa and Kaoru Dabutsu, Kaoru Dabutsu hadn't even had time to escape a few steps.

At this time, Feng Mo made a move.

The wind demon threw the sword in his palm at the back of Kaoru's head like a shuriken.

The sword pierced through the air and hit the target accurately-from the back of the head of the big Buddha Kaoru, a little bit of the sword pointed out from the forehead.

Dafo Kaoru shook his fat body a few times before falling heavily to the ground.

"Is this what you call the'Ogata Ryu assassination method'?" Fengma looked at Ogata with a strange expression.

"Yes." Ogata nodded solemnly, "Launch a quick attack against the enemy, and when the enemy has no time to react, kill him-this is Ogata Ryu's assassination method."

Wind Demon: "I can't see what this has to do with'Assassination'..."

The casino at this time can be said to be too noisy.

After Ogata and the others used the "general assassination method" to kill the Big Buddha, Takayuki, who had expected the arrival of the Big Buddha Kaoru as the savior, and Kijiro and others all made panic sounds like killing a pig.

If he stayed here for a long time, Ogata felt that his eardrum was about to break.

Their goal is to kill the Buddha Kaoru.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no longer any reason to stay here, so Fumo Chao Ogata said:

"Okay, brother. Let's go. We have made such a big disturbance. Maybe we have already attracted the official post. We have to leave here before the official post arrives."

Hearing Fengma's words, Ogata shrugged, and then said in a playful tone: "It's impossible for officials to come so soon."

As soon as Ogata's voice fell, as if to respond to Ogata's words, there was a clatter of footsteps on the stairs not far away.

Ogata and Kazema cast a stunned look at the stairs not far away.

The group of people who emerged from the stairs were dressed in black uniforms that Ogata was very familiar with.

And the leader is a person that Ogata is very familiar with...

Seeing these people in black and the middle-aged man who led the group of people in black at the forefront, Ogata's pupils shrank suddenly.

His appearance at this time...like seeing prehistoric animals burrow out of the ground...



After leading his men to the second floor of the Wisteria House, Hasegawa couldn't believe his eyes.

He saw—the goal of their action: Shirakawa had collapsed to the ground with a sword in his face, and he could not die anymore.

The same person who can't die anymore is the Big Buddha Kaoru.

The scene can be described as chaotic, full of corpses, some unknown people stand or sit stupidly on the spot, screaming in horror.

An old man with a bare head, and a man who covered his face tightly with a hat and a face towel, was running towards a window not far away.

Although Hasegawa didn't know what happened in this casino just now, he could think about it with his ass-these two people who were escaping toward the window were quite suspicious.

"The three groups stay here! The rest will go with me to catch the two!"

As soon as Hasegawa’s order was given, the two mysterious men just broke the window and fled outside the house.



"Brother, let's escape separately." As soon as he escaped from the wisteria house, Fengma suggested to Ogata, "The two of us fleeing together are too conspicuous, and there is no way to distract them."

When escaping, run away separately to reduce the visibility and weaken the power of the pursuer-this is also common sense when escaping.

Ogata nodded vigorously and responded to the wind demon with his actions.

"After that, let's meet at my home." After leaving this sentence, Feng Mo turned alone into the alley next to it.

Hasegawa, who was closely behind Ogata and the others, saw the two mysterious men split their forces, so he could only divide his team into two groups, and a competent cadre was responsible for chasing the old man, and he himself was responsible for chasing. The guy wearing the hat.

--hateful! This guy can really escape!

Hasegawa looked bitterly at the back with a hat in front of him who was unable to get closer.


Suddenly, a hint of surprise flashed in Hasegawa's eyes.

Because Hasegawa suddenly noticed the sword on the waist of the man in the hat.

The light is too dim now, plus the distance is a little far away, so I can't see clearly the shape of the saber on the waist of the man in front of the hat.

But Hasegawa vaguely felt that these two knives were familiar...

At this moment-the man in the hat who was rushing along a path suddenly turned right and turned into a path on the right.

Hasegawa, who was clinging to the **** of the man in the hat, followed and turned into the trail on the right, but was surprised to see that there was no one in front of him.

Looking around, no matter where you are, you can't see the figure of the man in the hat.

Hasegawa, with a deep face, gave new orders to his men behind him:

"As a group of 4 people, spread out and search. After you find the man in the hat, don't just go forward. First use the fireworks to tell the position of the man in the hat."

All subordinates: "Yes!"

These subordinates of Hasegawa showed extremely high quality at this time. Under the order of Hasegawa, the people quickly divided into groups of four and scattered around to search for the trace of the Tokasa man.

Hasegawa was not idle either.

There are many alleys here, and if you say where is the best place to hide, it is no doubt whether it is an alley, so Hasegawa personally took a group of four into a dark alley next to it.

I don't know how long this alley is. Tonight happens to be a moonless night. Looking forward, I only see the seemingly endless darkness.

After going deep into this alley, not only the front is pitch black, but the back is also shrouded in darkness, and only a little light from the entrance can be seen.

Walking in the front, Hasegawa, carrying a lantern painted with the three Chinese characters "Huo Pi Gai", moved forward little by little.

"Everyone should be vigilant." Hasegawa warned the four subordinates behind him, "not only the front and the back, but also the top of the head..."


At this time, Hasegawa heard the sound of a heavy object crashing down behind him.

--not good!

Shocked in his heart, Hasegawa, whose pupils shrank suddenly, looked back.

I saw that the man with hats who had just disappeared appeared behind him-to be precise, the man with hats who had just been ambushing on the roof next to him, Yu had just jumped off the roof and appeared behind Hasegawa.

As soon as his feet landed, the man in the hat waved his hands and slashed the necks of the two closest to him with two hand knives.

After the two people were stunned, they rushed to the other two without stopping, and stunned the other two as well.

Therefore, the speed of the people is too fast, and the four subordinates of Hasegawa may not have seen who stunned them.

Hasegawa did not rush forward.

Instead, he quickly put his hand into his arms and pulled out a short tube that can be fired by just pulling the rope.

However, before he had time to aim the short tube at the sky, the man in the hat jumped in front of him, holding Hasegawa’s mouth with his left hand, and grabbing Hasegawa’s arm holding the fireworks with his right hand, and twisting it to Behind Hasegawa.

The painful Hasegawa couldn't help but loosen his right hand, and the fireworks fell to the ground.

Seeing that the plan to use fireworks to send orders to the rest of the men had failed, Hasegawa's eyes flashed a cruel look.

Just when he tried to use his own good at Jiu-Jitsu to deal with this man in the hat, he saw the man in the hat put his head close to his ear.

Then ~www.readwn.com~ a fairly familiar male voice came into Hasegawa's ears:

"Mr. Hasegawa, it's me."

"Huh?" Hasegawa's eyes suddenly widened, and the strength that had been fighting against the Dou Li instantly dissipated.

"Mr. Hasegawa...why can I see you no matter where I go..." Tokasato...or Ogata smiled wryly and pulled the kerchief off his face with his free left hand.



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