I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 619: Ogata: Why can't you let me keep a low profile? 【Five thousand four...

Ogata has always had no liking for Yakuza.

Don't do anything proper, only bullying the weak-if someone can have a good impression of such a group, then Ogata really wants to see if the person's head is flooded.

But I hate it. If this big Buddha Ryuzhi can ask Ogata and the others to give up their position in a friendly manner, Ogata is not unreasonable, after all, it is just a small matter.

However—Dabutsu Takayuki's arrogant attitude of commanding Ogata to do what he wanted with a superior attitude made Ogata quite unhappy.

This reminds Ogata of the arrogant and unreasonable attitude to ask his brother to kill each other in Genou Matsudaira.

Since that night, Xu Jian has been extremely disgusted with this kind of guy who thinks he is a good person and has an arrogant and unreasonable attitude.

This strong disgust turned into an unnamed fire burning in Ogata's chest.

This unnamed fire made Ogata kneel and sit firmly in place, without any interest or plan to listen to Takayuki's orders.

Originally, Ogata's heart had already ignited an unknown fire, but the new words that Takayuki said just now made the fire in Ogata's heart even more prosperous.

Ogata’s favorite light green color has always been considered a very old-fashioned color in this era, and only the hillbilly would wear light green clothes.

Kyoto is the hardest hit area that discriminates against light green.

Someone hates what you like—this is understandable.

But this guy scolds what you like in front of you, that's the guy's fault.

Someone directly in front of him said that the light green haori he was wearing now was disgusting-if Ogata didn't feel uncomfortable, it would be impossible.

What's more, this Haori was bought by Acho, which has a different meaning.

The unnamed fire in Ogata's heart has burned extremely vigorously-and the wind demon sitting next to Ogata, the intensity of the unnamed fire burning in his chest is no worse than that of Ogata.

Fengma is not like Ogata, who has an extreme aversion to people who consider themselves "Masters".

What really caused the nameless fire in Feng Demon's heart to suddenly ignite was what Long Zhi said just now-this guy called him "the old man with a bare head".

Baldness is the eternal pain in Feng Mo's heart.

I don’t know if it’s because I practiced too much when I was young and hurt my body’s vitality, or some other reason. As I grow older, the hair on the head of the wind demon becomes less and less...

Every time you shovel your hair, you can squeeze a lot of hair down...

This made Feng Mo quite panic.

Although he is not someone who cares about his appearance, he is more or less a fan of beauty.

There was a panic in his heart, and he thought of a lot of ways to remedy it.

The doctor did not know how many medicines he had seen, and how many medicines he had drunk.

The result was useless.

The doctor could no longer help him, so Feng Mo turned to a folk remedy instead.

For example, Feng Mo once heard from a friend that eating kelp seemed to help grow hair, so during that time he ate kelp for a month, but after eating it until he smelled kelp, he felt like vomiting. Feng Mo's hair Still getting sparse...

The first thing that fell clean was Feng Mo's forehead and hair on the top of his head.

Fengma originally didn't shave Tsukidai's head, but kept his hair like Ogata.

But after the forehead and top of the head fell clean, Feng Mo had to comb his head for a month.

When someone asked him why he suddenly changed his hair style, he said: Recently, I suddenly felt that the moon generation head is also pretty good-looking, so he changed to the moon generation head.

Just use self-deception to cover up the fact that you are bald...

However, the fall of hair has not stopped...

Soon, the hair on the back of the wind demon's head and temples also fell clean... even the chance of keeping the moon generation head disappeared.

Until there was no more hair on his head, faced with the cruel fact of "I became bald", Feng Mo had to gritted his teeth if he didn't want to accept it...

Since then, words such as "bald head" and "bald head" have become forbidden words for Feng Mo.

He hates someone saying that he has a bald head.

Ogata and Kazema were still sitting on the spot, turning a deaf ear to Takayuki's orders just now, which made many people present who knew who the Buddha Takayuki was and could not help but look horrified.

"One step."

Someone walked quickly to Ogata's side at this time, lowered the volume, and said anxiously:

"This person is not easy to provoke. He is the next leader of the ‘Big Buddha Clan’ who is in charge of this casino. If he provokes him, he may die, so hurry up and listen to him and leave."

When this kind person kindly persuaded Ogata to leave quickly, Takayuki's expression changed rapidly in just a few breaths.

He was surprised at first.

It's been a long time since no one dared to be in their "big Buddha clan" territory, so that it would not give him face as the leader Yizi.

Then the astonishment on his face turned into anger.

At this moment, Kijiro and his subordinates were nearby. In my arms there is still the woman I hooked up with.

With the presence of both his subordinates and women, Ogata and Kazema's attitude of ignoring him made him extremely faceless and unable to step down.

Then, the anger turned into a smile.

This is not a happy smile.

But sneer.

"Go away!"

Ryuzhi's "get away" was yelled to the kind man who advised Ogata and the wind demon not to do anything.

From the looks of the good-hearted person, he is just an ordinary civilian—how can he dare to challenge the powerful Yakuza?

After hearing Takayuki's "get away", the person immediately turned pale, his legs trembled, and walked away from Ogata's side tremblingly.

In order not to be implicated, the gamblers have also stayed away from Ogata and Kazema.

With the two Ogata as the center of the circle, an empty space was cleared due to the distance of the gamblers.

Long Zhi, eager to find face in front of his men and women, shouted aggressively at the six bodyguards behind him: "Give me the two guys'please' and go!"

When talking about the word "please", Longzhi specially emphasized his tone.

After receiving Ryoshita's order, the six bodyguards strode towards Ogata.

Some spectators who were standing not far away, watching silently, involuntarily cast pity at Ogata and Fengma.

In their eyes, even if Ogata and Fengma did not die in the end, there is a high probability that they would not lose half their lives.

Yakuza is like this. They are the best at bullying people.

As for Takashi—the corners of his mouth are now slightly upturned, with a smug smile.

-Humph! It seems that the man in the hat is also a self-righteous fool!

Takashita consciously identified Ogata as the kind of arrogant who thought he was good at swordsmanship, and no one could help him.

This kind of arrogant people have seen a lot before Long Zhi-these arrogant people without exception, have been given a severe lesson by their "big Buddha clan".

Takayuki equated Ogata with the kind of arrogant who thought he was powerful but were actually vulnerable.

As for Wind Demon-Long Zhi never looked at him straight from beginning to end.

Ryuzhi didn't think that a bald old man who didn't even carry a weapon was worth paying attention to.

The six bodyguards of Takayuki were getting closer and closer to Ogata and the others.

And Ogata and Kazema at the center of this incident are still sitting quite calmly in place.

"Brother." Fengma, who put his hands around his chest, asked Chao Ogata softly at this time, "I have a suggestion. Are you interested in listening?"

"Please say."

"Stay here again and wait for the big Buddha to come out. I don't know when to wait." Fengmo slowly said, "We simply tie this big Buddha Ryuzhi back and tortured him about the residence of the big Buddha, how about?"

As soon as the wind demon's voice fell, the six bodyguards of Takayuki had just used a semi-circular formation to surround the two of Ogata who were still kneeling on the spot.

A bodyguard standing closest to Ogata has reached out to Ogata's shoulder at this time.

However... just as he stretched his hand into the air, he suddenly felt his arm being grasped by a "big iron tongs".

This "big iron tongs"-Ogata's hand.

After Ogata grabbed the hand that the bodyguard extended towards him, before he could react, he twisted and fell abruptly, and threw the man to the ground with Shiranui Jiujitsu, and then he slammed the man to the ground. Make a knife to the person's neck and stun the person.

【Ding! Use Shiranui Ninjutsu·Shiranui Jiujitsu to defeat the enemy]

[Get 35 points of personal experience, 30 points of experience for ninjutsu "Shiranui Ninjutsu"]

[Current personal level: LV40 (18706400)]

【Shiranui Ninjutsu Level: 8 levels (70707500)

"Is it a coincidence?" Ogata smiled at Fengma, "We two thought to go together."

"Hahaha, then we two are quite in agreement." Feng Mo chuckled softly, and slowly stood up.

After Ogata brought down their companions so fast that their eyes could not keep up, the remaining five bodyguards changed their faces, subconsciously stepped back one or two steps, and then drew their swords out of their sheaths.

As for Long Zhi who was still proud of his face just now, his face changed slightly now.

These bodyguards of his are all ronins hired by his adoptive father at a high price.

All of them are skilled, and they are experts who have been hired after a strict assessment. Several of them had actual combat experience and had several lives in their hands.

The proud master was knocked down and stunned instantly by the man in the hat—how could this not surprise Takashi?

At this time, the high-ranking members of the "big Buddha family" including Kijiro were also shocked.

Kijiro reacted first, turned his head, and winked at the seven guards they had brought.

The 7 guards were also quite eye-catching. After receiving the wink from Kijiro, he nodded vigorously, then drew his sword in his hand, rushed towards Ogata and Kazema, and surrounded the number of Ogata and the two of them. The number grew from 5. For 12 people.

After Kijirou sent their guards to reinforce, the panic that had just floated on Takashi's face quickly dissipated.

Long Zhi's face now turned into a weird dark red.

The old and the young made his face disappear again and again, and now he only felt the blood all over his head pouring into his head.

There is only one thought left in his mind now.

Ryuzhi exhausted all his strength and shouted out the thought in his mind:

"What are you all stupid for! Come on! Take him down!"

Takayuki now only wants to retaliate against Ogata and Fengma, and get his face back for himself.

No matter how good the skill is, can it still be possible to play 12 with 2?

Although there are more people surrounding him and Fengma, Ogata still has a calm expression, a look that doesn't care about it.

At this time, Ogata pulled out the knife of the bodyguard who had been brought down by him using Jiu-Jitsu, then stood up, holding the knife in one hand, and looked at the 12 bodyguards around him with calm eyes.

"Can you please withdraw?"

"Our current goal is only one person from Dafolong."

"If we can, we don't want to make too much noise..."

Before Ogata's words were finished, the 12 bodyguards shouted, while raising their swords in their hands, they rushed towards Ogata and Fengma.

Seeing these 12 bodyguards leaping at him, Ogata sighed lightly, then maintained a natural standing posture, raising the sword with one hand.

"Shirakawa." Dafo Kaoru said in a deep voice toward Shirakawa beside him, "The subordinates I sent to check the situation at the old man's house have just returned to report." Dafo Kaoru slowly said, "He said-the old man has not returned yet. "

"Have you not seen that old man?" Shirakawa raised his brows.

At this time, the Great Buddha Kaoru and Shirakawa, who were walking side by side, were surrounded by their guards and hurried to the wisteria house.

Shirakawa is also a good gambler, so the Great Buddha Kaoru also invited Shirakawa to play a few with the wisteria house tonight.

"...The old man may not be an ordinary person," Shirakawa said.

At this time, Dafo Kaoru and Shirakawa were discussing the task of "Unloading Ten Thousand Wind Demons" that Dafo Kaoru gave to Shirakawa’s leadership last night.

Both the Great Buddha Kaoru and Shirakawa thought that this was just a very simple task, and there was no possibility of accidents.

However... this was the accident.

The four subordinates sent by Shirakawa to perform this task have not returned. At first, Shirakawa didn’t care, but thought it was the subordinates who had obtained some money from the old man’s house after completing the task and were using the money in Kyoto. Indulge in a certain place.

Their "Blood Mist" is a very loose bandit group with a high degree of freedom for each member. This kind of thing is just commonplace among their "Blood Mist".

The result-until noon today, Shirakawa still hadn't seen his four subordinates return.

It wasn't until then that Shirakawa vaguely realized that something seemed to be wrong.

Although he felt that this kind of thing should be impossible, he reported it to Dafo Kaoru and told Dafo Kaoru: My subordinates may have missed.

Dafo Xun also attached great importance to this matter, and immediately dispatched personnel to Feng Mo's house to check the situation.

The results of the investigation left both Dafo Kaoru and Shirakawa in astonishment—neither the wind demon nor the four subordinates of Shirakawa were found.

Dafo Kaoru immediately added a new order-pay close attention to Fengma's house, and once he saw Fengma or Shirakawa's four subordinates, he immediately returned to report.

But until now, the report received is still "not seeing Fengma and Shirakawa's subordinates."

"...The matter is at this point, and it can be suspected-" Dafo Kaoru continued at this time and said in a deep voice, "The four of your subordinates may have been killed by the old man, and the old man realized that he was being targeted. I absconded."

"...It seems that as long as your remuneration was 10 taels, it is really less." Shirakawa said, "If all of my four subordinates were really killed by the old man without a helper, then this The old man is pretty incredible..."

Although his subordinates may encounter unexpected events now, Shirakawa's expression is still quite calm, and he doesn't seem to care about the life and death of the four subordinates who were sent to deal with Feng Mo.

"So what are you going to do now?" Shirakawa asked, "Are you going to search for that old man?"

"Of course." Dafo Kaoru's expression turned black. "I said before, how can I feel comfortable and convince the people if this guy who caused my brother to enter the temple is not unloaded for ten dollars?"

"Then how do you find someone?" Shirakawa shrugged.

"It won't bother you." Dafo Kaoru sneered a few times. "Even if he is not found in the end, at least his house will have to be burned to relieve the hatred."

"After you find him, tell me. I will go out to deal with him personally." Shirakawa licked his lips. "If he really has the strength to defeat all four of my subordinates, then he is an incredible master... It's a pity not to meet such a master."

"No problem." After Dafo Kaoru sneered, he took a deep breath, "Okay, let's talk about this first, and then we will discuss it in detail."

"When it's time to do business, do business seriously."

"Entertainment and relax when it's time to relax."

"Now let's concentrate on enjoying the fun of gambling."

During the conversation between the two, they had already reached the gate of the Wisteria House.

I couldn't help but want to enter the casino to play a few hands of the Big Buddha Kaoru, his eyes flashed with excitement.

Whether it's the Great Buddha Kaoru or Shirakawa, they didn't notice at this time—not far from them, a beggar was watching them carefully through the cracks in the tattered hats above their heads.

Before Dafo Kaoru and the others entered the wisteria house, the beggar stood up in a hurry and walked towards a dark alley next to him with the tattered rice bowl he had just collected for 2 cents...

In the alley, a man dressed as a civilian is waiting in it.

Before and after coming to this commoner, the beggar said solemnly:

"Hurry up and report to Hasegawa-sama-I found Shirakawa in the "Blood Mist"."

Only a moment later—

"Master Hasegawa!"

A certain young man opened the door and hurried to Hasegawa.

"I found Shirakawa! Shirakawa and Kaoru Buddha are together and entered the wisteria house together."

The young man completed the report concisely and concisely.

Hasegawa, who was closing his eyes to take care of himself, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Does Shirakawa wear weapons?"


"Apart from the great Buddha Kaoru, how many people are there next to Shirakawa?"

"Eight people." The young man reported a precise number. "Except for the great Buddha Kaoru who wears a wedge, all the others wear a sword and wedge."

Hasegawa stood up quickly: "Call everyone! Prepare to arrest people!"

Inside the Wisteria House—

As soon as Great Buddha Kaoru stepped on the stairs leading to the second floor, he saw many gamblers rushing down the stairs in a panic.

-what happened?

As soon as this question popped up in Dafo Kaoru's mind, he saw someone rushing towards him in a panic.

This person is one of the cadres of their "Big Buddha Clan" who is responsible for managing the casino of the Wisteria House.

After seeing the Buddha Kaoru, the person immediately said in a panic tone:

"Mr. Big Buddha, it's not good. Someone is making trouble in the casino. Master Long is in danger!"

Hearing this, Dafo Kaoru's expression suddenly changed, and then he gave the cadre a brief and concise order: "Where is Ryuzhi now? Take me over!"

"Yes Yes!"

The cadre led the Buddha Kaoru to the second floor, and then opened the door of a certain room.

As soon as the door was opened, the scene in front of the Buddha Kaoru greatly changed his expression.

I saw many people who didn't know whether they were dead or alive lying in the casino—these people, as well as the impression of Kaoru of the Great Buddha, were guards of senior officials such as Takayuki and Kijiro.

The guards lay on the ground.

As for the senior officials such as Takayuki and Kijiro, they stood stupidly or sat on the ground.

Ryuzhi and his newly hooked up woman are all sitting on the ground now, looking at a bald old man in front of them with horror, and the one who covered his face tightly with a hat and a face towel. Guys.



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