I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 615: 1 Daosai and Kotaro Kazema’s first collaboration [Six thousand one...

   In the past few months since Matsuhira Teshin left Edo and headed to Ezo Land, Hasegawa has been slumbering at night, and he has shown more energy than ever before to work day and night.

   There is no other reason-his handle was caught by Songping Dingxin.

In the scene in Edo a few months ago, Hasegawa is still vividly vivid-on the eve of Matsuhira's journey to Ezo, he personally approached him, and then told him: I already know that you have embezzled the funds from Huofu Rogue Reform. The secret of speculating coins in order to earn money from the operators.

   At that time, Hasegawa’s cold sweat had already wetted all his clothes...

   Unauthorized use of funds allocated by the shogunate: This crime is not small...

   was removed from the Huo Fu thieves to change the position of chief, and cut off the status of samurai-this is the most ideal and lightest punishment.

However, after deciding to use this method to earn money from the operator’s foot-sending field, Hasegawa had already made the corresponding consciousness. After the cold sweat wetted his clothes, he quickly calmed down and prepared to accept it calmly. Songping Dingxin's anger.

   But who knows—Hasegawa is already conscious of accepting all punishments, and Matsudaira has let him go.

   Matsushita believes that nothing has happened before, and continues to let Hasegawa serve as the chief of the firefighting thieves reform, and secretly promises Hasegawa to continue to rely on the method of speculating coins to earn the operating funds of the footyard.

Hasegawa is no longer an idiot who doesn’t understand politics. He doesn’t know the intentions of Matsuhira Dingxin-Matsuhira Dingxin wants to use this matter to grasp Hasegawa’s lifeline, so that Hasegawa will continue to work for him and shine. fever.

  Matsuhira's deeds can be described as Yangmou. If Hasegawa does not want to lose his official position and head, and wants to let the foot-floating field continue to operate, he must obediently listen to Matsuhira's letter and obediently sell his life.

   If not, Matsudaira can take Hasegawa down at any time and push Hasegawa and his bloodthirsty people into the abyss of immortality.

   Hasegawa has no choice.

   In order to show loyalty to Matsuhira Dingxin and express his obedience to Matsuhira Dingxin, Hasegawa has not dared to slacken in the past few months. In the past few months, Hasegawa has hardly given himself a day off.

   But this busyness is still rewarding. In the past few months, only those big thieves and big gangs with names and surnames, Huofu thieves have caught two, which can be described as gratifying results.

   Although it stands to reason—Matsuhira Dingxin let him go, Hasegawa should be grateful for Matsuhira Dingxin.

   After all, Hasegawa violated the law first, and Matsudaira cannot be overstated how to deal with him.

   He can continue to serve as the chief of the Huofu Thief Reform without any punishment, thanks to the kindness of Songping Dingxin.

   However, although the truth is said, Hasegawa really respects the old man who holds his handle in his hand and can put him to death at any time.

   If possible, Hasegawa would like to never meet Matsubaru Matsuba...

   But the world is so unpredictable, Hasegawa did not expect Matsuhira Matsuba to appear in Kyoto...

   So Hasegawa at this moment has a very complicated mood...

   Matsuhira Dingxin looked like he could see through Hasegawa's body, and after a deep glance at Hasegawa, he smiled and said:

   "I just learned from the mouths of Ota and Kamiyama that you are now at the magistrate in Kyoto, so I can't wait to call you over."

   "The reason why you came to Kyoto, I have heard Ota and Kamiyama introduced just now."

   "How? Did you find the clue to the blood fog crowd?"

   The topic involved his own work, Hasegawa's face instantly became serious, and his tone became agitated:

   "We have now obtained the exact information from the informant-the blood mist people are now in Kyoto."

   "It can be confirmed so far: Their base is probably located in the western suburbs of Kyoto. It will not take long for us to confirm the specific location of their base."

   Matsushita nodded softly: "Good job."

   "I just heard from Kamiyama: At present, several people in Kyoto have been victimized by this **** crowd."

   "Counting the people who were killed by the Blood Mist before, there are countless victims."

   "Hasegawa, you must arrest this scumbag as soon as possible."

   "Yes!" Hasegawa said in a loud voice, "I'm sure there will be a dead end!"

As soon as    Hasegawa’s voice fell, Matsudaira’s mouth curled slightly, and a smile emerged from the curled mouth:

   "I can see all your achievements during this period of time. Your hard work and achievements have made me quite satisfied. It is really hard work for you, Hasegawa."

   "If only... every official of the shogunate could be as outstanding as you..."

   At this time, a trace of loneliness flashed in Songping Dingxin's eyes.

   "I remember that you seemed to have played the fire to pay the thieves before, and the funds were insufficient, right?"

   "I will proceed to make arrangements later to increase the allocation of funds for the fire payment thieves reform."

  Matsuhira Dingxin's voice fell, Hasegawa was taken aback for a moment, and then there was joy and excitement that could not be concealed on his face.

   "Thank you, Master!" Hasegawa hurriedly bowed his head and thanked him.

   Matsuhiro Dingxin smiled and nodded, then waved his hand:

   "Okay, I am relieved to see that you are so energetic. You should withdraw first."

   "Ah, Kamiyama." Matsudaira turned his eyes to Kyotocho, who was sitting next to him.

   "Yes." Kinabalu bowed his head.



   Hasegawa and Kamiyama left the room one after another.

   After moving enough distance from the room where Matsuhira Dingxin was located, Kamiyama said to Hasegawa in a half-joking tone:

   "The old master's method of'beating you while giving you benefits' is really used more and more skillfully. But this is also good, it won't force you to sell your life ignorantly, but also knows how to benefit you."

   Hasegawa told his friend about the fact that his handle was caught by Matsuhira Teshin.

   Hearing this joking ridicule from Kamiyama, Hasegawa put on a complicated expression. After smiling, he asked Kamiyama:

   "Kamiyama, why is the old man here? Is it possible that he... really came to make amends with His Majesty the Emperor?"

  As one of the officials of the shogunate, Hasegawa has long heard the rumor that Matsuhira Matsunobu will go to Kyoto to apologize to the emperor due to his previous defeat in Ezo Land.

   But the rumors return to the rumors, whether they are true or not, Hasegawa doesn’t know.

   After all, his status in the shogunate is not high enough to know all the actions of Matsudaira.

   "I don't know about this." Kamiyama said softly, "After all, I am only a small Kyoto town."

   "Lao Zhong called me over just now, just for some of my problems related to the status quo and governance of Kyoto."

   "But... I guess that the reason why the old man came to Kyoto suddenly is to apologize to His Majesty the Emperor."

   "After all, other than this reason, I really can't think of what the old middle-aged man will come to Kyoto for a long distance."

   "...Forget it." Hasegawa shrugged, "Anyway, what the old man came to Kyoto for, it doesn't matter to us, we can do our own thing well."



   As soon as Hasegawa and Kamiyama left the room, Matsuhira Matshinbu let out a sigh, and then said to the Ota who was still in the room with no sadness or joy:

   "Ota, the task of contacting His Majesty the Emperor and setting out the meeting time is up to you. The time should be as soon as possible, and it is best to arrange for me to meet with His Majesty the Emperor within a few days."

   As the new Kyoto Shoichi, Ota has not been in office for a year, but with his outstanding ability, he has mastered the various tasks that Kyoto Shoichi is responsible for in this short period of less than one year.

   The shogunate only controls a quarter of the land of Japan, and the other three quarters of the land are divided by the various domains.

Most of the land owned by the shogunate is in the east of Japan, so the shogunate has absolute dominance over the eastern country.

   But for Western countries, the shogunate’s dominance was much weaker.

  Satsuma and Changshu are both strong, and their relationship with the shogunate is not that much troublesome vassal state. They are basically located in the West.

   In order to better monitor and manage the Daimyo of the West, the shogunate established two special official positions, namely Kyoto Shoji and Osaka Joyo.

   The two cities of Kyoto and Osaka are very close, and they are both located near the junction of the East and the West, which is almost exactly in the middle of Japan.

   The first task of these two official positions is to monitor the great names of the Western countries.

   However, in addition to monitoring the Daimyo of the West, Kyoto Shoji also has another important task, which is to monitor the emperor and the imperial court led by the emperor, acting as a microphone for the shogunate and the imperial court.

   "Yes!" Ota said loudly, "The next official went to make arrangements immediately."

   After arranging the task for Ota Ziai, Matsuhira Dingxin breathed out again, and then raised his hand to support his forehead, his face covered with fatigue.



   Hasegawa just returned to the temporary office he is currently using, and as soon as he picked up the writing brush again, he heard the voice of the newly promoted newcomer-Yamauchi outside the room:

   "Master Hasegawa! Master Hasegawa!"

   "What's wrong..." Hasegawa muttered, then said loudly: "Come in!"

   Yamauchi went into the room bitterly.

   As soon as he entered the room, Yamauchi said quickly with excitement:

   "Hasegawa-sama! I found a new clue about the Blood Mist!"

   Hasegawa raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed: "Say it!"

   "Blood Mist People have recently had a very close connection with a group of Yakuza in Kyoto called the Great Buddha Clan..." Yamauchi talked freely.



   Kyoto, the home of the wind demon—

   "...My brother Ogata, your experience for more than half a year is really a life experience for some people to be wonderful."

  The wind demon shook the glass in his hand and joked at Ogata.

   Ogata only smiled about Fengma's jokes, without denying it-he himself felt that Fengma was very reasonable.

   Just now, Ogata ate a simple dinner with Fengma and drank a small wine, while at the same time he told Fengma in a concise and concise manner of his experience in the past six months since leaving Kyoto.

   At the end, by the way, I also told Feng Mo what his purpose in coming to Kyoto to find him this time.

   "It's a shame." Fengma sighed, showing regret, "You and Komachi previously held the wedding in Edo, I was not able to attend..."

   "Well. Amachi and I also feel very sorry." Ogata also sighed, "If only you could come to the wedding..."

  On the eve of the trip to Ezo Land, Ogata and Amachi held a simple wedding in Edo. They hosted a banquet for family and friends who happened to be in Edo at the time, led by the people in the gourd house.

   They also wanted to go over and invite the wind demon over, but the Kyoto where the wind demon lives is too far away from Edo, so they can only give up.

  The wind demon drank all the wine in the glass at this time.

   "I understand the specific reasons."

   "You want to find a good knifemaker..."

   Ogata nodded, and then pulled Oshaku out of its sheath: "Master Feng, look—this is what my saber looks like now."

   After taking a look at Da Shitian's current blade appearance, Feng Mo slapped his mouth a few times: "Well... the damage is indeed very serious. It is indeed time to find a good knifemaker to repair it."

   "From the point of view of the craftsmanship of your saber, it is true that ordinary swordsmen cannot repair your sword."

   Feng Mo poured himself a glass of new wine.

   "A great knifemaker...Let me think about it..."

  The wind demon half-closed his eyes, his face was contemplative.

  Ogata, Amachi, and Azu that sat opposite Fengma did not disturb Fengma, and let Fengma think silently.

   After an unknown period of time, Feng Mo finally opened his eyes:

   "Oh oh! I think of myself alone."

   "Brother Ogata, do you know Yuji Master?"

   "I haven't heard of it." Ogata shook his head honestly.

   Amachi and Azhu, who were sitting on the left and right sides of Ogata, also shook their heads.

   "It's normal that you haven't heard of it." Feng Mo said, "He is a very low-key knifemaker."

   "It is said that he is a master who can be described as fascinating whether it is the skill of forging a knife or repairing a knife."

   "'It's said'?" Ogata keenly caught a word in Fengmagang's mouth that he had to pay attention to, "Wind-sama, haven't you seen that person?"

   "I haven't seen it." Feng Mo shook his head, "But—you and I both know that there is only a sword in his eyes, and the old man who only knows that he drinks every day has seen that Yuer."

   At this point, Feng Mo shook his shoulders.

   And Ogata also smiled with a smile-he couldn't tell who Fengma was talking about just now.

   Except for Genichi, there shouldn't be a second person in this world who meets the characteristics of Feng Mo just mentioned.

"Although the knife that the old guy used is also a high-quality sword, the knife is always a knife, and it will always be damaged after a long time." Feng Mo continued, "The old guy once found Yu Er and asked Yu Er to help him repair it. Knife."

   "According to the old guy: the skills of the second master are impeccable."

   "The fly in the ointment is that he is a knife idiot. He is a strange man with nothing but a knife, so he has a slightly weird personality."

   "That's it..." Ogata murmured, "Then it seems that it is really necessary for this master Yuji to meet...The wind-sama, do you know where this master Yuji is now?"

   "As far as I know-in Osaka."

   "Osaka?" Ogata raised his eyebrows.

   After hearing the place name Osaka from Fengma, Ogata's heart relaxed a little—fortunately, he didn't hear the name of a place one hundred and eighty kilometers away from Kyoto.

   Kyoto and Osaka are very close.

   The straight-line distance between the two cities...converted to a modern unit of length, it is only 40 kilometers, which is very close.

   If you use the fast horse to take turns, you can go back and forth between the two cities in one day.

  While feeling loose in his heart, Ogata also felt happy in his heart—because Osaka is so close to Mount Koya.

   Koyasan is located in the Kii area in the southern part of Osaka.

   The straight-line distance between Osaka and Koyasan is about 50 kilometers, and the distance between the two is also very close.

  Ogata’s original plan was to go to Koyasan, which is closely related to "immortality," after repairing the sword.

   Since Yuji is now in Osaka, which is very close to Mount Koya, it is convenient for Ogata.

   After finding Yuer and repairing the knife, he can quickly set off to and arrive at Koyasan.

   However, what the wind demon-sama said next, the slightly happy expression on Ogata's face quickly froze.

   "But I only know that Yuer is in Osaka. As for where he is in Osaka, I don't know."

   Ogata's eyes opened suddenly, "Father-sama, don't you know where Yuji is located in Osaka?"

   "I don't know, after all, I have never seen him. I only know that he lives in Osaka now and lives a very low-key life."

   Ogata couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

   Osaka is a super city with a population of one million and is not as big as Edo.

   Finding someone in such a super big city is easy said than done...

   But-not long after Ogata showed an embarrassed expression, Fengma suddenly laughed and said:

   "Although I don't know where Yuer is in Osaka, I can help you find someone to ask."

   "There is an old friend of mine in Daban. He is a Daban know-it-all. If you ask him, he should know where Yuer is."

   Hearing this, Ogata's expression changed a little better: "The wind-sama, what is your friend's name, and where is your friend in Osaka? I will go to Osaka to find your friend..."

   Before Ogata's words were finished, the wind demon waved his hand very proudly:

   "You don't have to be so troublesome, can I go to Osaka with you? I'll help you to ask my old friend in person."

   At this moment, whether Ogata or Acho, they all cast surprised glances at Feng Mo.

   "Kaze-sama, you want to join us and Osaka?" Ogata exclaimed.

"Brother Ogata, you are very lucky to be here really in time." Fengma smiled softly, "Just two days ago-Senbei, whom you also met, just wrote to me and invited me to his Osaka. Home as a guest."

   After hearing the slightly strange name of "Senbei", Ogata was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly remembered who this person was.

   This person is an old subordinate of Feng Mo.

  On the eve of the formal disbandment of the wind demon in the wind demon, he had only three poor subordinates left under his command-this immortal soldier guard was one of them.

Earlier, after the Battle of Nijo Castle, when Ogata was recuperating at Fuuma’s house, the three old men of Fuuma headed by Senbei once went back to Kyoto to visit Fuuma. Ogata and Amachi met at that time. Xianbingwei three people, and these three people have a fate.

  According to Feng Mo's previous introduction to his three old men, this fairy guard is now settled in Osaka.

   "I originally planned to be a guest in Osaka at the invitation of Senbei after some time."

   "Since you are going to Osaka now, I will walk with you."

   "By the way, I will also help you to personally ask if my friend who lives in Osaka knows Yuji's residence."

   "So it seems-we are very lucky." Ogata smiled happily, "If it is late for a while, I will pass by you who went to Osaka to find Senbei."

   "That's why I said you were lucky." The wind demon laughed loudly, "How? Would you like me, an old man, to walk with you?"

   "Is it necessary to ask?" Ogata hurriedly said, "Of course I do."

   Ogata has always been fond of Fengma, a funny old man who has helped him and Amachi a lot.

   As for the wind demon who was willing to help them find Yuji after they arrived in Osaka together-Ogata couldn't think of half a reason for refusing to go with him.

   And I have known Feng Mo for a long time, and the relationship with Feng Mo is also very good, Ah Ding, she is also very happy and excited at this time.

   But at this moment... a discordant voice suddenly sounded from the corridor:

   "Hmm... my head hurts... eh? What is this?! Hey! Let go of me!"

   After hearing this extremely disruptive sound, the wind demon, Ogata and others, all had expressions.

   "Oh... I forgot about this person..."

   Feng Mo put down the wine glass in his hand and opened the door of the hall-a young man **** with five flowers was randomly thrown on the corridor outside the hall.

   This young man is exactly the little hairy thief who stole from Fengma's house and was knocked out by Fengma's chain under the eyes of Ogata and others.

  Because he has been busy chatting with Ogata and others, and has no time to deal with him, he has been **** and thrown in the corridor like this.

   "Don't make a noise." Feng Mo said lightly, "I will send you to the office later, so you can sleep for a while."

   After hearing the word "honor", the young man's face showed a blatant look of fear.

   "Hurry, let me go! Do you know who I am?! I'm the brother of the boss of the Big Buddha clan! I..."


   Before he finished speaking, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Feng Mo slapped a hand knife on the back of his neck. The little thief rolled his eyes and passed out again.

   "What is the Big Buddha family?" Ogata asked.

   "It seems to be a Yakuza gang in our local Kyoto." Feng Mo sneered a few times, "It's just a bunch of scorpions, don't bother."



Regarding the three old men of the wind demon headed by Senbei, and the plot where Ogata and Amachi met with them, it comes from the "Last Wind Demon Kotaro" with more than 30,000 words. The full order of this chapter is located in the table of contents. Between Chapter 343 and Chapter 345 of Volume 6.

   Those who haven't read this chapter, you can go and check it out. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't read it, and it doesn't affect your reading. As long as you know that Senbei is the old subordinate of Wind Demon, and Ogata and Amachi have seen these old subordinates of Wind Demon.

In order to allow readers who are not familiar with Japanese geography to read this chapter better, the author released a map of Japan in the commentary of this paragraph, which marked the distance from Kyoto to Osaka and from Osaka to Koyasan (only at the starting See this review)→→


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