I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 614: Yes, the old people in Kyoto are like this (seriously) [...

   Kyoto, the home of the wind demon——

   In the hall, the three Ogata sat opposite Fengma.

   In the middle of the two sides, there are the tea that Fengma has just put up and the Kyogashi that Ogata has just bought as a meeting ceremony.

   Sitting on the right side of Ogata, Azuki, because it was the first time he met Fengma, he was a little restrained, and he felt as if he was sitting on the ground with his body shrinking together.

   "I haven't seen you two for a while." Feng Mo let out a sigh and said with emotion, "I haven't seen you for half a year, you two seem to have become a lot more mature."

   "I think it's become a lot more rugged." Ogata raised his finger to his right shoulder, and said in a joke.

   The Haori that Ogata is wearing now is worn on her body before going to Ezo.

   The clothing craftsmanship of this era is naturally incomparable with modern clothes made under modern operations.

   This Haori has been worn for so long and has gone through so many things with Ogata, and it has long become "vulnerable".

   Finally-on the way from Owari to Kyoto, Ogata raised his hand to fetch something, only to hear a "chi-la", and a small hole was torn in the part of Haori's right shoulder.

   Fortunately, this small hole is not very conspicuous.

   Except for this Haori, Ogata has no extra Haori to change, so he can only wear this Haori, which has a hole in it, and keep going.

   "There is a face that has never met." Feng Mo looked at Ah Zhu with a curious look, "This one is?"

   "This is a new friend of Amachi and I." Ogata introduced first, then looked at Azuki, and motioned to Azuki to introduce himself with his eyes.

   Azhu turned his head, looked at Ogata beside him, then looked at Fengma again, his face hesitated.

"This is a trustworthy person-I can assure you of this." Ogata said softly, "After all, you see-even me, the most wanted criminal in the shogunate, can show his face generously in front of him. ."

   "So in front of him, there is no need to worry about issues such as identity exposure, you can boldly say your name and true identity."

   Hearing Ogata's words, the hesitation on Azuki's face slowly faded.

   After straightening his waist, Azhu introduced himself loudly:

   "Meeting for the first time! My name is Azhu! It's Iga Ninja!"

   "Iga's Ninja?" Feng Mo raised his eyebrows in shock.

   However, he just froze for a few moments, and then quickly returned to his mind, bowing to Ah Zhu in return.

   "Meeting for the first time. My name is Fuutarou. As you can see, I am an ordinary old Kyoto man."

   Fengma chose to conceal his true identity as Ogata expected.

   "Ordinary... Old man from Kyoto...?" At this time, Azhu looked up and down Feng Mo with a weird look, "But... I just saw you knock a big man to the ground with a chain..."

   "Huh? Isn't this normal?" Feng Mo put on an innocent expression.

   "This can't be normal, right?!" Azhu's complaints were timely and in place.

   "The old people in Kyoto are like this."

   "Can the old people in Kyoto easily throw out the chains and knock down people?" Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"I mean the old people in Kyoto are very fond of tempering martial arts." Feng Mo said solemnly, "Kyoto has a thousand years of history. Since ancient times, this place has been a battleground for military strategists, and countless forces are here for you and me. "

   "Over time, in order to defend themselves, the people of Kyoto gradually became more martial arts."

   "In Kyoto, even the elderly love to practice martial arts."

   "When I was young, I practiced some swordsmanship and iron chain skills with a certain master. Even at this age, I have never slackened my practice, so in terms of my skills, I still think I am better than ordinary people."

   "Is that so?!" The little hillbilly who knew nothing about Kyoto, his eyes widened at this time, "So Kyoto people are so powerful..."

   "That's right." Fengma nodded seriously, "That's it. Kyoto people are like this."

  The wind demon just said nonsense seriously, Ogata and Amachi stopped from beginning to end.

   The two of them have been so hard to bear their laughter...

   But they can't click on the "Ordinary Kyoto Old Man" persona created by Po Feng Demon. After all, he is a reclusive person, and it is impossible for him to confess his identity as the "Seventeen Mee Demon Kotaro" straightforwardly.

   In order not to laugh out loud, Ogata decided to find something to do.

  After the dialogue between Fengma and Azuki was over, Ogata turned to look at the young man who was **** with five flowers not far away, and asked Fengma:

   "Master Feng." Ogata referred to Fengma by the pseudonym, "Who is this person?"

   This young man **** by the five flowers is exactly the guy who seemed to be trying to open the door and flee, but was knocked down by the wind demon.

"Oh, this is just a little thief." Feng Mo said lightly, "I probably saw that this house is only living with an old man, so I sneaked into the house, planning to steal some valuables, and then I was arrested. live."

   "In order to prevent him from escaping, I took out my iron chain and prepared to restrain him with my iron chain."

   "You will know what's next."

   "He won't be able to wake up for a while now, I'll turn him to the post office later."

   "It turned out to be a little thief..." Ah Ding Chao Na was still in a coma, "This man is really shameless, he came to steal an old man's house..."

   "That's right." Feng Mo nodded, "And if he wants to steal something, he would be too ignorant. There is nothing to steal in my house."


   Ogata agreed in his heart, while raising his head, looking around, a helpless look appeared on his face.

   "Master Feng... Why is your home dirty again..."

   Ogata vaguely remembered-when he first came to Fengma’s house more than half a year ago, Fengma’s home was like an uninhabited haunted house...

   A Ding stepped on with a bare foot, and when he lifted it up, there was a complete small footprint on the ground, and A Ding's feet became as if they had been painted with ink.

   At that time, he and Ah Ding worked together to clean up the wind demon's house, giving the wind demon's home a new look.

   However, after only half a year, Feng Mo's house seems to be returning to its former state...

   "Haha..." Feng Mo smiled awkwardly, "When I get older, I don't have any motivation to clean my home..."

   After all, in order to conceal his embarrassment, Feng Mo coughed softly, and then changed the subject very bluntly.

   "Okay, let's change the topic."

   "Brother Ogata, you have been amazing for half a year since you were separated from you. I've heard about it-you broke the 10,000 army of the shogunate in Ezo."

   "Even you know this..." Ogata raised his hand and touched the back of his neck.

   "Your feat of defeating the shogunate is now almost spread throughout a small part of Kyoto." Feng Mo was surprised, "Obviously it has only been separated for more than half a year. As a result, you have achieved such a remarkable achievement in just half a year."

   "You can tell me what you have been doing in the past six months. I am quite interested."

   "By the way, tell me about how you found this lovely Iga Ninja."

   Feng Mo turned his head and looked at Ah Zhu.

   An imperceptible and meaningful light appeared in his pupils.

   "As far as I know... the legendary Iga no Sato is long gone..."

   "My story for more than half a year, but it is very long and very complicated." Ogata smiled, "Without one or two hours, it shouldn't be finished."

   "Then buy some wine and vegetables." Feng Mo smiled his palms, "It just so happens that it's almost dinner time, I'll cook some food, buy a few more bottles of wine, and we will talk while eating."

   After that, Feng Mo stood up.

   "You three sit here for a while, I'll go outside to buy some wine and come back."

   And Fengma just stood up, and Ah Ting also stood up.

   "Master Feng, you can stay here. Just let me buy wine or something."

  'S respect for the wind demon made Ah Ding stand up subconsciously and take on the troublesome and tiring task of going out.

   Let Feng Mo an old man go out to buy wine, while a few young people of them sit here, this behavior is not appropriate anyway.

   "Oh? Are you going to buy wine for me? Do you know where the wine is sold?"

   "Oh, Master Feng. Did you forget?" Ah Ding smiled, "I lived in Kyoto for a while."


Fengma suddenly remembered--Amachi had indeed lived in Kyoto for a period of time. Before Ogata was recovering from his wounds at Fengma’s house after the Battle of Nijo Castle, Amachi also stayed in Fengma’s house to take care of Ogata for a while. Short time.

   "Then Komachi, I'll leave it to you about the sake." Fengma sat back relentlessly, "Hey...just buy 4 bottles of sake and come back."

   Feng Mo reached into his arms, as if to pay.

   When A Ding saw this, he hurriedly raised his hand to stop: "Okay, I will pay for a few bottles of wine."

   After finishing talking, Ah Ding walked quickly towards the door: "I'll be back soon."

   "Be careful on the road." Ogata said loudly as he walked away from the back of Amachi.



   "Nothing has changed..." Ah Ting looked around as she walked in the direction of the liquor store she remembered.

   The surrounding scenery is the same as it was half a year ago.

   But there is no major change. From a certain perspective, it is also a good thing-this means that the city has not experienced any major changes.

   At this time, he was in Ading in a lively commercial street, looking at the bustling crowd in front of him, the corners of his mouth could not help but a smile appeared.

   The enthusiastic sellers, the idle wandering, there are several fierce bargaining sounds from time to time-it is hard to imagine that this city was almost destroyed by lunatics more than half a year ago.

   To the city of Kyoto, Amachi has a different kind of affection-last summer, she reunited with Ogata in this city.

   So for this ordinary and peaceful scene in front of him, Ah Ding has an inexplicable sense of relief.

  Acho soon found a liquor store and bought 4 bottles of sake according to Fengma's orders.

   When she was holding these 4 bottles of sake and was about to return to Fengma’s house, Ah Ding suddenly heard a shout from not far away that made her stop.

   "Guests! Come and take a look! Beautiful clothes! Now we will reduce the price! Look! Such beautiful clothes! Only 200 yuan!"

   "Buying these clothes now, I can also help you embroider the family pattern for free! It only takes half a day to help you embroider the family pattern!"

   A Ding followed the prestige and saw an aunt standing in the clothing store, yelling and selling their clothes.

   This aunt is holding a Haori in her hand. Although Amachi is not a person who knows well about clothes, he can also tell at a glance that the quality of the Haori in this aunt's hand is indeed good.

   Looking at the Haori in the hands of the aunt, Acho's eyes gradually brightened.



  At this moment——

   Kyoto, in the town magistrate, in a certain room——


   In this small room, a middle-aged man sits behind a table with his head on one hand and dozes there.

   The thunderous snoring sound filled every corner of the room.

   The head of the middle-aged man shook back and forth in rhythm with the snoring sound.

   At this time, the middle-aged man's head accidentally slipped off the propped arm, and then the whole person woke up instantly.

   "Hmm...I fell asleep...?" The middle-aged man first looked around with sleepy eyes, then rubbed his eyes vigorously with both hands, "I am really getting older...I am not as energetic as before."

   "Okay." The middle-aged man patted his cheeks with both hands vigorously, "Keep working!"

   The middle-aged man picked up the pen placed on the pen hill next to him, and was about to continue writing on the desk table. When--

   "Master Hasegawa! Master Hasegawa!"

   There was a bluffing sound outside the room.

   "Come in." The middle-aged man with a frown...or Hasegawa put down his pen.

   After obtaining permission from Hasegawa-sama, a young man hurriedly opened the door.

   This young man is named Soujiro Yamauchi. He is a newcomer who has just joined the Huosu Thief Kai recently. Because he is considered a good piece of jade, Hasegawa brought him to his side and prepared to train him himself.

   "How." Hasegawa said lightly, "Are there any updates on the "Blood Mist"?"

  Blood fog crowd-a gang of bandits that popped up in Kanto almost 2 months ago.

   The total number of this bandit group is about 20 people, all members are ronin.

   What they did was extremely cruel and hateful. They intercepted and killed those who were alone, and then took money from the corpse.

   They are also very cunning. They never stay in one place more. After grabbing money in one place, they will flee to other places.

   As soon as this vicious band of bandits emerged, they immediately attracted the attention of the government.

  Because their actions were too bad, and their strength should not be underestimated. After determining that the gang of thieves were beyond the reach of officials from all over the country, the government immediately handed over the case to the Huofu thieves for further handling.

For similar cases, I don’t know how many Huoshou thieves have done. After receiving the transferred case, he quickly traced the whereabouts of the blood fog crowd. After learning that the group was likely to escape to Kyoto, Hasegawa immediately took it with him. People go chasing.

   These days, Hasegawa has been sitting in the Kyoto Office, collecting and analyzing information from various channels, and confirming the current hiding place of the Blood Mist.

   Hasegawara thought that Yamauchi, who looked in a hurry, was here to deliver the latest information about the blood mist crowd.

   But who knows-Yamauchi actually shook his head.

   "No, no," Yamauchi stammered, "Just now, just now..."

   "Straighten your tongue!" Hasegawa said displeased, "You are the official officer of the fire payment thief reform! Look at you now! Hurry and stammer, what do you look like!"

   was reprimanded by Hasegawa, and Yamauchi's face flushed with embarrassment.

   After taking a few deep breaths and calming down a bit, Yamauchi said in a much smoother voice:

   "It's not related to the blood fog crowd."

   "But a big man just came to the office, and he said he wanted to see you."

   "Big man?" Hasegawa frowned again.

   Yamauchi looked around, and after confirming that there were no outsiders around, he walked quickly to Hasegawa's side and whispered a few words in Hasegawa's ear.

The voice of    fell, Hasegawa's expression changed suddenly.

"……I see."

   After leaving these words, Hasegawa quickly stood up, left the room, and ran straight to the place of the magistrate's office.

   While galloping all the way, Hasegawa sorted his clothes and hair on his head with his hands, and confirmed that he had no eye stains on his face after waking up.

   The magistrates in Kyoto were not very big, and in a short while, Hasegawa came to the door of an unremarkable-looking room.

   Standing in front of the door of this room, Hasegawa took a few deep breaths, put on a look as if he was about to enter the execution ground, and opened the door resolutely.

   In the room, sitting on the side is Hasegawa’s old friend, Kyoto Town, who pursues: Kamiyama Koshinosuke.

   The new Kyoto Sochidai who has just been on the job is not long-Ota Souai.

   The one sitting at the top of the room was a middle-aged person who was quite familiar with Hasegawa, but if he could, he would never see him again for the rest of his life.

   Looking at the middle-aged man, Hasegawa immediately acted like a conditioned reflex, entered the room in three steps and two steps, closed the door, and then knelt down in front of the middle-aged man, saluting respectfully.

   "Old Master, it's been a long time since I saw you!"

   The middle-aged man sitting in the first seat of the room~www.readwn.com~ is the Matsubaru who has just returned from Ezo.

   "Yeah." With a slight smile on his face, Matsuhira Masanbu nodded softly, "You and I have not seen each other for a long time. Lift your heads, Hasegawa. Let me take a good look at your face."

   "Yes!" Hasegawa straightened his upper body.

   "...the red blood streaks in your eyes are a lot more." Matsuhira Masanbu said slowly, "After leaving Ezo Land, I made a short trip back to Edo."

   "As soon as I returned to Edo, I heard a lot of your deeds. During the time I left Edo, the results of your work were so amazing that many people in the shogunate praised it."

   "Don't dare to be it!" Hasegawa respectfully said, "I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do as the chief of the firefighter reform."

   Although Hasegawa has a respectful face, he actually smiles on his lips, and he sells criticism in his heart.

  ——Damn, you can really pretend! Lao Tzu worked so hard, it's not because you caught Lao Tzu's **** egg!



   Today’s physical condition is not very good, writing 5000 is the limit...


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