I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 604: Ogata: This is the touch of...Amachi! (holding) [Five...

Before Ogata entered the bath, Isshiki had already soaked in the bath for a long time.

When taking a bath, because the water temperature is too high, the blood vessels throughout the body will expand as a result, and the blood supply to the skin will increase. Relatively speaking, the blood supply to the brain will decrease. Therefore, if the bath time is long, it is very easy Symptoms of dizziness appear.

I felt my head become more and more dizzy, and my cheeks slowly turned pale again due to dizziness and panic.


——Yes... Hurry up and think of a way to get Ichitozai to leave here... or else... I'm going to faint in the bath...

Soaking in the bath until I fainted-this kind of mistake that only children can make, Isshiki doesn't want to make it even if it's death...

At this time, Ogata didn't notice Isshiki's current strangeness--what he could notice was strange. His back is now facing Isshiki, and Isshiki is also facing him. The two are facing each other, and Ogata can only find that Isshiki's physical discomfort is a ghost.

Ogata, who didn't notice Isshiki's body ill, continued to say to himself:

"Even if I don't talk about these imaginary things, but just talk about the real things, I feel that I am still a long way from swordsmanship."

"As far as I know, there is still one person in this world, who is far superior to me in swordsmanship."

Isshiki's astonishment that just dissipated just now appeared on her face again.

"Is there anyone who has a higher realm of swordsmanship than you?"

Isshiki has an almost endless interest in swordsmanship-related topics, and after hearing Ogata's words that she couldn't ignore anyway, Isshiki was temporarily dizzy.

"Yeah." Ogata nodded, "Just what I just said was the senior who named that wonderful state "Transparent Realm"."

Kinoshita Genichi, leaning against the corner, appeared in Ogata's mind in that gesture of drinking very chicly.

"As for his name, for some reason, I won't say it."

Genichi is a troublemaker, his enemies are all over the world, and he can just report Genichi's name casually. Maybe it will cause some avoidable trouble, so in order to avoid trouble, Ogata chooses to hide Genichi's name.

"He can be regarded as my teacher for the time being. Regarding his attainments in swordsmanship, I am sure that he is only looking back."

The creation of the "Two Swords Style of No Self" and "The Breath of the Source"-these two achievements alone are enough to make it difficult for Ogata to compare with Genichi in terms of swordsmanship.

Isshiki's cheeks are now covered with shock.

In Isshiki's eyes, Ogata, who has achieved two miraculous feats of "taking one as a hundred, punish tyrants" and "breaking Nijo Castle", is already unrivalled in the world and no one can compare.

But at this moment, I heard from Ogata's mouth that there is still one person in the world with swordsmanship above Ogata-the impact that this has caused on Isshiki is close to the destruction of Sankan.

"Can you tell me where this person is now?" Isshiki shot a fiery gaze at Ogata, "I want to visit him very much!"

——This guy is really obsessed with swordsmanship...

Ogata shook his head:

"Sorry, for some reason, I can't tell you where he currently lives."

"That's it..." A loneliness flashed in Yishi's eyes, "Then... can I ask another question that might be a little rude?"

Ogata: "You can ask."

"Since you said that your master's swordsmanship is superior to you..." Isshiki asked in a cautious tone, "Then your teacher is not the most powerful swordsman in Japan?"

"Well..." Ogata laughed blankly, "In terms of his skills in swordsmanship, he should be the best one in Japan right now."

"But if you talk about combat power alone, I can't say anything."

"In terms of combat power alone, I have never confronted him, but I think I should be on par with him."

"Although his sword skills are better than mine, he is old after all. He is more than 60 years old this year."

"Although he usually doesn't look like an old man at all, his aging must more or less make him lose his physical fitness."

"And I'm young. In terms of physical fitness, I have confidence above him."

"Moreover—he may not be as good as me in terms of his persistence in winning or losing."

"The...persistent to the outcome?" Yishi doubted.

"The way I walk is completely different from the way my teacher walks." The thread sighed, "I pursue victory, and my teacher pursues enjoyment."

"In my eyes, as long as you can win a fight with people, you can use any trick and any weapon as long as you can win."

"Swordsmanship is easy to use, you use swordsmanship, Jiu-Jitsu is easy to use, you use Jiu-Jitsu, and firearms are easy to use.

"And my teacher is not like this."

"For him, winning is the second most important thing. Swinging the sword is the most important thing."

"He is improving his skills and fighting people to enjoy the feeling of swinging a sword."

"So even if I know that using other weapons and other techniques can make it easier to win, my teacher will definitely fight people with swords persistently."

"If I were to confront him, I would probably have something like this: I frowned, thinking about the way to quickly defeat him, while he smiled, uttering the simplest joy of swinging the sword to the fullest."

"I pursue victory far more than him. This difference in mentality can also give me a little bit more advantage in the duel with him."

"Of course-what I just said is just my lie."

Ogata shrugged and smiled.

"I haven't set foot on every piece of land in the world, I have seen everyone, who knows if there will be anyone in this world who is stronger than me and my teacher?"

"So..." Isshiki listened carefully to what Ogata said just now.

Her expression and expression also changed rapidly as Ogata said.

"Is everything just for victory..." Isshiki whispered.

——No wonder... he would say "Swordsmanship should be eliminated" at the beginning... In his eyes, firearms are far easier to defeat the enemy than swordsmanship, so he said such words...

——But... No matter how I think about it, I can’t think of the potential of firearms to replace swordsmanship...

——Ah, it’s not good... I'm getting more dizzy...

The dizziness suddenly violently interrupted his thoughts.

Just now because of earnestly "listening", Isshishi forgot to feel dizzy for the time being.

After Ogata's "speech" was over, the dizziness immediately attacked Isshiki's brain with a more violent trend.

——Can't drag on any longer...I must find a way to get Ogata Ichitosai out of this bath as soon as possible...

Before the words in Isshiki's heart were finished, Ogata's voice suddenly sounded abruptly:

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet." Ogata asked rhetorically, "Your grandpa told me before that you have a sword hall in Osaka. Why did you who opened a sword hall in Osaka show up here? Here?"

Having just chatted with Isshiki, the atmosphere between the two became more harmonious in one go, and Ogata, who is also happy to chat with others in the bath, has aroused his "chat desire".

——Why are you asking me questions at this time...

Isshiki is now crying without tears.

While eager to try to get out of the bath, Ogata asked her questions, which would undoubtedly interfere with her thoughts.

And she couldn't help answering the questions thrown by Ogata.

After all, if Ogata asked her a question and she was silent, it might draw Ogata's attention.

The thing Isshiki fears most now is that Ogata’s attention is drawn and she discovers her true sex...

It's fine to find her true gender on other occasions, but if she finds her true gender in the bath where each other is naked now, then the matter is big.

Not only the body may be seen, but it is also very easy to cause Ogata's misunderstanding, making Ogata mistakenly think that she is a pervert who rushed to the men's bath to peep...

By then, Isshiki might even have a suicidal heart.

Therefore, Isshiki had to answer Ogata’s question, and could only hold back the dizziness in his head, and replied:

"Grandpa and I... can be regarded as traveling around to study."

"My grandfather wants to see with his own eyes how the people in the world under the rule of the Edo shogunate are unhappy."

"And since I was born, I have hardly left Osaka. So in order to broaden my horizons, I haunted my grandfather and asked him to take me to travel everywhere."

"Then how long have you and your grandfather been studying abroad now?" Ogata asked.

"It's been about half a year. After we set off from Osaka, we went all the way to the west until the Matsumae clan turned back. We can be considered to have traveled to the most important places in Western Japan."

"The Matsumae clan is close to the Ezo people's territory, so there are many sights that you can't see in mainland Japan."

"My grandfather and I wanted to live in Matsumae Clan for a period of time, so we can take a good look at these sights that are not seen in Japan."

"But it's a pity-our annual ‘big test match’ in our sword hall will start soon."

"Although my father takes care of everything in the sword hall now, my grandfather is the nominal owner of the sword hall after all, so I can't miss the'big test match'."

"So I can only stop the plan to live in Matsumae Clan for a period of time, and set off to return to Osaka."

"In a hurry, we got on a stowaway boat that can leave quickly. Then, I ran into you in the cabin."

"'Originally'? What's that?" Ogata asked back.

"It's a trial match between our Isshiki Sword Museum and the other well-connected sword centers, allowing the apprentices in the respective museums to compete, in order to test the level of the apprentices in their respective museums."

"Oh oh..." Ogata's face showed the color of memories, and then whispered in a low volume that only he can hear: "It's very similar to our Sakura Kenkan's "Respect God Enwu"..."

Ogata is no stranger to this "big trial match" in Isshiki's mouth—the Sakura Sword Museum where he practiced before had a similar thing: "respect the gods and perform martial arts."

They had an annual apprenticeship contest with the Ishikawa Sword Museum next door.

"Respecting the Gods and Performing Martial Arts" has an extraordinary meaning to Ogata-this is the first time he has used a real sword to compete with others, and it is also the first time he has had a death battle with others in which you die or I die.

"Are you a native of Osaka?" Ogata continued to ask questioningly, "Why do you speak without a local accent?"

Isse and his grandfather didn't look like their grandparents at all, because their accents were so different.

When Zhi Zhou spoke, he had an obvious Kansai accent.

And Isshiki speaks the very standard Japanese Mandarin of this era-that is, Kanto dialect.

——Can't you let me think about the way to leave here quietly...!

Strong resistance to Ogata's roaring impulse, "Okay! Stop talking nonsense! Get out of here!", continued to endure the dizziness in his head, and then said:

"I am a native of Osaka. As early as more than 200 years ago, when Toyotomi Hideyoshi first built the city of Osaka, our family took root and settled in the land of Osaka."

"The main reason why I don't have a Kansai accent is because my mother is from Kanto."

"Grandpa and father are usually very busy, so I was basically pulled up by my mother, so under the influence of my mother, I became more like Kanto people when speaking."

Osaka-one of Japan's three major capitals on par with Edo and Kyoto.

It is also a city that has a strong relationship with Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a hero of the Sengoku period more than two hundred years ago, who once ruled the entire Japan.

In the eleventh year of Tensho (AD 1583), Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who officially set foot on the way to conquer the world, built the Osaka Castle. Since then, the Osaka Castle has become the center of the Toyotomi family's rule.

After the Toyotomi clan was destroyed by the Edo shogunate under the leadership of Tokugawa Ieyasu, Tokugawa Ieyasu did not promote the Toyotomi clan’s capital as a flat land, but kept it, and made full use of its geographical advantages to transform it. It became a huge commercial city, and then slowly became one of the three major cities in Japan.

"I can actually speak Kansai dialect."

After that, Yishi cleared his throat.

"But my Kansai dialect is not very standard, so I don't like to speak it in front of others." Isshiki's sentence switched to some Kansai dialects with inaccurate accents.

"Hmm...I think you can speak Kansai dialect in front of people more." Ogata smiled.

"Why?" said puzzled.

"Because I think your Kansai dialect sounds good."

Ogata has a very peculiar feeling for Kansai dialect.

Because Ah Ding is a native of Kansai, she is from Omi in Kansai.

Amachi, who doesn't speak Mandarin of this era at all, only speaks Kansai dialect.

After listening to the Kansai dialect of Amachi for a long time, Ogata not only has a biased accent, but also has a strange sense of familiarity with Kansai dialect.

Although Isshiki's Kansai dialect is a bit rusty, after hearing Isshiki's slightly rusty Kansai dialect, Ogata unconsciously developed a strange intimacy with it.

Isshiki has heard all kinds of praise since childhood, it can be described as countless.

Isshiji has long been accustomed to the praise of others.

But for some reason-after hearing Ogata's compliment to her Kansai dialect just now, Isshiki felt his heart beat faster.

"Thanks, thank you..."

Isshiki herself didn't notice--a faint red glow appeared between her cheeks.

"Then you and your grandfather traveled to various important places in Western Japan, you must have gained a lot?" Ogata's topic jumped again.

"Well... it's a worthwhile trip..."

Isshiki wanted to continue, but Ogata suddenly turned his head around.

He frowned and cast a suspicious look at Isshi.

"What's the matter with you? Why do you always feel that your voice has become a lot weaker when you speak?"

"Huh?" He was surprised.

——Crap! Oops!

"No, no..." Isshi hastily cheered up, trying to make his voice full of breath, "You got it wrong..."

Although Isshiki tried very hard to make her voice full of breath, her head, which was so dizzy that she couldn't even concentrate, made her efforts in vain.

Not only did the words she just didn't let Ogata dispel his doubts, but it also made Ogata's brows frown even tighter.

"... Isshiki-kun, how long have you soaked in this bath? Are you fainted?"

"No, no..."

"I haven't said it yet, you feel weak when you speak."

As soon as Ogata's voice fell, Isshiki heard the sound of water treading behind him.

Isshiki hurriedly looked behind him--I saw Ogata slowly walking towards him.

"You can take a break outside the bath now, can you go now? Do you need me to help you?"

"No, no, no, no more!" Isshiki's face is now flushed with anxiety, "I, I can go by myself!"

Having said that, Isshiki walked quickly toward the side of the bath while keeping his back to Ogata and covering his chest with his hands folded.

Because of his anxiety, Isshiki walked extremely fast.

"Ah, be careful, don't go so fast..."


Before Ogata's words were finished, Isshiki screamed suddenly.

Isshiki was so dizzy that the whole world was spinning irregularly, and it was not easy to stand still, let alone walk fast.

Sure enough-Isshi just walked out a few steps before he softened his feet and fell towards the water. This sudden change also made Isshi subconsciously let go of the hands that crossed his chest and screamed.

Seeing this, the agility at 18 o'clock and the reflex nerve at 15 o'clock made Ogata move subconsciously.

In the blink of an eye, Okinawa came to Isshiki's back at a speed like a teleport.

Originally, Ogata intended to hold Isshiki's arms from the bottom up.

However, because of the sudden incident, Ogata couldn't grasp the strength and holding position of his hands so accurately.

In the end-Ogata succeeded in supporting Isshiki who was almost falling.

However...the part where he held his hands and the position he imagined...had a slight deviation.

Ogata's hands held on...a little bit forward than under the armpits.

--what is this……?

Ogata, who was already dumbfounded, stared blankly at the person who was a head shorter than him.

At this moment, Ogata felt as if he was about to bounce the palms of his hands.

This kind of touch ~www.readwn.com~Ogata is no stranger-this is the touch he can often experience in Amachi.

Although Isshiki still turned her back to him, so she couldn't see her current expression, Ogata could see-Isshiki's two ears were now turning bright red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Whether it is Ogata or the same color, they are all shocked by the small accident that is happening to them now, and they have lost their ability to think.

The two of them were silent because they had not been able to return to their senses for a long time, maintaining their current weird posture...



Yesterday’s chapter title was harmonized (Leopard Headache Cry.jpg). The original title was "Isshiki: Ogata's Body... It’s Great"

This chapter is a long-lost chapter to relax everyone's nerves after the war. Isn't it too much to ask for a monthly pass?

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! I beg you to vote for me the monthly pass (Leopard has a headache. jpg)

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