I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 603: 1 color: Ogata【Seven thousand six hundred】

Azuki waited restlessly in the room.

Obviously, it has only been more than 10 minutes since Ogata left the room to the present, but Azuki felt that it was as long as an hour.

Finally—in her waiting, the door of the room was opened.

She quickly turned her head and looked around. Ogata and Amachi were following the opened door, returning to the room, and sitting in front of her.

Ogata and Azuki faced each other.

In the gaze of Azuki's expectation, Ogata slowly said:

"If you can do it wherever my wife and I go, you can follow without complaint, then you can come with us."

Ogata’s words are very brief.

But such a short voice made Ah Zhu stay for a while.

After a long while, she finally recovered.

"No, no problem!"

Because of his emotions, Ah Zhu stuttered when he spoke.

As she stammered, she once again unearthed the seat to Ogata in a tiger protruding position.

"Master Yidaozai, I promise that no matter where you go, I will follow along and never complain! At the same time, I will never cause you trouble!"

Ogata nodded lightly, then stood up.

"My room with Naiko accommodates 3 people to sleep. It's a bit crowded. I'll open a single room for you now. You can sleep there tonight. We will leave tomorrow morning."

"As for where we are going later, I will tell you when we leave tomorrow."

Hearing that Ogata was about to open a new house for her, Azuki was flattered at first, but then he looked like he had thought of something, and he hesitated:

"Um... Ichidozhai-sama, thank you for your kindness... but I don't have much money now... I just want to find a pimple general outside tonight that no one passes by just overnight..."

"The hotel money, you don't need to come out. I will help you out." Ogata smiled. "You must be exhausted physically and mentally after floating on the boat for so many days. Tonight is on the soft tatami mats. Get a good night’s sleep. When you leave tomorrow, there won’t be so many opportunities for someone to sit on the tatami."

After learning that the money for staying in the hotel did not need to be given by herself, various emotions climbed on Ah Zhu's cheeks and eyes, and finally-Ah Zhu condensed all of her emotions into one action.

This action is a tiger sitting down on the ground.

I don't know if I used this movement too frequently today, but Ah Zhu now unearthed his seat, becoming more and more proficient.

Azhu: QAQ "No, thank you very much! I...I haven't slept on tatami mats for a long time..."

"Okay, get up quickly." Ogata said helplessly. "You can take a seat to me at any moment, which will make me very troubled. I am not used to seeing someone take a seat to me. You and Uchiko will wait slowly in the room first. Go ahead, I'll go to the counter to open a new room for you and come back soon."

When Ogata turned around and went to the door, when he was about to leave the room—

"Ah, Lord Yidaozhai!",

At this moment, Azuki yelled, and stopped Ogata.

"Before I go to open a new house, can I ask you one more question?"

Before Ogata could respond, Azuki immediately raised her question:

"Master Ichidozai, I want to know how you managed to develop your luck to this level in a few days? It's really incredible! How did you achieve the eruption of your luck in a few days? The power that comes out is freely superimposed on the realm of the weapon? I haven't reached this realm after nearly 10 years of training!"

"Have you been in contact with Yunjin before?"

"Or do you find any quick secrets?"

Listening to the question that Azuki raised quickly, Ogata sighed silently in his heart.

—The time to come will always come...

Ogata knew it—who saw him use his luck to slay his enemies in chain mail like a melon and chop vegetables. It is impossible not to ask him why he could train his luck in just a few days. To this extent.

"In fact, the reason is very simple."

Ogata turned his head and looked at Azuki with a serious face.

At this moment, Ogata, with a serious face, also made Azuki sit up with tension and nervousness.

"I am a genius in martial arts, who knows everything at once."

"It is because of my ingenuity that I, Ogata Ishi, have come to today and have today's achievements."

Ogata said so seriously.

—I finally sent the kid...

In Ogata's field of vision, there was no more of Ashuki.

"What an energetic child..." Ogata said softly.

She had just carried her luggage and went to the new house Ogata opened for her.

The new house that Ogata opened to him was not far from Ogata's room, just next door to the left.

Now, Ah Zhu may have been rolling on the soft tatami floor.

I have to say-the names of executioner Yidaozhai, Shura, and Renzhan Yishi are really easy to use.

In other words, if other people say that he is a martial arts wizard, it makes sense. Others may only think that he is bragging.

But for Ogata, who has gone through hundreds of battles and fought in countless **** battles that others feel has no chance of winning, this kind of statement is very credible.

When Ogata first learned Shiranui Ninjutsu from Amachi, he relied on the saying that he was a martial arts wizard to fool Amachi.

Should it be said that history has symmetrical beauty? Unexpectedly, after about a year in the past, Okinawa used the same rhetoric to fool another female ninja.

Under the flicker of Atsushi of Osaka dialect, A Zhu was finally given to Fudge, so that he would not continue to delve into this issue.

Of course—whether Ogata really believes Ogata’s rhetoric or not is unknown to Ogata.

But Ogata didn't care too much, as long as the child stopped bothering him with this question.

Ogata is suspicious: The reason why the child insisted on asking Ogata to "take in" her might be because the child thought he had an affair with Iga.

After all, within a few days, it was indeed a bit weird to reach a level she hadn't reached in nearly 10 years.

The child suspected that Ogata had had an affair with Iga before, and had learned luck a long time ago, so he planned to hide by Ogata's side to see if he could get some clues related to Iga. This is understandable.

But anyway, Ogata’s request to Ozuki to "take in" her is simply to feel that staying with Ogata can increase the chance of encountering the Iga remnant party, or for other purposes, Ogata doesn’t care much. .

He used Ah Zhu as bait to bring out the purpose of the unknown force that was looking for him, no matter what.

To put it ugly, they and Ah Zhu are just using each other.

But there is nothing bad about such a relationship, and each one takes what he needs.

Ogata only hopes that what Azuki told him is true. There is really a remnant of Iga looking for him. Ogata doesn't want to bring Azuki behind, but is busy.

"Yes." Amachi responded with Ogata's emotion, "He is indeed a very energetic child."

After speaking, Ah Ding took the cloth bag next to him.

"I'm going to take a bath in the bathhouse, do you want to go together?"

"It's still early, and there may be a lot of people." Ogata replied without hesitation, "I will go later if there are fewer people."

Now that there is no human skin mask, going to the bathhouse to take a bath has become a lot more troublesome.

After all, after entering the bathhouse, Ogata can no longer cover his face with hats, scarves, etc.

Amachi also knows that Ogata is not convenient to get in and out of places like bathhouses, so after saying "Then I'll take a bath first," he began to pack up the clothes to be changed later.

"You can go to Azuki and ask her if she wants to take a bath with you now." Ogata suggested, "After tomorrow, we will walk together. You can take this opportunity to get acquainted with each other."

Ah Ding nodded: "Okay."

"Speaking of which-I didn't expect you to agree to let Azuki walk with us so happily..." Ogata raised his hand and grabbed his hair.

"Huh? Why do you say that? Is it strange that I agree to let Ah Zhu go with us?"

"Because... After all, Ah Zhu is a young girl who is not ugly."

Although Ogata spoke very vaguely, Amachi could hear Ogata's illocutionary meaning in an instant.

"My heart is not so narrow that I can't even allow one more female companion next to you." Ah Ding said in an angry manner, "Didn't you have a good relationship with Ms. Gusheng before? Have you seen me say anything about it? When I was working with Ahili and Ayizan in Ezo land before, did I say anything because of Ahili?"

"Ah, so to speak..." Ogata nodded solemnly.

Ogata didn't notice at this time—A thought-provoking smile flashed through Amachi's eyes.

Amachi actually lied to Ogata just now.

A new young and beautiful girl appeared next to Ogata. It is naturally impossible for Amachi to have no lumps in his heart.

But she happily agreed to let Azhu go with him—the main reason is that Azhu is so long that he feels safe.

Earlier in the Red Moon Fortress, Ogata personally told Amachi what kind of girl he liked.

For a girl like Ah Zhu who is much younger than her, Ah Ting has only one thought-what's so scary about this?

At this moment, Ah Ding straightened his waist and chest subconsciously.

When Amachi and Azuki went to the bathhouse to take a bath together, he helped Ogata ask when the bathhouse was closed.

For Ogata, the best time to take a bath is when the bathhouse is empty.

Therefore, it was not until about half an hour before it reached 5 o'clock in the afternoon (10 pm) that Ogata picked up his change of clothes and went straight to the bathhouse of the hotel.

In Japan in the Edo period, it is undoubtedly late at night at 5 o'clock. Walking in the corridor leading to the bathhouse, all around is silent, only the occasional snoring sound is heard, or some children cannot be heard. the sound of.

Fortunately, there are oil lamps for lighting in the corridors of this hotel at intervals, so there is no need to worry about not being able to see the way forward.

Soon, Okinawa came to the door of the bathhouse.

—The bathhouse that comes with this hotel is pretty pretty...it's worthy of being a high-end hotel.

—At this time, there should be no people in the bathhouse.

Ogata opened the blue curtain on which the word "male" was written, and strode into the men's bath.

Just as Ogata thought-it was quiet inside, and there were probably no outsiders in the bath.

According to the bathing rules of this era: To take a bath in the bathhouse, you must first scrub your body before you can enter the bath to take a bath.

Therefore, most bathhouses are strictly divided into two areas: "the place to scrub the body" and the "bathroom for bathing".

The bathhouse in this hotel is the most popular arrangement.

Ogata has always been a person who followed the principle of "short, flat, fast" in the bath.

After splashing two pots of hot water on her body and wiping her body quickly, she walked quickly to the door of the bath.

After opening the door, Ogata was surprised to find that there was a figure in the bath.

-Um? At this time, is anyone coming to take a bath?

Ogata, who was surprised, quickly looked at the figure sitting in the bath through the layers of mist.

The thick water mist obstructed Ogata's sight. After Ogata narrowed his eyes, he could barely see the appearance of this figure.

After seeing the facial features of this figure clearly, Ogata raised his eyebrows subconsciously, and his lips moved involuntarily.

"Huh? Isshiki-kun?"

Ogata breathed a sigh of relief.

The heart that had been unable to take a bath at ease because of the fear of strangers being there was also let go.

"What a coincidence, you actually came to take a bath at this time." Ogata moved his gaze and scanned the bath. After confirming that there was no one but Isshiki in the bath, he strode towards the bath.

Ogata didn’t notice the culprit who was hidden under the water and made Isshiki’s shoulders sore every day because of the occlusion of the mist and the fact that the parts below Isshiki’s neck were soaked in the pool water. The culprit...

Isshiki's eyes... Now it seems to fall out of the eye sockets anytime...

She stared at her eyes wide, and looked stupidly at Ogata who was striding towards the bath.

It wasn't until almost half of Ogata's body was in the pool that Isshiki finally acted like a conditioned reflex, raised her hands, crossed her chest, and then turned around abruptly, facing Ogata's back. .

"Huh?" Ogata looked at Isshiki who suddenly turned his back with a strange look. "What's the matter?"

"No, it's okay!" At this moment, his mind had become a muddy color, panicking and perfunctory.

Although Isshiki said, "It's okay," Ogata looked at Isshiki's back with doubts.

After a while, the doubt on his face turned into a sudden realization.

-Is he not used to "frankly meeting" with others?

People like this are often seen in the bathhouse-they don't like to "frankly meet" with others, especially if they don't want others to see their private parts.

After he turned his back, Ogata no longer paid much attention to the question of "Why Is Isshiki turned his back?" He quietly retracted his gaze and began to concentrate on enjoying the bath.

Ogata is enjoying it now, and Isshiki is enduring suffering at this time-the two bathing in the same pool of water have two completely different experiences.

—How so, what's going on—? !

Because of tension, fright, panic and other emotions, Isshiki's cheeks are now scary white.

—Why is Ogata Ichitosai here? Isn't this a female bath?

—Is he here to spy?

Isshiki couldn't help turning his head to look at Ogata behind.

Now located about 7 steps away from her, Ogata, who is back to her back, is enjoying the soaking in the pool water at the right temperature very calmly.

Isshiki quickly took care of it-if Ogata really came to peep, it would be impossible to sit in the pool so calmly.

And if she was seen in the women's bath, who should have appeared in the men's bath, Ogata should be surprised.

So... a terrible idea emerged in Yoshiki's mind.

"I, I said..."

Despite struggling to control, Isshiki's voice still trembled slightly.

"This is... the men's bath... right?"

"Huh?" Ogata turned to look at Ishiki again, with a look of confusion, "Of course this is a men's bath. If it's not a men's bath, why would you and I be here?"

—Is it because I went to the wrong place —? !

Isshiki screamed in his heart.

Realizing that he had gone to the men's bath by mistake, his face became paler.

-But, but... I remember that when I came in just now, it was obviously the curtain of the female bath...!

-what should I do now? !

While his mind was still in a state of paste, and struggling to think about what to do now, Ogata suddenly said nonchalantly:

"By the way, where is your grandpa? Didn't your grandpa come to take a bath with you?"

"Huh? Hey... I, my grandfather, he has already washed it early..." He said in a panic and hurriedly.

"That's it..." After Ogata asked this question, he didn't ask any more questions, and fell silent.

—He seems to have not discovered my true gender...

Still covering his chest with his hands folded, Ishiki turned his head around again and looked at Ogata behind him.

At this time, Isshiki also gradually calmed down.

The brain, which had recovered the ability to think, also gradually sorted out the current situation, and worked out the most suitable countermeasures for the current situation.

—There is no one else here except Ichitosai Ogata and I...

—As long as Ogata Itosai can get out of here.

—As long as he can leave here, I can also take the opportunity to escape.

—Is there any way to get Ogata Ichitosai to leave here...Huh?

At this time, Isshiki opened his mouth slightly in surprise, and his head temporarily stopped thinking.

Because of the heavy mist, Isshiki didn't realize until now that there were many scars on Ogata's back.

Knife wounds, penetrating wounds, new wounds, old wounds... all kinds of wounds.

Ogata's entire back, due to these large and small injuries, became like a muddy ground after the rain, pitted.

—Okay...Amazing injury...

It was the first time for Isshiki to see so many injured people on his body.

-There are so many injuries on his back, how many injuries are there in the rest of his...

Yishi couldn't help thinking like this.

As the granddaughter of the master of the sword hall, it can be said that she was born and raised in the sword hall.

Growing up in the sword hall, she has long been accustomed to seeing the naked upper body of a man—the apprentices in the Isshi sword hall often take off their upper body clothes after practicing the sword, and then directly use the well water in the sword hall yard. Scrub the body.

Isse often handed them towels and water.

Almost everyone in their sword hall, including her grandfather and her father, had almost no upper body injuries. Even if there are injuries, they are just bruises that were accidentally hit by the wooden sword during the practice of the wooden sword.

There was only one person, with a big scar on his chest—this person was an old apprentice in their sword hall who had studied for many years.

He once confronted a drunk samurai on the street, and had to stop the encounter due to the arrival of officials before he could win.

Although he did not win or lose, the drunk had succeeded in leaving a scar that was not shallow or deep on this person's chest-this is how the scar on this person's chest came from.

After having this injury on his chest, this person often used it to show off to others-look! Do you see it! I'm someone who has fought with real swords!

For some reason, Isshiki wants to grab this but a scar on his chest, so he grabbed it from the guy who was showing off around, and let him see Ogata's body-your little scar, and Ogata Ichisaixiang Than, it's a fart!

—It's really...the unparalleled Ogata Idosesai...

—How many death fights will have to go through to have this kind of scarred body...

—In addition to slaying the tyrant in Matsuhira Gennai and the Nijo Castle in Kyoto, he must have fought an unknown number of fierce death fights that I don’t know...

Isshiki looked at Ogata's gaze, and the emotions contained in it slowly became complicated.

—This is...the best body a real samurai should have...

In Isshiki's eyes, Ogata's bruised body is what a swordsman and a samurai should have.

Isshiki has always had a feeling of disgust towards the kind of samurai with a white body and no scars.

At this moment, Ogata vaguely noticed that Isshiki seemed to be looking at him, so he turned his head to face Isshiki's eyes still staring at his scarred back.

"What's wrong?" Ogata asked.

"Ah, it's nothing..." It was a rude thing to keep staring at others. Ogata discovered her little movement, which made Isshiki's pale cheeks turn red because of embarrassment, "My first I was surprised to see so many injured people on my body at one time..."

"Hahaha." Ogata chuckled a few times, "Sorry, these injuries on my body scared you?"

Isshiki shook his head: "No. On the contrary, I think your body with bruises and bruises is great. I think samurai should be like you, with numerous injuries and injuries. In my eyes, the thin-skinned samurai is not warrior."

"Thank you for the compliment." Ogata smiled, "This is the first time I have heard someone compliment my injury."

"It would be great if all the apprentices in our sword hall were here now." Isshiki continued, "This way, we can show them what kind of flesh a real samurai should have."

"You are a bit too strong." Ogata said with a bitter smile, "In this peaceful world, there are not many opportunities to use a knife and a gun. People like me who have a lot of injuries are purely different."

Although Ogata and Isshiki only talked a few words, these few words of conversation made the originally awkward atmosphere between the two disappear a little bit.

Isshiki's originally flustered heart has calmed down a bit now.

—Think carefully...now is a good opportunity.

Muttered all the time.

—Now there are only two people, Ichitosai Ogata and I...

—If I don’t take this opportunity and vomit quickly, I will definitely not be reconciled in the future...

One color made up his mind in his mind, took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and asked Ogata aloud:

"That, that..."

Ogata: "Huh?"

"Thank you..." Isshiki lowered his head slightly, "Thank you for saving me today..."

Today, when confronting the gang of pirates, if Ogata hadn't appeared in time and helped Yishi to block the knife, it would have been more fortunate.

"It's okay." Ogata, who knew what Isshiki was thanking for, smiled freely. "I just did what I was supposed to do."

"I was so deceived by you..."

Speaking of this, Yishi couldn't help but cast a bitter look at Ogata.

"Your swordsmanship is clearly unparalleled in the world, and you even said that your swordsmanship is mediocre... You are too humble too..."

Speaking of this, Yishi paused, then changed to a volume that only she could hear, and whispered:

"Cause me... to say such embarrassing things..."

After the words, Isshiki's face slowly changed to a weird red.

Thinking of the scene where Ogata said that he was "average swordsmanship" on the boat today, Isshiki felt an unknown fire rushing in his mind for some reason.

Especially when she thinks of what she said to Ogata, "Call her when you get into trouble," the unnamed fire raging in her mind becomes more vigorous.

She doesn't hate humble people.

But in her eyes, excessive modesty seemed a bit hypocritical.

Isshiki thought that Ogata would say something polite to perfuse her.

But who knows—Ogata said seriously:

"I'm not humble. I honestly feel that I am still far behind."

"Huh?" Isshiki cast a surprised look at Ogata.

"I have... entered a wonderful state." Ou said slowly, with a reminiscence, "feeling that the whole body is integrated with the world."

"Any movement of everything around—no matter the leaves falling, or the flying flowers dancing in the breeze, can’t escape my eyes and ears."

"Even the movement of the enemy's bones and muscles, and the flow of blood, I can see clearly, just by looking at the physical condition of the enemy's muscles and bones, I can see through all the actions of the enemy, and then dodge calmly. "

"In that state, to put it bluntly, I feel like I am omnipotent, like a **** who controls the world."

"Because after entering this state, the whole world seems transparent and invisible, so an old predecessor of mine named this state'transparent realm'."

"Until today, I have not been able to fully understand the'transparent realm'."

Speaking of this, Ogata raised his head and looked up at the ceiling above his head.

"And above the'transparent realm', are there any new realms that have not yet been reached?"

Ogata shrugged, changing into a half-joking tone:

"When I think of this, I feel like I'm really far behind. I'm just a frog at the bottom of the well. In terms of swordsmanship, I might still be just a newcomer."

"A liar..." He said in a daze, "Integrate with the world...? Is this a lie?"

"I didn't lie to you." Ogata said, "I have entered this wonderful state twice. But to this day, I still haven't figured out the conditions for entering this state."

If someone else tells Isshiki that there is such an incredible state, Isshiki will definitely think that this person is a liar who can only brag.

However... the person who said this was the famous swordsman Ogata Ichitosai.

This makes the credibility of these remarks straight up.

—Transparent realm...Is there such a magical state in this world...

Suddenly and unconsciously, Isshiki once again recalled their apprentices in the Isshiki Sword Hall and other young masters in the swordsmanship world she knew.

As a daughter of the Osaka Isshiki Sword Museum, Isshiki naturally knows a lot of young masters who are famous in the swordsmanship world.

The people she knows who are also learning swords are still thinking about how to hold the sword tighter in real time. The man in front of her has reached a realm that they can’t understand, and is still raising his head and looking up. Above the sky...

I couldn’t help but compare the few Junjies I knew who were recognized as "yi talents" and "swordsmanship geniuses". sigh:

—The next year and next year will be similar...Why are they so far behind...

-Well? !

Isshiki raised his hand suddenly, UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com covered his head.

Because at the moment, Yishi felt his head dizzy.

After this sudden feeling of dizziness emerged in Yishi's mind, it did not dissipate, but there was a growing trend.

A thought that made Isshiki's face pale again flashed through her mind.

—I'm...I'm so dumb? !



Today is a long-lost chapter of nearly 8,000 words. I have nothing to ask for, just a monthly pass (Leopard has a headache. jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!

By the way: the waistband of women's kimono is very wide, and it is generally stretched under the chest, not exactly on the waist. I read the last chapter and it seems that some readers mistakenly thought Isshiki's Oupai was hanging down to his waist, so I hereby specify...If it is hanging down to his waist, it would be terrifying!

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