I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 591: Ogata: "I'm just an average swordsman" [Five thousand six...

"Mr. Saburo, what should we do now?"

On the stowaway boat, the two guards asked anxiously at a middle-aged man with half-white beard and hair in front of him.

This middle-aged man, known as "Mr. Saburo", is simply the chief and captain of the smuggling boat.

At this moment, looking at the pirate ship that was about to stick to their faces, Saburo looked like earth now, and cold sweat came out of him, holding hands one after another.

As long as people who are not blind and have no brain diseases, they can see it-this pirate ship, which has two more laps than their ferry boat, is much faster than their ferry boat, their small boat No matter what, it’s impossible to get rid of the pirate ship.

After a lot of entanglement and hesitation, Saburo sighed:

"... put the sails away and stopped the boat..."

The stowaways who were sitting in the cabin clearly felt that the shaking of the ship underneath became smaller in one breath.

The ship stopped moving forward.

The sudden stop of the ship made the uneasy atmosphere in the cabin instantly more intense.

Some of the less courageous people even start to sob now.

Of course-those who are courageous naturally have courage.

"This should be... I didn't harm it...?" Ah Zhu firmly covered his mouth with his hands, with a look of shame, "I was just joking just now... I always said that I wanted to pick up money on the ground. But I never succeeded once..."

"Why I just made a joke of'I'm worried that a pirate will come to the door" today, so there really is a pirate coming to the door..."

After whispering in a wronged tone, Ah Zhu stood up.

"Mr. Goro, Ms. Amachi," said Ogata, who was beside Azuki Chao. "You stay here, I'll take a look outside!"

Having said that, Azuki put on a firm expression of "This is my trouble, I can't escape". Before Ogata and the others would respond, he shook his black robe and rushed to the cabin door.

"Wait! I'll be with you..."

Before Ogata's last phrase "I will go with you" could be said before, Azuki's figure had completely disappeared from his field of vision.

"...What a lively child." After spitting out in a helpless tone, Ogata turned to look at Amachi, "How are you feeling now? Can you sit up or stand up?"

"Don't expect me to have any outstanding performance on the boat..." Ah Ding said with a wry smile.

"Then you can continue to rest here." Ogata raised his hand and grabbed the cloth bag that hid Taishaten and Taizao. "I will go back."

At the same moment Ah Zhu left the cabin first—

"...Grandpa." Isshi said in a deep voice toward Zhi Zhou beside him, "Let's take a look on the deck."

"Okay." Zhi Zhou nodded without hesitation.

Isshiki and Zhizhou each grabbed a large cloth bag on their side, and then rushed out of the cabin in three steps in two steps.

There were several other bold people like Ogata, Isshiki, and Azuchi who rushed to the deck to find out.

After rushing out of the cabin and boarding the deck, he saw a "mountain" standing on the left side of the ferry boat under their feet.

-so big!

Isshiki exclaimed in his heart full of astonishment.

That "mountain" is just the pirate ship of YITONG.

He stared blankly at the ship in front of him that was as big as a hill in his eyes, with a shocked expression on his face.

Since Kanei's 10th year (AD 1633) issued the national lock-up order, the long-term isolation and lock-up of the country not only led to the extremely backward Japanese shipbuilding industry in this era, but also caused the vast majority of Japanese people in this era to be people with no vision. .

The crew of the ferry boat, mainly guards, and the stowaways of Isshiki who ran to the deck to check the situation, after seeing the pirate ship of the ant, all appeared as if they had seen the gods. The general look.

YT has now left the bow and stood on the side of the deck opposite the ferry boat.

He has been watching the expressions of the people in the smuggling boat since just now.

After seeing the shocked faces on the smuggled ferry boat, Anttone only felt very dark and refreshing. Fortunately, he had spent all his savings to buy this ship from the Dutch. It was really a right purchase.

But at this moment, Yitton suddenly discovered that a person on the ferry boat did not show a shocked expression.

This ordinary-looking guy was moving his gaze plainly, scanning the Yate ship.

This person is Ogata.

In the eyes of the rest of the Japanese people of this era, this sailing boat of YT may be regarded as a huge monster.

But for people like Ogata who have seen various 21st-century warships such as aircraft carriers with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons through various channels such as televisions and the Internet... After seeing the ships of Antoni, Ogata has only The impression is-"Ah, it's a three-masted sailboat."

Although Ogata did not show any shocked look at his battleship like others did, which made Anttong a little unhappy, but Anttong was not too relieved of this, and only regarded Ogata as that kind of brain that was slightly dull. People.


After clearing his throat, Antton shouted to the people on the ferry boat deck:

"Which is the captain's room of your ship?!"

After hesitating for a while, Saburo gritted his teeth and bit his scalp and walked out of the line.

He didn't have time to say anything in the future, and Anttong continued to yell triumphantly:

"Call me the rest of the stowaways in your cabin!"

"What stowaway?" Saburo forced to calm down, "One step, you..."

"Don't pretend to be stupid with me!" Yitong roughly interrupted Saburo's words, "I have been rampant in the sea for many years! What kind of ship your ship is, can't I see it?!"

"Don't waste time with me! Hurry up and call out everyone on your boat!"

Speaking of this, the smile on Yantong's face slowly became hideous.

"As long as you cooperate obediently, I won't hurt you!"

"I only take women who can sell them for money. As for the belongings on the boat or the rest of the people on the boat, I will not take away or hurt them."

"Of course, the premise is-you all have to listen to me!"

"Otherwise, my 63 brothers and I will kill you all! Then burn your boat into firewood!"

As the voice fell, Anttong winked at a one-eyed brawny man behind him.

The one-eyed brawny man nodded, turned his head and yelled at the 17 men behind him: "Come with me!"

Then, the one-eyed burly man took the lead in pulling out the knife from his waist, and after the approach, jumped off the side of the ship and onto the deck of the smuggling ferry, and his 17 men followed closely behind him.

The pirate boat and the ferry boat of antong are now almost stuck together, so as long as you turn over the ship's rail and jump down, you can jump to the deck of the ferry boat.

After 18 pirates including Cyclops jumped on the deck of the ferry boat, the atmosphere on the deck suddenly became tense.

The reason why Yantong allowed them to board the deck of the ferry boat was to put pressure on the people on the ferry boat.

And he just said the sentence "I and my 63 brothers will kill you all", he also deliberately exposed their number to the people on the smugglers so that they can retreat.

And this "psychological warfare" of Antcom, I have to say-its results perfectly met his expectations.

After One-Eyed and the others leaped on the deck of the ferry boat, Saburo and the others were directly like a concubine.

One-Eyed is one of YITong's powerful subordinates, as well as his powerful cadre.

His height, converted into a modern earth unit, is a full 1m9, far exceeding the average of Japanese men in this era.

Not only is it tall, but it is also strong. Even if you wear clothes, you can clearly feel the majestic muscles under the clothes.

Only one eye socket has eyeballs, and the horrible appearance of nothing in the other eye socket adds a lot of evil to his face.

A person with such a terrifying appearance made the hands and legs of certain guards of the smuggling boat tremble just by standing on the deck.

Saburo is now sweating.

There are only 8 guards on and off the ship.

And now just on board their ship deck, there are 18 people.

According to Antcom just now, he counted 63 subordinates, and the difference in the number of the two parties is a huge difference.

What's more, there is a huge gap in the quality of the combatants on both sides that is visible to the naked eye.

The eight guards on the smuggling boat were all wandering ronin who had no place to go, nothing to do before.

In this age of peace that has been in peace for a long time, the samurai generally have no actual combat experience.

These eight guards are without exception-they are all samurai who only wield wooden swords, without any experience in fighting people with real swords.

As for YITong and others...As desperadoes who make a living by doing things that hurt the world, they can see that they are far more than the guards of the smuggling boat in their blood.

The disparity in combat power visible to the naked eye made these guards unable to raise the slightest fighting spirit and determination to resist.

"Master Saburo..." a guard standing by Saburo whispered, "Why... let's just do what they say... Anyway, it's just a bunch of smugglers... let them take away a few women..."

As soon as the voice of this guard fell, several other guards also cast panic glances at Saburo.

When I heard that Anttong just said that they were only for "sellable women", but not for anything else, the people on the smugglers immediately reacted. This group of pirates is the kind of pirates who specialize in human trafficking.

Saburo, who was hanging his head at this time... He is now tangled to the extreme.

As a smuggler, his professional ethics told him: he should protect these guests who have spent money to ask them to help smuggle.

But his desire for survival and rationality were to tell him: You must not fight against this group of pirates, you must obediently do what they say, so you might survive.

Two diametrically opposed thoughts entangled and fought in Saburo's mind.

In the end-rationality and thirst for survival defeated professional ethics.

If it is a head-to-head confrontation with this group of pirates, I am afraid that the one who took Saburo's head is most likely not the group of pirates, but the group of guards on their ship.

This group of guards are just the "yuan ronin" who work under their command for the sake of eating a meal.

If this group of guys who are just eating for a bit of food go to fight the pirates to the death, Saburo dare to conclude-this group of "Yuan Ronin" will definitely not listen to his orders, and maybe they will beat them back first. Saburo killed him, and then smiled to the pirates and said, "This person went crazy just now, and we never thought about defying you."

After a long sigh, Saburo said solemnly:

"...I see. I will let the rest of the cabin out now..."

Seeing that Saburo's clothes were softened, Antcom gave out a happy smile:

"One-eyed! Follow this old guy! Help this old guy drive the rest of the boat to the deck! If anyone doesn't follow, give them a little bitterness!"

One-eyed grinning, nodded, and then shouted at Saburo: "Old fellow! Lead the way! Where are the rest of the smugglers hiding?"

Saburo, whose face was dead gray, slowly turned around, preparing to take one-eyed to the cabin where the smugglers lived.

After landing on the deck, Ah Zhu pulled on the hood of the black robe and covered her entire little head. With the cover of this black robe, they did not realize that there was a one on the deck. The "high-quality goods" he was chanting in his heart.

Ah Zhu, who is still at the age of a child, is looking helplessly and panicked.

Facing the sudden change in front of him, Ah Zhu was completely panicked now.

—It's better to... escape...?

This thought came out of Ah Zhu's heart.

But this thought just came out of Ah Zhu's mind, and she dismissed it herself.

There is a vast sea all around, where can you escape?

As for fighting with this group of pirates...

Ah Zhu never considered this idea from beginning to end...

When Ah Zhu was at a loss, Ishishi who was standing not far away was also anxious at this time.

"Grandpa, let's fight back this group of pirates...!" He gritted his teeth, lowered the volume and yelled at the Zhi Zhou beside him, "How can we just watch this group of beasts doing evil things like this...!"

"Don't be stupid." Zhizhou replied without hesitation, "You heard it just now. This group of pirates, including the ugly man who has been talking just now, has a total of 64 people."

"With this number of people, coupled with the fact that they are fighting on such a not-so-wide terrain, how can this group of pirates be easily repelled by me?"

"This, this may be their bluffing, maybe they don't have that many people." Isshiki said anxiously.

"Even if there are not so many people, the number of pirates on a ship of this size is definitely far from what you and I can handle easily."

"Now let's bear with it and watch the changes."

"In the face of this kind of battle with a huge disparity in combat power, you must learn to be patient and wait for opportunities."

Hearing what his grandfather said, despite his unwillingness on his face, Isshi finally chose to grit his teeth and, according to his grandfather's words, watch the changes and wait for opportunities.


at this time.

Just when the others have either succumbed to the gang of pirates, or are at a loss, or want to wait for an opportunity—

"Ah. I remember..."

A man's voice sounded.

The people on the deck, Yitong of the Pirate Ship and others, cast different emotional glances at the master of the male voice.

"Mashima Goro...?" He was surprised.

Ah Zhu looked at the master of the male voice with surprise now.

The master of this male voice is Ogata.

Ogata raised his head and looked at Yitong.

"Hey, you fellow, isn't it called Yantong Chogoro?"

Ogata called Antoni "you guy", which made Antoni a little unhappy, but because I was in a good mood, Antoni chose to ignore Ogata's rudeness.

"Huh? Your kid knows me?" Yitong put his arms around his chest, "Yes! I am Yitong Chouwulang! He, I didn't expect someone to know me in this poor country."

Ogata narrowed his eyes slightly: "It turned out to be you..."

Earlier when I heard that Anttong claimed that he only robs women for nothing else, Xu Jian suddenly remembered—before, in Tuohe Village, it seemed that the head of Tuohe Village had said that a group appeared in the north of Ezo Land. Pirates who specialize in plundering women.

But because time was too long, Ogata couldn't remember the name of the pirate for a while, and it wasn't until just now that he finally remembered the name "Yitong Chougoro".

"Hey, boy." Anttong was so interested in this young man who could recognize him, "How did you recognize me...Hey! Boy, what do you want to do?"

Yitong's face changed.

It was because he saw—Ogata was silently untying a big cloth bag he was holding.

"While you can still breathe, let's take a few more breaths of fresh air."

Ogata said in a calm tone.

"You won't be able to breathe anymore soon."

After he finished speaking, the white cloth covering the things in the cloth bag happened to fall, revealing the things inside-Ogata's saber: Da Shaten and Da Zizai.

The thief that Ogata hates the most has been human traffickers.

If a thief were sentenced to be cut in half, Ogata would feel that the punishment was a bit too heavy, and the crime would not end there.

But if a trafficker is sentenced to a cut in half, Ogata feels that the penalty is a bit too light, and it is necessary to increase it by 100 million points.

This group of pirates wanted to be unfavorable to the ship they and Amachi were on, and at the same time, they were also a group of criminal traffickers. Either one of these two items was enough to prevent Ogata from being merciful for them.

On the Pirate Ship, looking at Ogata, who had now inserted Oshaten and Ozazao back into his left waist, he was stunned, and then—

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Antcom laughed mockingly.

"What? Are you trying to kill me?"

"Did you see it? I'm standing here now, come and kill me!"

Yitong opened his arms and ridiculed Ogata underneath.

"Then you can wait for me."

Ogata raised his hand to put on the handle of Oshaten's knife, slowly drew the knife out of its sheath, and then set up the knife.

On the deck, when everyone either succumbed, or was at a loss, or still wanted to wait and see what happened, only one person chose to draw a knife to the thief.

He stared blankly at Ogata, who held a sharp blade and had no fear on his face.

Several hesitations appeared in his eyes, but these hesitations were quickly replaced by determination.

He ran towards Ogata's side resolutely, and at the same time he ran to Ogata's side, quickly unwrapping the large package he was holding in his hand.

"I'll help you!" Isshiki standing on Ogata's left hand, put his right shoulder against Ogata's upper left arm-because he is a bit shorter than Ogata, he can't do it with Ogata "Side by side" in the true sense.

The cloth bag in Isshiki's hand was unwrapped-what was inside was a black and white knife.

"Ryoma!" Zhi Zhou's expression changed drastically when he was shocked by this sudden move.

Looking at Isshiki who suddenly stood beside him, Ogata's face was filled with surprise at this moment.

"Hey." At this moment, Isshiki inserted this black and white sword into his left waist, and asked Ogata, "How is your swordsmanship?"

"Well... I feel that I am an average swordsman, and there is still a long way to go." Ogata smiled, "But if it comes to the experience of fighting against people, I'm fairly confident."

"Real sword duel is completely different from using a wooden sword to compete with people in the dojo." Isshiki subconsciously took Ogata's "experience in fighting against people" just now, as he often played against people on the dojo.

"Wait, if you encounter any danger, just call me."

While talking, Isshiki slowly drew the knife out of its sheath.

This is a beautiful knife with a slender blade like a seedling.

Under the light of the sky, the blade reflected a lingering light.

"I will do my best to help you. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com"

"Would you like to help me..." Ogata smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Isshiki rebuked, "I'm not saying anything kind. If you are really in danger, tell me immediately, don't be aggressive."

"...Yeah." Ogata, who forcibly suppressed his smile, nodded, "I know, I will call you when I really need your help."



The author wanted to make an update today, but today’s state is not so good...maybe it is related to the rainy days in Guangzhou today. When it comes to rainy days, the author’s voice will be particularly uncomfortable (leopard headache crying.jpg)

By the way-the author will not forget the explosive update dedicated to the leader, but the author is not full-time after all, so there is not much time for codewords in a day. So about the explosion or something, I can only say: I will do it as soon as possible (Leopard has a headache. jpg)

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