I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 590: Ogata: "What, it's just a pirate who came here" [...

"In about an hour, you will be able to reach the northern part of Oshu."

In the center of the cabin, one of the eight guards on the ship, a short, stout warrior, was announcing loudly to everyone in the cabin.

"So you are almost ready to disembark."

After all, the short and stout warrior held the knife on his waist and walked out of the cabin quickly.

And after the words he had just dropped, there was one after another, high or low cheers in the cabin.

Riding on a boat in this era is as uncomfortable as it is. Not only was the ship swaying badly, but there was also no entertainment on the ship. The life was as depressing as it was.

This boating experience is the most uncomfortable boating experience Ogata has ever experienced.

Excluding the small boat that Chojima has taken, Ogata has taken a total of 3 boats.

The first time was from Owari to Edo, walking with a group of gourd houses.

The second time was from Ou to Ezo land on the downwind boat of the great merchant Nishinoya.

The third time is now this time.

For the first time, because there were a group of acquaintances from Hulu House, it was not so boring.

Although not many acquaintances traveled the second time, it was not too uncomfortable because the boat was a luxurious boat and the freedom to walk around.

And now this time...not only there are not many acquaintances around, the boat on board is not so luxurious, and the range of activities is extremely limited.

This made Ogata's boat extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the time required for this voyage is not long.

After several days of sailing, they are finally going to land on the Japanese mainland again.

The current time is just after noon. According to the guard just now, they will be able to land in the northern part of Ozhou within an hour, which means that they will be able to leave the ship at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. A ship that makes Ogata and Amachi, who are prone to seasickness, both extremely uncomfortable.

"Hold on a little longer." As Ogata tidyed the hair on the front of Amachi's forehead, who was still lying down, he cheered him on, "In an hour, he will be able to disembark."

Hearing Ogata's cheer, Amachi opened his eyes slightly.

"I don't want to take a boat this year..."

After speaking weakly, Ah Ding closed his eyes again.

After taking care of the hair in front of Ah Ting's forehead, Ogata, who had nothing to do, began to pack his luggage with him.

But he and Ah Ding's luggage didn't have anything to pack, and it took only a while to pack all of them.

However, at this moment, behind Ogata suddenly heard Azuki's voice:

"I'm finally disembarking..." A Zhu said with emotion, "I feel a little bit sad about it..."

"Oh? Do you like boat rides?" Ogata asked back.

In the past few days, Ozuki, who was sitting not far from Ogata and the others, would come over and chat from time to time, so after going back and forth, Ogata was also used to the feeling that Ozuki's voice would suddenly come out.

"I rarely take a boat. This is actually the second time I took a boat in my life. The first time I took a boat was the time I took a boat to Ezo."

"So I think the boat ride is quite fresh."

"But I can get off the boat quickly, I'm still happy to get off the boat quickly."

"After all, it always feels dangerous to take this ship."

"Danger?" Ogata raised his eyebrows. "Are you afraid of the storm?"

"It's not just that you are afraid of storms," ​​said Azhu. "If anyone attacked on the sea, it would be dangerous."

"The hull is so swaying, I'm not used to the constant shaking of the'earth' under my feet."

"When the'earth' under our feet is constantly shaking, it is very difficult to defend ourselves."

"And there are only 8 guards on this ship. With all due respect-if a brigade kills them, our 8 guards might collapse in one blow..."

"Are you afraid of this..." Ogata laughed blankly, "You are a bit unreasonably worried."

"Leave aside other sea areas for the time being, but here is the sea area between Ezo Land and mainland Japan."

"There are basically no pirates here."

Previously, before heading to Ezo Land, Ogata had learned a lot about Ezo Land, so he knew that because there were few ships passing by, this sea area between Ezo Land and mainland Japan had very few... …Or it can be said that there are no pirates at all.

Pirates have more sea areas between Tangtu, Korea, Japan, and Ryukyu, because there are the most ships passing through this place, the most mixed, and the most convenient for pirates to live and develop.

"There are no absolutes in the world," Azhu continued, "maybe a bunch of pirates who suddenly wanted to come to this sea area to wander around."

"Such a low-probability thing, it is unlikely that we will encounter it so precisely." Xuren said helplessly.



Just when Ogata and Azuki were talking about you and me--

——That guy is talking to that kid again...

Isshiki said secretly in his heart, while quietly observing Ogata who was chatting with Azuki in the distance.

Since the unpleasant friction with Ogata before, it was probably because of boredom, nothing to do, and because he was living in the same cabin, Isshiki always involuntarily secretly observes and gives him a very bad impression. square.

After starting to observe Ogata, Isshiki soon discovered that Ogata would chat with the girl (Azuki) who was petite but had a pretty full chest from time to time.

When you have a stereotype of someone, you often have all kinds of preconceived thoughts after you get along with him.

After hearing Ogata belittle his favorite sword, Isshiki's impression of Ogata is extremely bad.

This makes Ogata's various actions, in Yishi's eyes, will be filtered through a layer of "tinted glasses".

In addition, Isshikimoto is a very imaginative person.

For example, now--

——That guy is chatting with that kid again, maybe he really fell in love with that kid...

——The child seems to be only 15 years old...

While continuing to observe Ogata who was still chatting with Azuki, Isshiki said in his heart with some worry and disgust.

In the Edo period, a 15-year-old girl could be regarded as an adult who could marry.

But Isshiki happened to be a person with a slightly different concept in this respect.

He believes that the minimum age for a woman to get married should be 16 years old.

Because according to his observation and discovery, the bones of girls who are married under the age of 16 are still weaker. At such a young age, such weak bones are not enough to bear the pain of childbirth.

Ogata and Azuki chat, in the eyes of others, they are just two normal friends chatting there.

However—because of his bad impression of Ogata, Isshiki could not help being biased in his treatment of Ogata's various behaviors.

Therefore, I often see Ogata and Azuki chattering together, and I can’t help but wonder: The reason why Ogata often chats with Azuki, is it because he is attracted to others...

The more imaginative Isshiki thinks about, the more likely it is.

This preconceived idea made Isshiki's eyes on Ogata more and more weird.

——That Goro Majima has been taking care of the woman lying beside him meticulously. She should be Goro Majima’s wife...

——Obviously, I already have a wife, so I went to hook up with other girls... and she was still a girl with so young teeth.

——Do you still want to take a concubine...

--Humph! What a shame!

Not only did Isshiki snorted heavily in his heart, he also snorted heavily in reality, and the disgust-based emotions in his gaze toward Ogata became more.




Antton was asleep in his hammock.

But at this moment, a violent knock on the door suddenly sounded from outside the door.

As the knock on the door sounded, an anxious shout with a little joy came into Yitong's ears.

"Master YT! Master YT!"

Under the combined attack of the knock on the door and the loud shout, Yitong slowly opened his eyes.


While rubbing his eyes, Yantong slowly got up.

"Did it hit land, or was there a storm approaching?"

"Neither! The ship was found ahead!"

"Oh?" Yitong's eyes lit up. "Ship?"

YT hurriedly jumped off the hammock, then rushed out of the room and went straight to the deck.

After arriving on the deck, he immediately climbed up the mast without stopping, to the observation deck on the mast.

On the observation deck, four subordinates were using telescopes to observe the surroundings of the ship.

As a pirate that even this kind of Western ships can buy, YITONG will naturally not lack such a handy little thing as a telescope.

The telescopes purchased by YT are the most advanced telescopes in Europe.

"Where is there a boat?" Just as soon as Yitong boarded the observation platform, he directly asked the men on the observation platform.

"To the southeast!" A certain subordinate replied while handing the telescope in his palm to Yitong.

After receiving the telescope, YT immediately raised the telescope and looked towards the southeast.

Their observatory is very high, coupled with the most advanced telescope at present, it may be a bit exaggerated to say that they have "clair eyes", but there is no doubt that they have "plea eyes".

As soon as his eyes touched the camera, Anttong saw that—on the southeast sea, a ship was sailing alone to the south.

Looking at the ship in the camera, a grinning smile slowly appeared on Yitong's face.

"It's a ferry boat..."

As a veteran pirate, Yitong recognized at a glance that this solitary, unremarkable ship was a smuggling ship that specializes in helping people travel between Ezo and mainland Japan.

"Stowaway boat?" The eyes of the subordinates standing next to Yitong lit up.

As pirates who specialize in human trafficking, they naturally understand what the smuggling boat means to them-it means a very fragrant piece of sweet pastry.

Stowaway boats generally have no armed forces and can be easily taken off.

There are bound to be many illegal immigrants on board, and there may be many high-priced goods in it.

At the same time, because "helping people smuggle" itself is a gray industry that is not very visible, even if they are ransacked by pirates, most of the smugglers who smuggle are afraid to report to officials and seek help from the government.

In fact, Antcom and his party had robbed the ferry boat many times before, and each time they made a lot of money.

However, all the ferry boats robbed in the past were encountered in Tsushima Strait. This is the first time I have encountered a ferry boat between Ezo land and mainland Japan.

"Boss." A certain subordinate asked, "How? Do you want to vote for it?"

Anttong licked his lips at this time, his eyes flashed with excitement.

He is a pirate. Since he is a thief, facing this kind of fat that is in front of his eyes, there is naturally no reason not to rush forward and take a bite.

But at this time, what another subordinate said caused the expression on Yant's face to pause.

"Then... shall we go and remind the guests on our boat first?"

The words of his subordinates suddenly reminded Anttone--they were still carrying a group of distinguished guests who had to drop by to the Satsuma clan.

Robbery is a big event. Even if it is only a small ferry boat, after moving forward to rob, some blood fights will inevitably erupt.

There are still a group of honorable guests like Miyabe and the others on their boat. If they didn't remind the guests, they would rush forward to rob the ferry boat, which would inevitably be a little rude.

So, after a long silence, Yitong said slowly:

"Hey, you. Go and tell the man at the helm. Keep the distance from the ferry boat and follow the **** of the ferry boat."

After thinking about it, Antton finally decided-he still had to say hello to Miyabe and the others.

After leaving this command, Anttong quickly climbed down the observation deck and rushed to the room where Miyabe and others lived.

"Miyabe-sama! Are you there?"

"Yitong-sama? Please come in." Miyabe's voice came from the room.

After getting permission from Miyabe, Miyabe opened the room and walked quickly inside.

As soon as I entered, I saw Miyabe sitting cross-legged in a hammock and reading a book.

And under the hammock sits a blind man holding a knife with a handle.

For this blind man, YITONG is not very familiar, only knows that his name is Morimaru, and he is almost inseparable from Miyabe.

When walking, the blind will use the knife in his hand as a guide stick.

"Yitong-sama." Miyabe asked softly, "I came here suddenly, what's the matter?"

"Something happened... very lucky for me."

Antton licked his fat lips, and then he had just spotted the ferry boat, and then he was about to step forward and inform Miyabe of his plan to robbery.

"...So that's the case." Miyabe nodded gently, and then a soft smile bloomed at Yitong, "Yitong-sama, congratulations. I was able to encounter a smuggling boat here."

"Yes. The smuggling boats in this area are indeed relatively rare. This is the first time I have encountered a smuggling boat on the way out of Ezo Land." Yitong licked his tongue again, "Master Miyabe. You should know that too. What does smuggling a ferry mean to a pirate like me who makes a living by abducting people?"

"I came to Ezo land for vacation this time, and I couldn't abduct many high-quality girls. I was depressed."

"Now that I have encountered this ferry boat by chance, it happens to be used to compensate for some losses."

"I intend to take a moment to step forward and intercept the ferry boat."

"Don't be offended by Miyabe-sama."

As soon as Yitong's voice fell, Miyabe waved his hand:

"I'm just waiting for passengers on your downwind ship. I have no intention of, and will never interfere with the command of this ship."

"Master Ant, do whatever you want."

"If there is a need, I can also send my men to assist you."

Speaking of this, Miyabe turned his eyes to look at the blind man who had been sitting quietly not far from him: Morimaru.

"Although I have few people, there are still masters who can be ten."

"Hahahaha!" Anttong laughed triumphantly, "Miyabe-sama, thank you for your kindness!"

"But in the face of a smuggling ferry boat, we can easily take them down with our own strength!"



"You can go ashore in half an hour!"

The short **** who had informed Ogata and others about the time of landing before returned to the cabin again and announced the new time of landing to everyone.

"Those who haven't started packing their luggage, hurry up and start packing!"

"Waiting to land, but there is not much time for you to be there slowly..."

Before the short guard had finished speaking, the door of the cabin was suddenly opened.

It was another guard who opened the door.

"What's wrong?" The short guard frowned and looked at his colleague.

The guard hurried to the short guard, and then whispered something to the short guard.

The face of the short guard changed drastically, and then his colleague rushed out of the cabin anxiously.

Watching the two guards leaving in a hurry, an uneasy atmosphere slowly emerged and spread in the cabin.

"What's the matter?" Ah Ding, who was still lying down, asked in a low voice.

"I don't know..." Ogata frowned slightly.



"...It seems that something has happened." Isshiki's grandfather: Isshishi looked straight at the cabin door, and said in a deep voice.

Isshiki made no sound.

Only pursed his lips, then silently raised his hand to touch a big cloth bag beside him...



"Hahaha! Go forward!"

Yitong put his arms around his chest, standing on the bow of his pirate ship, laughing loudly.

"Luck is really good!" Yitong's tone was full of triumph, "Even gods and Buddhas are helping me!"

At this moment, his pirate ship has now opened all its sails and is moving forward at full speed.

Target-the ferry boat ahead!

The northwest wind was blowing right now, which happened to be a tailwind for the Yitong and others who were chasing the ferry boat in the southeast.

After all the sails were opened, the pirate ship under the feet of Antton slashed through the waves at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Boss!" a subordinate next to Yitong who is holding a telescope said loudly, "The other party seems to have found us! They are now escaping at full speed!"

"Escape?" Anttong grinned, "I want to see their little broken ship, how can I get rid of us!"

The ship under his feet is a European-style three-masted sailing ship that was previously bought from the Dutch at a large cost.

Although it is an outdated ship on the European side, it is undoubtedly a superb warship on the Asian side.

The fly in the ointment is that after buying this ship, Antton doesn't have any extra funds, so it has not been able to add cannons to this ship.

Therefore, the ship at the foot of Yantong is just a larger transport ship, not a battleship.

The ferry boat in front was only one-third the size of the pirate ship of Yantong, and its sails had only one side. In terms of speed, how could it be possible to fight the three-masted sailboat of Yantong.

Even though the ferry boat has tried hard to escape, but the distance between it and the pirate boat of antong has been narrowed mercilessly...

Miyabe also stood with his hands at this time, and walked slowly to the side of Yitong.

Behind Miyabe followed Morimaru who was like a conjoined person.

Because of the blindness of Mori Maru using the knife in his palm to explore the way, the sound of "bumping on the deck" from the bottom of the scabbard was constantly heard.

"Is that boat a ferry boat... Master Yit, it's a shame that you can tell at a glance that the boat is a ferry boat."

"Hahahaha! I've been on the ocean for so long, and I still have some eyesight! I hope that ship can have some high-quality ‘commodities’."

An obscene light appeared in Yitong's eyes.

"My men and I happened to have not played with women in a long time."

"Ah, Miyabe-sama, after robbing a few high-quality goods from that ferry boat, do you want to send some to you?"

"We don't need it anymore." Miyabe, with a constant smile on his face, shook his head and refused without hesitation.

While Yitong and Miyabe were chatting there, the distance between the pirate ship and the ferry boat had narrowed unknowingly to the distance that the two ships had begun to travel in parallel.

"Hey! The people on this ship have listened to me!"

Ant used his loud voice to yell at the ferry boat that was already close at hand.

"I won't talk too much nonsense to you!"

"We are pirates!"

"You should also see that it is impossible for you to get rid of us at all?"

"Anyone who is acquainted, stop the boat quickly!"

"As long as you cooperate obediently, we will never hurt any of you!"

Yitong's voice was loud, and his shout not only covered the entire deck of the ferry boat, but also penetrated the deck and passed into the ears of Ogata and others in the cabin.

As soon as Yitong's voice fell, there was a mess in the cabin.

"Sea, pirate?!"

"Why are there pirates here?"

"How, what? How many pirates have come?"


"A pirate really came here..." Ah Zhu's face was pale at this time.

"Grandpa." A little anxiety appeared on Isshiki's face. "It turned out that a pirate has hit the door... Why are there pirates in this sea area?"

Zhi Zhou, who was extremely gloomy, didn't answer the question of Yishi ~www.readwn.com~ He only had a gloomy face, his head slightly lowered, as if he was thinking about something.

In the chaos of the cabin, only one person's face did not show any panic or fear.

"It's a pirate..." Ogata's originally frowned brows slowly unfolded, "I thought it was going to be a storm..."

On Ogata's face, there was only the doubt about why there are pirates here.



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