I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 666: The anti-supervision king who doesn’t play by the rules

Based on the physical characteristics of Destined Man Alexander Kent, Harley designed an energy extraction plan: first use a tuning fork to extract a certain amount of positive matter energy from his body, causing the pure and controllable antimatter energy in his body to overload. will overflow.

It's like a scale, with matter energy and antimatter energy placed on the left and right sides respectively.

Take three pounds of positive matter energy from the left. In order to ensure the balance of the scale, an equal amount of antimatter energy must be taken away from the right.

Of course, this process is a natural reaction of Alexander Kent's body.

This is his talent.

When the antimatter energy overflows and the positive and antimatter energy in the body is rebalanced, the previously extracted positive matter energy is poured into his body - and the weights taken away are returned to the left scale.

In this way, his body will spontaneously extract chaotic antimatter energy from the antimatter vortex above his head, and regain the balance of positive and negative energy.

Then, when positive matter energy is extracted, the excess pure and controllable antimatter energy in his body overflows again.

By repeating this cycle, he can use his body to extract unlimited amounts of pure and controllable antimatter energy.

a little complicated.

At least it's more complicated than pumping energy directly.

But there is no way. The tuning fork is made by a monitor who controls positive matter energy. It can only store and extract positive matter energy, but cannot extract or control antimatter energy.

If Alexander had been awake, he could have actively transferred the antimatter energy in his body to Harley's Ark of the Covenant and then actively replenished the energy from the antimatter cloud.

First, he couldn't wake up, Harley needed too much energy.

The violent antimatter energy transformed per unit time exceeded his upper limit, causing him to lose his mind in pain.

Let Alexander choose. He will definitely be willing to smoke slowly, smoke for a while, rest for a long time, and continue to smoke after he has recovered his breath.

But Harley had no time to delay, she wanted to upgrade her anti-matter defense expertise to level nine in the shortest possible time.

Counter-surveillance did not allow him to come slowly, and the antimatter cloud was pressing towards the tuning fork barrier like a storm.

Alexandria had to use water pipes to withstand the erosion of river floods.

In addition, Harley did not want him to directly transmit energy to the Ark of the Covenant, as he might sense the true flow of antimatter energy.

Therefore, even if he could wake up, she would increase the power and make him unable to wake up in pain.

——Huh, you dared to yell at her in the previous discussion, dared to threaten her verbally, dared not return to Earth 0 for a long time, dared to blatantly challenge her status as the boss. How brave!

Do you really think that with a smile on her face, these things will get over easily?

Gudong, Gudong. The fourth specialty experience jar bubbled crazily, and it was already level six anti-matter defense.

Harley was very happy.

Ahhhhh. Alexander's facial features were distorted, his eyeballs were congested and bulging, and his skin began to ooze blood as if steel needles had poked countless holes. Even though his body was locked to the cross energy deflector, he was still struggling like a twist.

Hearing his cry doubled Harley's happiness.

Alexander is in pain, Lyra cried worriedly.

Cyborg glanced at the screen and felt panicked. He asked, Should we turn down the power? He seems like he can't bear it anymore.

Harley said seriously: For the overall situation, some sacrifices are necessary. Alexander understands this very well, and he has the noble consciousness to make sacrifices.

Before the plan was implemented, I asked him if he was afraid of physical pain. His expression was as if he was humiliated. Have you forgotten?

In order to save the multiverse, he even risked his life. I actually suspected that he was afraid of pain.

He had every reason to be angry.

If you don't want to anger him and make him feel humiliated, stop saying weak things like he's in pain.

Even though Laila grew up on the Monitor satellite and had a simple mind, she felt that something was wrong with her words now.

But he's in really bad shape.

His screams can even be heard by people several kilometers away. You say he is in a bad state? If he is in a bad state, then what do you think of the soldier below who was attacked by the shadow demon and lying on the ground moaning weakly?

Laila opened her mouth, but no words came out.

After a moment, Harley frowned slightly and activated level 0 anti-matter defense. It took less than a second, level 1 only lasted an instant, level 2 in a blink of an eye, level 3 in two breaths, level 4 in a few words, and level 5. It's been more than two minutes, and level 7 is still not full yet.

With the same power, the time required for upgrading increased exponentially. She was a little dissatisfied and couldn't wait any longer.

Cyborg, use 10% as a step and try to slowly increase the power by 200%.

What? Increase the power by 200%?! Cyborg thought he was hearing hallucinations.

Do you still remember our plan? Defeat the Anti-Monitor's two offensives of Shadow Demon and Anti-Matter Cloud with a crushing force, and then he will come in person. Harley's heart was dirty and her mouth was high-sounding.

Cyborg hesitated and said: The battle started less than half an hour ago, and the antimatter cloud appeared less than ten minutes ago. There is no need to be too anxious.

At this time, a large amount of antimatter was extracted, and the anti-monitors must be shocked and confused.

If the power increases, he may temporarily choose to retreat out of fear.

Alexander's screams upset me, and also made the soldiers upset and unstable. At least increase the power and make him faint from pain. Harley said.

She wasn't worried about the Anti-Monitor retreating. If he could retreat, couldn't she continue to stimulate him?

Cyborg's expression twisted, Are you sure?

Laila opened her mouth, wanting to sternly scold and loudly dissuade, but the wailing coming from above her head really made her feel uneasy, and the nearby heroes also frequently looked sideways.

If Alexander could faint, he wouldn't feel the pain. Wouldn't that be a good thing?

The intense energy piston movement in Alexander's body caused his muscles to tear and his skin to bleed. If the intensity is increased, it may damage his internal organs. The abandoned person said.

This is a small matter. Harley immediately said: Yebi, heal him.

The Dog Holy Son flew silently above the tuning fork, and as far as the eye could see, a ball of soft holy light rose in Alexander's body, from the inside out, avoiding contact with the antimatter energy vortex above his head.

Ah ah ah - Alexander recovered from his injuries, his senses became more acute, the pain became more intense, and his screams became louder.

It's better to increase the power and let him escape from the coma. Laila took the initiative to persuade him.

Ahhhhhh-- Alexander was like a roast duck inserted into an inflatable tube. The skin on his body bulged up and deflated. The naked eye could see a hazy scarlet energy flow circulating in his body, and his screams became even more tragic. Bigger too.

Shit, why is he screaming so loudly? Harley yelled.

Alexander has positive and antimatter energy in his body, and he can be considered a superpower. A superpower is strong and physically strong, and his voice is naturally louder. Just like Superman's voice, it must be louder than ordinary people. Cyborg analyzed.

No, this will disturb the morale of the army too much. Continue to increase the power. Harley said.

Perhaps the energy is pumped in and out too frequently. He is now like a balloon, inflating and deflating. If the power is increased, I'm afraid he will explode like a fully inflated ball. Cyborg worried.

Don't worry, the golden armor he wears comes from the Monitor. It is specially designed to help him stabilize the energy in his body. It can withstand it. Laila was so sad that she almost shed tears, but she still urged her urgently: Let him faint quickly. Yeah, it’s really painful.”

Cyborg, Harley, what's going on with Alexander? Superman couldn't sit still anymore and flew over and asked urgently.

The plan is going well. Don't worry blindly. Go back and recharge your batteries and wait for the counter-monitor to arrive. Harley said.

But Alexander's scream was terrible.

Then what do you think we should do? Stop taking action and let Earth 0 be destroyed and the four universes in the underworld be destroyed? Harley said unceremoniously and impatiently.

Superman was silent, standing by and watching worriedly.

Ouch, not good! Cyborg's voice was tense, The intensity of the antimatter cloud is decreasing, and the anti-monitor seems to be trying to escape.

A dignified anti-monitor, is this all you have? Harley was a little angry. The anti-matter defense was not even at level eight, and the total amount of energy was extracted. So she didn't want to play anymore?

Are the Counter-Monitors too cautious, or too timid and frightened?

Harley didn't want to guess and immediately said: Let Green Lantern put in the third set of copywriting.

The next moment, the shadow demon was still wreaking havoc everywhere, but the heroes flying in the sky, the earth, aliens, and submarine soldiers who had established defense lines on the ground and rivers all shouted in unison: We win, we win, the shrinking turtle anti-monitor Going to run away!”

A line of golden characters once again filled the sky: Anti-Monitor, the Fifth-Ringed General asked me to send a message: Hahahaha, I would like to send you the destroyer of the multiverse who relies on sneak attacks and deception to win and has never really been on the battlefield - the Antimatter Universe. The turtle dominates and flees the battlefield again.

Don't worry, we won't chase you.

Well, we are busy going to the Origin Wall to carve a monument and write a biography. Everything that happened today will be written all over the Origin Wall.

Harley, be careful, the rebels are coming. They want to go straight to the earth, but I'm blocking them outside. Dr. Destiny suddenly sent a message.

Trash, you think I'm going to run away?! Then, a roar spread across the entire earth, carrying inexplicable pressure and echoes, like a giant above the wellhead, roaring at the frogs at the bottom of the well with a loudspeaker.


The dark starry sky cracked open with twisted white gaps, and the lines became denser and denser. Finally, like a crystal heart that was violently thrown on a stone, it exploded into thousands of crystal fragments of time and space.


Level 10 winds appeared all over the world without warning, as if the entire earth had entered a violent wind zone.

Boom, boom - Countless red, blue, and white electric snakes were swimming and galloping in the sky, like thunder and lightning dragons partying in the sky, getting drunk and flying high.

Crash- The downpour blurred people's vision. The rain was so heavy that it was impossible to see people two meters away.

Boom, boom, boom-- The whole planet was shaking, as if a Super Godzilla was about to emerge from the center of the earth.

Shit, it's such an exaggeration that the laws of the universe are collapsing towards him? Harley was surprised and delighted.

First, rejoice that the Anti-Monitor is finally here.

Shocked that his aura was so terrifying.

Only appearing in the material universe, the laws of the entire universe moved closer to him, and then they couldn't bear the tight pressure and broke every inch.

The sudden outbreak of chaotic natural disasters is just a symptom of the collapse of the law.

The single universe is like a piece of sand. The laws of the universe and physical rules are like grains of sand. The monitor is like a lead ball. When his feet land on the sand, a pit is created, and the sand slides toward the pit.

Fake, why is the dignified anti-monitor so impulsive? It has not been an hour since the war started.

——I haven’t even upgraded my defense expertise to level nine, why did you come in early? !

Harley, who had previously thought the Anti-Monitor was cowardly, felt a little numb now.

Anti-surveillance appears, the Super Legion is dispatched! Superman shouted, and dozens of figures rushed towards the chaotic place of outer space as fast as meteors.

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