I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 665 Antimatter Defense, Obtained

Whoosh-- The blood-red sky first appeared white, dazzlingly white, then the wind roared, and suddenly darkened again. A black giant ten thousand feet tall jumped out of the white light and covered the sky above the tuning fork of Liberty Island.

A giant composed of countless shadow demons.

The reaction of the Anti-Monitor is not beyond our expectations. The shadow demon is in front, the anti-matter cloud is behind, and there may be special means from the Pharaoh. But we are all prepared.

Harley scanned the surrounding heroes who were waiting for him, and finally set her sights on Doctor Fate, Kent, don't fish for fish this time.

I'll go first. If the shadow demons scatter, you'll be responsible for stopping them.

In addition, if the Anti-Monitor appears, remember not to let antimatter energy spread in the universe.

After saying that, without waiting for their response, Harley flew into the sky and came face to face with the black giant rushing down from the sky.

In mid-air, a four-meter-diameter shield of stomach acid and yellow light energy quickly closed and enveloped her.

At the same time, she took a deep breath, her cheeks puffed up, and her stomach moved violently.

If you could get ten meters closer to her, you could directly hear the gurgling, gurgling sound in her abdomen, like the sound of holding four open-top beer bottles at the same time and spraying out the wine.

Her speed is also extremely fast. In the eyes of outsiders, she is like a golden bullet that hits the black giant's facade in the blink of an eye.


Even bigger than Madara Uchiha's fireball, Harley spit out a 'fireball' with a diameter of two hundred meters and surrounded by golden flames - a thick mist of stomach acid.

The fireball drenched the giant's face and rolled all the way down to his lower body, almost splitting it in two.

From the moment the golden gastric acid 'fireball' touched the giant, the black giant's downward momentum was stagnant, as if the black cloth on the surface was torn open to reveal the light inside.

Bright white light burst out and slowly spread to the dark bodies on both sides.

Boom, boom, boom. The dull explosions connected together, and finally turned into a loud noise like the sky tearing apart - BOOOM!

From the perspective of outer space, a white mushroom cloud with a belly as big as a little finger appeared on the surface of the blue earth, and the torrential weather waves seemed to spread slowly and rapidly to all directions.

In the dazzling white light of the annihilation of matter and antimatter, the black giant was torn apart, and then quickly shattered into smaller black 'raindrops' - individual shadow demons.

Doctor Fate opened his arms, and endless divine light burst out from the front of his helmet.

The sky, still filled with white light, was once again filled with golden light.

—— Shadow Demon howled silently, his body melting and disappearing visibly like snowflakes in the sun.

The other Grandmasters also took action. They did not rush forward all at once, but spread out and cooperated with the ship's energy cannon to block the enemies who were attacking the front line.

In addition to the Grand Master, hundreds of Archmage and Official Masters also came this time.

For example, Harley's little brother Father Carlisle brought twenty-four Gotham Cathedrals and holy priests from surrounding cities to be responsible for battlefield first aid.

Shadow Demons make up more than one giant.

Within ten minutes, three more appeared one after another.

The first Shadow Demon Titan was easily destroyed by Harley, making her and some people who had not participated in the battle to defend the parallel universe mistakenly think that it was not strong.

So when the second black giant appeared, Harley did not take action in order to save 'ammunition' and let the alien legion's fleet focus their fire.

The effect was extremely different. The huge energy attack almost boiled the sea surface, but it was unable to cause much damage to the black giant.

There was no tearing apart the black body, no big explosion.

After combining into a giant, Shadow Demon's two-dimensional life characteristics are more obvious, and its antimatter energy is more stable. Attacks from the three-dimensional material world are almost ineffective against it.

The energy beam of the naval gun cannot harm the real shadow, so it cannot harm the shadow giant.

In the end, it was Harley who rushed forward and spit out a huge super fireball, which rolled from the giant's face to his lower abdomen. The positive and antimatter came into contact, and the white light of the explosion split the giant in two.

The shattered corpse was torn apart in a more violent explosion.

Harley, the antimatter cloud is coming.

After detonating the fourth black giant, Cyborg's eager and excited voice rang in his earbuds.

Kent, you and the mage group will resist first, use the forbidden spell, and the plan will enter the second stage.

Harley notified Dr. Destiny, turned into a golden light, and rushed towards the Liberty Island tuning fork.

In her plan, the Shadow Demon raid was mainly carried out by her and the mages, with the assistance of weaker heroes and alien gunships, and the powerful heroes and capital ships stayed at the end to deal with the Anti-Monitor himself.


After getting close to the tuning fork, Alexander Kent's miserable howl reached Harley's ears.

Even the sounds of fighting around him were drowned out by his loud howl.

Harley only glanced at him and landed on a platform in the middle of the tuning fork.

Under the watchful eyes of Laila, the Abandoned, Cyborg and others, with a solemn expression and movements, she took over a wooden cabinet that exuded divine brilliance from the hand of Yebi, who also had a dog-faced face.

The cabinet was one meter high, and the signs of oldness and dilapidation on the surface were obvious. Carrying it on its back, the dog Shengzi arrived at the tuning fork platform almost at the same time as Harley.

What is this? Laila asked.

Cyborg's expression was serious, It is a supreme secret treasure from heaven, the legendary Ark of the Covenant.

I feel like it's just an ordinary wooden box that can store infinite amounts of antimatter? the abandoned person asked doubtfully.

Do you know who it is? Cyborg pointed at Yerby and asked with a serious expression.

The abandoned people didn't know it at first, but they found out soon after they came to this earth.

At this time, if we look closely at the big golden curly dog ​​with a serious face and silent words, he does feel a sense of humility in meeting a sacred person.

The expressions of the abandoned people gradually became serious - what the Holy Son was carrying must be the true Ark of the Holy Covenant!

Holding the cabinet in hand, Harley entered the small room made of a transparent force field.

The room does not come with the tuning fork, but an external device.

Cyborg is built using outcast technology.

The Abandoned One was cursed because he invented a machine to produce antimatter energy, and he also concentrated a large amount of antimatter energy together to form a strange antimatter energy chamber - an energy cube.

The high concentration of antimatter energy awakened the master of the antimatter universe.

Bateman, who was leading the Mission: Impossible mission, met him and learned about his deeds. He immediately discovered that his antimatter technology was just right for Harley's plan.

Harley, energy is about to pour into the cabin. Cyborg reminded.

Come, God, Holy Spirit, Father of God's love, please enlighten me, strengthen me, and the people you love. Performing the full set, Hallie quietly turned on the halo of the Virgin and recited the Bible with a serious expression.

Threads of light blue energy poured into the small cabin from the top of the head, and were immediately absorbed by the Ark of the Covenant held above the head - actually absorbed by the palm of the hand pressed against the cabinet.

Gudong Gudong. The sixth comment is the evolution of defense expertise, antimatter defense level zero.

Gudong Gudong. Anti-matter defense expertise level 1.

Gudong, gudong.

It's really effective. It's worthy of being the Ark of the Covenant. The effect is so powerful!

Seeing that no matter how much antimatter energy was poured into it, it was immediately absorbed by the cabinet. Cyborg was surprised and the Abandoned was amazed, but Lyra looked up at the tuning fork worriedly.

Alexander Kent's cry was even more shrill and heart-wrenching.

There is a pair of U-shaped antennas on the top of the cosmic tuning fork. At this time, a huge cross is erected between the two antennas.

Alexander Kent was like the crucified Christ, his hands, feet and neck tightly locked with metal hoops.

Above his head, there was a scarlet energy vortex flashing with blue arcs - violent antimatter energy pulled by the antimatter flow controller.

The principle of the antimatter flow controller is actually very simple.

The tuning fork can form an invisible and qualitative force field film on the periphery of the universe, which can be imagined as Brainiac's wall of the universe.

The force field film of the tuning fork blocks the antimatter cloud from approaching the universe, thereby preventing the positive matter and antimatter clouds in the universe from contacting and annihilating each other.

If a small hole is opened in the force field membrane, the antimatter that is blocked from the outside will be poured in crazily along the small hole, and even form a vortex.

In this way, by controlling the position of the small hole, the flow direction of antimatter in the universe can be indirectly controlled.

Where holes are opened, antimatter flows.

Of course, opening holes is only the basic principle, not the entirety of the antimatter flow controller.

The construction of the instrument is quite complex.

At the very least, it is necessary to ensure that the antimatter passing through the small hole does not immediately come into contact with the positive matter in the universe - this again requires the use of the technology of the abandoned.

At this time, the small hole opened above Alexander Kent's head, forming an antimatter vortex.

The opening of the universe is different from the opening of the box.

There is a spatial distance between the opening of the box and the center of the box.

The universe contains time, space and matter, and is not a pure three-dimensional material form like a box.

From the hole outside the universe to anywhere inside the universe, there is only a cosmic barrier, and there is no distance in three-dimensional space.

For example, the Flash travels through the universe by changing the vibration frequency, which is equivalent to passing through a small hole in the universe and going to another universe. However, the Flash does not walk a long distance in the universe like the small hole in the center of the box to go to the outer shell of the box. The border only passes through the small hole.

He completed the journey across the universe in place.

The distance between any place in the universe and the outside of the universe is the same, and they are only separated by a frequency film.

Therefore, that day, Harley warned King Orm of Atlantis: Antimatter does not come from above and destroy the earth according to the path of outer space-sky-land-ocean. When it passes through the cosmic barrier from outside the universe, it The same probability appears anywhere on the earth - in the center of the earth, at the bottom of the sea, on land, and in the sky.

Therefore, even if Alexander Kent did not go to the boundary of the universe, he would still be directly under the small hole.

He screamed because it hurt too much.

Huge, complex, and violent energy was poured into his body, causing his facial features to twist, his body to twitch, and his to howl miserably in pain.

Well, the energy of the antimatter cloud is not the pure and controllable energy that Harley's defense expertise can absorb.

Even if it is directed through the antimatter flow controller, it is still very violent and complex, and Harley cannot use it.

But Alexander Kent is a weirdo. Oh, according to the monitor, he is called a man of destiny and has the special talent of containing both positive and antimatter energy.

As much positive matter energy as he has in his body, he can independently absorb the same amount of antimatter energy.

(PS: Let me introduce the setting of the Abandoned. It is difficult to judge whether he is the smartest scientist on earth. There are many competitors such as Pharaoh and Luther.

But he is definitely the greatest scientist on earth.

He created antimatter, which led to the Crisis on Infinite Earths, but he is the greatest.

Because before studying antimatter energy, he had already single-handedly solved all the difficult problems that science and technology can solve on the earth. For example, he invented the weather regulator, which made every part of the earth as fertile and productive as heaven.

He used genetic technology to conquer all human diseases.

If nothing unexpected happens, his earth will successfully enter interstellar civilization and then advanced interstellar civilization.

It just so happens that that guy is a scientist, and his pursuit of truth goes beyond reason.

He not only discovered parallel universes, but also discovered the multiverse and the antimatter universe, and then tragedy struck.

The reason why he is said to be great is because he solved the dilemma of human civilization before making a mistake.

To put it bluntly, he is just full of warmth and thinking. Unlike Luther and Pharaoh, they are very smart, but they do not take the initiative to bring much happiness to mankind. )

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