I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 659 The Exploded Monitor Satellite

The day Cyborg used Bateman's stolen source code to gain partial control of the tuning fork.

Monitor satellite.

The cosmic tuning fork on Earth 0 has lost 60% of its control. Alexander Kent stared at the host screen with an angry look on his face, It's Batman! I found traces of hackers in the operating system. It was him. .

He clearly promised me that he would persuade Harley Quinn and the heroes of Earth 0 to agree to move Earth 0 to the Hades universe.

Why would Batman do this? Herald wondered.

I don't know, I don't understand why he betrayed the monitor and betrayed us. Alexander shook his head.

Pioneer thought for a while and said: Batman may be cautious and suspicious, but he is not a bad guy, and he has no reason to destroy the tuning fork's work of protecting Earth 0.

Alexander sighed: He will certainly not destroy the tuning fork, but the tendency of Earth 0 to move into the Hades has not increased.

This shows that the willingness of Earth 0 heroes and people to go to the underworld has not increased.

The hero's wishes? Pioneer wondered.

Alexander said: To move the single universe to the Hades universe requires huge power.

The positive matter energy in the tuning fork is for this, but that energy comes from the Watcher.

The more positive matter universes there are, the stronger the monitor's power. When he died, there were only five universes left, so he didn't have much energy left for the tuning fork.

Public opinion can be a driving force for movement, and public opinion is mainly the will of heroes.

Therefore, I asked Batman to return to Earth 0 and persuade the Justice League. Earth 0 is very evil, and the combined public opinion represented by all the heroes in the Justice League is actually not as good as Harley Quinn alone.

I originally expected Batman to convince Harley Quinn, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even convince him.

When he talked about Batman, the expression on his face was very complicated, but among the complicated emotions was no respect and love for his godfather.

The time we spent together was too short, the shared experiences were too few, and there were almost no good memories of each other.

The Herald asked: At the moment of the monitor's death, Earth 1 and Earth 2 moved to the Hades universe. What is the difference between them and the other universes?

Alexander said: Earth 1 and Earth 2 are suffering from disasters, and heroes have been recruited by you. They have been to the monitor satellite and trust the monitor.

More importantly, when the monitor dies, the positive matter energy in his body is not evenly distributed.

Earth 1 and Earth 2 used to be the main universe, second only to Earth 0 in importance, and received more energy.

The pioneer asked again: What are you going to do next? The news of forming a super army to go to the antimatter universe has spread. The heroes are gearing up and gathering in the satellite hall, waiting for your arrangements.

Assign them to Earth 4 and Earth 10. In those two universes, natural disasters are still intensifying and shadow demons continue. Alexander said.

How should we finally deal with the only three universes left in the Wantian Instrument? There is not enough energy in the tuning fork. The pioneer looked hesitant. I was once an earth girl. I was shipwrecked when I was eight years old. I was discovered by the monitor and taken to This satellite was raised.

Unlike you, I grew up at a normal pace.

During this process, the positive material energy in my body is increasing every day.

Perhaps, I can pull out my own power and pour it into the remaining three cosmic tuning forks.

Alexander shook his head repeatedly, You are a pioneer and a pioneer against the Anti-Monitor. When I open the anti-matter channel, you will lead the Super Legion into the anti-matter universe and kill or at least completely end the Anti-Monitor's conspiracy.

Pioneer looked at him, a thin golden light appeared in his pupils, You also have huge energy in your body, I can sense it.

Alexander Kent did not deny it, “From the moment you were brought into the Monitor satellite, every time there is destruction of the universe, the energy in the Monitor’s body will be reduced by one point.

A tiny part of the energy he lost, together with an equal amount of antimatter energy, entered my body.

But I also have a mission.

You are responsible for leading the super legion to fight, and I am responsible for opening the channel and using positive matter energy to maintain your survival needs in the antimatter universe.

If Harley, who had just traveled through the DC universe, heard the conversation between the Herald and Alexander, she might not be able to understand it.

The people of the Celestial Dynasty have been influenced by oriental immortal martial arts novels, and according to the 'habits' of oriental immortal martial arts, they have encountered adventures - if their senior masters have given them thousands of years of skill, they should soar to the sky. Even if their power is unleashed unscrupulously, it will never dry up.

Alexander and the Pioneers should use their power to drive the tuning fork at will, first force the three universes left in Wantianyi into the Hades universe, and then aggressively rush into the antimatter universe.

The fact is that neither Alexander nor the Pioneers could do it.

In fairy tales and martial arts, when you get adventures, the protagonist improves his realm. When his realm is high, he can randomly draw the spiritual energy of heaven and earth without a master.

In this DC universe, when you get an adventure, all you gain is the energy in your body. When the energy is used up, you immediately turn back to a mortal.

Your realm can only be improved by learning and accumulating knowledge and skills on your own.

But even if the realm is raised to extraordinary, DC does not have 'free heaven and earth energy' for people to draw.

How can we pull the other three universes into the Hades universe if we can't use the power in our bodies? Pioneer frowned.

Alexander's eyes flashed with an inexplicable color, On their own. Public opinion is the booster for the movement of the universe. We try our best to help them so that they can be moved by our sincerity and trust us more. Unlike Earth 0, many heroes have also been moved by Harley Quinn. influence, and have a deep suspicion of us.

But the overall situation will not change, and the remaining three universes will eventually come to an end.

At that time, all the survivors in the universe will have the same idea, leaving the dangerous Wan Tian Yi and going to the safe Hades universe.

Belief is power, faith is stronger power.

With that power, coupled with the positive matter energy poured into the tuning fork by the monitor, it should be possible to bring the three earths into the underworld.

Herald looked up at the big screen.

There are three blue earths on the screen, which are the earths in the three universes of Earth 0, Earth 4 and Earth 10.

Earth 0 is a complete entity.

Earth 4 is like a watermelon that has been shot through by a bullet, sputtering a large amount of unknown white light outwards. Only 60% of the blue planet is solid, and the rest is white nothingness.

The situation on Earth 10 is similar to that on Earth 4.

Earth 0 is fine, but Earth 4 and Earth 10 are riddled with holes. How long can we last? Pioneer asked worriedly.

Persist until the positive matter energy in the tuning fork + the boost of public opinion \u003e the weight of the universe.

A lot of people will die.

There are only five left in countless universes, and countless people have died. Alexander looked helpless, The key is that there is nothing we can do.

In the days that followed, Alexander stuck to the satellite main console and remotely managed the tuning forks in each universe.

The Pioneer is responsible for arranging specific work for the heroes to rescue Earth 4 and Earth 10.

This state of affairs did not last long.

Let Alexander come out, why are disasters still happening on our earth?

The spherical hall made entirely of golden metal was crowded with heroes and criminals. Among them, a gray-haired old Superman shouted excitedly in the direction of the console.

Alexander Kent, please explain to us why Earth 1 and Earth 2 are colliding? Wonder Woman wearing a blue star-striped skirt was also shouting.

She has similar equipment to Diana from Earth 0, including a starlight flying crown, red breastplate, and blue skirt, but the style is very different. It has a very rural feel and is not as fashionable as Diana from Earth 0.

In addition to the two giants, hundreds of heroes in the hall were also furious.

After a while, Alexander Kent, with long red curly hair and a golden metal armor, floated over and landed on the suspended platform above the hall.

Everyone, the disaster happening now has nothing to do with the antimatter cloud. It is a by-product of the Monitor's salvation plan. Simply put, after Earth 1 and Earth 2 were moved to the Hades universe, they began to merge into a new system.

Not only is the earth merging with the earth, but every corresponding alien planet in the universe is also merging.

When merging, it is inevitable that natural disasters will continue and time and space will be disrupted.

But this integration process will not last forever. When a new balance is reached, the disaster will disappear naturally.

Our universe is fine, why do we need to merge? Old Superman asked.

Alexander explained: “Originally, 52 universes formed the skeleton within the Ten Thousand Heavenly Sphere, and countless universes were filled in according to certain rules. Earth 1 and Earth 2 each had their own positions, and the overall structure was stable and harmonious.

But now there are only two universes left in the Hades universe. They cannot copy the structure of the 52 universes in Wan Tian Yi and can only form a new whole.

I don't understand what you are talking about, but I will not go to other universes again. My city is in disaster, and I want to stay on my earth for rescue and disaster relief. A hero said.

You can keep some heroes on your own earth, but you must not give up on the other three universes. Alexander said.

Why do you need them?

Only Earth 1 and Earth 2 cannot defeat the final enemy. If the other three universes disappear, you will not be able to hold on for long. The Hades universe is not an indestructible fortress.


Alexander's words were immediately verified. A scarlet arc, like a spear, spanned the infinite distance of the super-time flow space and pierced the surface of the Monitor satellite.

Boom! The satellite shook violently.

Ah, the monitor spacecraft was attacked, let's go quickly! Eagle Man on Earth 2 exclaimed.

No, please don't leave the satellite. There is time turbulence outside, which is a hundred thousand times more terrifying than hell. No matter who of you enters it, you will die quickly. Pioneer loudly discouraged.

Boom - stab -

One after another, the arc spears were like bullets ejected from the barrel of a Vulcan gun, continuous and full of power.

The golden spherical satellite began to crack huge gaps.

From the hall, you can see the dark and cold void outside, with countless meteors streaking across it.

Don't panic, don't run around. This kind of attack can be blocked. Please ask a magician or other superpower to join me in adding a protective shield to the satellite. Zatanna, a male, was unfazed by the danger and took the lead. Floated to the crack and shouted: ! Attack, block!

Stranger flew to his side, opened his hands, and the majestic sacred power strengthened the magic shield.

Well, the stranger who has been missing has not disappeared. He is the hands and eyes of the Voice of Heaven. He is the observer of the battle situation jointly between Silver City and Earth 0. He always stays on the front line where the battle is most dangerous.

Blocked! The heroes were overjoyed, and more and more people joined the defensive front.

Hold on for a while and wait for me to move the satellite to another place. Alexander breathed a sigh of relief.

No, it shouldn't be here! The purple-haired abandoned man cried while holding his head. His figure gradually faded, and finally turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

Many heroes don't understand this.

Oops, the Abandoned One is a beacon of anti-matter energy and destruction. Wherever he disappears, he will be destroyed by anti-matter energy. The Herald's expression changed drastically, Alexander, this is a sign. We are locked and the satellite cannot be saved.

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