I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 658 Naboo’s Temptation

Harley didn't linger long at the tuning fork, nor did she coax Cyborg into continuing to send her positive energy.

Activating defense expertise and upgrading from level 1 to level 3 do not require much energy, but the subsequent intermediate levels, especially the advanced ones - levels seven, eight, and nine, consume too much energy.

The positive matter energy in the tuning fork belongs to the entire universe and is used by billions of people in the universe to protect their lives.

She extracted a little bit to do research, which was insignificant.

But wantonly plundering is equivalent to risking the entire Earth 0 universe.

Harley is not so crazy and short-sighted.

Leaving the tuning fork, she headed to the Tower of Destiny.

For the eighth defense specialty.

Antimatter defense is included in the Sixth Commentary Defense Specialty, which is a great news.

After more than a month of hard work, the eighth defensive specialty slot is about to be released, and it has a new purpose.

Well, she suddenly discovered that the time defense of the connection power defense specialty was somewhat unable to cope with the current situation.

The Flash traveled from the future to the present, and she saw it with her own eyes, but the connection power defense specialty didn't react at all.

Kent, let me ask you something, does the Flash traveling from the past to the future change my timeline?

Doctor Destiny muttered: It shouldn't count. At this time, the past, present, and future are integrated into one place, and the ancients and future people from all eras have come to the present.

You can think of the previous Flash as a 'future traveler'.

If other time-travelers can come to Earth, so can he.

At least until the Crisis on Infinite Earths ends and the timeline is 'tightened' back into a single line, this strange state of 'time exists, but time is meaningless' will disappear.

At that time, if The Flash returns to the present from another point in time, whether he travels to the past or returns to the present in the future, the timeline will fluctuate.

Harley said: In other words, time at this stage is a special 'point'. Lines have distances, and points have no length or size, but points do exist.

Absolutely. The state of time at this time is really special. It is the first time since the birth of the universe. I am also observing, summarizing, and learning. Dr. Destiny sighed.

Harley was lost in thought. Her timeline guardian talent came from the Connection Power Defense feat.

After all, this expertise comes from the power of connection and the defense against time. It is incidental to the defense of Manhattan power and is very unprofessional.

After leaving the single universe, her temporal damage immunity can still function, but what about the timeline guardian?

For example, she went to Earth 1 or Earth 2, and there was no original timeline for her there.

Moreover, above the timeline of the single universe, there is a more advanced hyper-temporal flow.

Dr. Destiny stared at her thoughtfully and asked, Are you having trouble stabilizing your own timeline?

Harley was a little surprised, nodded and admitted: After getting the power of Manhattan, I can't exist in all time at the same time like him, I can only protect my timeline from interference to a certain extent.

I've never told anyone this secret, how did you know?

Dr. Destiny smiled, The Tower of Destiny always monitors the elements and space-time fluctuations on the earth.

On the eve of the first Heroes Convention, The Flash traveled through time and seemed to return to the present from the future.

At that time, the timeline of the universe was almost distorted, and I was thinking about whether we should maintain stability or change along with the trend - sometimes change is good for the real universe.

You took the lead and did something to make the timeline stable again.

This time the Flash traveled through time, my Manhattan power didn't respond at all. Harley sighed.

Doctor Destiny was not surprised: This shows that your skills have limits. It is normal to have limits. If there are no limits, wouldn't you become a god?

Harley nodded slightly. This experience indeed proved that her ability to protect the timeline was very limited.

Not even a mere Crisis on Infinite Earths could be dealt with.

Don’t think she’s faking it, she now has seven defense feats: Food Level 8, Shameless Level 5, God’s Power Defense Level 10, Sixth Note Level 2, Connection Power Level 10, Visible Light Emotional Spectrum Level 9, Divine Speed Strength level 0.

Of the seven specialties in defense, three are no lower than level nine.

Level nine is the multiverse level.

The Mother of the Universe, Pappetua, must be dozens of times stronger than the Anti-Monitor, but even if Harley were to face Pappetua now, she would be more relaxed than she is now.

Papetua's energy attacks are ineffective against her.

What is the nature of hyperchronic flow? Harley asked.

She became interested in the 'Time Defense Specialty'.

This is also a choice made out of desperation.

After learning about the seven origins of the DC universe from Constantine, she made a plan to gather the seven Dragon Balls and summon Invincible Harley.

In fact, the plan worked surprisingly well.

The seven origins: the power of speed of the speed force and the stasis force, she has obtained it, which is the seventh defense expertise; the power of the spectrum of visible and invisible light has also been obtained, the sixth defense expertise; the sixth comment is the fourth Defense expertise.

For the remaining Tears of Death, Black Apple, Year of the Villain, and Wind of Nothingness, Harley looked confused.

At other times, she would be willing to search slowly, or save merit and exchange it for the Voice of Heaven.

Well, she asked the voice of heaven, and the voice of heaven said that those are forbidden powers.

The news about the power of taboos are all irredeemable taboos. If you must exchange, you have to add money, starting at 200 million, there is no upper limit.

But the current situation does not allow her to slowly accumulate merit and forcefully search for the 'Dragon Balls'.

Moreover, the chaotic super-time flow made her unable to do what she wanted, but at the same time, it also allowed her to see opportunities.

“I only know that the hypertime flow is an ocean, and all the timelines of the real world are in it, but it is only a scoop of water in it.

The timeline represented by more seawater only exists in the super-time flow and does not appear in reality. Kent said.

Has Naboo ever explored the hypertemporal flow?

Yes Dr. Destiny's helmet suddenly glowed with golden light, like a 30,000-watt light bulb. The sacred aura was like a tsunami, and even set off a tsunami of elements.

Harley Quinn!!

Naboo's voice seemed to echo in a huge, empty house, with a condescending, ethereal and majestic aura.

Harley really wanted to activate the God's Force Field first - to cancel the magic special effects, and then summon the Dog Son Yebi - to stabilize the elemental 'riot' and disgrace this old bastard who dared to show off in front of her.

But rationally, she really wanted to communicate with Naboo.

Hello, King Naboo.


You are the God King, so of course you should be called the King.

——The same king as the Mountain King in Journey to the West!

Nabu nodded. His face could not be seen clearly, but judging from his tone, he was probably satisfied, Why are you interested in hyper-time flow?

With the current situation on earth, how can I not care about the super-time flow?

No, I was touched by your words, so I temporarily came out to meet you on behalf of Kent. Harley Quinn, be honest!

He was indeed a bastard. At the end of the sentence, Nabu started scolding him again, just like the mountain king scolding the little demon patrolling the mountain.

Okay, let me tell you the truth. I am very ambitious. Not only do I want to transcend the timeline, but I also hope that one day in the future, I will make the super-time stream turn into a small ditch under my feet and be crossed at will. Harley sighed.

——When you have enough strength, you will definitely defeat this ‘helmet man’!

She thought to herself.

Nabu seemed to be glaring at her, but the golden light on his helmet was too bright, like a small sun, and he couldn't see clearly.

What is the basis for your ambition? He asked.

You first tell me the nature of the hyper-temporal flow before I can speak with confidence. Harley said: Just like you asked me what the qualifications are for becoming a psychiatrist, I have to know what a psychiatrist is before I can use it. I can eat 10 big meat buns in one meal' is the answer.

Nabu thought about it, and it seemed to make sense, and he said slowly: The super-time flow we can access now is a branch of the true mother river of time.

You know Dr. Manhattan, you know that he comes from outside the universe, and you must also know something about the Great Omnipotent Universe.

The super-time flow is to the mother river of time, just like the timeline of the single universe is to the super-time flow.

I have a feeling that I can leave this universe and enter another multiverse through the hypertime flow.

Well, the mother river of time.

Harley had a vague decision in her mind. The time immunity of the power of connection was powerless even to the super-time flow of the multiverse. When it encountered the mother river of time, she was even more unable to resist it.

Therefore, for her who aims to transcend the omnipotent universe, it is necessary to activate time defense.

It's better to meet the Anti-Monitor first to see if he mainly relies on anti-matter power.

If the Anti-Monitor has only one strength, she will use her level 80 defense expertise elsewhere. If the Anti-Monitor has other powers, in order to win this war, the level 80 defense expertise can only be used on the Anti-Monitor.

Why don't you speak? Nabu asked.

My confidence is that I love God and God loves me. Harley said solemnly.

Nabu said coldly: Are you fooling me? I have communicated with Michael and Gabriel. You have not been favored by God. You have other powers!

What power? Harley asked in surprise.

She was surprised on the surface, her heartbeat and pulse were normal, but in the depths of her consciousness, one or two thoughts were jumping wildly: Naboo was actually having a meeting with the two treacherous kings of heaven and earth!

——The God King really has no one to fool.

Harley was suddenly a little lucky. Her specialty was defense, which was passive, and she did not manifest any abnormal power. Even Dog God and Little Black Bean were only confused, puzzled, and confused, but could not confirm her abnormality.

Therefore, she was confident enough that she was not worried about the meeting of the three god kings at all, she was only worried about the fact that she was being noticed.

Nabu stared at her for a long time, and even used the divine power of order. However, on the surface of the tenth-level God's skin, he only saw a face of magnanimity and sincerity.

Although Michael assured that God never favored her.

But the magical power in her body is indeed somewhat similar to that of God. It is not the power of God, but...

I'll keep an eye on you, Harley Quinn. With this sentence, Naboo disappeared and Kent came online.

Harry. Kent looked embarrassed and worried.

Harley shrugged, He is staring at me, Satan is also staring at me, and all the gods and demons in the sky are staring at me. I can't help it, the emperor and superstar of the multiverse, I have long been used to this kind of treatment.

Kent's mouth twitched a few times and asked, Is there anything I can do for you?

——I wanted to ask you about the ‘power of time’ within the super-time flow, now.

Harley sighed in her heart and said with a smile: I plan to develop the power of Manhattan in my body to enhance my resistance to the turbulent flow of time. Do you have a magic book that introduces the flow of time? Lend it to me.


In the following days, the situation of time collapse and space chaos continued to intensify, and natural disasters became increasingly serious. Fortunately, the mage group was very powerful.

The Flash appears again, as before, but he has no memory of warning the heroes and Harley.

The Alexander Kent whom Halle was waiting for never came.

A week later, the figure of the pioneer was magnified countless times and projected over the earth and over every star in the universe.

She began to call the beings on Earth 0 to go to the underworld.

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