I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 655 Goodbye The Flash

Did you betray Sinestro? Everyone was shocked again.

Hal gave up the Ion Shark and became a Green Lantern again, which naturally caused an uproar on the earth.

People on earth couldn't understand his choice, and countless netizens questioned whether he was out of his mind, until Louise, the famous reporter from the universe, did an exclusive interview with him.

The interview mainly revealed two contents: first, becoming a well-established Green Lantern can help more people, both on earth and aliens; second, Corps Commander Sinestro is very optimistic about him and not only believes that he has the potential to become the 'history' The greatest Lantern's potential, and let him be his deputy.

The people on Earth suddenly realized that joining the Green Lantern Corps as a prince did have a better future than being a solitary casual cultivator Ion Man.

Many netizens also enthusiastically discussed the mortality rate of the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, hoping that Sinestro would return to the old path of the greatest Lantern in history, and then people on Earth could successfully ascend to the position and become the chief of the cosmic police force.

Can't you wait to take over? As soon as he finished speaking, General Lane immediately shook his head. Even if you want to usurp the throne, it will take a few years. After you have real power and become the second-in-command of the Green Lantern Corps, you can...

——Please ask the golden nuclear bomb to kill Sinestro quietly, and make you the commander of the army, and work hard to benefit the earth.

For example, to recruit one hundred and eighty people from Earth to join the Green Lantern Corps, first set up the Earth Gang.

Well, this is not just General Lane’s fantasy.

Except for Harley and the mage who understands the influence of magic on the mage, it is speculated that Hal Jordan's departure is like a meat bun beating a dog, and there is no return.

After Lois’ interview on ‘Returning from Ion Man to Green Lantern’ came out, everyone else on the planet had great expectations.

Now it's time to rely on Sinestro, who believes in you and reuses you, and work hard to gain real power. General Lane said with more complaints in his tone.

Regardless of the reason why Green Lantern betrayed Sinestro, not only did he get no benefit, but he also lost most of his previous status as Prince.

I didn't betray Sinestro, I reported him. Hal Jordan said seriously.

Report him for what? Bateman asked.

After rejoining the Green Lantern Corps, I became Sinestro's assistant. Hal Jordan said with a complex expression, He was very kind to me, taught me the techniques of using the Lantern Ring, and invited me to visit his hometown. He My wife entertained me warmly”

Having said this, his eyes darkened and he fell silent.

Did you steal his wife? Luther asked in shock.

What nonsense are you talking about?! Hal's eyes widened with anger and he almost stood up and punched him.

Luther said: You said that his wife entertained you warmly, and then sat there with a melancholy look on her face and had endless aftertaste.

Green Lantern is mourning! Bateman said calmly: She is dead? Sinestro's wife died because of you?

Hal glanced at him in surprise and nodded slightly, Sinestro was very frank and enthusiastic that day when he introduced me to me what the green light ring can really do.

He is ruling Koruga, his home planet, with a ring.

The heartbeat and pulse of everyone on the planet are monitored by Sinestro with a light ring. If the heartbeat and pulse change drastically, the light ring will immediately record their conversations and behaviors, and then determine whether they are carrying out or about to carry out criminal activities, or Just planning.

No matter what major crime or minor mistake the Koruga has committed, even if he lied, he can know it and use the powerful computing power of the Lantern Ring Super Brain to judge each prisoner.

If someone commits a crime on the street, or is planning a crime, their location can also be located, and the same punishment will be given regardless of whether the criminal activity has been carried out.

If an official dares to commit corruption, he will be informed immediately, the target and location will be identified, the stolen money will be collected, and he will be removed from office and investigated.

Harley was in awe, I used to look down on the red-faced man with four eyebrows, but I didn't expect him to be so diligent. He is indeed the greatest Lantern in history.

Diligence? Hal Jordan became excited, That is tyranny! The people of Koruga have no freedom, no privacy, or even fair judicial rights. Their lives are miserable. They only fear him, not respect or love.

Harley clasped her fingers and said: Sinestro is the Green Lantern of the sector and has to manage countless universes; he is also the Legion Commander and has to deal with many internal affairs of the Legion; he is also your mentor and has to teach you well.

No matter how busy he is as Green Lantern, if there is a case on his home planet, even if the crime is still being planned, he will deal with it immediately.

What a loving father Koruga!

What did he get as a result?

The people did not love him, his disciples reported him, and the legion exiled him.

Harry, do you want to live in a society where Sinestro is caring like a father? Bateman said calmly.

You don't want to? Harley asked.

Of course not, such a world is suffocating. A group of heroes immediately shouted.

Harley nodded in understanding, It's normal if you don't like him, he suppresses the restless elements like you.

For ordinary people, there are no criminals, no gangsters, no rich and powerful second generations oppressing them, criminal activities are prevented in the bud, officials are honest and honest, and businessmen dare not sell fake goods.

According to the legend, if you don’t pick up leftovers on the road and don’t close your door at night, it’s nothing more than that.

I have to admit, from this moment on, I have respect for Sinestro. She sighed: He has his own thoughts, he is not a puppet of the Green Lantern Corps, and he deserves respect.

It's easy to monitor a person with green light energy. It's difficult to monitor a city. Control the entire planet. Anyway, I can't do it.

But Sinestro not only used a large part of his power to control the planet Koruga, but the remaining power he used to serve the Green Lantern Corps still allowed him to surpass all Green Lanterns and become the greatest Lantern in history.

With this kind of strength, there should be no more than three little blue people who can surpass him. I can't help but respect him.

He also has determination and perseverance. His daily workload sounds scary, but he is 007, day after day. He is not indifferent at work, but actually still has the energy and mood to show off in front of you.

If it were me, I would never be able to do it.

A great man indeed. Luther agreed.

Hal Jordan gritted his teeth and said: People have the right to choose the life they want.

Facts have proved that the Koruga people are not willing to live in a big cage with the shackles and shackles of their souls.

Before my arrival, there were many organizations on the planet that resisted Sinestro's brutal rule.

My appearance immediately set off a wave of anti-Sinestro on the planet Koruga.

If his innocent wife hadn't accidentally died in the riot, the uprising was almost perfect, at least I would never regret what I did to Sinestro.

Harley shrugged with a relaxed expression, Forget it, let alone Sinestro and Koruga. Anyway, everyone here, including me, doesn't like paternal rule.

Well, if I were in Koruga, I would definitely be the commander-in-chief of the resistance forces, because I am restless just like you.

Those who like Sinestro's rule are incompetent, unambitious, law-abiding and sensible people.

However, those assholes can only be represented by a group of capable people like us, whether in the United States or on another planet.

There was silence in the conference room, and everyone's expressions were not very good.

Superman frowned and said, Harley, I think your words are very weird.

Be more confident and remove 'I think'. I can't stand it, and I'm too lazy to bother to change anything. I even enjoy the benefits of not changing, so I can only use a few weird words. Harley said confidently.

Superman choked and said seriously: Sinestro may be diligent and have a heart to govern the motherland, but his will has surpassed the collective will of all living beings.

Let me give you a simple example. Sinestro believes that lying is wrong and does not allow the Koruga people to lie, but lying is human nature.


You might say, let Sinestro grade the harm of lies, and the punishment mechanism will be triggered only when the level is higher than a certain level.

But the setting of this level is still determined by Sinestro's personal senses.

Personal senses are actually the most unreliable.

His feelings cannot represent others, let alone become legal norms.

Our opposition to dictatorship and tyranny is not just to opposing bad people and tyrants who are ignorant, cruel and evil.

Even if a dictator is shrewd, capable, diligent and caring for his people, his person and personal behavior are worthy of praise, but his way of governing is also undesirable.

No one really likes to be ruled by tyranny.

First of all, that kind of rule is very unstable, and the effects vary from person to person. What if you meet a perverted bastard?

Secondly, even under such a rule, material life is better, because people have souls, and a prosperous life is not only reflected in personal safety, food and clothing.

Above material things, people will have higher pursuits, such as thinking about things that their loving father does not allow them to think about.

Alas, we are discussing Crisis on Infinite Earths, not ideological politics. Aquaman squirmed restlessly in his chair and muttered, I almost forgot what the last topic was.

It's all Green Lantern's fault for going off topic, Harley said.

Blame me? Hal Jordan's eyes widened, I'm stating the facts, and you are being weird - by the way, you just admitted that you are being weird.

Then tell me, why am I so evil? It's a simple sentence - Sinestro used power for personal gain and used the Green Lantern Ring to rule the planet Koruga. I reported him.

We immediately understood what you had done, what Sinestro had done, and then we continued the discussion. What was the discussion about? Harry scratched the back of his head, a look of confusion on his face.

Discussing about the little blue man can also open up the passage to the antimatter universe. Bateman said.

Harley glanced at Hal Jordan and said, In order to gain recognition from us and reduce the guilt in your heart for betraying your friend and killing your friend's wife, you told me in detail how Sinestro ruled Koruga.

Your words carry the emotion of expecting recognition, and we naturally have emotions of approval or disapproval.

I disagreed and wanted to refute, but the topic started to go off the rails.

Well, it makes sense and is very logical. Luther nodded in agreement.

Although the heroes didn't say it, they felt in their hearts that she wasn't entirely passing the blame.

Hal blushed and was speechless.

Aquaman yelled again, Wonder Woman wants us to go to the Heroes Hall to attend the burial ceremony of the fallen heroes after the meeting. You-

Stab - sting - Before he finished speaking, two scarlet arcs suddenly jumped in the air in the room. The expressions of Harley and Dr. Destiny changed drastically at the same time, Be careful, time flows turbulently -

Stab- A figure in a red uniform suddenly jumped out, Help me, help me, you-anyone can do it, please save me!


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