I want to have a date with Superman

The birth of the Crisis on Infinite Earths synopsis

Crisis on Infinite Earths has reached its mid-to-late stage, so let me summarize it for you.

First, the reason why Crisis on Infinite Earths came about.

DC Comics wants to catch up, but the comics have come to an end. If they persist, they will be unfinished. They can only open a new book and start from scratch again.

But as a fan author, I cannot write like this. I must give a logical reason in terms of plot.

Therefore, even though the major event Crisis on Infinite Earths preceded the major event Doomsday Clock (Doctor Manhattan Fusion Universe) by decades, I placed Doomsday Clock in the first chapter of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Dr. Manhattan used his power to tarnish the main universe Earth 0, giving the DC multiverse a consciousness of reshuffling.

In addition, Crisis on Infinite Earths is also the prelude to the plot of Papetua. Why did the Anti-Monitor trap the Monitor?

Because billions of years ago, three brothers collaborated and betrayed their mother. As the eldest brother's supervisor, it was very unfair when distributing the inheritance. He himself took 90% of the wealth, the second brother, the anti-monitor, got 1%, and the third brother cast who get 9%


Second, the story of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Maybe the readers have read comics, or watched videos on station B, or Baidu - only Baidu readers, 80% of them didn't understand anything.

Readers who browse station B must also be confused.

Even if you have read the comics, there will be a question mark on your forehead.

It has nothing to do with the IQ of readers. The characters, story structure, and plot logic in pure comics are all too unfriendly to passers-by.

At the beginning, I read the comic twice in a row. It made me dizzy. I just wanted to change the outline and not write this plot.

Later, when I actually started to prepare and simply skipped it, I suddenly understood its plot line.

Well, it’s not that I’ve become smarter, but my perspective is different. From a reader to a writer, the feeling is different.

Standing at the foot of the mountain and standing on the top of a higher mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the mountains.

Okay, let’s stop bragging and get to the point.

Crisis on Infinite Earths actually only tells one thing - the story of the editorial department:

Editor-in-Chief: Boss, DC Comics has come to an end, and the cartoonist’s head is empty. He can no longer think of new plots, so he can only restart (start over, fry the leftovers, for example, let Batman’s parents die again in a different way).

Company CEO: Hey, let’s restart. Anyway, we have restarted several times. It just so happens that our company has acquired several new publications in recent years, such as Captain Shazam and A Comic About 40 Years of Fighting in World War II. Take advantage of this. We are restarting and integrating these acquired comics into the DC family.

Later, the editor-in-chief convened a meeting with comic editors: I had already agreed with my boss that DC Comics would be restarted, and two acquired comic publications would be added to it.

Editor A raised his hand to speak: Boss, have you watched Watchmen recently? I'm too weak to win prizes, so why don't I take advantage of the popularity?

The editor-in-chief scolded: Little A, don’t be ridiculous. It’s only 1985, not even after 2010. The IP of “Watchmen” is being copied very hotly, making a lot of money for the company. It can last for decades. A masterpiece is a money-spinner and cannot be left to you fan editors to mess around with. Moreover, if you have caused disaster to Watchmen now, how will your colleagues make a living in a few decades?

Editor A first apologized, and then said unwillingly: BOSS, just because Watchmen is so popular, if you don't take the opportunity to enjoy the popularity, God will not tolerate it!

Editors BCDEFG all agreed: It's a good meal, not shabby.

The editor-in-chief pondered for a long time and sighed: It makes sense. Authors who don’t know how to catch up on the popularity are not good authors. However, the IP of Watchmen must also be of high quality. You cannot write fan fiction, only the same character setting, Chinese Translation . Oh, English to English.

Editor A was shocked: Boss, do you mean to plagiarize Watchmen?

The editor-in-chief said solemnly: They are all works of DC company, how can they be considered plagiarism?

The editors were silent.

The editor-in-chief concluded: No matter how we design the plot of Crisis on Infinite Earths, we must use the two acquired comics Shazam and Forty Years of World War II together with our own plagiarized and reskinned Copycat Watch Integrate into the new universe.

Editor B said: In other words, in this Crisis on Infinite Earths, these three universes will be retained?

The editor shook his head: Not only these three, we are a DC Comics company after all, and we cannot forget our own.

Editor C said: In other words, the current badly written DC main universe will be preserved?

The editor-in-chief thought for a while and said: Our American comics have experienced the Golden Age and the Silver Age since the 1930s. Each era has a DC main universe, so at least two main universes should be retained.

Editors understand: To summarize, our company has acquired two comics, Shazam and 40 Years of World War II, occupying two places. Including the popular Reskinned Watchmen, the main universe Earth 1 of the Golden Age and the main universe Earth 2 of the Silver Age will be retained in a total of five universes, and the rest will be swallowed up by the Anti-Monitor?

The editor nodded with satisfaction: Destroy the original Wantianyi, leaving only five single universes, and then let the monitors create a Hades universe, which is the newborn Wantianyi embryo, creating a plot that forces the heroes in the comics to put their own The world has moved to the underworld, and the five-in-one restart has been completed. Nice!


The above is the outline of Crisis on Infinite Earths. Destroy the remaining universes, save only five, and then merge the five universes into one to complete the restart of the universe reasonably and legally, and add new characters.

But as a fan author, I can understand their reasons for doing that, but I can't use this reason to fool readers, nor can I explain it clearly.

Therefore, in this book, Crisis on Infinite Earths has a relatively long preparation, and a more logical reason is given - in the plot of Doctor Black Manhattan, the reasons began to be given.

In order to be more reasonable, the plot of Crisis on Infinite Earths is actually quite different from the original work.

Some readers may have discovered that the surviving universes in the original work are Earth 1 - the DC main universe of the Silver Age, Earth 2 - the DC main universe of the Golden Age, Earth 4 - the Skinned Watcher, and Earth S - the Sand Zan and the Miraculous Family (acquired), Earth X - Forty Years of World War II (acquired).

In this novel, Earth 0 is used instead of Earth S because Harley has met the old Shazam a long time ago and there is no need to create a universe to integrate Shazam into the new universe.

Well, here’s a little common sense: Shazam was not originally a DC comic. Shazam was successfully acquired and was very popular. However, the acquisition failed during World War II and was later discontinued.

Earth 0, Earth 1, and Earth 2 are all main universes, main universes in different historical periods.

It can be seen that the outline design of Crisis on Infinite Earths by the DC editor is very rough and very purposeful.

Because of this, logical loopholes abound in comics. When I write fan fiction, I have to take care of the readers’ intelligence, fill in the loopholes, and give plausible reasons.

This wastes time.

Crisis on Infinite Earths, which I originally planned to skip quickly, now seems a bit lengthy.

There are also several chapters of daily interviews with reporters that have nothing to do with the main plot. This is not to overwhelm the plot, but to connect the plot. The original comic is very stiff, so I have to add some lubrication to it.

When it comes to the actual combat plot, I will speed up the progress.

There are logical loopholes in the foreshadowing, which need to be repaired; but there are not many loopholes in the fight - Superman's cheating does not count as cheating, it can be very simple.

Okay, that’s it for today. When the plot of Crisis on Infinite Earths is about to end, I will open another chapter to explain the details of the original plot, the reasons for the editor’s design, the loopholes in it, and my adjustments.

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