I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 651 The Glory of Gotham’s Famous Records

Why are Gotham reporters so shameless? a Reuters reporter asked curiously.

The black bosses and political and business leaders want to suppress news, buy space, and write fake news. They have to choose between taking money to embarrass face or losing face and life. I am still alive, which has explained everything.

The guy from Gotham Times lowered his head, a little embarrassed to look directly at the companions who are not oppressed by evil forces and can truly write the truth with free will.

Alas, every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. Old Hans sighed and said: Since forty years ago, I have been on a mission to the Great Celestial Empire almost every year.

Every time I go to Datian Dynasty, I will have new feelings, a long-lost touch and impulse, and then I will write down my feelings based on objective facts.

And guess what?

The news is not released at all!

I am a 64-year-old editor-in-chief who even won a Pulitzer once. My qualifications and abilities are at the top of a journalist’s list, but I am unable to publish real news in my own newspaper.

It’s not that news from China cannot be published, but that the country, its cities, and the people in the city must be transformed into ugly and short people, not tall and beautiful.

In particular, we cannot use Eastern countries as examples to criticize the ugly dwarfs in our own country.

A reporter with a BBC sign nodded deeply and said helplessly: People say that our BBC is evil and likes to use netherworld filters. In fact, it is a huge injustice.

If we can stand and get paid, we BBC reporters also want to pursue truth and truth.

After all, we have received similar university educations to you, we all understand the ethics of journalists, and we have all inspired to become the uncrowned kings who make the world a better place.

However, the government's Ministry of Information does not allow it, and neither does the domestic social environment.

How could the British people who cherish the dream of the British Empire in ancient times not feel uncomfortable if they see that the country they once bullied wantonly has become richer, stronger and more vibrant than themselves, and they compare themselves to a third-rate small country?

Don’t readers just enjoy reading the news?

If the BBC doesn't make them happy, they won't buy our newspapers or subscribe to our news content. The company's performance will decline, and we will either have our wages reduced or be laid off.

Therefore, it is not the BBC reporters who are bad, it is the government and the people who are bad. We, who are among the bad guys, have to be bad.

Immediately, a large group of reporters echoed with deep feeling, In our place, we also cannot tolerate any real bright spots in the East, especially when we don't shine and they shine, the superiors must make us make up nonsense and write the bright ones as black.

If you really encounter something dark, it will be a huge joy. The whole newspaper office will work overtime together. If you don't write a black spot into a dark forest, you can't get off work or get the year-end bonus.

You are pretty good, just don't report on Chinese news. The dpa reporter smiled bitterly: We have an immigration problem in Germany. You know, you can't even report on the strong women of our country. You have to pretend to be deaf. dumb.

On the contrary, if anyone dares to say a bad word about those outsiders, they will be criticized by thousands of people and reviled by thousands of people. I don’t want to follow the crowd and have my salary deducted by the editor.

In this world, it is difficult to be an ordinary reporter who thinks normally, speaks and writes articles with normal content!

Are you overthinking? Didn't my side address the issue of being wealthy and people of color? A group of Western reporters looked disapproving. We have more serious problems, such as environmental protection, animal protection, and transgender people. La.

There is too much news content, and we cannot express different opinions except trying to cater to it.

In a concluding tone, Old Hans lamented: “Nowadays, what matters in news is no longer the truthfulness of the content, but political correctness.

The key is that the political trend that is considered correct is completely incorrect.

Our uncrowned king should have changed this incorrect ‘political correctness’.

We should face the waves and waves with spears in hand and shouts.

Like Don Quixote, he was lonely and brave and rushed towards the evil that was illusory in others' eyes but real in his own eyes.


The old reporter suddenly paused. He frowned and saw that the reporters gathered around to complain were all from Europe and the United States.

A group of reporters from Asia, Africa and Latin America stood outside. They just looked at them and didn't speak.

Why don't you speak? The old reporter was a little unhappy. Europe and the United States, the glorious origin of freedom and democracy, are all dark. Are you all bright?

A Latin American reporter said calmly: What is there to say? Although we are not in the same country, our national media has long been either directly acquired or indirectly controlled by European and American news tycoons.

To put it bluntly, our boss’s boss’s boss is 80% from the same News Group, or the same person.

You can at least eat the 'dung' first hand, but we have to cheer for you, eat what you pulled out, and then reprocess it to feed our own people.

Alas! The old reporter looked helpless, shook his head and sighed, feeling satisfied.

Alas! The BBC reporter who had the dream of 'press freedom and the uncrowned king all came from the British Empire' saw the beginning of the ancient times and learned from them how to be a good reporter and how to criticize reality. By 2015, reporters from small countries Years later, he was still not as good as them, and had to learn from them and eat their shit. He sighed bitterly, and his heart flew with joy.

Hey, where is the reporter Su from the Xinhua News Agency? The European and American reporters were scanning the famous Asian, African and Latin American journalists who lowered their heads in their glances one by one with complicated expressions of empathy and the same joyful mood. Suddenly someone shouted .

Because he remembered that not all media in Asia are controlled by the bosses of their bosses, for example, the Great China.

Then he wanted to look at him, to see a different helplessness on his face, and to hear a different kind of pain from his mouth.

But he searched around and found no one.

Obviously, they were gathered together just now to share news materials, and they also agreed to interview the alien volunteer generals together.

Oh, Reporter Su, he just had a stomachache and went to the toilet. He asked us to go first without waiting for him. A white African guy said.

How long was it just now? asked the AFP reporter.

The white African guy thought for a moment and said, That's when old Hans said 'Don Quixote'.

The reporters no longer had any doubts. They hadn't asked yet at that time.

Well, the cicada woke up before the golden wind moved. At that time, old Hans had already frowned and scanned the group of Asians and Africans.

It's getting late, let's go quickly. The Gotham Times reporter said cheerfully.

When reporters saw him with a cheerful face and head held high, his eyes not only lost his inferiority and shame, but were filled with pride and confidence.

Journalists from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe felt uncomfortable.

Reporter Ross, you go to Quinn Manor alone to guard the 'Admiral Riding a Dog Picture'. You don't need to wait for us. We are not traveling together. Old Hans said calmly.

The Gotham Times reporter was about to agree with a smile when his eyes suddenly glanced at the wall clock behind the lobby desk, which read six-fifty.

Lana Lang said the interview would start at five o'clock, and the interview would definitely not last more than two hours.

His expression remained unchanged, but annoyance and disappointment appeared in his eyes.

No, my heart-to-heart talk with you all has allowed me to regain the glory I deserve as a reporter. I am not a paparazzi. I still want to interview alien generals, even if I don't get the headlines, even if my traffic is reduced by 80%, even if I lose tens of thousands It doesn’t matter if you only have a one-in-one chance of becoming famous in the universe.”

The Gotham Times reporter has a determined expression, like Don Quixote holding a spear and facing the windmill giant.

The reporters felt increasingly uncomfortable. What does it mean to have a heart-to-heart relationship with us and let you regain your glory?

You can regain your confidence and resume your responsibility as a reporter, but glory can only be obtained by changing your imperfect self in the past and striving for it in the future. How can you suddenly have glory now through someone else's words?

Could it be that our words gave you glory in comparison?

How can you gain glory by accepting black money to write fake news? a BBC reporter sarcastically said.

The Gotham Times reporter said seriously: Yes, I was oppressed by evil forces and wrote fake news to deceive people, but I only deceived a small number of people in Gotham, and did not deceive a country or a whole world.

Regarding news about international politics and social trends, we always say whatever we want without political correctness.

I collect illegal money and remove news that exposes evil forces. At most, I harm the people at the bottom of a certain neighborhood. I have never smeared a region, a nation, or even a country.

In fact, I didn't harm the people of Gotham. Even if I wrote the news, it wouldn't change the current situation in Gotham. Even if I didn't write it, Bateman, who was inquiring, could find out.

The reporters felt like they had a lump in their throats, a thorn in their backs, and were sitting on pins and needles.

Robert wondered: Isn't it true that no one in Gotham is politically correct?

The Gotham Times reporter hesitated and said: It's not that there are none, it's just that that kind of person can't survive in Gotham.

Anyone who advocates political correctness will definitely offend those who he considers to be politically incorrect, right?

Old Hans nodded slightly. Without opposition, there would be no right or wrong. Political correctness is to force the distinction between right and wrong.

Oh, this is Gotham. Everyone feels uncomfortable, and they don't know how to shout with their mouths or curse with their pens. Gotham reporter sighed.

What do you use?

The Gotham reporter clapped his fingers and said: Kidnapping, murder, assassination, explicit killing, torture, kill him, kill his whole family.

Our social structure in Gotham is actually very dynamic.

The Latin American Gang, the Neon Yamaguchi Group, the Italian Mafia Party, and Russia, as long as any country or region with a black state in its territory, will start overseas business in Gotham after it reaches a certain stage of development.

Gotham is to black states around the world what the international market is to companies from all over the world.

The people of Gotham believe in God, Satan, evil gods, General Wu Yuyi and even the Joker, who all have sects and followers.

Same-sex, transgender, indistinguishable gender

What's the point of moving to Ming Dynasty? There are even aliens and people from other worlds.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to find enemies who are capable of committing crimes and have criminal tendencies.

Anyone who likes to be politically correct in the press will generally not be able to hold a gun in society.

Those who hold guns are black policemen, black policemen, and black politicians. They only want to make money.

After all, in Gotham, crime is a daily activity, and money is the foundation of power and the primary productive force for survival and development.

Of course, Gothamites also have Gotham-specific ideological politics.

We are more concerned about law and illegality, heroes and super criminals, justice and crime, madness and crazier, Arkham regulars and Bateman that are close to public life.

The reporters were stunned and speechless.

It's getting late, let's go. Gotham reporter reminded.

Old Hans was stunned and asked: You just said that you couldn't grab the headlines and the traffic dropped by 80%. What do you mean? The photo of the admiral riding a dog is not news on earth.

There is still a one in 10,000 chance of becoming famous in the universe. This is the point!

A reporter from Gotham Times sighed: “Indeed, the people of Gotham can often see extremely clear pictures of the admiral riding a dog with the naked eye, which is not considered news.

But these days are different.

What are we?

He is a war reporter for the Earth Alliance!

Dozens of alien fleets came today, and they must have brought war reporters with them.

Earthlings care about alien generals and fleets, but alien reporters must pay more attention to the earth.

Who else on earth attracts more traffic than the golden nuclear bomb?

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