I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 650 The Daily Life of a World Famous Record in Gotham

If Harley was just a pure superhero, doing an exclusive interview for her would definitely not be regarded as ‘bragging for a lifetime of glory’.

Heroes such as Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and The Flash are all great and unique.

Their heroic spirit is obviously not possessed by the five-ring generals.

But Harley is still the golden nuke.

What is the glory of being a journalist?

It is your own news that has huge influence and can change the world.

Before the advent of the golden nuclear bomb, the limit of news influence was the entire planet.

Now that the golden nuclear bomb has appeared, the earth is just a grain of sand in the universe, and her special news can almost be spread throughout the universe.

Not the Milky Way, but the entire universe.

There is not even one physical universe.

There are rumors that even the gods and demons in the sky, heaven, angels, hell and Satan will also pay attention to the news of the golden nuclear bomb.

Thinking of Satan getting up in the morning and squatting on the toilet, holding a newspaper with his article as the front page headline. Which reporter can't be excited?

Even if the five-ring general is a black man and has a personal style problem, and his sentiments and morals are far inferior to those of a great and upright superman, her news is widely sold and has far-reaching influence!

Actually, to write news about Harley Quinn, there is more than just an interview with her. A young reporter from the Deutsche Presse-Agentur News Agency said quietly.

Robert, what do you think? The reporters looked at him curiously.

Robert proudly said: “Retracing the old path of Lois Lane, exploring the growth experience of the Five Rings Admiral, and showing it to the audience from a different perspective.

When this Crisis on Infinite Earths is over, I plan to stay in Gotham, walk through the streets and alleys that the Fifth Ring Admiral once walked, and personally experience her being hunted down by the Holy Advent Crusaders, and her walking on the street with a pair of knives. The scenery and atmosphere of chasing down other heydao bosses.

Tch~~ Everyone gave him a contemptuous middle finger.

What's wrong? Robert asked puzzled.

Although you are young, you are not a newcomer? Old Hans asked doubtfully.

Of course I'm not a newcomer. My professional resume even surpasses Lois Lane. At least in the early and mid-term. Robert said confidently.

Old Hans asked strangely: Then why don't you know about Yeager, Salin, Varsky and other famous journalists?

This Robert was startled, I know those seniors, what happened to them? I really didn't pay attention to their news.

It's useless to watch the news. Too many big things have happened recently. Their deaths are very sensational in the reporter circle, but in the news, they can barely occupy an obituary position in the social news section. Old Hans sighed.

Dead? Robert was surprised again, How come three Pulitzer Prize winners died in succession?

More than three, including other less famous reporters, at least thirty died. said a Reuters reporter.

What on earth happened? Robert was horrified.

Everyone looked at him strangely, They want to go with you.

What are you thinking about?

Old Hans sighed: “They are just like you, they all want to follow the old path of the Five Ring General.

As a result, Yeager died on the street because he was wearing a pair of high-end French handmade leather shoes.

Forty-year-old Saleen abandoned the photographer and ran off with an eighteen-year-old drug dealer in Robinson Park.

Don't ask why, I can't understand it, but it's a fact.

Saleen wrote in a fanatical tone on Facebook that she and her drug dealer lover, ahem, were completely voluntary, and then she overdosed and died.

Varsky was mistaken by the Latin American gang for the small leader of a certain Russian gang, and the tragic singing incident was not necessarily a misunderstanding. Some people saw Varsky drinking with several officials of the Russian gang in the bar.

My father is an ambassador and knows many American officials. Ask him to say hello to the GCPD, and then ask the GCPD to send a message to the neighborhood community. No one will try to murder me, Robert said.

Hehe, do you really think you are the only smart ones and we Gotham reporters are fools? The Gotham Times reporter sneered: Jason Bullock from our newspaper also wants to go back to the 'path of glory' of General Five Rings. He He was the nephew of the GCPD chief, and he died in mysterious circumstances.

Even the famous ‘Hell Detective’ Jim Gordon failed to find out the identity of the murderer.

Later, Bateman personally took action and only speculated that it might be a sudden random killing.

Well, it's just an ordinary person in Gotham who has never committed any crime. Either he has a whim or a whim, or he is too stressed and wants to vent, or Jason's words or words just hit him hard and make him go crazy. Dafa.

In short, after killing someone, the murderer continues to be an honest person, which is difficult to find out.

Robert's face turned pale, My grandfather is the director of Allianz Insurance. I am rich and can hire bodyguards.

You still dare to be rich? Old Hans shouted, Yeager only wore a pair of handmade leather boots, have you forgotten?

How do the rich people in Gotham live well? Robert said.

“Because they never run around, and the place you want to go is the most chaotic place.

Even General Wuhuan had to wear body armor every day, but he was still shot.

Even the Waynes and his wife were killed when they wandered into an alley. Are you braver than the General of the Five Rings, or more powerful than the Waynes and his wife?

Robert was speechless.

A reporter from Reuters sighed: Actually, only a small number of people have been killed for money. Most reporters have inexplicably surrendered after staying in Gotham for a period of time.

As depraved as Saleen? Robert murmured.

The Reuters reporter shook his head and said: The forms of depravity are all kinds of strange. For example, our newspaper also sent a young and promising reporter to Gotham.

His father is the exclusive dentist of the British royal family. He received a good education since he was a child and is gentle and elegant. He is a typical British gentleman.

In the first two months of his stay in Gotham, he kept telling us on the phone and on social media that he had collected a lot of precious materials and that he was going to surprise everyone in the newspaper.

He succeeded.

Three months later, we were shocked when he was sent to Blackgate Prison by Bateman as the leader of the ‘Wild Dogs’ gang in Salva Street.

He told his parents that he discovered the true meaning of life in Gotham and that he was truly alive now.

Then his parents asked their lawyers to help him transfer to Arkham Asylum.

A reporter sighed: One of our BBC news anchors is like this, and now he has become a drug dealer. We met unexpectedly two days ago, and he even tried to sell me powder.

When I didn't buy it, he immediately turned against me, pointed a gun at my head, and took away all my cash, watch, and notebook.

A reporter from the Chicago Telegraph said: The editor-in-chief of our newspaper, Aya, is now working as a stripper and a female dancer in Harlan.

It was confirmed that no one was coercing her. She just discovered the true meaning of life when she re-walked the path of the five-ring admiral - let go of the constraints and make yourself happy.

Shit, if I had known she was scratching like this, I would have coughed in the office. Sorry, I got off topic.

Is there no one who escaped unscathed? Robert said in disbelief.

Yes, after hearing what happened to those reporters, I bought a plane ticket back to Chicago overnight.

Gotham is too scary. If you stay there for a long time, you will either be murdered by villains or degenerate into villains. No wonder my dad keeps telling me - don't go to Gotham when you grow up. Don't go to Gotham when you grow up. Don't go to Gotham when you grow up. Gotham.”

Gotham is not all darkness. The Gotham Times reporter was unhappy. You yourself have to go deep into the darkness. Who can you blame if something happens? When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you.

I remember Gotham was rated as the safest and most vibrant city in the United States for several years. Robert wondered.

That was all from a few years ago. The Gotham Times reporter sighed.

What's different now?

Miss Quinn wasn't a five-ringed general back then, well, she was Gotham. This! He gave a thumbs up, his voice was very low, and his eyes were like a thief, looking around.

The reporters had gone online and read Lois Lane's The Legend of Harley. They all understood what he meant, and they all nodded lightly with understanding.

The Gotham Times reporter continued: Even the aliens don't doubt the abilities of the Five Ring Admiral. Therefore, under her rule, Gotham is prosperous and the cost of crime is extremely high.

How high? Robert asked puzzled.

Whoever commits a major crime will offend Mother Q. Isn't the price high enough?

Robert suddenly understood and said with deep understanding: It's so big that it's scary.

The Gotham Times reporter sighed, Now that she has become a five-ring general, she focuses on national affairs. Gotham has become Bateman's territory. Crime in Gotham is equivalent to offending Bateman. This is the price.

I heard that Bateman likes to put people into the ICU. In just six months, he has been reported dozens of times. The price of being admitted to the ICU is not low.

Where are the nearly 50,000 GCPD in Gotham? Can Bateman and Robin replace their jobs?

But Bateman is a hero. What he wants is not rule. He is fighting for the rights and interests of the people. A reporter said.

A Gotham Times reporter said: “This is true, but we are now discussing reality, and the reality is that Gotham has become the fallen city it once was.

Because criminals have become super, super powerful, some neighborhoods are more dangerous than they used to be.

Therefore, don’t think about focusing on the ‘path of glory’ of the Five-Ring General. If you were to replace it with the Five-Ring General, you may not be able to follow it.

How did Lois Lane succeed? Robert asked.

Haha, you compare with Louise

The reporters laughed sarcastically, and the hotel lobby was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Aside from a general father and good luck, what else does she have? Robert said unconvinced.

Even Louise’s colleague Cat Grant couldn’t bear to hear this, “She has nothing but courage, connections, and no chance of dying.

But if others were as courageous as her, they would mock Luther or a certain metropolitan military and political figure by name every day, go directly to the home of a warlord in the Middle East to talk about sensitive topics, go to an alien planet to interview an alien head of state, interview someone on the street and punch him to death Superman's mortal enemy in a tall building, he would have died hundreds of times when he came to Gotham to walk at night and feel what the Five Rings General felt back then.

Stop talking nonsense here. You can't complete the news mission of our BOSS. Old Hans clapped his hands and looked around, Are you going to go overseas with us to interview the alien volunteers?


Count me in.

There are many reporters in the lobby.

I plan to stay at the foot of Quinn Manor and take a group of photos of the five-ring general riding a big dog to and from get off work. said a Gotham Times reporter.

The lobby fell silent instantly, and the reporters looked at him hesitantly.

What's wrong?

We are war reporters who have passed the review of the Information Department of the Anti-Resistance Monitor Alliance. We represent the face of the earth, not gossip reporters. Old Hans reminded.

I'm from Gotham. His expression was both proud and helpless.

Gotham has the world-famous golden nuclear bomb, and the people of Gotham are proud of it, but as a reporter who has not yet fulfilled his integrity, he is also helpless.

so what?

People in Gotham don't care about professional honors. We don't even have the face. He sighed.

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