I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 582 Injustice Watch League

After listening to Fiora's story, there was silence in the Zhenglian Conference Hall.

After a long time, Bateman murmured: Even if there is no yellow sun, a Kryptonian warrior wearing Kryptonian armor can fight Superman back and forth. Hundreds of thousands of Kryptonian regular troops can't stop him at all.

Brainiac is obviously the number one super criminal in the universe, and the Green Lantern Corps also knows about it. Why hasn't he been brought to justice? Aquaman asked in confusion.

I'm not sure. Ion Man Hal shook his head.

Apocalypse is still the number one super criminal gang in the multiverse. Green Lantern also knows about them, so why hasn't they been brought to justice? Harley said with a smile.

Wonder Woman glanced at her and murmured: The 'Golden Nuclear Bomb' killed so many Green Lanterns and still remained safe and signed a settlement agreement. This shows that the 'justice' of the Green Lantern Corps is really limited.

Bang! Firestorm slammed the table and said excitedly: This is exactly our responsibility, the responsibility of the Justice League. We must eradicate the first interstellar criminal for the trillions of suffering people in the universe.

Don't discuss it here. No matter how much discussion there is, it's not as good as a real fight.

We are not the cowardly Kryptonian Council, nor are we the Green Lantern Corps who weigh the pros and cons and bully the weak and avoid the strong.

No matter how strong Brainiac is, the Mets must be saved and action must be taken today.

You weren't there when Brainiac came before? Harley couldn't help but ask.

I was there, but it was close to the surface and I didn't dare to use all my strength.

Harley smiled and said: Aren't you just a 'real nuclear bomb'? Even the Kryptonian photon missiles are useless, what can you do?

I can release nuclear explosion-level radiation energy, but I am more than just a nuclear bomb. I the black guy tilted his head and thought hard for a moment, Professor Stein, come and talk to her.

The next moment, the young man's voice became old and rational.

Hello, General of Five Rings, you can simply use the fire storm formed by the fusion of Ronnie and me as an energy matrix.

The matrix can absorb the radiation energy of nuclear bombs and also release the energy.

But nuclear bombs are not the limit of the energy matrix.

Of course, absorbing and releasing energy is only one of Fire Storm's abilities.

We can also rearrange the atomic structure of matter.

For example, turning mud into gold equal to its weight.

If there is a chance to directly touch the outer shell of the alien spacecraft, a passage may be opened.

What is the upper limit of the energy matrix? Harley asked curiously.

Firestorm thought for a while and said: Theoretically there is no upper limit. It can withstand the energy of the entire universe, but Ronnie and I are human and have physical and mental limits.

Harley sighed in her heart, DC heroes are too buggy and too damaging to real practitioners.

She was guided by a famous teacher and practiced hard for several years. In the end, she relied on an adventure in the blood river to integrate the expertise experience jar with the natal curse, and she could only barely absorb a small cup of external energy.

Firestorm, a high school student and an old professor, was an ordinary person who could be knocked down by a street kid in the past. Suddenly, he mutated into a fusion man and could absorb infinite energy.

The alchemical wizard who turned mud into gold and practiced hard for hundreds of years fainted crying in the Mountain of Books and Sea of ​​Questions.

Last question, how do you track Brainiac? Has the Green Lantern Corps been monitoring the Skull spacecraft?

Hal shook his head, The Green Lantern Corps has not set up 'surveillance cameras' throughout the universe.

There are no cameras, so there must be someone, right? With such a big thing happening to the earth, where is the green light in sector 2814?

Hal pointed at himself and said proudly and sourly: The green light for sector 2814 is here! Kilowog said that my position has not been revoked, but only suspended.

Harley looked at him deeply and asked, Then why don't you follow the alien spacecraft?

I have to deal with that missile that shoots towards the star! Hal looked frightened. We all saw the Skull spacecraft launch a missile into outer space before it left the earth.

But he never imagined that the target of that missile was the sun.

And it's so powerful that it can explode stars instantly and completely destroy the solar system.

The Earth, Mars, and Venus will all be destroyed in the aftermath of the solar explosion.

Brainiac is so cruel! God knows how many stars he has destroyed and how many people he has killed.

Take away a city, destroy a civilization, blow up a star system. It's hard to imagine what kind of person can do such a crazy thing.

“When I read ‘Trisolarial Crisis’, I thought the author thought the aliens were too bad. Now it seems that we are too naive.”

The heroes around the table sighed.

I originally planned to track the super-light wake of the Skull Spaceship, but now I have a better choice. Superman raised his right hand, shook the silver ring on his wrist, and said with a smile: Harry, what do you think it is?

It was a two-finger wide, silver bracelet with a smooth surface.

Harley was surprised: Is it the sword in the stone?

Uh, how did you guess it all at once? Superman said in shock.

The style has changed, but the magical aura is still there. Besides killing people, what else can it do?

Superman said: It is the sword that chooses the king, but the king is not chosen by the sword, but by the people! Holding it, you can feel the people's wishes and know what they think and need.

Of course, I don’t have the aura of a king, nor the heart of a king, so I can’t let it become a link connecting the hearts of all people. I can only vaguely feel the people who are protected by me, cared about by me, and long for my protection.

He laughed happily, I really felt something vaguely. No wonder the fairy in the lake said I would need it soon.

Harley's eyes narrowed, hiding the sharpness and scrutiny in her gaze.

What you just said was what the Sword in the Stone told you? Is it conscious? she asked softly.

Look. Superman shouted to his wrist: The Sword of Protection!

Crack, click, click! The silver bracelet seemed to come to life, and silver scales the size of fingernails stretched out along the arm, covering Superman's whole body in the blink of an eye.

The other parts are all dazzling silver, only the chest is made of transparent crystal, revealing the huge S.

Together with the scabbard, it becomes the armor I need, specifically to protect against magical effects. Superman said happily.

Bateman said in a deep voice: What needs to be said has been said. General Wuhuan, what about your decision? Do you want to join us?

Harley stood up and said: Do you think I have any other choice? There are only two endings to your trip, a complete victory and a miserable failure.

If you succeed and save Metropolis, then I, the Fifth Ring General, will always stay on Earth and never take part in a battle. How will I face the people of Earth, the citizens of Metropolis, and those Internet trolls in the future?

Wonder Woman's pretty face twitched slightly, if I had had your awareness back then, I wouldn't have been fooled by you.

If you fail and suffer heavy losses, you will have to rely on me to save the situation. You send one wave and I send another wave. Wouldn't it be the stupidest tactic to add fuel to the fire?

Therefore, no matter how arrogant, self-confident, and self-righteous you are, I have to take the overall situation into consideration, make compromises, and go with you.

The first half of these words actually makes sense. Joining forces and giving all their strength is definitely better than sending food out in waves, but the rest of the words make the heroes feel uncomfortable.

We are not proud. In fact, we are all worried and nervous, Bateman said.

You can't say that we are self-righteous just because we don't let you be the boss, Aquaman also said.

Wonder Woman said: “Our plan was not decided by a few people behind closed doors and quietly discussing it.

In the afternoon hero meeting, 50 heroes participated in person, and another 84 people joined the discussion online.

Among them are not only heroes, but also scientists, mages, military experts, and alien advisors. The plan is the result of brainstorming.

Firestorm also opened his mouth, ready to join the team of retorts, but he heard Professor Stein advise in his mind: Pay attention to your identity, the opponent is a five-ring general, and you are just a high school freshman hero, a formal member of Lian Zhenglian neither. Learn more Cyborg and Martian Manhunter, talk less and do more listening.

When the black guy saw that Green Lantern, the loudest 'boss', didn't say anything, he suppressed his words again.

I will watch your performance!

Harley greeted Ivy and left the conference room.

Returning to the Archimedes airship, she immediately turned on the main unit, entered the Sky Eye Association database, and began to quickly search on the screen.

What are you doing? Ivy asked confused.

Looking for teammates, Zheng Lian is disobedient, so I have no choice but to form the 'Watchmen' again.

Ivy looked at it for a while and couldn't help but frowning. The super criminal's profile picture and character information appeared on the screen.

They are all criminals.

I also want to find heroes, but all the useful heroes have been taken away by Zhenglian.

Ivy added: Allowing criminals to be watchmen will ruin the 'watchman' brand.

Then open a trumpet account for the 'Injustice Watch League'.

Well, this Mirror Master is a bit interesting, it makes me inspired.

Harley tapped the keyboard and sent a message.

There is also this doctor of neurology, whose psychic ability is S-level. He may be of some use, but he is at least a qualified cannon fodder.

She sent another message.

Gorilla Groot, oh, SS-level psychic potential

Harley looked hesitant, and her finger didn't press the Enter key.

It's an orangutan. It doesn't have a phone? Ivy said.

Harley shook her head, It's too big, and it's a smelly gorilla that doesn't take a bath. I'll feel uncomfortable if it's crammed into a small spaceship.

The corner of Ivy's mouth twitched, These people are useless, and they are completely incomparable to the heroes of Zhenglian.

Well, it's all the result of being pressed to the ground and rubbed by the hero every day.

For example, Mirror Master was tortured by The Flash, and Dr. Neuro was whipped by Wonder Woman.

Even a roll of paper towels is useful. At least they can shout '666' when I am awesome, and when I return to Earth, they can publicize my turning the tide and unparalleled achievements to the public.

After thinking about it, Harley gave up on the smelly Groot and continued to scroll down.

Are you sure Zheng Lian's plan will fail? Why didn't you warn them before? Ivy asked in surprise.

I don't know if it's possible, I'm not familiar with that Brainiac.

However, success or failure has no impact on my ‘unparalleled achievements’. Harry said casually.

Ivy frowned and said: If they succeed, will they let the 'Injustice Watcher' help you give false evidence and force you to say that you saved the earth?

Is this method too low-level? It's easy to expose.

What kind of false evidence is there? There is a video and the truth. It is absolutely true.

But you said that the Zhenglian Plan was successful. Doesn't the video prove that they are the heroes? Ivy said confusedly.

Hey, their plan is successful, which means it's a downwind round. It's not too easy to steal the heads of teammates in a downwind round.

Jingle Bell

Just as Harley was sending a message to Arkham Asylum, a vibrating phone icon appeared on the main control screen of Aki's spaceship.

It was Mirror Master Sam, who was the first to respond.

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