I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 581 The Terrifying Brainiac

Watchtower, Justice League Space Headquarters.

The silver metal floor is spotless and leaves clear reflections when walking on it.

The walls are also made of metal, with very simple colors and styles. The walls facing outer space are made of completely transparent special glass.

Standing by the window and looking outside, it seems like a blue planet is coming towards you, it is very magnificent.

Every hero I met on the walkway or in the cabin had a special air about him. He was proud, confident, and full of energy, with hope and light written directly on his face.

Even the heroes' masks can't hide the gleam in their eyes.

Even when they met Harley, they only took a curious look at her. Without uncontrollable admiration and awe, in fact, they could maintain basic respect.

It's not because of anything Harley did or didn't do, but because they are very confident and believe that they are on the road to becoming a great hero and can face any old hero with a calm and calm attitude. Not to mention Harley's The name of a hero is not so pure.

If I were a notorious super criminal, walking in the watchtower right now and watching these heroes burning themselves for the people and the earth, I might feel ashamed. Harley said to Ivy in a complicated tone.

Ivy shook her head firmly, Even if you are a super criminal, you will still be dazzling, confident and proud in front of them.

Your self-esteem has nothing to do with being a criminal, a hero, or anything else.

As long as you choose your own path and stick to it, no matter what it is, you will never feel inferior.

Harley was stunned.

She wasn't joking when she said those words.

She really felt that if she had the virtues of Harley Quinn, even if she had a higher status on the road, she would still feel a little bit deep in her heart when facing the great and upright heroes. After listening to Ivy's words, she was a little unsure.

It's strange that she actually believes Ivy's judgment of herself more than she thinks she knows herself.

Hey Harley, I thought you wore armor.

The black guy with a bonfire on his head - Firestorm, waved hello very familiarly.

In the conference hall, several heroes were sitting around a large round table, waiting for them.

Harley is now the Fifth Ring Admiral, your BOSS! Ivy glared at Firestorm, dissatisfied with his behavior of calling Harley directly.

Firestorm shook his phone and said with a smile: I watched the news, but now I belong to the Justice League. Well, due to some political factors, I am only a temporary member, and my BOSS is Superman!

Bateman glanced sideways at him from the corner of his eye.

Harley looked around at everyone. She didn't recognize Superman, Bateman, Firestorm, Wonder Woman, Ion, Cyborg, Aquaman or the green alien.

Are you members of the expedition team? Who is this? She asked directly.

The alien took the initiative to introduce himself: Hello, Miss Quinn, I am a Martian, codenamed 'Martian Manhunter', you can also call me 'Jon'.

When did you come to Earth? Harley asked.

Over the years, I have been able to change my form and disguise my identity. I used to live in seclusion in Metropolis as an ordinary person. It was not until the parasitic demon incident in Metropolis some time ago that I met Superman. Martian Manhunter said.

Jon saved me from the parasite at that time, but he was invisible and didn't reveal his identity. Superman explained casually, and then said: Batman and Cyborg drove the spaceship, and the rest of them have the ability to survive in space. It is the main force against Brainiac.

Aquaman leads other heroes to sit in the watchtower to prevent super criminals from taking the opportunity to cause trouble and other alien enemies that may appear.

How to pursue, how to act if we catch up. What is the detailed plan? Harley asked.

Bateman looked at her and asked, Have you decided to join our team?

Harley is the Fifth Ring General and the person in charge of this matter. Do you want to rebel? Ivy said angrily.

Bateman frowned and said: Miss Ivy, of course we recognize her status as a five-ring general and respect her.

But now that you have come to the watchtower, you can see clearly that we have many powerful heroes here, but there are only seven in the expedition team.

Aquaman and the remaining heroes stayed on Earth, and the Flash didn't even come to the meeting.

Are we deliberately excluding them?

We just selected the most suitable team members and team leaders based on the actual situation.

Five-ring generals can join, but the Justice League is not a government super team, nor is it a temporary alliance of individual heroes who need a leader.

We have our own organizational framework and crisis response mechanism.

If every time we encounter an alien invasion, an 'outsider' suddenly comes to power and becomes the absolute leader, is it still necessary to establish Zhenglian?

Of course, if she has good suggestions, we will definitely not refuse them.

Who is the leader? Ivy asked.

Superman, Bateman said.

Battman, Superman said at the same time.

After finishing speaking, the eyes of the two people immediately collided with each other, as if they had different emotions.

Where is Luther? Harley suddenly asked.

He was in Metropolis and was abducted by aliens.


There was also a list of missing celebrities published in the news, and he was on it. What happened? Ivy asked confused.

Harley glanced at the heroes and said, I also need a team of heroes.

Lex Luthor is no hero, Firestorm said.

Oranges are oranges when they are born in Huainan, and oranges when they are born in north Huaibei. Luther can only be a super criminal when he is with you. Follow me, and you will immediately have the qualifications of an unparalleled hero.

During the last Kryptonian crisis, wasn’t he very ‘heroic’? He can fight Zod hard even if he is disabled to the tenth level without any regrets.

Then Harley looked at Bateman again, Give me the alien's information and I'll see what his abilities are. By the way, you call him 'Brainiac'? Where did you get the information? Is it accurate? ?”

Hal Jordan touched his nose and said, It's me. The information I asked my former Green Light colleague was Kilowog. But don't worry, I didn't go to Oa.

Bateman took out a tablet and handed it to Harley, This is all the information we have.

While Harry was flipping through the pages, he also explained: Brainiac comes from a super civilization called Crux, but we don't have to worry about his people.

He's a loner, a cosmic supercriminal.

After discussion, we believe that in order to deal with him, we need to pay attention to three points.

First, his own strength.

His way of existence is somewhat similar to your friend who stays in Paradise Mountain all year round.

He can digitize his mind and upload it to any mechanical terminal on the spacecraft - mechanical or biological.

In other words, in addition to his own biological body, the entire spaceship and even the robots and mastermind on the spacecraft can become his body.

He also has super psychic abilities, so we need Martian Manhunter.

I guess that his body has been genetically and mechanically modified.

The Green Lantern Corps doesn't know exactly how strong it is, but Superman should be able to handle it.

Secondly, that terrible ship.

Original words from The Book of Oa - It was the most powerful and most advanced ship in the universe.

Ion Man and Firestorm might be able to act as a diversion if they use their powers recklessly.

Finally, Brainiac's core technology, the Cosmic Wall Force Field.

The Wall of the Universe, true to its name, is as indestructible as the outer wall of the universe.

The collection of ‘glass bottles’ in the city seems to be related to it, as if it can really form a universe of its own.

It is also a record from the Book of Oa, and no one in the universe has ever torn it open head-on.

We have also tried it ourselves. Dozens of heroes attack together and throw photon missiles, but it has no effect.

Miss Quinn, what do you think of the Wall of the Universe?

Look with your eyes. Harley threw the tablet on the table and asked, What are your plans?

Bateman sighed: What kind of battle goal corresponds to what kind of battle plan.

After confirming that Cyborg's sonic boom tunnel cannot penetrate the Cosmic Wall force field, our basic goal becomes to recapture Metropolis rather than completely defeating Brainiac.

Therefore, the combat plan is somewhat passive - Superman, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter form a strike team, and when the cosmic wall force field is not activated, they find opportunities to sneak into the spacecraft and search for the glass bottle containing Metropolis.

Get the bottle and we'll leave.

Of course, I also considered that Brainiac might return to Earth.

Then there will be another plan to deal with him.

Your plan is not only passive, but also negative. Harley said.

Wonder Woman frowned and said: I don't like this plan either, but if the defensive shield cannot be broken through, it will be impossible to defeat him head-on.

Not only does the spaceship have a defensive force field, but each individual robot also has its own second-class force field. Most heroes cannot even break through the defense of ordinary robots.

Hal Jordan said: Metropolis is just one of Brainiac's thousands of collections. It is as powerful as a Kryptonian, and just like us, one of the most prosperous cities was robbed by the skull spaceship.

The Kryptonians were also invaded? When did it happen? Harley was stunned.

Thirty years ago, on the eve of the explosion of Krypton.

Harley took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of the Kryptonian female warrior in Paradise Mountain, Hey, Fiora, do you know Brainiac?

Every Kryptonian knows him. His reputation on Krypton can stop children from crying at night. The Kryptonian commander said solemnly.

Oh, so exaggerated? I heard that he stole a city on Krypton?

“Not a city on the Kryptonian home planet, the Kryptonian Council’s retrenchment policy only restricts Kryptonians from expanding across the galaxy.

We have also built some colonies within stars, other planets or giant meteorites, just like you Earthlings may immigrate to Mars in the future.

However, it makes no difference whether the city is on Krypton or a colony, we did our best to stop it.

Fiora's voice was low, What was taken away was the city of Kandor, the most prosperous and dynamic city of Kryptonian civilization, almost a new hope for Kryptonians.

Brainiac specifically selects the best. If he poached the capital of Krypton and kidnapped those rotten and incompetent members of the parliament, we on Krypton would not be able to gain a new life and live well now.

Hey, Fiora, time is urgent, don't lament the past, talk about the key points, talk about Brainiac's strength. Harley reminded.

Nothing to say. It's exactly the same as what happened on Earth. He drove a spaceship into the star system and released... Oh, he only invested a few dozen robots in Metropolis. In Kandor City, he faced Zoro The Kryptonian army was led by General De, who unleashed thousands of robots.

The robots, with their powerful defense fields, kill everyone they see in the city, leaving corpses everywhere and unstoppable.

The Kryptonian commander couldn't help but sigh: General Zod is such a proud man, he almost shed tears of blood while watching the city of Kandor being poached.

After that incident, he had the idea of ​​leading us to take down the Kryptonian Council.

Because the parliament has done nothing, even the earth's government is inferior.

Your president still wants to save Metropolis, and you are about to launch a rescue operation.

However, the Kryptonian Parliament only allowed investigation, evaluation, analysis, and strengthening of defenses, and strictly prohibited large numbers of Kryptonian warriors from leaving the system.

In fact, we can't catch up with Brainiac. The Congress does not allow the military to have faster-than-light flight engines.

In other words, if we don't change the engine, our battleship will be unable to leave the star system.

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