I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 558: Welcoming Cao Aman on backwards, the second prince in bathrobe and barefoot

The discovery at the bottom of the Styx provides a secret trail for Harley to find little black beans in the future.

She no longer had to cross layers of defenses and get close to the well of hell where countless demon kings were watching.

If the merit points in Heaven are not enough in the future and she is anxious to find Little Black Bean for help, she can return to the River Styx and try to contact the Sunless Sea.

But today, she came to hell with the purpose of saving Rachel and finding Duoduo. Naturally, she couldn't risk being discovered by testing the devil's seal.

Like a soaring cannon, Harley rose from the bottom of the river at such a high speed that even her hood was lifted. When she reached the surface of the river, she happened to bump into Charon's ferry, allowing the undead old man to catch a glimpse of half of the little black bean's face.

After that, she stopped tossing around in the river. The energy of the yellow light enveloped her into the shape of a fish. Her legs swung and she really swam as fast as a fish.

After swimming for a while, she felt it was too slow, so she put energy-embodied propellers on her feet and spun, so fast that bubbles formed on the bottom of the river.

Half an hour after she landed on the shore and entered the first level of hell, the three witches' broken bus came staggering over.

At other times, Harley might be interested in admiring the scenery of hell, maybe taking a short video with her phone.

Now she needs to quickly rush to the outside of the Three Palaces Demon Palace to wait for Morpheus and Lucifer to meet.

In other words, the time she arrived at the Demonic Palace of the Three Palaces could not be later than the time Morpheus arrived at the ninth level of hell.

Fortunately, Morpheus was cooperating with her and jumped directly to Lucifer without using the powerful method.

Etrigan is also a qualified guide, introducing the scenery along the way.

With the help of the dream sand, Harley found that she was almost catching up with the two.

She didn't use her feet to walk. The Hell King's Seal presented by Little Black Bean disguised the dream robe on her body and the yellow light energy in her body into the ancient and pure breath of hell.

Like an ancient demon.

Without encountering Satan, it is difficult for ordinary devils to see through him.

Therefore, she can use her magical power to fly quickly like a big bird two meters above the ground.

Harley can use the power of the light ring to activate space jumps.

Before getting the robe presented by Morpheus, she originally planned to rescue Rachel, then use the authority of the Hell King's Seal to control the yellow light energy, break the hell space barrier, open a large space-time turbulence, and jump into the space-time turbulence to let the devil Untraceable.

To put it simply, hell is like a soda bottle. The mouth of the bottle is the door to hell. No matter who enters hell, he must go through the 'mouth of the bottle'; the glass bottle is completely transparent and has excellent light transmittance. The devil inside the bottle can put his The glow passes through the bottle wall and is projected into the human world.

That is to say, in response to the mage's call, the devil's clone or phantom is projected.

But no matter how transparent the bottle is, it is still an airtight glass wall, and it is difficult for the devil inside the bottle to leave in person - there are also some special devils who can completely glow their bodies and turn into light through the bottle wall.

Harley entered through the mouth of the bottle and could not turn into light and leave through the bottle wall, but she had the Seal of Hell - the management right of the glass bottle. She could turn a small part of the glass wall into a fragile foam, and then use the huge yellow light to The energy pokes a small hole in the bubble wall and jumps out directly.

This was her original escape plan.

After getting Sandman's Robe, she had a better choice.

Harley can use the yellow light energy transformed from the King of Hell to start space teleportation inside the bottle, just like the big demons do on their daily journey, but she also has another purpose - to find the dog Dodo along the way.

Therefore, instead of teleporting, she transformed into a big bird in the form of a black shadow, gliding at low altitude, her eyes moving like radar, searching for any traces related to dogs on the ground.

At the same time, she was holding a dog bone - a bone from the dog's body, Duo Duo's thigh bone.

Duoduo, Duoduo, where are you? Nine levels of hell, in the name of the king of hell, let Duoduo listen, let Duoduo respond to my call!

She summons Duoduo from hell.

The strength of this kind of summoning is ten times stronger than in the human world. Coupled with the blessing of the king of hell, the strength of the signal is ten times stronger.

With a hundred times the summoning power, even if Duoduo is deaf, he should still be able to sense it.

The only thing is that Harley used the power of hell to disguise herself as a hell demon.

If Duoduo has been chased by demons many times, or even had demons imitate Harley's breath to deceive it, it may be too wary and will not run towards Harley happily.

There are nine levels of hell in total. Starting from the seventh level, there are inner levels, that is, one level of hell is divided into multiple areas.

For example, the seventh layer includes three rings, the eighth layer has ten grooves, and the ninth layer is divided into four rings.

Hell itself is a place of pain and punishment. Even if you only walk in it and are not directly punished, your soul and body will suffer double pain.

The further down you go, the worse the pain becomes.

At the gate of hell, the souls of those who are cowardly and inactive are living a relatively comfortable life.

After crossing the River Styx, it was the first level of hell, where Harley saw countless Red Boys and Nezha - they were all cruel and bloodthirsty child demons, with childish faces and even pink lips. They are too chubby, but have vicious eyes, serrated fangs, flames breathing from their mouths, and scalpels or abortion forceps sprouted from their jointed arms, chasing and killing all creatures older than them.

The first level of hell is also divided into two areas, the plain outside and the hall of sages inside the mountain.

Red Boy and Nezha lived in the plain. The mountain was divided into wide stone halls, lit with candles and torches. It was quiet except for the whispered conversations of the sages.

Harley heard Tagore and Plato arguing about love and desire, and saw Beethoven playing for Alexander the Great on the piano. Caesar and Washington even pulled Harley and asked who was greater among them.

In fact, from the gate of hell to the first level of hell, it is not the real hell.

Because there is an aura of pain in these places, but there is no punishment that makes the soul more painful.

The second level of lustful hell is where the punishment begins.

However, between the first and second floors, there is a judgment stand suspended in the dark sky. The undead are lining up in a long line there. The giant Minos squats at the door and quickly rolls up a dead soul with his long tail. The tail is on it. After being wrapped around the body a few times, the undead will fall to the next level of hell.

This reminded Harley of express sorting on a conveyor belt.

Minos ignored Harley, but Harley stared at it for a while.

Because many undead souls took out the silver coins in their pockets and begged: Sir, arrange a good place for me, please.

Minos remained motionless and recited loudly the crime corresponding to each undead.

The coins that fell on the ground flowed into the huge pit behind it like a stream.

Thousands of meters deep and filled with gold, silver and jewels.

Every undead was guilty and fell into the depths of hell under the judgment seat. Harley didn't know if Minos did anything after receiving the money - for example, if the undead had multiple crimes, he would be given the lightest sentence.

Jumping off the high platform, Harley fell in mid-air for a long time before landing on the second level of hell, a stormy island.

After that, she continued non-stop, falling to the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth floors as fast as she could.

In the first ring of the seventh floor, she paused for three seconds.

Because she heard someone calling her name.

Boss Harley, save me, God, forgive me.

Mom, God, Satan, Boss Harley. Who can save me? It's painful, it hurts.

She followed the sound and saw a few familiar people.

They are all her younger brothers, including old Gibbs from Cong Long Zhi Gong.

The first ring of the seventh level of hell is a prison for those who commit violence against others.

They had all killed people, and now they were soaking in a boiling blood-colored lake and were shot to death by a group of centaurs with bows and arrows.

Shoot whoever emerges from the water.

Old Gibbs looked like a target, his head was full of arrows, one arrow passed through the top of his head and came out from the left eye socket. His expression was extremely painful, his old face was also extremely distorted, and he was shouting randomly.

Three seconds later, Harley shifted her gaze and continued her journey.

She couldn't help them.

She could only try to live and not let herself fall into the same situation as them.

After passing the Centaur Blood Lake, you will reach the second ring of the seventh level of hell, the prison of those who commit violence against you - the forest of suicides and murderers.

There, Harley caught up with Etrigan and Morpheus.

Morpheus did not squint his eyes, not glancing at the shadows passing quickly over the forest in the distance. He only sighed sincerely: When I came to hell, there was only a sparse small forest in the forest of suicides. Now, You can’t even see the horizon at a glance.”

The forest is indeed very big. Every dark green tree is tightly wrapped around a person. The person's face is exposed from the trunk, and he keeps shouting It hurts.

There are ten trenches on the eighth level, and Harley's destination is the Burning Plains in the fourth trench.

The lair of the Three Palace Demons is on the plain.

At this time, Harley was already standing outside the city gate.

The 800-meter-high gray steel city wall is integrated, and the 500-meter-high city gate is made of gold.

Considering that the Three Palace Demon is three hundred meters tall, building a city like this is not an exaggeration.

Two demons with cockroach wings were guarding both sides of the gate. When they saw the demonic cloaked man coming, they did not make any evil noises to drive them away. They only stretched out their hands to block the way and asked, Who are you, and what are you doing in the castle of the Three Palaces King?

With a rough voice like rocks rubbing against each other, Harley said calmly: Is your second prince at home? He recently posted a hero post and recruited people across the universe to form a witch hunting team. Let me come and take a look.

Not to mention the black mages of the earth or the demons of hell, even the gods and demons of other dimensions, the gods of heaven, and the powerful superpowers of the material universe all know what the second prince is up to.

What you have done in the past, what you are doing now, and what you might do in the future.

Sure enough, the two demons had no doubts, and immediately moved out of the way, bowed respectfully, and said with a smile: It turns out that you are here to participate in the 'Demon Hunting Conference'. Please wait a moment, and I will inform His Highness the Second Prince.

I came all the way here, and you still want me to wait outside the gate? Harley said angrily.

Brother, I misunderstood~~~ A loud and urgent voice came from far away in the city.

As the voice fell, a embarrassed figure also appeared at the door.

It was Raskov. He was only wrapped in a bathrobe, his hair was still wet and covered with soap suds, and his two big feet stepped directly on the dry and cracked ground.

Brother! His face was full of excitement, and his eyes seemed to be shining with water. The two little ones informed me not to keep you waiting.

But the brothers are here, and these two little demons are not worthy of being the welcome messengers.

If possible, I would even like to ask my father to come to the gate to welcome my brothers!

With this situation, this person, and these words, the Duke of Zhou and Cao Cao are both ashamed of themselves!

Harry couldn't help but trembled, and said in a trembling voice: Am I the only demon hunting hero who applied for the job?

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