The newly deceased soul still retains the memories and part of the wisdom of life.

Hearing the shouts of the three witches on the carriage, many undead people came closer.

The fat man in the handmade suit took out a silver coin, and the undead man next to him also tried to take out the money, and then a silver waterfall attracted everyone's attention.

The old man in old overalls looked like he came from a poor family, but there was already half a person's height of silver coins piled under him.

Silver coins were piled into a hill, half of his body buried in it.

This the old man was dumbfounded.

The fat man in the handmade suit's eyes widened.

The eyes of the nearby undead popped out halfway.

Even Harley was surprised.

On the contrary, the three witches in the carriage seemed to have seen this kind of scene too many times, and their reaction was very dull.

Yes, your children and grandchildren are very filial, and your friends miss you very much. The big witch said.

Don't rob anyone, don't worry, this money belongs to you, no one else can take it away. The second witch shouted.

Open your pocket and think about putting the money back. The three witches taught.

Wow! As expected, all the silver coins flowed back. Looking at his pocket, it was still shriveled.

Come up quickly, I only need one silver coin. The big witch started shouting again.

“It’s safe and comfortable and you can listen to the radio.”

The two witches turned the radio switch, and sure enough, a news broadcast with heavy noise and serious off-key noise came out - welcome to Gotham Midnight News, replaying the second issue of Earthlings with Heads Raised - Golden Nuclear Bomb for you.

The three witches continued to shout: Don't you all know the River Styx? That is the River of Resentment, and the density of water is lighter than the air.

Because the water is too light and the buoyancy is weak, the wooden boat may tilt and overturn if it is slightly top-heavy or light-footed.

Charon's boats often got into accidents, and the souls who fell into the river couldn't survive.

The river of resentment will slowly dissolve the soul, and even the king of hell will not dare to touch it easily.

The undead souls were doubtful, and even the souls that were pouring into the big wooden boat like oil pipelines stopped in fear and whispered timidly: Charon really capsizes often?

The undead who had some spare money in their pockets began to squeeze onto the rusty bus.

Even Harley glanced at the ferry suspiciously and turned her attention to the bus.

After taking a look, the face hidden under the hood wrinkled.

Just like the Hell Taxi back then, it was very dirty, with holes in the seats covered in yellow and brown sticky filth.

Charon also noticed a decrease in customer traffic.

It is not the image of a punting boatman standing on the bow, but a huge bow image, integrated with the hundred-meter-long ferry, with its head towering over the bow, and the cabin seems to be driving it.

Witch, I don't mind if you eat some of the leftovers I missed. But if you dare to insult my ferry and my sailing skills, I swear to Satan and Hades, I will eat you alive!

It opened its mouth and roared at the carriage opposite. The huge air flow blew hundreds of undead on the ground flying like leaves.

Plop, plop. The water splashed all over the river, and some unlucky ones fell into it.

As expected, the water of the Styx cannot be crossed by flying feathers, and only the soul of the dead is left. How light should it be?

As soon as it fell, it disappeared without any struggle.

Ah, someone is dead!

Charon kills people, Charon kills people.

My dear, Charon did this and there was no demon king to punish him?

The newly deceased people were greatly stimulated, and they all screamed in terror.

Idiots, if you keep shouting randomly, I will throw you all into the River Styx! Charon was full of confidence and was not afraid of the punishment after committing the crime. He continued to roar: Don't doubt my power. His Majesty Satan gave me the 'Water of Death' ' amount.

What is Ducha? An evil mage from another world who looked like a goblin asked in confusion.

It stood on the second deck of the ferry and seemed to be a high-status VIP customer.

Charon said confidently: The human government collects taxes. If it collects grain, there will be consumption during transportation. If it collects money, there will also be fire consumption.

The Styx River is windy and rough, and it is difficult to cross the river. If you are not careful, you will encounter an accident, and the undead will suffer some losses, which means crossing the river will be a waste.

Oh my God, Charon is admitting it himself, his ships often get into accidents?! A smart undead said in shock.

Boom! A paddle as thick as a pillar was spit out from Charon's mouth, like Orochimaru's tongue, and mashed the undead into a lump of flesh, then retracted it back into its mouth and smashed it several times, with a look of aftertaste on its face. , This is also a waste.

The undead remained silent and no longer dared to explode.

They couldn't even hesitate, because there was an endless stream of undead coming from behind, and the demons who maintained order drove them like animals, either on boats, in cars, or by jumping into the river themselves.

Harry didn't plan to cause trouble, and immediately planned to go to Charon's ship to buy a VIP - the second deck was relatively open, so there was no need to crowd people like sardines.

She came well prepared, knowing that she had to cross the River Styx, so of course she would not have no money to take the boat.

She wouldn't mind taking care of her old friend's business if the bus was cleaner.

Get out of the way, get out of the way, the messenger from the fairyland is here! At this moment, several demons with big heads and loud voices strode over from behind, You idiot, why don't you get out of the way.

Some of the undead were unable to react in time, and were pinched by the troll with palms as big as door panels. They grabbed them and stuffed them into their mouths.

“Kacha—ahhh—kacha kacha—”

The undead that were supposed to be spirits were actually chewed until blood splattered and their remaining limbs jumped around.

Seeing how ferocious the troll was, the other undead screamed in fear and pushed outside to make way for the team behind them, which was a hundred meters wide.

Surrounded by a group of grotesque demons, eleven fairies with blond hair and gorgeous classical dresses came over. Each of them had the appearance of a woman in shame, with different beauties and different temperaments.

The ones on the side are plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums, each of which is good at winning.

They are not dead people, nor are they any kind of monsters or monsters. Instead, they are pure fairyland elves. They are incompatible with this hell and the scenery and people in it.

Like a white swan landing in a pigsty.

However, they did not hold their necks high like swans, looking proudly and proudly among the black pigs.

All of them had their heads lowered, with sad expressions and empty eyes.

After a while, the demons on the second deck were also driven down, and the fairies occupied the entire space.

Why do these fairies come to hell? the evil mage asked in confusion.

It's your first day in hell, and you've just become a mage. You don't even know the rules of tithing? The skeleton next to him sneered.

In the starry sky of the material universe, Apokolips and Darkseid count, a corpse demon gave a thumbs up, but in the realm of gods and other worlds, Hell and His Majesty Lucifer are the first natural disasters.

In my impression, Lucifer has always been as quiet as if he didn't exist. The evil mage said in confusion.

The corpse demon said: That was now, in ancient times, the Eternal Punishment Legion almost conquered the world of God's Domain.

Countless different dimensions and worlds in Limbo Prison have all surrendered to His Majesty Lucifer.

Wonderland, where elves, goblins and fairies live, is one of them.

Every seven years, Titania, Queen of Fairyland, and Oberon, King of Fairyland, must select the 10 most intelligent and beautiful elves to sacrifice to hell.

After saying that, it called to its companions, Let's go and take the bus. The three witches in the carriage are still very reliable.

Plop. The water splashed all over the river, and then quickly subsided.

The three witches glared and said: Which devil jumped into the river? There are still a lot of miserable days waiting for you after crossing the Styx, why are you so hard to think about it!

The second witch said: Good words can't persuade the damned devil. He was probably frightened by Charon and the trolls. He thought that jumping into the river would solve the problem.

The great witch said: Childish! This is the river of resentment. Falling into it and slowly melting away is the most painful punishment.

It doesn't seem to be an undead. A fallen mage hesitated.

I saw it too, it was a man in a cloak. His companion said.

The ghost jumping into the river was just a small episode. Soon the broken bus was filled with dead ghosts and evil spirits. It floated unsteadily in the air and rumbled towards the other side of the river with no end in sight.

At the same time, Charon also rowed the giant oar on his waist hard and sailed away from the mouth of the river.

Man, if you are so rich, why do you still take a boat?

Asked the old man in a handmade suit standing on the side of the wooden boat, with almost half of his body squeezed out of the boat.

The old man with his pocket full of money sighed: As you can see, the devil is so cruel. Crossing the River Styx is just the beginning. I don't know what is waiting for me next. I will save as much as I can now. After all, the bus ticket is better than the boat ticket. Ten times more expensive.”

Brother, what did you commit that led you to hell? the old man in a suit asked.

The old man looked at the dark river and said blankly: I thought about it again and again, maybe I am lying. I often lie.

Really? What a lie, you will go to hell. The old man in a suit suspected that the other party was lying.

The old man was about to speak when he suddenly opened his eyes wide, pointed at the river and exclaimed: Look, there is a mermaid in the river!

The old man in the suit twisted his neck 180 degrees and looked in the direction of the old man's arm. The river was dim and covered with some gray foam. He couldn't see anything in the river, and it was completely unclear deeper into the river.

Facing the suspicious eyes of the old man in a suit, the old man said anxiously: I'm not lying. Just now there was a very beautiful woman lying on her back and playing in the river, with a group of fireflies surrounding her.

Brother, I believe it. The old man in a suit sighed.

Do you believe it? The old man became suspicious, How could there be a mermaid in the River Styx?

The old man in a suit gave a thumbs up, No wonder you can go to hell with lies. Lies come out of your mouth, and your expression and demeanor are completely false.

I didn't lie. The old man became anxious.

He did not lie. It was Harley who jumped into the river.

I don't know if it's because of the recent death. Although the undead souls are souls, they still exude the smell of corpses when they were buried.

In addition to corpse odor, there are also characteristics of dead bodies such as corpse oil, brain pulp, and rotten internal organs.

The VIP second floor of Charon Ferry was occupied. She didn't want to go on a bus that looked like a rotting coffin, and she didn't want to be like a sardine, crowded together with countless dead ghosts, so she had no choice but to jump into the river.

It just so happens that Harley also wants to know, what is in the River Styx?

She did it as she thought, and a yellow light shield was wrapped around her body, and a Meng Zhazi jumped in.

How could such hazards as falling feathers sinking and eroding the soul's resentment river harm her with God's force field?

After jumping into the river, her body sank rapidly like a weight. The bottom of the river seemed to be tens of thousands of feet deep. She fell for a long time without reaching the bottom. Layers of swollen, pale corpses began to appear around her.

Hey, it's strange, the little tail seems to be feeling something. Harley, who was about to run back, was stunned.

The little black bean's hair hanging on the back of her head vaguely sensed something. The source was deeper in the river bottom.

Upon noticing her arrival, the rotten corpse suddenly opened its eyes, like a little will-o'-the-wisp, glowing with extreme greed and malice, which was horrifying.

Holding back her nausea, Harley walked around them and dived down at a faster speed. The rotting corpses and undead with mutilated bodies were following behind her like a swarm of bees.

The dark river bottom looked like a group of fireflies.

After diving for another distance, a strong crisis came from her spiritual sense. Harley was startled and stopped. Looking down, she saw that the hole was still dark, and the sensation of the hair was stronger. It seemed that if she continued going down, she could enter the lightless sea and see Little black bean body.

The demon kings have sealed the deep well that connects to the Sunless Sea so airtight, how could they leave such a loophole? Harry's heart moved, and he said strangely: I shouldn't have come to the edge of the deep well, right? Going further down, It’s the Demon King’s seal, so it’s dangerous.”

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