I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 525 Little Blue Man’s Peace Agreement

Harry, Bateman is also worried about you. Stranger said.

Tell me, what do I need to worry about? If I hadn't rushed back to save the earth that day, I would have flattened those sanctimonious little blue men. Harley sneered.

The stranger took out a watch with a silver metal case, pressed it a few times, and said to the cover: Baitman, Harley doesn't appreciate it. She thinks she can overturn the universe on her own.

Harley's pretty face turned slightly dark.

Harley, until justice dies, the green light will continue. According to the selection system and training methods of the Green Lantern Corps, you will never be able to kill all the Green Lanterns. Bateman's serious face with Chinese characters appeared on the small screen.

The external speakers are very good. They are small and can be heard clearly by several people in the living room.

The more green lights you kill, the stronger the remaining green lights will be. One day, you won't be able to bear it anymore.

Where did this theory come from? Harley asked.

Bateman said: The power of the Green Lantern has nothing to do with the total amount of energy in the Lantern Ring, but is mainly determined by the quality of the Lantern himself.

In other words, the host of the green lantern beast may not be able to defeat the more determined ordinary lantern.

The more Lanterns you kill, the more the remaining Lanterns will become more determined and fight more fearlessly because of the special properties of Green Lantern energy.

If a Lantern is afraid, he will lose his qualifications as a Lantern, and the ring will choose another brave person from the universe.

You seem to know a lot about Green Lantern. Who told you that? Or maybe the Green Lantern Corps asked you to be a lobbyist and want to negotiate peace with me? Harley frowned.

Bateman sighed: “It wasn’t the Green Lantern Corps that contacted me, it was the Justice League that contacted them.

Harley, don’t blame us for being nosy. The purpose of Zhenglian’s existence is to solve large-scale earth crises.

From the moment the last demonoid was found and eliminated by The Flash, the next biggest crisis on Earth is the conflict between you and the Green Lantern Corps.

We want to help you, and we also hope that the earth will not be affected by the war.

Do you know?

The Green Lantern Corps is ready to abandon Oua and fight a protracted war with you.

The Guardians quietly left Oa with the technology to create a central energy battery and dispersed throughout the universe.

If necessary, they can always start over and create another Green Lantern Corps.

Oh, are the little blue men so treacherous? But I'm not afraid. I have already met two of the 'greatest Green Lanterns in history'. Abinsu was just like that, dying inexplicably.

Sinestro fought with me and almost peed his pants under my sacred and majestic gaze, hahaha.

Divine majesty is bullshit.

But the legion commander with four eyebrows was indeed frightened by Harley's aura of fear.

Well, Harley got a lot of fear power from him.

Only those who tremble in her breath of fear will provide her with the power of fear.

There is no greatest, only greater. All demon kings who were defeated thought that they were invincible and that their enemies were weak and incompetent before they were defeated, Bateman said.

I agree with this, but the reality is that only a few demon kings have been defeated. Most demon kings think they are invincible and look down on their enemies. It turns out that they are often right. Harley shrugged and said with a proud smile: For example The Demon King of Hell has existed for tens of billions of years, and I am the only one who succeeded in defeating the Demon King of the First Fallen.

There is only one Harley in the world! Ivy clapped her hands and laughed.

Bateman glanced sideways at the two women from the corner of his eye and said, The Green Lantern Corps doesn't have anything you like anymore, right?

Harley, what you want has already been obtained.

In this case, there is no point in wasting time and energy on the Green Lantern Corps.

It is better to listen to the other party's peace negotiation conditions. If it succeeds, it will at least save you a lot of trouble.

Battman, you seem to be cheating and talking to the Green Lantern Corps? Ivy narrowed her eyes.

Bateman was silent for a moment and said: When Apokolips invaded, twenty-four Green Lanterns came to Earth with the consent of the Guardians. They lost more than 50%, but they had no regrets even though they died.

The Justice League doesn't want them to die worthlessly at Harley's hands, or for Harley to be beaten to death by them.

It is the most tragic thing for both sides to kill each other.

The Justice League is also worried that the order of the universe will collapse after losing the Green Lantern Corps.

Just like without Superman, Blackgate's super criminals would destroy Metropolis.

Without the suppression of the Green Lantern Corps, super cosmic criminals will be unscrupulous, and countless weak planets will be devastated.

If you don't use Superman as an example, you're still 80% persuasive, now. Harley shook her head, Tell me, can you guys, without Bateman, the super criminal from Arkham Asylum, be able to destroy Gotham? ?”

Gotham will return to peace. Ivy said with a smile.

Selina rubbed her belly and advised: Let's first listen to the Green Lantern Corps' peace negotiation conditions. If the Green Lantern Corps comes to besiege the earth every now and then, our life will not be stable.

Harley looked at the Stranger, and Bateman turned to him.

Stranger took off his watch and put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa. He raised two fingers and said: Gunther made two conditions. First, hand over the lamp beast. Second, Harley must not come near the origin again in the future. wall.

Hehehe Harley sneered.

Bateman frowned and said, This condition is a bit harsh. If Harley refuses, what can they do?

If Harley refuses, just modify the content. There is only one condition: never go near the origin wall again. The stranger said calmly.

Harley's face froze with a sneer.

The sarcasm on Ivy's face and the worry on Selena's face also froze.

The solemnity and hesitation on Bateman's face solidified, cracked, and fell off, turning into surprise and doubt, What if Harley refuses again?

The Stranger remained calm and indifferent, Then make another modification. Next time you approach the Origin Wall, notify the Green Lantern Corps in advance and ask the Green Lanterns from nearby sectors to accompany you.

Harley's big eyes moved flexibly, and she said with a smile: It's too inconvenient, I refuse.

Stranger nodded, You can still modify it. You must swear to never destroy the origin wall.

In ancient times, there was a true Lord Erlang who cut down a mountain to save his mother, and now there is a Lord Quin who cut down a wall to save his teacher. This oath cannot be taken. Harry said proudly.

You can still change it. I vow not to destroy the origin wall without reason.

Hahahaha. Harley raised her head and laughed, Look, this is the law enforcement officer of the universe, the law enforcement officer!!

Hahahaha. Ivy hugged her shoulders, feeling equally proud and proud.

I thought the Green Lantern Corps was a ruthless character, but I didn't expect it.

Selena's face looked more relieved than disappointed.

Bateman looked complicated and was speechless for a long time.

The stranger sat there, calmly watching them laugh arrogantly.

After the laughter subsided, he said calmly: There is also an additional clause that is not included in the peace treaty - no matter you destroy the origin for any reason, or attempt to destroy the origin wall, the guardian will report it to the universe monitor in a timely manner and notify you in advance. Prepare the 'Cosmic Demon Slayer Alliance', and as soon as the Monitor gives the order, the Green Lantern Corps will call on all the interstellar superpowers in the universe to strangle you.

Uh Harley smiled stiffly.

Stranger continued: According to my observation, the guardians actually expect you to 'break down the wall to save the master'. At that time, they can justifiably organize the heroes of the universe to do justice for heaven.

There is no doubt that as long as the cosmic monitor gives the order, no civilization will refuse.

Those blue-skinned little bastards are so cunning. Ivy gritted her teeth.

Harley was silent for a moment, then smiled, Actually, it doesn't matter. When I have the ability and confidence to break through the wall and save the teacher, a mere transcendent from the universe can only add a mythical color to my legendary story.

——By then she will have at least 90+ defense, and may also have discovered the ‘new power’ of the Almighty Universe. The more extraordinary people there are, the more experience points she will gain.

Thinking of this, a strange smile appeared on her lips: when she encounters a critical moment when she needs to level up, she might be able to release false news to allow the cosmic coalition to form in advance and harvest a wave of experience points like crazy. If she couldn't bear it anymore, she would hang it on the wall. What could they do to her?

Hey hey hey

What bad idea are you planning? Why are you smiling so cunningly? The stranger walked in. He lost his indifference for the first time and looked a little horrified.

What kind of rape?

It's both adultery and sex. The stranger said.

You are the one who cheated, and the cheater will see the cheater. Harley glared at him.

Bateman said slowly: No matter what the guardian's intentions are behind the scenes, just 'swearing not to destroy the Origin Wall for no reason' will erase Harley's many sins, which is almost equivalent to unconditional surrender.

What do you mean by sin? Where do you sit? Ivy said angrily.

No matter which side I sit on, my reason will never sit on the side of 'blind favoritism'. Bateman sighed and counted: Destroying the Origin Wall is the first-class sin.

Resisting arrest outside the Origin Wall, killing a Guardian and dozens of Green Lanterns, is also a major crime.

Kick over the central energy battery, steal the lantern beast, and slaughter hundreds of green lanterns again

Isn’t this a heinous crime to the Green Lantern Corps?

Harley sneered: It really doesn't matter. Tear the energy battery into pieces, destroy the Green Lantern Corps, and push Oa into the star. That's the real heinous crime.

Stranger glanced at her and said, Actually, I also want to know why you say such things and why you make the Green Lantern Corps so afraid.

Your little blue friend didn't tell you why? Harley asked.

Stranger nodded and said: Ganser and the others are very frightened, and the energy of the green light is almost ineffective against you.

Even if you use your willpower to turn the green light energy weapon into a physical sword, it will become extremely unstable after getting close to you.

Like rotten wood.

Attacking you with rotten wood will not cause any real damage no matter how powerful it is.

But your energy attack, even if your technique is poor and the energy of the embodied weapon is uneven and flickering, can easily break through Green Lantern's energy defense shield.

Why do you have such strong restraint?

The Green Lantern facing the ninth level defense of the emotional spectrum is indeed worse than the extraordinary person facing the ninth level defense of the power of God.

The God Force Field is immune to 99% of ordinary magic, leaving 1% of damage.

The powerful magic master uses powerful magic and can always hurt her.

Even demons and angels whose magical power has been completely destroyed by the power of God still have a body of steel with attributes of 70+, 80+, or even 90+, which can resist attacks with their physical body, posing a fatal threat to Harley.

Without the ring, Green Lantern is just an ordinary cosmic being.

Once the energy shield is unstable, how can one use single-digit physical attributes to withstand Harley's power of fear attack?

It can only be said that all defensive specialties upgraded to level nine are bugs.

Facing the probing gazes of Stranger and Bruce, Harley looked solemn, looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle, with pious and admiring stars shining in her eyes, The Lord is with me, Amen!

She made the sign of the cross on her chest, her movements smooth and standard.

——Oh, it turns out that God is causing trouble again!

If the little blue man were here, he would definitely have a sudden realization like this.

Well, no need to suddenly realize that at that time on Oa Star, they asked the Stranger like this: God must have intervened. No one else has such great power except Him.

But we and Silver City have always been on good terms, so why does God want to help Witch Harley? !

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