I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 524 Wulin Leader Bateman

Harley didn't kill many people, only five or six little blue men and about two hundred green lights.

It seems like a lot, but compared to the total, it is nothing.

There are three reasons: First, the fat-headed shark has been chattering in her stomach, advising her to be a good person and not to hurt good people.

Secondly, Harley couldn't take them down for a while, and Gunther and the others came back, bringing back a Green Lantern named Mogo.

Then Mogo should be called Bug. It is obviously a living planet, larger than the earth, but it also gave birth to consciousness and became the Green Lantern.

Mogo was too big. He only had an ordinary energy ray move, but it had the effect of the Death Star in Star Wars. The powerful physical impact pushed Harley through the void of the universe for more than 100,000 kilometers.

If it weren't for the ninth level of the Green Lantern Defense Specialty, which made her immune to non-physical advanced energy attacks from energy rays, it was doubtful whether she would have survived.

Finally, the people on earth couldn't hold on any longer, and Richie sent an urgent message - Da Chao disappeared unexpectedly, and the Zhenglian Express Group was destroyed.

Apokolips prepared for the invasion for several days, but it was terminated on the day of the invasion. After more than a week, Harley stayed in Washington, attending various meetings related to reconstruction, preventing the next invasion, and other issues, as well as citizens who died in the battle. , the burial ceremony of the military police.

Oh, in this war, seventy or eighty heroes died. After receiving the invitation, Harley had to go to their funerals, deliver condolence speeches, and most importantly, issue them 'Hero Certifications', thus turning them into heroes. Differentiate from ordinary people who died in battle.

This ‘certificate’ is very troublesome.

Because more than half of the dead heroes are below C level, there is no special section in the hero forum of Puppy Video.

Many heroes haven't even debuted yet, or are just planning to debut, or have debuted soon, and even people in the neighborhood are not sure whether they exist.

But without exception, most of them are superpowers. They also wear heroic uniforms that hide their identities and highlight their personalities and ideas. They also killed everyone in the war against the invasion of Apokolips and played a great role in the great war to protect the earth.

If they don't wear hero uniforms, the local police officers will treat them as gun-carrying civilians, but once they put on the uniforms, it at least means that they want to be heroes.

Hero Harley has the responsibility to fulfill their last wishes.

Well, if she doesn't do it, the Justice League will also 'buy people's hearts'.

Zhenglian also bought a cemetery and named it Walhalla (Temple of Heroes) to bury heroes who died in the war.

Zheng Lian was busier than her during this period.

She only participated in the final war against Darkseid, and the battle process was captured on video by the aliens, which made everyone on earth watch it with great enjoyment - when the aliens who were eating melons were being harmed.

After the White House press conference that night, she gave almost no interviews to the media.

Zhenglian is different.

First of all, the Justice League is a very eye-catching hero team. There are handsome men and beauties, earth heroes, alien policemen, sea, land and air heroes. There are heroes with different personalities and various 'styles'.

There are so many things worth paying attention to, even the name of the team is so exciting, and people like to read their news.

Secondly, when Harley was suppressed by the Green Light, it was the Justice League that presided over the defense plan against the invaders from Apokolips from beginning to end.

They had more news on the big event of 'Apocalypse Invasion'.

In the end, the Justice League became an instant hit, and many heroes aspired to be a part of it.

Harley returned to Gotham a week later, when Bateman was still hosting visiting heroes at the Justice League Hall in Metropolis.

It seems that you are not as popular as a hero this time as in the last Krypton war. Mao Mao looked at the lively scene of heroes gathering in the Zhenglian Hall on TV, then turned to look at the deserted and quiet Quinn Manor, and said doubtfully: Back then After the war on Krypton, Jessica often led heroes to Gotham to visit you.

Now that you have been home for several days, Gotham's political leaders have come over one after another to send gifts and blessings, and there is not a single hero.

Maybe I am too majestic and make them feel unattainable, so they stay away. Harley said casually.

No. Ivy turned sideways, looked at Harley and said seriously: You are no longer a superhero in the eyes of superheroes.

I'm not a hero, what am I? Haliqi asked.

They think you are a Machiavellian, a tyrant rather than a hero. Ivy shook her head and sighed: At the Heroes Conference that day, your true identity was exposed by Bateman, and then you were arrested by the Green Lantern Corps. It's just that your reputation has fallen. Begin, not end.

Wait a minute. Harley raised her hand to interrupt her and frowned: Has my reputation declined? The last few times I have appeared in public, the people have all cheered and applauded me.

“You have puppy videos, you have puppy headlines today, and even the Daily Planet sends you a few tweets from time to time, so public opinion is on your side.

The key is that the American officials, represented by Mr. President, have been speaking for you, establishing you as a moral model and a benchmark of heroes to fight against the Justice League, which is so powerful that they are afraid of it and is completely beyond their control.

You did save the earth from the Kryptonians, and with your impassioned words, you cleverly turned your personal trial by the Green Lantern Corps into the oppression of the earth by aliens, and your arrest into your sacrifice for the people of the earth. self

In short, you have a high reputation among ordinary people.

But heroes are more.

Ivy looked confused, During your time in Oua, discussions about you have never stopped among heroes.

When it comes to your questions, Bateman will answer almost all of them.

That guy knows you too well.

You used black magic to kick people into hell in Gotham, you cleaned up the black and white and finally took control of Gotham, and you deceived and deceived the wizarding world. I never think you did anything wrong, but your murderous and vicious methods are very disturbing. It is inconsistent with the hypocritical values ​​​​of heroes.

Where were they discussing? It sounded like a chat group. Harley raised an eyebrow.

It's a chat group. After you were taken away by the Green Lantern Corps, the Heroes Conference did not end. Bateman asked Superman to sit in your seat. He threw away the little Mazza, sat in Superman's seat, and continued the meeting.

Completely follow the process you set originally. After talking about the crisis, start the hero's speech and talk about their heroic ideas.

Bateman and Superman were huge successes, and they received the most applause.

As Ivy said this, she twitched her fingers. The morning glory vines in the corner grew rapidly, rolled up a tablet in the next room, and handed it to the sofa in the living room.

She opened the tablet and showed the video to Harley.

Every time Superman speaks in public, it's like he's beautifying his face, and his face is radiating holy light. His sincerity wins everyone's recognition, and Harley is no exception.

I didn’t expect Bateman

The guy started with the reasons why he put on the cape and became a hero, talked about his father's influence on him, talked about how Gotham dissatisfied him, talked about how he loved this city, and what he wanted his hometown to be like.

He must have prepared his speech in advance. Harley confirmed.

But he didn't lie either, he was very honest. Selina said.

Harley glanced at her bulging belly and asked, Has Ivy also joined the group of heroes?

“After the Heroes Conference, Bateman gave each hero a Bat-Watch, which was connected to an independent communication satellite and would not be monitored by anyone.

He also suggested that everyone, unless faced with a global crisis, try to use the Paradise Mountain mobile phone as little as possible on a daily basis, especially the guardian dog you gave to the hero for free.

In the Bat watch, there is a complete set of software for chatting and posting simple information.

Are those heroes crazy? They even dare to ask for Bateman's watch? Harley asked strangely.

They are not crazy. When Bateman distributed the watches, he disclosed the program source code, watch structure, satellite and processor information to the heroes.

He admitted that he was not sure whether the watch would be hacked or monitored, so he asked everyone to help supervise it.

Moreover, he made it clear that the watch is not a secret communicator, it only facilitates heroes to communicate privately in a non-real-name manner.

I have been following them for several months, and most of the content is related to the daily tasks of heroes, such as the experience of patrolling the streets at night, fighting skills, the development of technological weapons, and information about a certain enemy.

After a pause, Ivy frowned and said, I suspect that in addition to lowering your prestige among heroes, Bateman also wants to establish his own prestige through the watch.

Compared to him, other heroes are too amateurish.

Almost every hero has asked him for advice on how to be a good hero.

Harley, can you imagine?

Bateman, an illiterate man who had not graduated from high school, actually gave guidance to the Atom, who had received more than a dozen doctorates, and taught him how to correct some minor problems in the atomic suit.

Ivy, don't be so mean. Bruce is not illiterate. At the end of June, he received two more degrees: a bachelor's degree in computer science and a master's degree in mechanical engineering. Selina said.

Harley glanced at her belly again and couldn't help but ask: When will you marry him?

Wait for two more years. Crises have been coming one after another recently, and the earth is a bit chaotic. Wait until the situation stabilizes and the world becomes peaceful. Wait until Bateman is no longer as busy as a spinning top every day.

It seems you will never get married in this life. Harley complained.

The Apokolips crisis is over, and after surviving the Pharaoh crisis, Gotham should be able to recover. Selina was stunned and said in a daze: Looking back now, Gotham two years ago was as peaceful as a dream.

If the city can be restored to the state it was in at that time, Bateman will probably be able to take off his cloak with peace of mind and live an ordinary life with me.

Harley complained: Isn't it two years ago before Bateman debuted? Is the goal of his hard work just to change Gotham back to what it was before he worked hard?

Dong dong. Someone knocked on the heavy wooden door of the living room from outside. Harry only looked sideways and saw no one, but felt a familiar scent.

It's a stranger.

She also imitated Ivy, hooked her fingers, and the yellow energy formed a small hand to open the door.

The stranger looked very tired and tired. After entering the door, he said directly: Harley, I just came back from Oua and have convinced Ganser that if you agree to several conditions of the Guardians, the Green Lantern Corps is willing to sign a peace with you. protocol.

Harley raised her eyebrows, Did I give you a hint that I need to negotiate with Green Lantern?

Because you didn't, Bateman was worried that you would fight 'Star Wars' with the Green Lantern Corps, so he asked me to come to Oa. The Stranger sighed.

Why is it Bateman again? Could it be that a hero's conference turned out to be a guy sitting on a pony and became the leader of the martial arts alliance?

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