I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 486 Everyone loves to tear Man apart

Harley, you are cheating on me, Luther's plan comes from you! Clark looked at Harley with accusing eyes.

Harley nodded calmly, Luthor and I talked about your weaknesses, but then I immediately called you to give you a warning. You are arrogant and did not listen to my advice. Now you are at a disadvantage and you blame me?

Clark opened his mouth, wanting to scold her for being shameless, but when he thought about it for a moment, he immediately remembered the call she made that day.

It seemed that his tone was more aggressive at that time. After saying only one sentence, Hallie hung up the phone.

The boss was silent, and the boss's wife Louise came on the stage, Harry, why did you get involved with Luther?

Luthor and I have always been friends. He also joined the Watchers and became my comrades in arms. Harley said.

But he has been targeting Clark. Aren't you and Clark friends? Can a friend's enemy be a close friend? Louise said.

What does this mean? The devil prince is my friend, and the angels in heaven still have a deep friendship with me.

Louise's expression was stagnant. She didn't know much about the Demon Angel thing, so she couldn't comment.

But you can't talk about Clark's weaknesses everywhere! she sighed.

Hehehehe Harley grinned happily.

why are you laughing?

This gloating and triumphant attitude made Louise a little angry.

I feel happy. Harley smiled.

Are you happy that Clark is unlucky? Louise couldn't hide the anger on her face.

Clark, what did you say? Harley smiled and looked at Da Chao, who was frowning and thinking.

What did you say? He was a little confused.

Lois thinks I shouldn't tell Luther your weaknesses. Harley looked at him expectantly.

Clark raised his thick eyebrows slightly, I understand, are you proud of Louise for admitting my 'weakness'?

Harley nodded repeatedly and said excitedly: Yes, you refused to admit it before, but now she has admitted defeat, so I am happy. If you also admit defeat, I will be even happier.

Harry, you're going too far. Louise's face turned red with anger.

I have many merits, but being honest with my friends is the most commendable. Harley smiled calmly.

Clark sighed and smiled bitterly: I thought about it carefully, maybe you are right, even God cannot make everyone believe in his own doctrine.

My values ​​are certainly not as perfect as God’s and may not be suitable for every situation.

Not only was I unaware of this before, but I also unconsciously brought what I thought was right and best to dissidents of customs and culture.

It does seem very arrogant.

American arrogance.

Alas, thank you, Harley, for helping me realize this huge shortcoming.

Gudong, Gudong. The experience jar of the Second Will Defense specialty bubbled crazily, rising from 55% at level 4 to 13% at level 5, a full 58% increase (last time in the bottom paradise, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne contributed 20 % increment).

Second Will Defense Specialty (Shameless Specialty), 13% at level 5, no flaw in mind, spirit, or body. God, advanced mind control defense, immune to Martian Manhunter-level mind control; Body, physical stun defense, The physical body is immune to the field control effects of gods; the heart is extremely thick-skinned, and no verbal attack can make your mind lose control or your will shaken.

Harley was stunned for a moment, then laughed, unable to hide her pride and joy, Superman surrendered to me.

Whether Superman admits it or not, it is a fact that his will defense experience has increased.

Only by crushing other people's will and plundering the other's broken old will can you gain experience for your second defense specialty.

Thinking of this, she smiled even more cheerfully, Hahaha, I defeated Superman mentally, right?

Louise stabbed her hard with the knife.

Clark looked at her quietly, with a peaceful smile on his face. After she calmed down a bit, he said gently but sternly: Harry, if you continue to kill people indiscriminately, whether it is revenge that is hard to distinguish between black and white, I will take action. dissuade.

Next time, I won't give you a chance to fight back.

Harley was stunned, You realize your mistake, but you still refuse to correct it?

My outlook and character, which are based on traditional American culture, need to be adjusted. The concept of a superhero - cherishing and respecting life and bringing hope to people, is absolutely correct!

That said, I was only wrong about the way I implemented the ideal.

Clark's tone was calm, and there was a look of perseverance after realization on his face.

Three views are not so easy to change.

Harley swallowed, and suddenly remembered a side effect of the will defense specialty: people who are defeated and have their old will poached can easily sublimate their spirits and have epiphanies.

——Superman seems to have stronger faith?


Clark shook his head and said: I grew up and lived in the United States, and my three views at this time are most suitable for today's living environment, and there is no need to adjust.

What really needs to change is my attitude towards other people and the way I do things.

Regardless of the Western teachings on God or the Eastern philosophy of the sages, each has its own merits, but they cannot allow all people on earth to form a unified outlook on life.

If I had the idea of ​​sublimating my own values ​​to apply to all mankind, then I would be truly arrogant to the point of no end.

Think about it, if one day, when I think that my three views have been sublimated to the perfection of human ideals, I will definitely use that concept as a standard to regulate everyone's behavior - if I have such a The world is ten thousand times scarier than the world without me.

My idea as a superhero is not to help the United States or anyone else spread their worldview and values.

My philosophy is to respect life and always have hope.

To respect life, we must also respect the culture and customs of life, as well as the three views based on this.

I should let my ideals return to purity and not be affected by culture, system and dissident views.

Having said this, he cast a strange look of admiration on the dumbfounded Harley, I should really learn from you in this regard.

To put it bluntly, you are talking about people and talking about ghosts.

You can be friends with anyone you want.

But regardless of prejudice, it is precisely because you stick to your own values ​​and understand and tolerate the views and personalities of dissidents that you can have a good relationship with angels, demons, heroes and criminals.

To be a superhero, you have to be like you, facing all those in need of help with the most tolerant and understanding attitude.

Gudong, Gudong. The second defense expertise experience jar has increased by another 30%!

When he first walked in, Clark's decadent, dazed, and slightly greasy Chinese-character face seemed to have been washed. Now it was filled with determination and sudden brilliance, and it seemed that there was a halo of holiness behind his head.

Especially those pair of azure eyes, the belief revealed in them seemed to be stronger and unbreakable than his steel body.

He stood up and cheered up: Harry, do you have anything else to do? I wasted too much time feeling sorry for myself. Time is really equal to life. Now I want to seize the time and solve a few more natural and man-made disasters.

That afternoon, Superman traveled around, visiting more than 30 countries, solving 127 crises, and more than 800 people were rescued because of him.

He did not shy away from Asia and the Middle East, which are culturally different.

It seems that according to the principle of proximity, he will go to whoever calls Superman without any scruples.

He knocked down American troops who harmed foreign civilians with one punch; he also rescued Americans kidnapped by foreign terrorist organizations.

But this time he made a change.

I apologize for my ignorance and arrogance in the past, when I was not only saving people, but also spreading my own values ​​based on American culture.

Even now, I will not deny American culture and universal values, but I understand the inevitability and necessity of differences.

Now, I promise to all people on earth that I will carefully understand and remember the laws and local customs of various countries.

I will only rescue people in places where I know the local laws and culture well.

When I enter those areas, I will respect their customs and act in full compliance with local laws.

That night, his manager Jessica helped him record and upload a video of 'Superman's Declaration'.

The next day, the 'Hope Foundation' was established, and all advertising fees, video network traffic fees, sponsorship fees, etc. earned as Superman were used to maintain the operation of the foundation.

100% of donations from this foundation will be used for good deeds that Superman believes he should help but cannot achieve with the force of the Man of Steel.

For example, the first payment of US$200,000 was personally sent to South Korea by agent Jessica to help those North Korean smugglers solve their future life problems.

Regardless of whether they return to the north or settle down in the south, financial assistance will be provided in accordance with the laws of the north and the south.

The second tranche of US$180,000 was given to the International Refugee Relief Organization to help refugees on the US-Mexico border.

In an interview, Jessica said that Superman does not favor one over the other. In fact, he never accepts commercial endorsements. All advertisements on television in which Superman participates are charity acts that do not charge any money.

Moreover, it had been less than a year since Superman put on the uniform and made his official debut, and the foundation had only this little money left.

After the news was broadcast, Bruce Wayne, the world's richest man, immediately held a fundraising party for the Hope Foundation.

He personally donated two famous paintings by Picasso, worth over 100 million.

Superman was there for half a minute to thank all the fundraisers.

Harley Quinn, the General of Five Rings, was on a tour across the country and did not attend the party. However, she also made a high-profile announcement the next day: All tips for Superman Studio videos on the Puppy Video website will no longer be available starting immediately. No platform fees are charged, and all proceeds will be donated to the Hope Foundation.

All up videos related to Superman, whether satirical or passionate, will receive 25% of the platform’s 50% commission and give it to Superman’s Hope Foundation.

As large sums of cash and predictable, recurring income flowed into the Hope Foundation's account, Superman's rescue operations became even more unrestrained.

Public opinion immediately reversed.

Superman is the first superhero to admit his mistakes. Although I don't think he did anything wrong, his humility and kindness make me, a hater who called him a 'Kryptonian bastard' for half a year, admire and feel ashamed. .

Starting today, I will tattoo a small ‘s’ on my chest and declare myself a glorious super fan!

An American redneck really exposed the greasy fat on his chest - a red heart wrapped with a small S.

With an incomparably powerful body of steel and a humble and gentle heart, Superman is truly a great superhero. Welcome to Rip Man!

A certain leader held a press conference specifically for Superman.

The chief of police in the Saudi capital gave a thumbs up and said with admiration: Superman is coming to Riyadh again today.

He rescued a trapped girl in a car accident and thoughtfully helped her pick up her veil and put it on, which was a very kind and gentlemanly behavior.

I was there and had a few words with Superman.

I was very suspicious of his claim to be familiar with all Saudi laws, so I asked a few random questions. As a result, he answered fluently and expressed his own opinions on each law.

After Superman rescued an old Korean man, said honorifics in Korean, and responded to the old man's bow and thanks with Korean etiquette, the President of South Korea immediately proudly announced: Superman is so humble and polite, just like the most standard Korean gentleman. It's for sure. Well, his adoptive parents must be a pair of Korean-Americans.

After learning that South Korea planned to erect a statue of Superman, the Korean adopted son, in Seoul, the mayor of Metropolis urgently announced: Superman belongs to Metropolis! At the request of the people, a bronze statue of Superman will be erected at the entrance of Central Park. It must be It will become a metropolitan landmark.”

The President of the United States also said at the press conference: Superman is a living representative of the American spirit. I will never deny this.

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