In addition to the condemnation of Superman by news media from various countries, Superman has been questioned even more on the Internet.

For example, there is a video on Youtuotuo. On the U.S.-Mexico border, the U.S. police imprisoned a group of South American stowaways in a cage, deprived them of food and water, and shouted insults and ridicules.

In the video, we can clearly see several eight or nine-year-old children with chapped lips, sallow complexion and thin skin, crying Superman, Superman, save me in hoarse voices.

Superman is from the United States and will not come to save you, you little bastard. The American policeman laughed.

The video was recorded with a camera, and there is still time on it, and the comparison scene in the video shows what happened to Superman at the same time: he was in Metropolis, and with a gentle face, he helped an American girl Liang save a man from a tree. Cat, my sister-in-law looked innocent, clapped her hands and cheered, Superman, I love you, you are my guardian angel.

This video has been widely circulated, not only in the United States, but also in major foreign video websites.

I remember that Superman can hear cries for help from the other side of the earth, right? In his heart, a dog in the United States is more precious than these children? Mexican netizens questioned.

I never thought that Superman's gentle smile when helping others could be so disgusting. A netizen from Metropolis in the United States left a message.

“It’s chilling that Superman helped the North Koreans fleeing south the night before yesterday, and he responded in an interview yesterday afternoon that the people’s free choice should be respected.

Fuck, you hypocritical double-standard dog! Gotham netizens also left a disappointed emoticon behind.

I told you before, Kryptonian devils are just like the mules (Cristiano Ronaldo), they are packaged garbage! Harry Potter who found the broom sarcastically said on a certain wave in the sky.

Later, many videos comparing time and events were released.

For example, Superman saved an Afghan girl who was raped by American soldiers, but when a girl in India was raped on a bus, he ignored her cry for help.

At that time, Superman was helping firefighters put out fires in Metropolis, which was neither important nor too important.

For example, Superman saved an Afghan girl, and the news spread. Many Afghans also regarded him as a hero and called his name when they were in danger, but he never appeared again.

More and more foreign netizens are posting videos online of themselves calling Superman for help, but being ignored by Superman, causing more and more controversy.

These videos seem to have also affected Superman. In the past few days, he has significantly increased the frequency of foreign rescue operations. However, the more he goes abroad, the lower the evaluation of him by foreign officials or private citizens.

Arabs don't like Superman touching our women! We have our own culture and customs here. Don't try to turn this independent country into a province of the United States!

Russia welcomes Superman's good deeds, but before taking action, it is best to report it to the relevant departments to avoid similar international disputes from happening again.

Superman interfered in Ukraine to suppress the rebellion, please ask the League of Nations to impose sanctions! Oh, he is just an alien, a Kryptonian devil with ulterior motives, please ask the Five-Ring General to suppress him!

A week later, Superman finally disappeared, no longer answering anyone's calls.

The media's criticism of him has not diminished but has increased. Ordinary people in the United States believe that he is not doing his job properly and has eaten too much, so he went to do good deeds in a country that was saved (invaded) and rescued by the United States.

The U.S. government is extremely dissatisfied with his actions that disrupted the international situation and triggered numerous diplomatic protests.

Foreign governments have bluntly stated that if they encounter large-scale natural or man-made disasters, they welcome Superman to lend a helping hand. However, political and criminal crimes in their own countries are handled by their own laws and police and do not require Superman's intervention. He is not the world's judge. .

Foreign netizens also said that Superman is not as well-known as meeting him. Although most of the time, they are shocked and admired by his extreme speed, power, efficiency, and invincibility. However, Superman sometimes shows indifference to people who need him more, which makes them shocked. It’s heartbreaking.

Metropolis, a mid-range apartment three blocks away from Daily Planet.

Clark was shirtless, lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling, looking dazed and lost.

Louise, what do you think I did wrong? I just wanted to save people. He murmured.

Louise was wearing hot pants and a tank top, sitting in front of the computer and reading the news.

Hearing the confusion in her boyfriend's words, she closed the lid of Tianshan Notebook and frowned: It seems that someone is targeting you. The situation has deteriorated in just a week. It is obviously abnormal.

Who is targeting me? Those comments and news come from all over the world. Who can control so many people? Superman sighed.

Dong dong dong There was a knock on the door of the apartment suddenly.

Louise put her face close to the cat's eye, just in time to see a big sky blue eye blinking.

Ouch, she was startled, who is it?

Haha, it's me.

Ah, Harley! Lois and Clark both shouted.

Why are you here? Clark was wearing a pair of boxer briefs, sitting on a yoga blanket, and his body was full of tendons that were extremely impactful.

You have a great figure. Harley praised.

Clark's chest muscles twitched visibly a few times, and he quietly reached out to the sofa, picked up a T-shirt and put it on.

Why didn't you respond after I called you for a long time? Harley asked.

How to shout?

Shouting at 'Quinn's Apartment'.

Clark said: I have blocked my super hearing for the past two days. What do you want to do?

I am visiting every city in the United States that has B-level heroes to prepare for the Hero Conference in June.

Clark briefly recalled the announcement that appeared on the superhero forum earlier.

In recent days, news about General Five Rings meeting various superheroes has been appearing in major media.

Louise opened the lid of her notebook and opened the puppy headlines.

The five-ringed general in a light blue professional skirt stands side by side with the archer man in green uniform.

Is that for this? she asked.

Harley glanced at the monitor and smiled: Yes, I just met Green Arrow, a very motivated young man.

No, now that we are in the metropolis, we naturally have to see the city guardian tearing apart Man.

Why are you seeing me? It's not like you don't know me. Clark said.

You don't know the purpose of the Heroes Conference? Harley asked.

Clark's heart moved, For the Pharaoh?

The last time Harley came to Metropolis, in addition to meeting the president, she also told him about the abduction of the Pharaoh by the Supreme, and asked him to pretend that he didn't know that the Pharaoh was poisoned by Harley, so that when he meets the Pharaoh in the future , you can fool him once.

Harley nodded, Warming up for the Heroes Conference is the real reason why I'm touring the country.

As she spoke, she took out a document from the small leather bag under her shoulder and handed it to Clark.

This is Mr. President's appointment letter and the government's attitude towards the 'Pharaoh' crisis.

Clark flipped through the pages and found that the appointment letter of the Sky Eye Society supervisor was not directly related to the Pharaoh crisis.

The government's attitude towards the crisis is simple: the government provides manpower and material resources to cooperate with the heroes, but every activity of the heroes must be supervised.

If you don't even know the identity and capabilities of the enemy, what's the point of meeting now?

This meeting is called a 'Heroes Meeting', not just a 'Crisis Discussion Meeting'. Let's get to know each other and have a preliminary understanding of and prevention of the Pharaoh crisis.

Well, there are other crises to discuss.

No matter how simple a rainy day plan is, it is better than a hasty response. Harley said.

Clark returned the document to her and said hesitantly: I might not be able to go. You should know the recent news about me, right?

Why, have you given up on your ideal of being a hero? Harley suppressed a smile.

You seem happy?

Clark found that her heartbeat, pulse, and expression all openly showed joy and pride.

Lex Luthor is teasing you. Harley laughed.

Sure enough, there is a conspiracy, and it's Luther again. Louise said angrily: Why is that guy still haunting and staring at Clark?

Harley glanced at her: In Luther's eyes, you are the third party who interfered.

How did Luther do it? It's impossible for him to control so many national leaders, let alone what I do. Clark asked in surprise.

He doesn't control anyone. He just seizes your human weaknesses and specializes in them.

Superman is almost perfect, how can he have any human weaknesses? Louise wondered.

Harley looked at Clark, What do you think?

I'm definitely not perfect, but I don't know what my flaws are.

Arrogance and stubbornness. Harley said.

I'm never arrogant.

Clark frowned, and Lois also looked unhappy.

Your arrogance is deep in your bones. No matter how approachable you appear, you always stand on a higher ground and look down on the world.

I didn't, Clark said excitedly.

Harley said: You know that human nature is despicable, but you don't care about the attitude of the rescued people towards you, because your purpose is to protect life and bring hope to the world.

What an arrogant declaration!

Only gods don't care about human attitudes and set their sights on a higher angle.

You are misinterpreting my meaning. I care about every life, so I try my best to ignore their negative impact on my psychology.

Just like a professional player who cares about winning or losing, he will focus on every attack and defense in front of him, without thinking about what to do if he loses or how to celebrate when he wins. Clark said.

Well, this sounds beautiful, but the reality is that Luther used your arrogance to defeat you.

You are arrogant, so you impose your own values ​​​​on North Koreans, and even put your own three views above the laws, customs, and traditions of other countries.

You are arrogant, so you do not consider international and domestic relations and act based on your view of good and evil.

Is there something wrong with my outlook on life? Superman muttered.

Unfortunately, your views on good and evil are very correct, but your three views are too consistent with the universal values ​​of the United States.

It's hard to distinguish between good and evil in many things.

More often than not, America’s three views are not suitable for other countries and nations.

Luthor actually didn't buy anyone. He just advertised Superman in areas that were prone to international conflicts and where it was difficult to distinguish between good and evil.

Only when the advertisement is launched will the ‘victim’ call your name and involve you in a conflict that is difficult to distinguish between black and white.

Since it's not black and white, no matter what you do, you will get mixed reviews.

And you are Superman. The persona established by Superman represents the people's high demands on you that are far beyond ordinary people.

Therefore, a 50% negative review will immediately turn into a one-sided crusade.

Louise thought thoughtfully, Superman's agent, Miss Jessica, has made a career plan for Superman very early - only do good things without any controversy.

Looking at the sultry Harley, Clark also thought thoughtfully, Don't mind your own business, you gave me the warning.

Now it was your idea for Luther to deal with me by asking me to 'mind my own business'!

Harley, you are trying to trick me, you are Luther's strategist!

Harley's expression stiffened slightly.

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