Kent, wake up, Kent

Father Carlisle's palm exuded soft healing light and he pressed it on Dr. Fate's chest.

Well, at this moment, Harley has closed down her God stance.

I think he's not breathing. Why don't you take off the helmet and give him artificial respiration? Harley suggested from the side.

After being sprayed out by the giant beast, Dr. Fate was just like Etrigan, ignorant of people's affairs and as soft as a noodle.

But at least Etrigan's chest was rising and falling, and although the magic power in his body was disordered, it was recovering automatically.

Doctor Fate looks like a lifeless corpse.

Just when Carlisle felt that something was wrong with him and that he might need artificial respiration, the helmet spoke.

Well, it's the gold toilet helmet on Kent's head, not him.

Don't take off your helmet! The eyes of the toilet helmet flashed with golden light, and a majestic old voice said: Kent was just an ordinary person. After gaining my knowledge and wisdom, he became an official mage in just a few years.

Putting on the helmet, he is still Doctor Destiny. My divine power flows through his body, which can barely suppress the remaining magic power of the giant ferocious beast and the contamination of his mental power.

If he takes off the helmet, those chaotic magic powers will not disappear, but he will immediately turn into an ordinary mage and die quickly in a short period of time.

Are you the God of Naboo? Harley asked in surprise.

Yes, I am Naboo, Harley Quinn, why are you immune to the power of the giant beast? The golden eyes of the helmet turned to her, and a chill of being peeped rose from the bottom of Harley's heart.

Are you using your mental power to peek into my secrets? Harley's face turned cold.

I'm curious.

Nabu's voice was calm, and there was no trace of shame or apology in his tone. He didn't even stop peeking.

Without saying a word, Harley opened the hatch and kicked Doctor Fate out like a football.

You're so rude, Nabu's slightly annoyed voice came.

You're so rude! Harley said angrily.

When Nabu was a mortal, he was a king and a master of the country. He held a high and powerful position and kept his word.

After being promoted to a god, he almost became the god king of humans on earth. He was respected by thousands of people and followed his words. The old priest sighed.

The giant beast just told me not to run away, but I didn't even listen to it. Is Nabu more domineering than the giant beast? Harley said disapprovingly.

Putting aside Neb's rudeness, there was no need for her to be careful and make herself uncomfortable.

Even if he offends Naboo, with his dual identity as the God King of Order and a superhero, he will not attack her casually.

So what worries does she have?

Secret cabin.

Oh, no, it's here again, Sage Ochi shouted in horror, The giant beast is looking at us again.

He had questions in his mind and wanted someone to answer them.

Originally targeting Harley, Harley quickly slipped away.

Now, as He searches for his next target, He's turning his attention to us.

Damn it, the magic power coming from across the sky has surged again. It's almost unbearable. He wants us to die! Constantine cursed.

Be careful, it's coming, prepare for the coming impact.

Shangdu twisted his face and said in a sharp voice.

She regretted it.

You are obviously living a peaceful life in Greenwich Village, so why should you be curious and get involved in this mess?

It’s all the fault of old flame Zatara!

He said that everyone is channeling together, separated by the two dimensions of reality and Limbo, it is absolutely foolproof, but now.

However, Xanadu also understood intellectually that this was not Zatara's fault. It could only be said that the supreme being was powerful beyond imagination.

Ah, here it comes!

A heart-stopping fatal crisis came from the void and swept across the entire place, causing everyone to shiver, and then heat rose from the bottom of their hearts, replacing the chill.

The mental power of the giant ferocious beast ignites (pollutes) the mental power it comes into contact with.

The magic power of the giant ferocious beast set off a violent hurricane indoors.

Ah ah ah all the mages holding hands were wailing, magic and spiritual power were ignited in the body, the heat penetrated the organs, passed through the bones, flesh and skin, and burned little sparks on the clothes.

Whose turn will it be this time?

Cross-dressing hero Steve Dayton couldn't help sobbing, I have a feeling that He will pick one of us.

What nonsense are you talking about? Concentrate and don't disturb the morale of the army. Constantine scolded.

John, you don't understand, my ability is-

No, OMG, my body is suddenly heating up, I guess.

Zatanna cried out in despair.

After shouting, she quickly regained her composure and said bitterly: Dane was right, it's my turn this time.

But it doesn't matter, I've come to my senses.

Death may not be the end, I am the wizard Zatanna Zatara!

Visible to the naked eye, Zatanna's hair and skirt began to smoke, and blazing flames came out of her seven holes.

No, I don't allow it! Zatala shouted decisively: No one can hurt my daughter in front of me!

!Darkness has no intention of accepting this, she will accept it on my behalf

Irony magic!

This is Zatara, master of irony magic, the last irony magic in his life.

Boom! All the chaotic magic power, all the mental power of the giant ferocious beast, and all the damage were transferred to Zatara.

Zatanna burst into tears, her expression distorted, and she struggled and shouted: No, dad, hurt me back, no, hurt me back and forth——

Xiao Zha, your irony magic still needs to be improved. Goodbye, my baby!

Zatara smiled and turned into a human-shaped torch, her magic power and soul burning together, quickly drying up into a charred skeleton.

Before he died, he also sent a message to Constantine through his mental power: John, please take my daughter out of here alive.

Daddy, no! Zatanna was heartbroken, breaking down and crying.

Zatanna, hold on to your father's hand, even if it's scorched with oil. Zha Kang shouted sternly: Your father died to save you. Do you want his hard work to be in vain?

Letting go of her hand, Zatanna was the first to be burned to char.

Then, the remaining people will be burned clean like a lit firecracker.


Boss Zha, withdraw, you can't hold it anymore. Harley shouted.

The three defense lines of the coalition forces in hell all collapsed.

Even more vulnerable than the Maginot Line.

Because the giant beast never attacked them at all.

He only took one step at a time. Wherever he passed, hell collapsed and time and space trembled.

All the enemies standing in front of Him are worse than chickens and dogs.

They couldn't get close to Him or look directly at Him.

Just seeing Him makes them burn.

From spiritual power to soul, from soul to body.

Even if you don't look at Him, you can approach Him with your head covered. Before they even get close, the supreme magic power around Him will alienate them into part of the magic power.

It is not that no one can see Him and come near Him.

Demons, gods and wizards above the duke level can barely hold on.

In other words, only gods are qualified to face giant beasts.

If I don't leave, there will only be Zauliel who died in the battle and no archangel who escaped!

Boss Zha stared at the black tornado column that was approaching in large strides, making a decisive move.

You are not afraid of death, but you have to think about all the angel brothers! Harley advised.

The giant ferocious beast is approaching the edge of hell, and the 100,000 angel legions on the periphery are forming the strongest attack formation.

The formations shining with holy silver beneath them formed a whole.

It's like the City of Silver has materialized here.

When defending, it is like an indestructible city wall; when attacking, it is like a silver blade that suppresses all dissatisfaction in the void.

This appearance and power are indeed quite intimidating.

However, Harley has been close to the giant beast twice, and she clearly understands: these angels are like a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers surrounding Wukong to the giant beast.

Zaulie's eyes flashed and he said in a deep voice: Not to mention that I am only one of the leaders. Even if I could control the entire angel army, I would not order a retreat.

Because we still have a trump card.

And, He comes.

Who? Harley asked curiously.


Green shadows were cast from higher places, completely covering Harley and the 100,000 angel army.

Harry looked up and felt a large green mountain standing in front of the angel army's formation.

Looking up, you can't see the top of the mountain.

Looking left and right, you can't see the end of the foothills of the mountains.

It was like a green wall, dividing the universe in front of Harley into two.

Ghost! Father Carlisle exclaimed in confusion.

Harley pointed at the green cosmic wall and said with a strange expression: Is this a ghost?

The ghost is God's vengeful spirit.

The old priest thought she didn't know what a ghost was.

I know who the ghost is, but he- Harley looked confused.

She wanted to say it was like a mountain and not like a human being, but she was sure she heard Him speaking human language.

Ghost, have you ever used the Seal of Heaven to find the messenger bird used by the wizards to awaken the giant beast?

Zaulie, however, was not surprised at the ghost's form, and only asked with a serious expression.

Would I make such a low-level mistake that I can't even find the Seal of Heaven?

The rumbling sound came from above, like a high-dimensional space and time outside the universe, filled with a supreme divine majesty.

This ghost is so huge. Harley raised her head and murmured.

Since you saw it, why didn't you stop it? Zawulie shouted.

It's not that I didn't stop it, but I let it go on purpose. Ghost said with a faint smile.

What? Zaulie and the nearby angels were dumbfounded.

Did the ghost also betray Heaven and join the giant beast?

The old priest and Van Helsing looked at each other.

“The vastness of my power is beyond your imagination.

As powerful as the archangel Zauliel, and as powerful as the sand beneath my feet.

So, you don't have to be afraid.

When the giant beast appears, I can crush it in an instant! The ghost said proudly.

Zauleh's face turned red. The majestic archangel, the commander of the coalition forces with tens of thousands of eagle angels, was actually compared to the dust under his feet.

Ghost, the giant beast has appeared a long time ago. Are you blind?

Etrigan shouted angrily as he climbed up from the ship's deck.

I saw Him wreaking havoc in hell and destroying the homes of demons.

There was contentment and laughter in the ghost's voice.

You betrayed the covenant! Etrigan said angrily.

“In the covenant, the forces of heaven do not need to enter the scope of hell.

I am waiting for the giant beast outside hell, which is exactly as promised.

As for letting the messenger bird go,

There is no such clause in the covenant at all. The ghost laughed directly.

Okay, very good, you succeeded in tricking us this time.

Etrigan's eyes flashed with deep shame and anger, and he sneered: I hope you can withstand the revenge brought by the devil's law.

Devil's law? The ghost laughed loudly, I don't even pay attention to Satan, but I still care about the laws he made? Little bug, little bug, you are so stupid.

Etrigan clenched his hands into fists and said word by word: I swear, one day in the future, I will retaliate in a more humiliating way.

For hell, for my demon friends who trust me and charge to the death with me, and for myself.

The ghost said calmly: Just entertain yourself, the giant beast is about to step out of hell.

My glorious moment of turning the tide is coming soon, and I have no time to pay attention to you.

Etrigan, the oath cannot be changed, but you can't even see the instep of his feet. Harley said.

One day I'm going to have him on his knees licking my feet.

The demon prince's eyes burned with pale golden flames.

Boom! Boom~~~~~

Hell finally breaks loose.

The giant ferocious beast broke through hell and came to Limbo.

Giant beast, your short and pathetic life ends here!

The howl of the ghost shook the multiverse, carrying the power of God's vengeance that penetrated Limbo, and rushed straight towards the giant beast that represented darkness and evil.

Harley doesn't know how to play tricks. She waits for these big guys to appear one by one and then collapse, and then she will appear in the finale.

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