I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 269 The grievances of the giant ferocious beast

Earth, Alps.

A secret house like a British aristocratic manor, located on the top of a snow-capped mountain with stunning snow scenery.

Inside the house is a huge meditation room that looks like an auditorium.

The floor was covered with Turkish blankets with complicated patterns, and a crystal chandelier hung above the head with a warm and comfortable light. More than fifty mages were sitting cross-legged, holding hands.

In addition to Zatara, Sage Oz, Zatanna, Constantine, Mr. E, Wizard Sargon and other members of the 'Provisional Wizards Council', there are also Harley's old friends Madam Xanadu, and Steve... Dayton and other cross-dressing heroes.

When people hold hands, there is originally a line.

At this time, they formed a huge reverse vortex, and the magic power rose from the mage's body, forming a similarly reverse starry sky blue magic vortex above everyone's heads.

The center of the vortex is like an eye that can travel freely in all dimensions of the multiverse.

Through this collective spiritualism, they can directly see the scenes in hell as if they were face to face while sitting on the earth.

Ah, the giant ferocious beast has appeared, what a terrifying wave of magic energy!

When the giant ferocious beast awakened from the lightless sea, and when the black tornado beam penetrated hell, all the mages screamed in horror.

It's Etrigan, son of Baal!

Seeing an old acquaintance, Xanadu's tone was slightly complicated.

Zatara said: Etrigan is the commander of the Satan Guards and the vanguard of the Legion of Eternal Punishment - ah, even across the seventh and eighth levels of hell, the death squads were completely wiped out?

My dear, Etrigan showed no resistance and was directly devoured by the giant beast.

So strong!

Hey, did you hear anything? It seemed like a giant beast, and it was talking.

I also heard it. He was asking Etrigan, 'Who am I?'. It was probably like this. It was the same question as when he woke up last time.

The witch did not lie! The wizard group confirmed the feasibility of their core concept. The giant beast does not have complete thinking consciousness.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the meditation room suddenly became a little strange.

The mages stopped talking. Instead, they opened their eyes and communicated some hidden information with their eyes.

——Perhaps, becoming a believer in the giant ferocious beast is really a prosperous road.

Look, Etrigan was spat out.

Oh my God, Archimedes airship! Harley has always been cautious. Why is she so reckless this time? Aren't you afraid of death when you get so close?

Constantine exclaimed, then smiled strangely: Oh, a beautiful alley ball!

Etrigan was picked up by Harley, and the giant beast began to move towards the coalition forces again.

Do you think it looks like a stupid and thick slug? Haha - ahhh!

It wasn't Zha Kang who was screaming alone, more than half of the wizards in the meditation room were wailing.

God is a huge beast. He senses our prying eyes. He sees.

Sage Aoqi looked horrified and shouted in disbelief: He is not looking at us, he is looking at the Owl Airship and staring at Harley and the others.

He just glanced at us sideways out of the corner of his eye, and I could feel it!

What do you feel? Zatanna exclaimed in confusion, What happened?

The joint spiritism is to concentrate the mental and spiritual power of everyone on a few mages who are most proficient in the art of traveling in the spirit world, so that they have enough power to peek into the giant beasts in the hell dimension.

For example, Constantine’s own magic power is weak, but he is proficient in soul fighting. He told Harley a few years ago that channeling is as simple as eating and drinking, as full of anticipation and fun as undressing clothes of the opposite sex or the same sex for the first time, like

Richie, Ann-Marie and others dissuaded Harley, telling her how dangerous it was for her soul to enter Limbo, and telling her not to listen to Zha Kang's nonsense and randomly try to communicate in other dimensions.

In short, the simple magic skill of channeling is also very talent-intensive.

Therefore, there were more than fifty mages participating in the joint channeling at this time, and they all felt the pain of burning souls. But the only people who knew what happened immediately were the dozen or so mages who were exploring the way ahead.

They convey what they see to others through spiritual power.

Uh-huh. Constantine raised his head and roared, The power is still rising, and the giant beast is crawling out of hell.

He knows us and what we are doing.

I could feel Him glance at us, and then shake his shoulders slightly, just like a cow by the river, flicking its tail casually to drive away the flies on its body.

We are that fly.

We look back and let Him drive us away, Zatanna said.

No, we can't do it. We are worse than flies. Be careful! Zatara roared. Hold the hands of those around you and sit tight. The magic storm is coming.


The violent magic came to them along their sight, and a violent storm of elements blew up in the huge meditation hall.


The chandelier above the head was like a bunch of grapes in the hands of a naughty child, being torn off at random.

The furniture, furnishings, and potted plants in the house all fell into the magic tornado, and even the wall coverings were torn apart and hung down, spinning in the wind like shreds of paper.

The broken glass shards scratched the noble faces of the mages, and the broken wooden picture frames smashed their heads, but they didn't dare to hide, they couldn't hide.

Don't let go, the joint psychic technique is still there at this time, which means that we work together to resist the mental and magical impact of the giant beast.

If you let go, the pressure will not lessen, but you can only bear it on your own, and no one can bear it. Sage Aoqi reminded loudly.

There was no need for him to remind him, all the veterans present knew this common sense about magic.

Why is Witch Harley okay? She is at the scene, so close to the giant beast, and she is still being stared at by the giant beast.

Nick endured the pain of scraping his bones and digging out his brain, and howled unwillingly and doubtfully.

Her spaceship is an artifact. A mage said.

Mr. E sneered: Nonsense, among us veteran masters, who doesn't have a few artifacts?

For example, Sargon's ruby ​​is the highest level of life and spirit - Omaika, look at Sargon, he is smoking!

Everyone looked around and saw that Sorcerer Sargon clenched his teeth, the veins on his forehead and neck were exposed, and his eyes protruded, almost popping out of their sockets.

It was clear that he was in great pain.

What's even more frightening is that streams of burnt fireworks are coming out of his robe.

Damn it, Sargon's mental power is multiplied by rubies, and he is closer to the giant beast than all of us. Zatara looked anxious, but helpless.

I, I am burning, Sargon said with a ferocious expression, The power is too strong, too much. The inside of my body is burning and I cannot stop it.

Boom! The sparks turned into blazing fire, and Sargon's entire body was bathed in the burning flames of magic.

No, no, no, no - Sargon wailed miserably, Please, any of you, come and save me, I am Sargon, I don't want to die, help me!

Sargon! Zatara shouted with tears in his eyes: You are Sargon, with the glory of a magic master, you greet death quietly! Don't let the juniors look down on you.

Zatara, you are right, forgive me for my gaffe, friends. I just--

Whoop whoosh!

Sargon spewed fire from his seven orifices and burned into a charred skeleton in just a few seconds, falling to the ground with a pop.

Constantine, don't let go. Zatara's eyes were deep and her voice was low.

Sargon is connected to Zacon, Zacon is connected to Zatanna, Zatanna is connected to Zatara, and Zatara is connected to Nick.

Oh my God, oh my God, Sargon is dead, burned to death.

Some mages who were not so mentally strong began to sob softly.

Frustration and the stench of burnt corpses filled the room together.

Constantine looked firm and said loudly: It doesn't matter. Although Sargon is dead, his corpse is still a high-quality magic energy conduit. The magic circuit has not been broken. We can continue.

What are you going on with? Zatanna cried with a cry: Sargon is dead, right next to you, and your hand is still holding his charred corpse!

I said, let's continue! Compared with other panicked mages, young Constantine was as calm as a piece of ice. We can't retreat, we can only continue to move forward until the last person, or hold on until the end. .”

Ah, what's going to happen is that Dr. Destiny was also swallowed by the giant ferocious beast! Sage Ochi exclaimed.

As soon as Harley took Etrigan back to the fifth level from the eighth level of hell, she discovered that the Hell's First Defense Front collapsed.

Although the millions of low-level demons using muskets, mortars, scimitars, and trebuchets were indeed a bunch of incompetent rabble, it was not the giant beasts that caused them to collapse.

At least it wasn't a direct attack from a giant beast.

But a slogan, Hell is over, long live the giant beast, follow my G life!

The one eye of the stone man could instigate rebellion across the Yellow River.

A giant ferocious beast that fully displays its form and power is much more effective than a one-eyed stone man.

A certain revolutionary party's last slogan made people panic, and the first line of defense, which was clearly aware that it was being put on the front line as cannon fodder, immediately collapsed.

Open the city gate to welcome the ferocious beast. When the ferocious beast comes, you will be treated well!

The demons on the first line of defense began to attack the second line of defense in reverse, and the mid-level demons on the second line of defense were also ready to move.

The situation was extremely critical, and the big demons on the third line of defense had no choice but to rush into the second line of defense to suppress the rebellion.

Harley easily pulled Etrigan into the cabin and smiled, watching Hollywood blockbusters on the side.

Boom! The giant ferocious beast stepped one step at a time, and each step became a level of hell.

As the giant beast approached, those low-level demons who had converted to him were surprised to find that not only were they not immediately assimilated by the giant beast like the big devil, but their magic power was distorted and their bodies evolved significantly.

Long live the giant ferocious beast! They became more and more excited.

It was under this circumstance that Dr. Destiny, who was held back by the rebels, fell into the mouth of the giant beast.

Little bug, little bug, you are inside me right now, and I am troubled by a problem.

The giant beast began to think philosophically again: I come from darkness, I am darkness itself.

Now I'm in a strange world that's so different that it makes me self-aware.

I wanted to know who I was and then I was told that I was evil.

But I don’t know what the evil is.

In this world with names, rules, and light, what meaning does evil have?

Evil? Dr. Destiny was stunned, and immediately pronounced loudly: Evil is a stumbling block that prevents us from approaching the eternal divine light.

It is like mud from the soles of a traveler's shoes, which must be cleared away before we can easily get on the road to our final glorious place.

The giant ferocious beast said dissatisfied: Are you looking down on me? Am I so useless and have no meaning in my existence?

Why do you worship the divine light so much?

As its opposite, could I not command the same respect?

Little bug, you taught me how to understand the 'arrogance of city people' (ps).

He sighed and threw Doctor Fate away.

Harley immediately drove the spaceship, ran over to pick up the corpse and ran away skillfully.

Hey, little bug, don't run away! The giant ferocious beast chased after him.

(ps: The arrogance of city people is not caused by the giant beast.

In the comic, He only says, ‘You taught me contempt’.

I think the arrogance of city people is more in line with the situation of the giant beast at this time. )

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