I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 220 Mutation, the mayor’s knight who eliminates violence and brings peace to the people

I don't want to fool around with you, a loser.

Harley glanced at Galavan with disdain, turned to Barnes and Gordon, and ordered: You stay here and keep a close guard on him.

Don't take him down without my order.

Mr. Mayor, what are you going to do? Barnes asked doubtfully.

Gordon explained to Harley: The more than two hundred monks below are all masters of killing. If they suddenly attack, we will suffer heavy losses.

Deliberately leaving them with hope and not letting them know that we have key evidence.

Wait until they are taken to the police station and detained separately.”

Gordon didn't finish his sentence, and Barnes understood.

He hesitated, Are you sure what's on the hard drive?

No matter how uncertain it is, we can't cause a big conflict at this time. Harley said impatiently.

I understand. Barnes gave the mayor a deep look, I'll stay up there and wait for you to escort the monk back to the police station.

You are so cruel, you actually want to catch us all! Galavan was furious, almost getting angry.

But he didn't dare to move. There were at least thirty GCPDs around him, pointing their guns at him.

Lock him up and put two pairs of handcuffs on his hands and feet. Harley frowned.

Switching to Gotham Godfather mode, she would have shot his resentful head off earlier.

I'll go down with you. It's enough to have Director Barnes here. Gordon said, I accompanied you up just now. If you go back alone, it may arouse the monk's suspicion.

Harley nodded and took Gordon and the five detectives downstairs.

On the tenth floor, a group of monks wearing linen priest robes gathered together and have not yet left.

Damn, damn!

Before she even got out of the stairs, Harley's face turned livid, she cursed angrily, clenched her fists loudly, and banged the wall from time to time.

When she came to the hall, she saw the mocking (exploring) look of the monk looking at him. She seemed to be irritated and became even more angry. She shouted: What are you looking at? Put them all in handcuffs and push them back to the police station. Lock them up first. Let’s talk about it later.”

He looked like a defeated dog that became angry due to shame.

Even though Gordon tried his best to keep a straight face, the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

The five police detectives who followed were all wearing helmets, so there was no need to hide the expressions of admiration on their faces.

Even if they didn't say it explicitly, the monks of the Order Order knew that Harry had encountered an expected setback.

So when the police officer escorting them took out handcuffs and put them on, no one resisted.

Two hundred and thirty-six people, in groups of four, lined up in a long line and walked down the stairs.

From beginning to end, they never took the elevator.

Remind them that if they resist at all, they will be shot immediately without warning. Harley whispered to Gordon.

Gordon hesitated: Director Barnes will not agree to this kind of illegal behavior.

I am not Godfather Harry now, I am your respected 'Mayor'. Harley said coldly.

Gordon went away with a sullen expression.

It went smoothly and the group of people came downstairs.

In such a massive arrest, even when the police pulled out the isolation tape, reporters stretched out their arms and loudly asked questions to the monks and the escorting police detectives.

Before taking action, Harley specifically warned that there should be no delay and the suspect should be escorted back to the police station as soon as possible.

Everything was carried out in an orderly manner according to her script. The car only held two monks, and the van held six people. Each escort vehicle ensured that the number of GCPD was twice as many as the suspects.

One car after another started and slowly drove away from the neighborhood.

When half of the monks had entered the car, Harley breathed a sigh of relief and said proudly to Gordon: How is it? No one was killed or injured, and a large-scale terrorist society at the level of an army group was easily dismantled.

Gao, that's really clever! Not only did you not lose anything, but you also got rid of yourself. Harley, you are very talented in the political arena. Gordon praised sincerely.

Hallinen's face turned serious and she reprimanded: Can you call me 'Harley'?

Gordon felt a little aggrieved, There's no one else here—

Boom! Suddenly there was an explosion in the sky. The two looked up and saw that under the afterglow of the setting sun, the glass wall on the top floor exploded into thousands of crystals, and a black shadow fell from the sky.

Bang! The black shadow spread its wings - not wings, but opened a paraglider at high altitude!

Ah, get out of the way, the glass wall upstairs is broken.

The reporters and passers-by who were watching also saw the abnormality in the sky, shouted in fear, and pushed to avoid it.

Damn it, it's Galavan! Harley's expression changed, she picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: Sniper idea, attack the sky immediately——

Brothers of the Order Order, the escape of the Angel of Death means that things have been exposed. These bastards want to make us rich, let's fight with them! An old monk shouted to the sky, struggled hard, and tore off the shackles like a twist, with lightning in his hands. They reached out and grabbed the necks of the stunned police officers beside them.

Bang! The two heads collided together, the helmet deformed, the plexiglass used as the mask shattered, and blood and miserable howls spurted out.

The young police officer next to him drew his gun in shock, Don't move, if you move again I will——

Bang! Harley held the rifle and blasted the old monk's head cleanly. Blood and brains splashed all over the face of the Young Guards.

Well, the student soldier who was sneaked out of the police academy by Barnes.

Anyone who struggles and resists, immediately——

Harley caught a glimpse of the reporters surrounding her who were looking at her in shock, cursed in her mind, and changed her words: Fire a warning shot immediately. Anyone who kills the GCPD with ruthless hands can act in self-defense.

Death to the witch!

The riot was like a pile of firecrackers being lit.

More than 100 suspects exploded together, fighting with more than 200 GCPD members.

The mayor who shouted the order became the most conspicuous person. Immediately, two monks who had obtained automatic rifles shot at her wildly.

Don't hurt civilians! Behind the mayor was a reporter. She shouted, opened her arms, and tried to let all the bullets fall on her body. It was useless.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, ah, ah, ah!

The accuracy of the rifle fire was limited. As the main target, Harley did take most of the bullets, but a large number of reporters and passers-by still fell behind her.

But everyone saw it, the mayor tried his best

You deserve to die! Harley raised her chest and activated the cost magic.

Ah! The two monks who were armed with guns suddenly had splitting headaches. They threw away the machine guns and held their heads. Bang bang, they died from headshots.

Harley held the gun and aimed at the next rioting monk, muttering to herself: Magic seems not as efficient as bullets.

Bang bang——

A guard who struggled with the monks was shot through the throat.

Harley's expression changed: Ouch, no, I seem to have killed a GCPD, but why did he suddenly dodge and suddenly move towards the muzzle of the gun?

Harley looked embarrassed and peeked around. The scene was a mess, reporters and passers-by were running around. When no one noticed her, she hurriedly changed directions.

Bullets are efficient, but accurate

BOSS, Galavan in the sky flew out of the Seventh Avenue, and I have lost track of him.

Deadshot's serious voice came from the walkie-talkie on his shoulder, The situation is not right. I shot him more than ten times, and he didn't even bleed.

Change the target and freely shoot the gun-wielding monk on the ground.

Where is the helicopter? Go find Galavan!

After giving two orders in succession, Harley jumped onto the van in the middle of the street and shouted loudly to the surrounding mobs.

Cultists and followers of the Order of St. Dumas, I am Harley Quinn. I am the mayor of Gotham. Gotham is protected by me. Come to me if you have the guts!

Hundreds of monks and two to three hundred police officers were fighting together, so she could no longer shoot indiscriminately.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, she was greeted by a hail of bullets.

The mayor used taunting skills to draw away the hatred of the weird. The GCPD, which had an absolute numerical advantage but was almost killed by the monks, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Gordon, who was covered in blood, took the opportunity to reorganize his team: Come closer to me and form a formation. Don't fight hand-to-hand, let's fight with guns!

Gudong, Gudong - In a moment, the experience jar in Harry's sea of ​​consciousness bubbled crazily, gradually overflowing, ding dong, level 30!

Grenade-level defense: You can't be killed by grenades at close range, and you can't be killed by sniper rifles at long range.

Come on, you bastards! Harley became more energetic, shouting more cheerfully and fearlessly.

Witch Harley has a body armor. Don't attack her. Kill the GCPD and break out of the siege——


The rational head of the shouting monk was blasted by bullets flying from the sky.

Death greetings from Deadshot.

But the monks also saw that Harley was difficult to deal with, so they stopped shooting at her and began to rush out instead.

To break through.

Fortunately, Harry had asked Barnes to prepare five to six hundred police officers earlier to form a defensive circle around the perimeter, so he could withstand it for the time being.

You have been surrounded, and you have suffered heavy casualties. Surrender, and the law will give you a fair trial! Harley changed her slogan.

Bang bang bang bang!

The words seemed not to be well received, and another monk shot at her.

Boom - He was targeted by Deadshot and his head exploded.

Since you are looking for death - Seeing four or five monks rushing out of the street, Harley was also angry. She threw away her M16 rifle, took a Glock in each hand, and sprinted on the roof of the car, gliding in mid-air like a big bird. Four or five meters, it landed in front of a monk, Bang!

Shot in the heart at close range, Harley ignored the flying bullets, sidestepped the slowly falling body, got close to another monk, and shot each other face to face. He died, and Harley turned around.

Bang bang bang bang bang She was like a butterfly in a flower, shuttling back and forth among the monks, and like Duan Yu walking slightly among the enemies, ignoring the attacks and shooting to death, leaving dead and injured wherever he passed.

Shit! Gordon held up his gun, dumbfounded, It's too exaggerated.

Now you understand how the brothers felt during the Battle of Bali Street?

Harvey Bullock looked at Harley who was madly massacring the rioting monks, and said with a complicated expression: I'm very lucky that she is on our side today.

In fact, Harry didn't kill many people. After two rounds of bullets were fired, about ten people were lying down and about ten people were injured. The remaining monks were scared.

When she changed the magazine again and charged at them again, they began to fight. Some screamed and ran away, and were beaten to death by the GCPD. Some simply surrendered.

The first monk appeared with his head in his hands and his knees on the ground. The second, third and finally, seventy or eighty monks all knelt down.

Seeing the scene of rivers of blood and dead and injured people, Harley was not in the mood to show off to reporters. She just said casually, There will be a press conference at the city hall tonight and trotted back to Hanhai Building.

By chance, Barnes arrived at the gate with the support of two police detectives.

Oh God, so many people have died. Seeing the corpses and injured lying outside, the director's body, as thick as a city wall, collapsed in an instant, as if his backbone had been taken away.

It's my fault, I- His face was filled with regret and his eyes were red.

Harley suppressed her anger and asked, What stupid thing did you do? Thirty-five heavily armed riot police officers couldn't watch a shackled prisoner?

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