I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 219: June Feishuang, Galavan’s cry of blood

Woah woah woah woah.

In the evening, the sound of police sirens rang out on Sixth Avenue in Zhongcheng District. Police cars from various neighborhoods formed a solid encirclement with Hanhai Building as the center.

Such a huge battle naturally aroused great astonishment among the people and attracted reporters in droves.

Wow, Witch Harley is here wearing armor.

Hush, it's Mayor Harley, but she looks so cool in armor!

In addition to the armor, there is another cashmere white cloak today. You see, there are two golden and red characters (two words) of 'justice' and 'law' on the cloak.

“Feeling weird”

Feel the same.

Gotham's justice and law have to be defended by the 'Godfather'. Can you not be surprised?

Everyone was silent for a while.

You even put on high-tech bulletproof armor. Are you really planning to start a war?

There must be some latest developments in Galavan's case.

She is the mayor, is she still planning to charge forward?

Mayor Quinn, who had changed into new clothes, had just gotten off the car. Dozens of microphones were immediately stretched out in front of him. The reporters' faces were full of excitement, their mouths opened and closed, and their voices were chaotic.

Harley waved her hand, and immediately seven or eight GCPD officers rushed over to create a human wall for the mayor.

After straightening the collar of her cloak, Harley pointed to her old friend from Gotham Times, the female reporter Vicki, What do you want to ask?

The reporters shouting around them all fell silent and looked at the young reporter with envy and hatred.

May I ask, Mr. Mayor, you just took office today, why did you come here to surround Mr. Galavan?

You should ask why Mr. Galavan committed a crime just after I took office. Harley said seriously.

Ah, what did he do again?

Let's wait until tonight to ask this question at the mayor's press conference. However, I guess you don't need to ask it then. The people of Gotham already know it. Harley smiled.

Why are so many police officers dispatched? Wei Ke changed the question.

You'll know this later.

Wei Ke had no choice but to ask another question: Mr. Mayor, are you dressing like this and planning to go into battle in person?

Harley said seriously: Have you read my '200,000-word policy plan'?

It’s too long, it will take half a year to finish reading it!

Wei Ke complained in his heart and nodded calmly on his face.

Harley said: The most important one is to crack down on criminals and reduce the crime rate in Gotham.

Can I keep my promise?

Leave the answer to time and ask the people of Gotham to wait and see.

But whether Nu will work hard or not, I can decide now, and you can see it now.

I want to use practical actions to prove to the citizens of Gotham that under my leadership, this government has the determination and ability to build Gotham into a beautiful home with a low crime rate.

There was no applause.

The leader of the criminal gang said he wants to crack down on crime in Gotham.

There was an awkward silence. The reporters looked at each other, and the GCPD secretly glanced at the Mayor.

Wei Ke said dryly: Mr. Mayor, you changed into a cloak today. What does it mean?

Harley imitated Tony the big guy next door and said solemnly: I am the 'Mayor Man'!

What? Wei Ke asked with a question mark on his face, and the others also looked confused.

Mayor, a hero in disguise. Harley explained.

Wei Ke's face turned into an embarrassing shape, But, you are the mayor.

Yeah, I'm the mayor, so I'm called 'Mayor Man'. Who said the mayor can't be a drag hero?

I disclosed my identity, held the arrest warrant from the law and court, and cooperated with the GCPD operation, which was completely legal and compliant. Harley said.

Everyone was speechless.

Harley continued: 'Mayor' is a bold attempt.

Galavan remains a suspect and has not been convicted.

I just assume that all his crimes are proven.

What a terrible criminal he is then!

If there were a few more super criminals like him, it would be a nightmare for Gotham City.

How can ordinary mayors cope?

Expand it from Gotham City to New York State and the entire United States

I think we may need ‘Governor Man’ and ‘President Man’ in the future.

I hope that as a mayor man, I can set an excellent example for the whole country, and even the world.

As a pioneer, I am not afraid of death and will take the lead in the charge.

I have charged many times, and before that it was all for myself.

This time, I'm going to fight for the people of Gotham.

I'm looking forward to this and very proud!

Bah bang bang bang. This time someone finally applauded.

Long live the Mayor! Several of Harley's younger brothers shouted, and then everyone followed suit.

Mayor, mayor! Gordon, wearing a bulletproof vest, shouted from a distance with an anxious look on his face: Brothers, get ready, hurry up and set off!

Harley reluctantly confessed to the microphone and camera, with a confident smile, and waved to the camera for the last time, God Bless Gotham (God Bless Gotham)!

In a cafe on Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles, Jessica, who has become a Hollywood agent, looked at the Mayor's Smile on the TV screen and said weirdly: A drag hero who can't act is not a good person. A hero in drag.

She is actually self-taught and has grasped the essence of a cross-dressing hero!

Sure enough, I saw the right person.

In Washington, Lowry looked at the TV with a blank expression.

She thought of her mother, the Silk Soul Generation, the first performing drag hero.

On the 15th floor of Hanhai Building, Galavan stood at the window, his eyes full of anger, he made a fist with his right hand and punched the wall hard, This little splasher is a drama queen!

Do you want to break out immediately? At least half of them can escape. The elder frowned.

Galavan took a deep breath, shook his head and said, If you do that, you will really fall into her trap.

Why do you say this? the elder asked doubtfully.

Galavan sneered: Earlier, when I asked Copot about the unspoken rules of Gotham, he told me about the GCPD tradition.

What tradition does it have to do with us? the elder asked inexplicably.

Galvan explained the tradition of the petition before saying: After Barnes rectified the discipline of the police force, I controlled the two sergeants through threats and inducements.

They all called me just now and revealed the inside story of this operation to me.

Having said this, he smiled proudly, This action did not originate from long-term careful planning, but the impulse of the new mayor.

Perhaps her friend Bruce was kidnapped and she became anxious.

Perhaps, she has been too happy recently, thinking that becoming the mayor means she is the king of Gotham.

In short, under the premise that the police did not have any more criminal evidence, Harley Quinn was stupid and tried to find evidence in the building.

The elder said thoughtfully: The building is clean and she can't find anything.

Hahaha, if you can't find her, she's just abusing her power! I'm going to sue her for violating human rights, and she's finished! Galavan laughed.

So, today's search is still a good thing? the elder said strangely.

A flash of light flashed in Galavan's eyes, and he said calmly: This is a competition between her and me about wisdom and concentration.

If, as you said, she rebelled and escaped halfway, then her conspiracy would have succeeded.

If we stand still and follow legal procedures, she will lose.

Ashamed, I was almost bluffed by her. You are still brave and resourceful, Theo, and stay calm in times of danger! the elder praised.

Galavan stood proudly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his back.

This Shen Yiyuan's noble temperament once again made the elder admire him.

Team A has taken control of the penthouse, over!

Hearing the voice from the walkie-talkie on his shoulder, Gordon waved his hand, and a group of riot police protected Mayor Harley and rushed up the stairs to the top floor.

Mayor, something is not right. The monks are too honest, and Galavan showed no resistance and allowed us to control the building.

Could it be that he was confident that no criminal evidence could be found in the entire building? Gordon said worriedly.

Harley quickly climbed the stairs and gave Gordon a weird smile: This is exactly what I want.

What do you mean? he asked blankly.

Harry whispered: You have dealt with the church soldiers of the Holy Advent Crusade. You know best their combat capabilities and the virtues of the GCPD.

In fact, the deaths of more than two hundred dignitaries and more than six hundred senior bodyguards have proven the power of the Order of Order.

If we come to the door with evidence and the other party knows that there will be no good end, how can they not fight to the death?

There are more than 230 monks from the Order of St. Dumas, plus more than 20 security guards. How many people must the police die to capture them all?

Gordon was horrified, and then suddenly realized.

“So, we have to be unprepared and let them cooperate with us in the legal process with confidence and confidence.

When they are tricked into the police station, shackled, and detained separately, they are completely reduced to caged birds and then let us slaughter them?

Harley, you are so cruel!

No matter how big or small you are, can you call me 'Harley'? Mayor Quinn scolded him majestically.

Gordon's expression changed, and he grunted: I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor.

Then, he moved closer to her and asked in a low voice: Where did the evidence finally come from?

He had not forgotten that she insisted on keeping the evidence from her hands.

Did you forget Andy's Martha necklace? Harley chuckled.

What's the meaning?

Before Gordon could react, a team of people had arrived at the penthouse.

The door to the apartment was opened, and Chief Barnes led more than twenty heavily armed GCPD officers to completely control the scene.

There was nothing to control, Galavan was the only one present.

Seeing Harley, Galavan smiled lightly and said, Mayor, for what reason did you force your way into my private building?

Your actions today seem to be no different from those of Chief Luo on Bali Street back then.

It's just that the victim of that day became the perpetrator of today's crime.

Harley waved her hand, and Gordon led 20 GCPD members from Group B into the apartment and rummaged around in various rooms.

You're confident?

Harley stayed at the door, looking at Galavan sarcastically.

His heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition, but he still said calmly: I have a clear conscience!

Harley approached him and whispered: Even if you are innocent, so what? What's more, you are not.

What do you mean? Galavan's expression changed drastically.

Mr. Mayor, Director Barnes, we have discovered something!

Suddenly, a police detective shouted excitedly from the inner room.

Hehehehe Harley looked at Galavan and smiled proudly.

Framing a frame up! Galavan shouted angrily, Harley Quinn, I won't accept your trick. I will not admit any false evidence you provide.

What evidence do you think it will be? Harley mocked: A knife, a sword, a pistol, or the victim's gold and silver treasures?

Isn't it? Galavan was confused.

Besides the tools and stolen goods, how else could she slander him?

Mr. Mayor, Director Barnes, look at this.

The Columbus police detective came over excitedly with a small box as big as his palm, After cutting open the Simmons mattress, I found two portable hard drives at the foot of the bed. They were very well hidden.

Galavan was stunned.

You didn't even read the contents, how do you know this is evidence? Harley looked suspicious.

Gordon, behind Columbus, rolled his eyes.

Lord Mayor, look! Columbus took out two hard drives and saw a label on the back, which read Crazy Gang and Gotham Powerful Killing List respectively.

Director Barnes said angrily: I was careless last time and didn't search the mattress carefully. Galavan is so cunning! Columbus, you have done a great job.

This is not my hard drive. You are officials. How can you openly frame me?!

Galavan's face turned red and he yelled with grief and anger: I completely understand the virtues of the GCPD now.

The injustice that happened to Andy Quinn happened to me again.

Harley Quinn, forget it for others, but you

You use such vicious methods, are you not afraid that your father's ghost will crawl up from hell to find you?

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