I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 211 Harley also wants to be mayor?

Are you planning to run for mayor? Harley asked curiously.

Watching the TV news two days ago, she thought the penguin was joking.

But today, he officially signed up.

I On the other end of the phone, Cobot's voice was tired and he hesitated to speak.

Hey, there's no way forward. I want to widen the track.

In the end, he didn't tell the truth.

He wasn't sure how she would react.

However, he was clear about his relationship with her.

No matter how many flowers you send that represent everlasting friendship, they will never truly treat each other as friends.

Cobot once regarded her as a friend and even a lifesaver.

But in the United Hospital incident, he listened to the court's arrangements and essentially murdered her.

After that, he completely gave up any illusion of being her friend.

Because, if it were him, he would never treat someone who repays kindness with hatred as a friend.

Since they were not friends, the most he could hope for was that she would sympathize with him.

But does he need sympathy from others?

It is almost impossible for her to help her with all her strength.

She couldn't get much help, and when she learned Galavan's true identity, she would most likely do something like her mother's. He was willing to work with her to kill Galavan.

It's a pity that she won't care about his mother as much as he does.

No one cares about his mother except himself!

If she attacks Galavan, Galavan will definitely become furious and then attack his mother.

This complex but reasonable thought, in just a short moment, turned around in Cobot's belly several times.

Then he lied.

At least for the next few days, he would cooperate with Galavan honestly and buy time to search for his mother's location.

Once he rescues his mother, he will make that bastard regret being born in this world!

Harry didn't know about Cobblet's complicated thoughts.

After hearing his hesitant words about expanding his business, she reluctantly believed him.

Because in her heart, Cobot has always been ambitious but smart.

Being smart prevents him from rashly challenging her on the street.

Ambition makes him unwilling to accept the status quo.

Therefore, having no way to go and wanting to walk very much, he had no choice but to embark on the white road, which was very reasonable. Until a few days later, he killed his first competitor.

No, how can he be the mayor when the matter is so big and almost everyone in the world knows that he is the one who killed him?

Harley opened several pages of newspapers in succession, all of which either implicitly hinted or pointed out directly that Penguin was using illegal means to cut out his opponents.

Comments on this matter on the Internet are even more naked, directly lamenting Gotham is over, the black state is too unscrupulous.

A few days later, when only Cobot and another female environmentalist were left out of a total of six candidates, Lowry's call came.

What is Cobot doing and why is it breaking the previous 'stable pattern'? she asked.

This is not in line with his style, it's too stupid. Harley said.

Lowry said: Times have changed, and the news media is too developed now.

Especially the bad thing about you and the Crusaders has occupied headlines around the world for several months. People around the world have become accustomed to it, and news media from various countries have subconsciously paid special attention to Gotham.

Focus on the dark side of Gotham.

To put it bluntly, it’s just a joke for us in the United States.

Use our pain to decorate their happiness.

Just yesterday, the Russian News Agency actually compared Gotham's election to Mexico.


If you look at the comments from foreign netizens, they are all like, Fortunately I was born in Russia, I have no regrets about entering Russia, and The United States is so rich and scary.

How much damage will this do to the image of the United States? !

Moreover, without wealthy foreigners entering the United States with huge assets, and without top college students from top foreign universities serving the United States with the wisdom cultivated in their motherland, how can we still be great?

It's so serious

Harley is a little bit ready to make a move. Should she work harder and indirectly contribute to the great empire of this universe?

Scare away the rich and elite scientific intellectuals?

Lowry said in a deep voice: It's very serious! The White House and the Pentagon were alarmed. They even began to consider whether they should follow the example of the countries to the east and send out federal troops to carry out a major campaign against crime and evil in Gotham.

Harley frowned. As long as the Court of Owls is still there, they will try to use their connections to prevent federal troops from entering Gotham.

Because the army will break the old order.

That is their most comfortable ruling environment.

But once she destroys the court, she loses the influence of Gotham's ruling class in Washington.

Harley recalled Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy. In the last part, Bane single-handedly made Gotham a completely lawless place - the U.S. government gave up its rule and rule over Gotham. Management, sent troops to block the city's main entrances and exits.

In fact, what she doesn't know is that in the American TV series Gotham, in the Batman comics, and even in the animation, Gotham has been abandoned by the White House - there are too many criminals, military suppression failed, and the city can only be closed down and secluded.

Even if she doesn't know the plot of the comics, Harley can deduce and simulate it in her mind. When the evil in Gotham expands to a certain extent, the US government will definitely take action against it.

The reason is very simple.

Gotham is an important city in the United States.

Gotham's legal and governance system is the same as the rest of the United States.

If Gotham's laws and systems completely collapse, it will surely serve as an example for evil forces in other cities.

The power of examples is powerful. By then, the overall situation of the United States will be corrupted, and the American dream will become the biggest joke in the world.

Therefore, in order to prevent cancer cells from spreading throughout the body, once Gotham loses control, Washington must remove Gotham like a tumor no matter what.

Sister Laurie called me, did you want me to get rid of Copot, or something else? Hallie asked.

Is Cobblet the mastermind? asked Laurie.

Eighty percent not.

If the Black Hand gets what he wants and becomes mayor, will he keep his peace and restore peace to Gotham? Laurie asked again.

Harley chuckled and understood the bottom line of the American government: as long as they maintain a bright appearance and continue to weave a false American dream, they don't care who sits on the mayor's seat.

No, the unrest will continue, she said.

Why? Laurie asked.

My best fighting arena in the world has a set of boxer strength evaluation levels, did you know? Harley said with a smile.

What's the point?

Well, have you seen Tianchao's Dream of Red Mansions? Harley asked again.

Hey, don't beat around the bush, I'm very busy, and you will be very busy too. Laurie said impatiently.

The boxer evaluation is divided into eight levels. The lowest level is the GCPD patrol card. Street patrol officers have the power to collect protection fees from shops in the neighborhood.

The second level, senior agent card, they are eligible to submit certificates and receive multiple salaries.

The third level, Sheriff Card, allows you to sit in the office and collect dirty money comfortably.

Level 4, police card.

Level 5, police chief card.

The hierarchy also includes prosecutors and judges.

The sixth level, the mayor's card, includes both councilors and government officials at the same level.

Level 7, Harika.

The eighth level, Wayne Card, is not limited to Wayne, but includes wealthy families in politics and business.

There are protective charms in A Dream of Red Mansions, and the above-level cards are actually a set of life-saving charms for Gotham life. Harley said with a smile.

Laurie thoughtfully said, So, becoming the mayor cannot rule Gotham. The black hands may continue to climb up and destroy the original order until...

As the boss of the seventh-level 'Harika', what are your countermeasures?

Her voice became serious.

Harley said honestly: The current situation is actually good for me.

The chaos comes from above and is not a direct threat to my rule.

In other words, it hurts Gotham's top ruling class far more than it threatens me.

Other times, the top echelons of the power pyramid are impenetrable, unattainable, and unbreakable.

Now the top is threatened and thrown into chaos.

Chaos is like a ladder, some people go down and some people go up.

I, the 'seventh-level boss' who lives on the second level, also have the opportunity to imagine the position of the eighth-level king.

It's not that I'm ambitious or uneasy about the status quo, it's just that when the opportunity comes, it would be foolish not to seize it.

Laurie said nothing for a long time.

She was shocked.

I opened my mouth several times, but still no words of advice came out.

Who would be willing to be the younger brother when he can be the boss?

At least Harley was willing to be honest with her and didn't hide anything.

What are you going to do? Laurie said quietly.

Before you made this call, I planned to continue to sit firmly on Diaoyutai, now.

Harley looked hesitant, Do you think I should be the first to pluck the mastermind behind the scenes and run for mayor?

Or, wait for him to jump out, and then follow the old method, start a fire and kill him physically?

In short, you are calling me to ask me to fulfill my dual responsibilities as Gotham's godfather and FBI agent and maintain Gotham's stability, right?

It can be done both ways.

The former represents a new era; the latter represents a return to the old order of the past.

Laurie was shocked for a while, and said in a complicated tone: I have to discuss it with the White House.

OK, I'll wait for your order. Harley smiled.

Order. Laurie smiled bitterly, I'm afraid the president can't even order you now.

How could it be? I have never forgotten my original intention and kept in mind my identity as a federal police officer. Long live America! Hallie shouted.

Laurie hung up the phone immediately.

Harley leaned on the boss's chair and tapped her fingers lightly on the armrest.

After a long time, she turned to old Gibbs and said, Go and ask, Mother Copot is still here.

Did he die or what? The old man didn't quite understand what she meant.

I suspect that someone kidnapped his mother and threatened to use her as cannon fodder. Harley said.

Is there someone behind the mayor's election? The old man became more and more puzzled. Is it worth it just for the position of mayor?

To offend Copot, the seventh-level godfather, to death for the sake of his position as a sixth-level mayor is indeed a bit unbelievable.

If you are asked to go, just go. What a lot of nonsense! Harley glared at him sharply.

The old man shrunk his neck and ran away in despair.

Only an hour later, he ran back and looked at Harley in awe, BOSS, you are so amazing, Penguin's mother has been missing for more than a week.

But he kept it secret and secretly sent his confidants to search everywhere.

Harley sneered: Let's see which smart person catches the penguin's little tail.

Three days later, the last candidate, the powerful female African-American vegetarian environmentalist, was rushed into the office by Cobot and killed.

That night, Theo Galavan faced an interview with a news reporter. He spoke impassionedly, denounced the arrogance of the black state, and called on the people of Gotham to unite to defend law and democracy.

During this period, several reporters heard their blood boil and shouted loudly, Theo comes out and saves the people of Gotham.

Galavan looked struggling and said he needed to think carefully.

Turns out it's you bastard again! Harley sneered.

I have to explain that according to the laws of the real United States, Harley cannot run for mayor because she is not old enough, and she is not a native of Gotham and has not lived in Gotham for enough years.

But this is fiction. I remember an American TV series in which a child became the president of the United States.

In fact, Americans are very pragmatic. They have very strict requirements for candidate qualifications, and it is even difficult for ordinary people to meet the standards.

For example, in the American TV series Gotham, both Cobot and Galavan participated in the election.

But according to actual election laws, neither of them is qualified.

Galavan is an out-of-towner and is not eligible to run for mayor of Gotham City.

Cobot has a black background and is also unqualified.

In the comics, Lex Luthor also ran for president of the United States, and he was extremely successful.

This is also inconsistent with reality.

U.S. election laws do not explicitly discriminate against people with criminal records, but we all know that in many cases, the hidden rules are more terrifying.

In U.S. elections, felons, especially those with a history of mental illness, are simply unable to run for important government offices, such as the president and mayor.

Luther is a famous super criminal. When he ran for president, N years had passed since the Doomsday. How many people had been killed by the Doomsday? Yet he still wanted to be elected president. What a dream!

But in the comics, he succeeds.

So, let me explain here. It’s not that I don’t have common sense, but that movies and comics are too surreal.

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