I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 210 The warrior determined to slay the dragon is actually the guardian in the eyes of the dr

Gray hooded priest's robes, with a huge bright red cross printed on the chest or cloak.

In terms of attire, they are at least 70-80% similar to the Holy Advent Crusaders of that day.

More than two hundred people were arrayed neatly in the darkness, and even their breathing could not be heard.

Angel of Death, you should not have brought her to us.

Among the church warriors, a tall old man with a two-handed sword on his back walked out, staring at Barbara with sharp eyes.

Galavan bowed to the old warrior and explained: Elder, whether it is the Galavan family or the Order of Saint Dumas, there will always be a day when it will be exposed to the people of Gotham.

Barbara was someone we could trust completely and was an important part of our plan.

It is true that we will not hide in the darkness forever, but now is not the time. The elder said.

“I am Theo’s lover, he brought me here for no other reason than to help me gain some confidence.

Now I understand that I am fighting for a sacred organization and a noble goal, which fills me with fighting spirit and courage. Barbara said generously.

The elder has nothing to say to such a girl who knows the general situation.

He sighed and waved to the team of more than two hundred people behind him.

Bring them here.

Four soldiers came out and dragged out two men and women dressed as ordinary white-collar workers, but covered in blood.

Angel of Death, you are being targeted. The elder said solemnly.

By whom? Galavan's face changed slightly, I have always been very cautious. Except for Jerome, I hardly showed any flaws.

The elder frowned and said: While the two of them were exploring the building, they were discovered by soldiers posted in the dark.

After the most brutal torture to extract a confession, he still refused to reveal a single word.

Hiss! Galavan took a breath and said solemnly: They must come from a powerful and strict organization. Is there such an organization in Gotham?

The elder looked at Barbara, Do you know?

Barbara thought about it and said: First of all, exclude the Heibang family. As long as they give money, they can betray even the boss and have no dead soldiers at all. Secondly, ordinary government agencies, such as GCPD and the tax bureau, can also be excluded. They Worse than BlackBang.

Finally, the bodyguards and security guards of powerful families.

However, even a rich man like Bruce Wayne cannot raise such loyal subordinates.

Therefore, there is only one possibility left. There is an organization in Gotham similar to your Order of Saint Dumas, with beliefs and organization.

You are not stupid. The elder was a little surprised.

He thought she was only worthy of a bed warmer.

Elder, should we proceed according to the original plan, or should we slow down and wait and see what happens? Galavan said solemnly.

Are you afraid? the elder asked.

I'm fearless! Thirty years of training are just for today. Let alone a few petty thieves, even the 'Gotham Boxing Champion' Harley Quinn, I have the confidence to fight her 6-4, I will beat her 4-4. Levine said confidently.

The elder smiled happily and said: Isn't that enough? You are in the light and we are in the dark, just wait for them to jump out on their own.

Understood, I will go to Wayne Manor as usual tomorrow to visit Bruce Wayne. A gleam flashed in Galavan's eyes.

Remember to wear battle armor, at least inner armor. Death Angel's battle armor is a holy relic, a hundred times more powerful than Witch Harley's body armor.

What does Angel of Death mean?

Returning to the penthouse, after a cloud and rain, Barbara asked curiously.

The Order of St. Dumas, similar to the Holy Advent Crusade, is a church group that split from the Crusaders hundreds of years ago.

The Angel of Death is the holy warrior of the Order. Galvin said.

The equivalent of Victor Zsasz of the Quinn family?

Pah! Galavan slapped her on the hip and scolded with a smile: You are blaspheming the sacredness. How can the Heibang family be compared with the religious order?

Barbara gave him an angry look and asked, What are you doing with Bruce? Do we have any interactions with him?

I want to take back the property that once belonged to Galavan. Galavan said quietly.

Midnight, one o'clock in the morning.

A private club in Jersey City, a tea room on the seventh floor.

Four well-dressed men and women wearing white masks are holding a private meeting.

If Harley saw the masks on their faces, she could instantly guess their identities, Owls!

However, this was not a big gathering, just four people, it was a high-level meeting.

In the past year, the situation in Gotham has been somewhat chaotic, and the court's control has declined sharply. The fat white man sighed.

Maybe we shouldn't be so harsh on Falcone. We won't miss his benefits until he leaves. The middle-aged woman with red eyes said.

We are not targeting him deliberately. He is almost eighty and has completely lost control of the Falcone family. Nicola, Fish, and Cobot have rebelled one after another. Even the old Italian faction does not support him.

Firing him was the only option out of desperation.

All we can say is that this year is unfavorable and accidents happen frequently. said the tall, thin old man.

The old lady said in a deep voice: Not to mention old things, there are three topics today: first, the witch Harley; second, Jerome and Galavan, the source of chaos; third, a group of members died and one person was eliminated. batch members and select a group of new members.”

Witch Harley is the heir trained and selected by Falcone. She is capable and understands the rules. She was originally the best candidate.

How about reconciling with her and absorbing her into the court? The fat man said.

Second the proposal! said the middle-aged woman with red eyes.

Objection. The old man said solemnly: Can we refuse the request of the leader of the devil?

The fat man said helplessly: Even if I use all my claws, I can't take her down. It's better to reconcile with Harley Quinn. At the same time, continue to provide convenience for Lei Xiaogu and let him and the Shadow Warrior Alliance kill her.

The old man shook his head and said: If we continue to leave her alone, there is nothing she can do. On the contrary, if we accept her, Lei Xiaogu will be very dissatisfied when he finds out.

Whichever is the lesser of the two, Harley Quinn doesn't even deserve to carry Thunderclap's shoes.

Well, what this guy doesn't know is that Harley is setting up a chemical factory and is preparing to take down Lei Xiaogu and the Shadow Warrior Alliance at once.

The old lady nodded, That's it, continue to wait for Harley Quinn to take action.

The other three nodded silently, and this issue was considered passed.

Speaking of claws, our claw training technology is still not mature enough to resurrect the dead. The middle-aged woman frowned.

Hugo Strange has only been in office for a year, give him more time. Now, let's move on to the second issue. The old lady said calmly.

Cobot agreed to search for Jerome with all his strength, but Harley Quinn refused. Fatty said.

Why refuse? the tall and thin old man asked.

Because Jerome did not harm her interests, we contacted Cobot, but refused to communicate with her, which hurt her self-esteem. Fatty said.

Several people were silent.

If it were them, they would have made the same choice.

Theo Galavan, what's going on? the tall and thin old man asked.

The other two people looked at the old lady.

The news that Galavan might be the mastermind came from her.

Daniel Truman is back, did you know? the old lady asked.

The three nodded.

He will be transferred to the Department of Revenue as deputy secretary, and Truman has a distinguished family background. The elder Truman worked hard and served the court for decades. We should absorb the younger Truman as soon as possible.

The three of them did not object.

The old lady continued: “So, three days ago, I contacted him through an anonymous email.

Ask him if he knows the court and if he is willing to take his late father's place.

He knew the court and considered it a great honor to join it. He also told me about his suspicions about Galavan.

Yesterday afternoon, I sent two Talons to sneak into the Hanhai Building to see if they could find any trace of the Madman Gang's existence.

Now, they have lost contact.

What is Galavan's origin? the tall, thin old man asked in confusion.

A hundred years ago, one of the five major families in Gotham had a feud with Wayne.

The old lady told Galavan's general situation.

There are no big secrets, it’s all information that can be found through public sources.

Are you sure he is the mastermind? What does he want to do? the red-eyed woman asked.

Not sure yet, just doubtful. The old lady said.

If two broken claws are broken, does that count as evidence? the tall, thin old man said.

It proves that he is far from harmless as he appears to others. The old lady said.

Should we intensify our efforts to deal with him, or should we wait and see for a while? Fatty asked.

Let's wait and see. The old lady said helplessly: Today's third issue - recruiting new people, is because the court is a little weak now.

Opposing Harley Quinn is equivalent to losing control of the underworld.

Our overall strength has been reduced by at least 30%.

The last bombing of the Central Park Hotel killed eight court members and once again lost 30% of its political and economic power.

In other words, the court's current strength is less than half that of two years ago.

But the number of enemies in the court has increased several times compared to two years ago.

Now, the court has to be wary of Harley Quinn, suppress Cobblepot, and prepare to take action against the Lunatic Gang, plus Galavan is not in a position to catch him!

Eight people died, is that many? The three of them were shocked.

The four justices of the court have no distinction in terms of authority, but their responsibilities are in different directions.

The old lady is the oldest and most qualified. She has the list of all members and is responsible for recruiting new people.

The other three judges only know the true identities of some of the members.

Therefore, they also knew for the first time that the bombing had such a horrific trauma on the court.

If the lunatic gang continues to cause trouble, more people will die. Now let's talk about who we plan to select and who we should kick out, the old lady said.

The number of members has dropped so much, why are you still kicking people? the middle-aged woman asked in confusion.

Catherine's identity has been exposed, and sooner or later we will have to send out sharp claws to clean it up. The old lady said calmly.

The three men nodded lightly, and no one objected.

I think we can recruit Jim Gordon. His father and uncle are both members of the court, and he is also very capable. He is a famous 'hero detective' in Gotham. Fatty said.

I object! Old Gordon died at the hands of sharp claws. He was a traitor in the court who was eliminated by us. Have you forgotten? the old man said.

“I am a traitor and my son is a loyal minister, or my son is a traitor and I am a loyal minister, it is too common in the court.

Whether Gordon is eligible for selection depends only on his ability, regardless of his origin. The old lady said.

“Having helped us solve so many sources of chaos, he must be qualified.

In fact, he is more efficient than old Kamai in helping us maintain our rule.

Gordon vowed to defend the dignity of the law to the death.

And we are the Dharma.

Therefore, he is more reliable than old Kamai. The old man muttered.

Well, Gordon is indeed good. He discovered Galavan's anomaly. The old lady agreed.

I don't object either. The middle-aged woman smiled and said, He even saved my life during the earlier poison gas incident (ps)!

Since everyone agrees, Gordon is the second candidate after Truman Jr. The old lady made a final decision.

Gordon, who is determined to eradicate the evil organization of the court, never imagined that he would be so one of his own in the eyes of the court judge.

But in fact, whether it is him or Batman, their existence is more beneficial to Gotham's ruling class than to ordinary people.

Because the laws they defend mainly serve the ruling class.

This is the fundamental problem.

(ps: The Gas Man is a scientist who protested against Wayne Pharmaceuticals' unethical experiment on strengthening soldiers' medicine and planned to pour the strengthening medicine into the charity banquet venue. Harley and Xanadu were also present at the time. Because he talked too much, Gordon was Beaten to death.

The middle-aged woman said that Gordon saved his life, which meant that she was also at the party at the time. )

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