I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1440 The lamp beasts gather together

Neb had every reason to be angry.

He is the majestic leader of the Order God System. He leads a group of gods to join the mortal dynasty and is willing to become the servants of mortals. Not only does he work hard to die, he also consciously works hard in his position and never slacks off.

He was loyal to the old king, and patiently assisted Prince Khufu.

It turns out that neither father nor son is a worry-free master.

Queen Qiya was originally from an ordinary family, and her husband was just an ordinary official in Egypt. Just because the national advisor Nabu made a prophecy to the Pharaoh that a god will come to the world, with two wings on his back, one yin and one yang, a match made in heaven. Qia was able to enter the Egyptian royal circle with the help of her daughter Cuiaya who had wings on her back.

When the old pharaoh and Qiya had an affair for the first time, the national counselor Nabu noticed it and warned his monarch: First of all, this is not the behavior that a wise king should do. Her husband is your loyal minister, and you should not treat her like this. Secondly, the people who are destined to get married are not you and her, but your son and her daughter. You two are not destined to be husband and wife, and forcing you to be together will only bring bad luck to both parties.

The old Pharaoh ignored him and scolded him, telling him to stay out of his own business.

Not long after, Qiya's husband became the Egyptian Wu Dalang, and Qiya officially became the lover of the Pharaoh.

The national preceptor Nabu once again bluntly advised: I know that Wu Dalang was drugged to death. Today she can drug her lover to death, and she will definitely not mind doing the same thing tomorrow. With all due respect, except for power, you cannot satisfy any of her desires. In terms of figure, appearance and character, she is not as good as her ex-husband.

Get out of here! The old king picked up the flagon and threw it at Nabu's head.

Nabu also had a bad temper, and left the court in a rage and swearing.

A few years later, he received the bad news that the old king had committed suicide by jumping off a building.

When he became the national advisor, he swore an oath to the Pharaoh in front of the statues of the Egyptian gods: he would never give up and fulfill his duties faithfully.

So even though he was born with a bad temper, even if he was hit on the head by the old king's flagon, Nabu did not leave the Egyptian court without a gold seal.

But in recent years, Pharaoh had cooled off his relationship with Him, and rarely saw Him.

After all, Qia has become the Queen Mother and understands Nabu's attitude towards her.

The pillow wind is so strong that even the God King cannot stop it.

Now that the Pharaoh died inexplicably, King Naboo secretly hated that he deserved it, but he hurried back to the palace, intending to avenge the old monarch.

Without doing any investigation at all, he directly asked Prince Khufu, who had just succeeded to the throne, to take down the demon queen Qia.

At that time, the first-generation Eagle Man and Eagle Girl were about to get married and were in love with each other. Prince Khufu did not even think about it and refused decisively. He also blamed Nabu for seeking personal revenge and slandering the heartbroken, kind and weak Queen Mother.

The King of Naboo was furious, but the title of king and minister was there, and he could not disobey him.

But He scolded Khufu bloody.

Khufu awakened the memory of his past life and was not too cold towards Naboo.

As the military commander of Senagon in his previous life, Khufu hated the Seven Demons and the Seven Demons Cult with great hatred, and did not trust Naboo, who claimed to be the God of Order.

Even then Neb still did not abandon his duty.

Khufu did not allow him to slander the queen mother, so he stared at Qiya, waiting for her to reveal her fault.

When a mortal is targeted by the God King, the consequences can be imagined.

In less than half a month, Nabu threw a pile of evidence that Ziqi Ya had murdered the old king in Khufu's face, and mocked Khufu proudly.

Khufu was not a fool. Although he was dissatisfied with Nabu's attitude towards him, he immediately apologized and admitted his mistake, and sent Qia to prison.

But Naboo didn't get the happy revenge he wanted.

Just because of the sadness on the face of his lover Cuiya, Khufu withdrew the order to execute Qiya and changed the death penalty to exile.

At that time, Nabu's eyes widened with disbelief on his face: That's your father!

The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable, not to mention the murder of the king. Only by adding ten levels of crime can the law be upheld and the court be intimidated.

But Khufu loved Cuiya too much.

Their love can turn the corpse into the central battery of the purple light.

How deep the love is, how blind it can be.

Qiya cried and confessed to her daughter and begged for mercy. Cuiya looked sad, and Khufu couldn't bear it.

As for Dad, he cannot be resurrected after death. A dead person is no bigger than a living person. My father definitely hopes that he will live well.

After a few words of self-comfort, Khufu exiled Qiya to the Eagle World.

In fact, the more important reason was that Khufu did not think about it, nor did he want to think about it, but it was very realistic: he had awakened the memory of his previous life. In this strange and wild earth, except Cuiya, everyone else was at least in the eyes of the Senagan people. primitive.

Especially Eagle Man and Eagle Girl can be reborn infinitely and have been reborn countless times.

It is difficult for them to have the same admiration for their parents in this life as ordinary people.

Khufu's behavior almost made Nabu angry to death.

He clearly warned Khufu: Even if your love for your father is far less than that of the princess, today you have forgiven the sinners who murdered the Pharaoh, and tomorrow there will be no more crimes in Egypt worthy of the respect of the subjects.

Khufu didn't hit Him with the flagon, he just told Him to get out.

Naboo left the royal capital and stayed away from the political circle.

Less than two months later, Hasshet (Vandal Savage) united some nobles in the kingdom to successfully rebel, and brutally murdered Khufu and Cuiaya, who had just gotten married before they had time to enter the bridal chamber.

The line of Pharaohs died out, the dynasty changed its masters, and Khufu became the last monarch.

Nabu still avenged Khufu.

It took him several years to find Vandal Savage, brutally tortured him with insect bites, and built a pyramid for Khufu and his wife, which was the final mark of the oath between the king and his subjects.

However, Nabu disliked Khufu very much, and the two did not establish a deep friendship.

Even after Khufu came back, the two never crossed paths again.

Neither of them wanted to see each other again.

It wasn't until today that the two met again for the first time.

Tower of Destiny.

Facing Naboo's venting roar, Hawkman was half embarrassed and half annoyed.

It's Harley who's talking. Why are you yelling at me? Moreover, it was indeed you who suggested that Qia be exiled to the Eagle World.

Neb became angrier.

Hunjun, why don't you think about why I exiled the Demon Queen to the isolated Eagle World?

According to your previous sentence, she was just exiled to the border desert. After two days, she cried a few words to the demon concubine. What do you think the result will be? I don't want her to come back and harm the people of the kingdom!

Eagle Girl said displeased: Who do you think is the 'Demon Concubine'?

You, it's you, the demon concubine, the demon concubine who brings disaster to the country and the people! King Naboo pointed at the Eagle Girl's nose and cursed: Egypt has you, and the heaven has Su Daji!

Eagle Man slapped His hand open and shouted: Naboo, please be respectful.

Bah, a foolish king who has subjugated his country, and a witchy concubine who has brought disaster to the country. I was really blind before I could utter the prophecy of 'gods and gods descend from heaven'.

You two selfish people who have no king or father, who have abandoned their country and family, and only care about personal love and feelings, do you deserve my respect? !

Nabu's voice was like thunder, which made Eagle Man and Eagle Girl's head buzz, and he was really helpless to refute.

They didn't have the energy to protest, but there was Harley next to them.

She couldn't see Nabu being satisfied and sarcastically said: You want Khufu and Cuiya to use the power of love to open the Eagle World and find N metal veins for you, but you also blame them for being too in love with each other and unable to deal with the country coldly. event.

The majestic God King of Order, doesn’t he even understand that ‘all miracles have a price’?

You want all the benefits and are not willing to pay any price. What are you dreaming about?

When Nabu heard her taunting him, his face was full of anger, his body was trembling slightly, and he was about to explode. But when he heard all miracles have a price, his expression froze, and he suddenly felt relieved and murmured: So that's it. The foolish king, the evil concubine, and the ruin of the country and family are all the price of searching for N metal. Alas!

With a sigh, the golden light of the helmet dimmed, Naboo went offline, and Doctor Fate Kent regained control of his body.

We came to the Tower of Destiny not to argue about the old things in the past. Kent, what is the destiny of Hawkgirl and Hawkman?

They did almost nothing in the Eagle World, and instead were robbed of the Predators by Savage.

It seems that Savage is the protagonist. Harley said.

“Perhaps this is destiny, to kill the Queen Mother Qiya who brought trouble to the world and restore peace and tranquility to the Eagle World.

The Eagle World is a pocket dimension of the Earth, where the laws of order are still in effect.

Similarly, the chaos of the Eagle World's order and excessive resentment will also affect the earth and even the operation of the laws of order.

And the immortal Qiya is the biggest cancer in the Eagle World. Dr. Fate said uncertainly.

Qia was killed by Savage, so the protagonist is still Savage? Harley said.

Without the remains of Hawkman and Hawkgirl, Savage wouldn't be able to go to the Eagle World. Kent frowned.

Harley continued to complain: So Savage is the protagonist and Corpse is the supporting character. Who is Hawkman and Hawkgirl?

Kent pressed his eyebrows with a headache, Ask the dead man Boston, he is the spokesperson of White Light.

Or compare it to other people’s destiny.

Hawkman and Hawkgirl are not the only ones who have been resurrected.

It seems that we can only go back and wait for the follow-up. Harley looked at the two destined supporting characters of Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

Eagle Man once again confirmed to Kent that the Lion Men of the Eagle World had won their freedom, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and left the Tower of Destiny.

What have you experienced in the Eagle World to actually care about the Lion Man so much? Harley asked curiously on the way back.

They saved me and said that I was the 'Messiah' who was prophesied to save them. After a pause, Eagle Man lowered his head and said dullly: And all their bad luck came from me.

If I hadn't insisted on exiling Qiya, the lion-man wouldn't have become slaves.

Millions of lions will not die for Qiya's pyramid and N times city.

Oh, don't think too much, your intentions are good.

Harry didn't know how to comfort them, so he could only say something random and prepare to leave.

By the way, your mother's body, Queen Qia, is still with me. After walking a few steps, she stopped again and said to Eagle Girl: Her body is rich in N metal particles and cannot be wasted.

When my paradise factory refines the N metal, at least one jar of ashes will be left behind.

Kendra, do you want to come and get it yourself, or should I send it home for you with free shipping?

Eagle Girl said with a dull face: I don't want it! Just find a place and scatter the ashes, just like you did to my corpse.

Harley, aren't you going to the Hall of Justice? The matter of Vandal Savage still needs to be discussed with everyone. Eagle Man said.

Harley shook her head and said: You guys can discuss it, I can't interfere in the matter of the lantern beast.

Purple lanterns, orange lanterns, and yellow lantern beasts were stolen one after another. Next, the Colored Light Legion will definitely look for the Blood Slaughter Ox, the Conversion Octopus, and the Shining Room Phoenix, and grab them tightly first.

And I am one of their key targets.

Therefore, I still stay at home honestly, so as not to be busy doing nothing but doing things in the fields and arousing suspicion.

Harley's judgment was correct.

After the news of the theft of the Predator Beast spread, the other legions could not sit still.

The Green Lantern Corps all mobilized, found their own lantern beast on the third day, and immediately brought it to the earth to find an American black host for it.

The green lantern beast is called Chanzong Octopus and looks like an eight-clawed octopus.

The Lantern who combines the converted octopus with the host is called a convert.

Harley would rather call him Weird.

There is always a stiff and strange smile on his lips, and his face is painted with strange cyan symbols. There is also a soft cyan tentacle growing on his chest, back, and creaks, which is very weird.

Why are we looking for converts on Earth? Harley asked curiously.

She is the guardian of the green lantern no matter what, so Qingnu led all the green lantern ascetics to visit her at the manor.

Of course, it was after the work was done and a host was found for the conversion octopus.

It's not that we come to Earth to find converts, it's because converts appear on Earth that we come here. Qingnv said.

Harley hesitated and said, Actually, forget it.

She understood the reason why Qing Deng was eager to find converts: finding a host for the lamp beast not only protected the lamp beast from running around outside and being abducted, just like Vandal abducted the predator beast; at the same time, the lamp beast The converts who combine with the lanterns are also the most powerful fighting force of the Legion and can better protect the lantern beasts.

In the battle with the mastermind behind the scenes, the Legion has a greater chance of winning.

However, Harley felt that the risks of finding a host for the lamp beast outweighed the benefits.

Because since the man behind the scenes dares to plan the Seven Lantern Corps, his power is definitely not weak.

There is no difference between lamp beasts and converts before him.

The problem is that having a host for the lamp beast also exposes its location, making it easier to attack.

Therefore, instead of finding a host for the lamp beast, it is better to put the lamp beast here with her.

But if she says this, Qingnv will definitely suspect that she has bad intentions.

Qingnu, you'd better stay on Earth for a while. Harley still gave a safer suggestion tactfully, Say hello to the Justice League people and call them immediately if you encounter trouble.

Qing Nu nodded, and she really took the Green Lantern Corps to live on earth.

In the next few days, the Green Lantern Corps was like a traffic policeman on the road, wandering around various cities in the United States. Every time they encountered evil people and evil deeds without mercy, they had to take action to control them, causing the president to make several phone calls to the manor.

Be patient for a moment, you have also been a Green Lantern, and you understand how difficult it is to control the compassion of 'yelling when the road is rough'. Harley comforted.

I can understand it very well, so I understand how terrifying it is for a group of green lanterns to wander around the United States. Abao lamented.

He really understands.

The compassion that repented of one's faults and opposed cruelty was completely uncontrollable.

But at the same time, he also understood that most political and business leaders in the United States were very merciless and were Qingdeng's key targets.

They are just patrolling and wandering on the streets. Their targets are big and easy to avoid. Do you understand what I mean? Harley said.

How long will they stay? Po asked.

I don't know either. I'll wait until the red lantern and the blue lantern find their respective lantern beasts before considering the follow-up plan.

The day after hanging up the phone, the Red Lantern Beast Blood Butcher appeared on Earth, took the initiative to find a white man on Earth, and merged to become the Blood Butcher.

Two days later, the Blue Lantern Corps came to Earth with their lantern beast Yoshiroho, and selected a black girl from the street who was waiting at the traffic light to transform her into a Yoshiro Girl.

Why are the hosts chosen by the lamp beasts all from Earth? Harley wondered.

The hero of Zhenglian was confused.

Even the Seven Lantern Corps themselves were confused.

Fat Tou, do you have any new projects recently?

On the day that Lady Yao appeared, Harley called the Ion Shark to her side.

What project?

You're a big director, so of course it's a movie project.

No, there have been too many crises recently, and the mastermind behind the scenes is obviously trying to catch the lamp beast. I'm not stupid. Of course I have to stay at home and stay by your side.

If I get caught while filming a movie outside, thank you. The fat man said with a shrewd look.

Seeing that it was so afraid of death, Harley couldn't help but hesitate, Actually, besides being a director, I also see the potential of an Oscar winner in you.

The fat head immediately became alert, What are you planning again?

I want you to act in Infernal Affairs and go to the mastermind behind the scenes to be 'Chen Yongren'. Harley said.

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