I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1439 Naboo’s anger

Harley also didn't expect that after she drove the bone boat out of the super-light space, she would directly collide with Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

Mainly because I didn't expect that Hawkman and Hawkgirl would be inlaid on the door of bones.

However, Eagle Man and Eagle Girl had suffered too much pain and injuries today. If they were hit this time, it would only pluck out a hair from Jiu Niu's body, so it would have little impact. Although they screamed miserably and shed a lot of blood.

Harry spent a lot of effort and spent a full three hundred merit points to help them heal their skin injuries.

What happened? Why does your body seem to be integrated into the Skeleton Gate?

Eagle Man and Eagle Girl are now like reliefs on the door pillars, half integrated into the bone door and half exposed, looking extremely strange and penetrating.

It's the 'Barbarian' Vandal Savage! He used our flesh and soul to stimulate the corpses of Khufu and Triaya. The emotional energy of love in the corpses was stimulated to the limit, thus forming a resonance with the purple lantern beast. The corpse door opens the portal directly to the lamp beast. Eagle Man weakly stuck to the door and told Savage's plan.

Harley said in surprise: I thought Savage was trying to save his old lover, but I didn't expect to get involved with the lamp beast.

I don’t know if Savage has anything to do with the recent lantern beast thefts.

By the way, I found a 'Cleopatra' with four metal wing bones growing out of her back in the palace.

Is she your mother, Queen Mother Qiya?

That's her. She is one of the sacrifices just like us. Eagle Girl said with a complicated expression: To gain the recognition of the predatory beast, it is not to have love in the heart, but to sacrifice the lover without love in the heart.

You mean, you and Carter really love each other, but they won't be favored by the predator beast. Only those who are ruthless in love and ruthlessly kill their wives can be chosen by the lamp beast? Harley said in surprise.

That's it. The Purple Lantern Beast says that it represents the origin of love and wants to fill the empty hearts of those who have no love. It probably means that Kendra and I have love in our hearts, but it can't live in it. Yingnan said.

Strange, how did Savage know the secret of the Predator? Harley frowned.

Even she, who had always been interested in the Lantern Beast, didn't know about the strange characteristics of the Predator Beast.

Eagle Man shook his head and said: I don't know, but Savage has lived for a long time. He is an immortal and knows many secrets of the world.

Harley said with emotion: There are seven colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, indigo and violet, but the green light is the only one that is peaceful.

The ones on the left side of the green light are 'bad', while the red, orange, and yellow lights are mostly demons; the ones on the right side of the green light are 'evil', and the green, blue, and purple lights are hard to distinguish between good and bad, and each one is more evil than the last.

Qing Lan's selection criteria are similar to those of Predators, and they also specifically select villains who have no mercy.

Fill his heart with compassion and make him a compassionate person.

Very evil.

The blue lantern of hope seems kind and beautiful, and the Holy Walker can even rejuvenate the planet that has reached the end of its life with just hope.

But the process of becoming a saint aspirant

In the end of the world, he was like a madman who had lost his mind. Even if his father, mother, wife, son, and daughter died tragically one after another, the Holy Walker was still full of hope and firmly believed that there was a Messiah on the mountain who could save the world.

Even though he didn't find anything on the mountain, he just saw his shadow on the stone wall, and he firmly believed that he was the Messiah and that as long as he spread hope, the end would be over.

The hope in his heart was so pure and so vast that it actually formed emotional energy, rejuvenating his own star and ending the end of the world.

After hearing his story, Harry was not moved, only felt his scalp numb.

That kind of pathological attachment to hope is so evil.

No wonder Da Chao was not selected by the Blue Lantern Ring.

Dachao also firmly believes in hope, but his hope is based on reason.

The Holy Walker believes that hope saves everything.

Dachao incarnates the hope of others and brings hope to everyone through his own hard work.

Harley, stop being dazed, I'm in pain~~ Hawkgirl groaned: Can you find a way to get us off the Bone Door?

I wasn't in a daze. Harley came back to her senses and explained: When I was healing your injuries just now, I already put my 'invincible thick-skinned power' into your bodies.

Do you feel your body is warm?

Especially the part of the body that is integrated with the bones.

Not only did she input her divine power, she also activated her defensive expertise, intending to use her expertise to disintegrate the magic state where corpses and living people merged.

So far, the effect is not very good.

I can't feel anything. I have no consciousness. There is only pain that goes deep into my bones. It's like the pain of death in a corpse, which is constantly being transmitted into my soul. Eagle Girl wailed.

Well, maybe my method doesn't work. Don't worry. I'll take you back to Earth and rescue you no matter what. Don't struggle now. I'll send you to Noah's Ark to recuperate.

Harley opened her mouth and sucked in, and the bones on the ground and the bone door embedded in Hawkgirl and Hawkman all fell into her stomach.

Other corpses were piled aside, continuing to provide her with the energy of the Purple Lantern of Love.

Eagle Man and Eagle Girl, together with their first-generation bodies, floated to the small plane created by God King Nabu in her stomach - the Temple of Order, commonly known as Noah's Ark II.

After doing all this, Harley began to observe the planet.

They say that a phoenix never ends up without a treasure. The predatory beast is not a phoenix, but it is even rarer than a phoenix.

Since it has made its home here, there must be a reason for it.

With great anticipation, Harley flew around the planet seven or eight times.

This planet is uninhabited and desolate, with no green plants and no rivers or seas.

In short, it's just a tawny rock pimple.

With her last hope, Harley came to the mountain with the strongest emotional energy, probably where the Predators lived.

There was nothing there either, except stones.

She opened her mouth and spit out streams of golden gastric acid mist towards the stone mountain.

thorn la la is like a ladle of boiling water poured on the snowdrift. The stone mountain is quickly digested and a deep well is formed, which goes hundreds of meters deep into the earth in an instant.

Half a day later, Harley was completely disappointed.

This planet does not contain any special minerals, no N metal, no ninth metal, not even first-class divine gold.

——Predator beasts are very unscrupulous and have no character, and they don’t care whether the place they live in is “jewelry” or not.

Harley complained in her mind, jumped up, left the tunnel leading to the center of the earth, rushed into outer space, and opened a miniature wormhole in the outer orbit of the planet.

Buzzing~~~ Before she could get into the wormhole opened by the yellow light energy, a miniature wormhole with purple light energy happened to open not far away.

Whoosh whoosh~~ Seven or eight rays of purple light flew out from the super-light space.

Shit, this is a big misunderstanding. Harley was stunned for a moment, and then closed her micro wormhole.

She must not leave now!

At this time, the Purple Lanterns came to this planet, and thinking with the soles of their feet, they could guess their purpose: because of the recent robbery of the lantern beasts, they rushed over to check on the situation of the predator beasts.

Although Harley didn't leave many traces on the planet, she walked well, sat upright, and didn't need to cause unnecessary trouble.

If she really had snatched the Predator, she would be running faster than a rabbit at this moment. Even if Carol yelled from behind, Harry, I saw it, it's you, don't run. She still wouldn't look back.

When Carol comes to the door angrily, she will pretend to be innocent.

Hi, Carol, and fellow Lanterns, what are you doing? Harley took the initiative to greet them.

Harry, why are you here?

Carol's face seemed to have three big words written on it: highly vigilant and very suspicious.

Several of her Zi Leng teammates also looked nervous and had wary eyes.

Harley sighed helplessly and said, I don't want to waste any more words. If you want to know the details, you can go to the Ark to find Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

Don't go, Witch Harley is treacherous. The green-skinned alien with a mantis face whispered.

Sound cannot be transmitted in outer space, so they all use the energy of light rings to simulate sound.

But Harley is a master of language and can understand each other's alien language through lip reading.

I never tell malicious lies to the weak. Harley said calmly.

The purple lanterns were stunned for a while before they realized that she was mocking them for not being worthy of letting her lie.

All of them had angry expressions and resentful eyes.

Carol was also unhappy, but she knew very well that Harley was telling the truth.

A group of them together, let alone defeat Harley, even if Harley stood there and let them do whatever they could, they couldn't break through her golden shield.

You guys come with me. Carol pondered for a moment and asked her teammates to enter the stomach bag dimension together.

She was worried that she had been away for too long, and her teammates couldn't wait any longer, or they might have misunderstood and said something irritating to Harley, resulting in her life being lost.

After Carol entered Noah's Ark, she did not immediately see the Eagle Man and Eagle Girl.

She only saw plastic bottles, convenience bags and other garbage all over the floor.

Looking at it, the earth seems to be a giant garbage dump.

There's someone there! One of the lanterns had sharp eyes and saw the building a hundred miles away.

They immediately flew over and saw a busy construction site.

The arrival of the Purple Lantern caused quite a stir.

The workers stopped what they were doing, stretched their necks, and watched curiously.

Carol noticed that they all had yellow skin and understood their words through the purple light ring.

They just looked at them curiously and commented on their uniforms and appearance. They were not afraid at all.

Dear purple lantern heroes, my surname is Xiao, and I am the foreman here. Are you here to find someone, or what are you doing? A bald middle-aged man with a big belly trotted over and asked in broken English.

Xiao, have you ever seen Hawkman and Hawkgirl? Carol asked.

They are at the Second People's Hospital. Please let me lead the way.

The middle-aged man was very enthusiastic. He rode a small electric donkey along a cement road, bypassing seven or eight construction sites, and came to a 45-story building. He also personally helped them contact the dean.

When she saw Hawkman and Hawkgirl in the ward, Carol didn't even come back to her senses, she was a little dizzy.

Why is there a city here? Do they want to live permanently on the Ark and multiply?

Eagle Man understood her feelings and said with emotion: I heard from Barry before that the Chinese people built a city here, and I was very shocked when I saw it with my own eyes today.

Not for settling down, though.

They are wary of danger in times of peace, and considering that the earth has been experiencing constant disasters over the years, they just want to make the shelter more comfortable, tidy, and more in line with the ecological environment of the place.

Harley has signed an agreement with them, and the land belongs to them forever.

No matter how beautiful your home is, it cannot be too beautiful.

After the construction of the ‘City of Refuge’ is completed, except for a very small number of community managers, they will still withdraw.

You should enter the ‘Chinese District’ ​​from outside, right?

Alas, the outside is full of garbage. Other countries should really learn from the Chinese people. Otherwise, how will people live in this place next time a global disaster strikes!

A middle-aged white man walked in with a smile and said, Actually, our government also has a plan to 'make the United States on the Ark as beautiful as the United States on Earth.'

Wall Street has even prepared financial products related to Ark Commercial Housing, but the White House is still arguing with Indians, and the division of high, medium and low-grade communities has not yet been determined.

You are? Carol looked at him doubtfully.

“Oh, I’m the governor of Ark America, Andrew Washington.

There is currently no place for people to live in the US area, so I will temporarily place my office here with my friends in China.

The 'Chaoyang Community' just next door is no more than 200 meters away from the People's Hospital.

When Eagle Man and Eagle Girl landed in Tianchao District, their Secretary Shen personally called me to inform me, so I have been waiting in the leisure area downstairs. The middle-aged man's eyes flickered a few times and he did not continue.

What he was waiting for was not Carol, but Senator Quinn who was very likely to show up.

Carol frowned and said, The house hasn't even been built yet, so the related financial products are about to be sold?

Several other heroes may not know much about financial products, but she is the domineering female president of Danfoss Aerospace Technology Company and the second richest woman in the United States.

They know the financial game of Hal Street.

According to the approach of Wall Street financiers, it is not impossible for an Ark subprime mortgage crisis to occur in the future.

We are not afraid of the subprime mortgage crisis. Americans are used to it.

But if a crisis comes, all the houses in the Ark will become the legal assets of the rich, and the American people will have nowhere to go and nowhere to live, which will be troublesome.

If you don't sell stocks, bonds and funds, how will you get the money to build a house? the Governor of Washington asked seriously.

Carol didn't want to talk to him anymore, so she waved him away and said, You have nothing to do here, go ahead.

Carol, how did you find this place? Has Harley returned to Earth? Hawkgirl asked.

The two people's bodies were embedded in the door of corpses. They could not lie on the bed at the moment, but the medical staff prepared cotton pads, pillows, and analgesics for them.

It was also because Harley knew they were in good condition and being taken care of that she didn't return to Earth immediately.

Harley hasn't returned to Earth yet. Carol told the whole story about how she and others searched for the Predator and finally found it here, only to find that Harley had soon arrived first.

You really misunderstood Harley this time. The person who stole the Predator was Vandal Savage.

Eagle Girl was angry and told her own experience.

Carol couldn't help but believe it when she saw her and Eagle Man's bodies melting into the skeletons.

After a moment of silence, she said: I can help you separate from the corpse.

Eagle Man and Eagle Girl's eyes lit up, and they quickly asked: What should we do?

Carol held their hands, intertwined them, and smiled: Love can create miracles!

Buzzing~~~~ Purple light bloomed from the overlap of the palms, and the complete parts slowly grew from the junction of the two bodies and the bones.

In less than two minutes, the eagle man and hawk woman, complete with beard and tail, broke away from the skeleton and regained his freedom.

It's amazing! Eagle Man did a few chest expansion exercises and felt that his back muscles were the same as before.

This is the power of love, love can conquer everything.

Carol's face, as bright as the moon, seemed to be emitting a faint purple light.

Love can create miracles, love can defeat everything.

Several purple lanterns around her said in unison with solemn expressions.

Bah bang bang! Harley suddenly appeared next to a few people, applauding gently, and praised repeatedly, It's amazing! No matter how many times I have seen it, this scene of creating miracles with love is as shocking as the first time.

Everyone looked at her with surprised expressions.

How did you get here?

Harley took the opportunity to wave her hand, and the corpse door lying flat on the floor disappeared.

As silent as her arrival.

Hahaha, it's just a mental projection. She laughed heartily, and while laughing, she stretched out her hand to invite: Hawkeye and Hawkman have recovered from a serious illness. I'm glad to say congratulations. Come on, let's go to the restaurant downstairs to celebrate.

Carol followed her dizzy for a few steps, then suddenly stopped at the door, turned around and said, We are looking for—hey, where are the bones of the first generation of Hawkgirl and Hawkman?

Eagle Man and Eagle Girl also looked surprised, Why is he missing? He was still here just now.

Then everyone turned their attention to Harley, who looked equally confused.

Harry spread his hands and said, I just came here and I don't know anything. Could it be that the effect of Savage's sacrificial magic drained the potential of the corpse at once, so the living bodies of you two were integrated into it to serve as firewood?

She was serious and reasonable, and they almost believed her.

Where are my other corpses? Hawkgirl asked.

Of course the bones were crushed and ashes were buried, and the black light was left to be resurrected? Harley said matter-of-factly.

Eagle Man and Eagle Girl remained silent.

Carol frowned and said: Harley, forget about the other corpses, but you know, our Purple Lantern Corps has been looking for the first-generation corpse, which is our central battery.

It seems that you can still use the purple light ring now. Harley said.

The efficiency of Amethyst, which has lost its skeleton, has been reduced by at least 30%. Carol said.

Look at Carter and Kendra now, how talented and beautiful they are, how affectionate they are! Harley pointed at Hawkman and Hawkgirl, and said seriously: The Purple Lantern Corps is not far behind in a few decades. Wait until they grow old together, surrounded by their children and grandchildren. If you die, you can get a new central battery that is far superior to the first generation.

Eagle Man and Eagle Girl had a distorted expression, We're not even dead yet, and you're already thinking about our corpses?!

It's not me, it's Carol. Harley said.

Carol felt depressed and helpless.

It was obvious that Harley was going to be rogue this time.

But if she was shameless, there was nothing they could do. She had snatched the body from Savage.

After a sumptuous Chinese meal, the Purple Lantern Corps said goodbye and left.

Harley didn't waste any time. While they were eating and drinking, the main body had already entered the super-light channel.

That night, she and Hawkman and Hawkgirl returned to Earth again.

Instead of going home, I went to the Tower of Destiny first.

Don't worry, the dimension crack has been repaired.

Eagle Man was a little anxious and asked: Can I still go in? The lion slaves are still waiting for me to lead them to overthrow the cruel rule of the Eagle Man.

As a result, in the middle of the war, my commander-in-chief disappeared. Now I don’t know what the situation is over there.

Kent said: “There is no need for you to go in and disturb them again.

Originally, in the world of eagles, the two tribes of eagles and lions were evenly matched and lived in harmony. One side occupied the jungles and grasslands, and the other side occupied the mountains and skies. No major conflict broke out for millions of years.

It was Qiya's greed that caused the cruel and tragic fate of the lion people being enslaved and oppressed.

Now that she is dead, balance and peace will soon be restored to both races.

Harley sneered: Qia is certainly the murderer, but Nabu, who knew her true nature and locked her into the Eagle World, is the first person responsible.

Buzz buzz~~~ Kent's helmet glowed with golden light, and the helmet spirit Nabu came online again.

Witch Harley, you are ignorant, so don't talk nonsense here! He yelled at Harley, then turned to Eagle Man Carter, and said angrily: Prince Khufu, at the beginning I strongly advocated the punishment of insect bites as punishment. Your father took revenge, but you firmly disagreed and said I was too cruel.

Let me explain to you that Qiya can do evil things such as murdering her husband and killing the king. She is too cruel and cruel. If she is left alive, she will cause great harm, not only to you, but also to all living beings. As a result, you became angry with me and drove me out of the palace.

Now that you have finally suffered retribution, you blame me for being irresponsible?

(ps: Sorry, I made a big mistake in yesterday’s chapter. The lantern beast of the Purple Lantern Legion is not called Yao Shihuang. The one with blue lantern is called Yao Shihuang. It does look like a phoenix. The lantern beast with purple lantern is Predator looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Alas, it’s embarrassing. I confused the purple lantern and the blue lantern beast. Maybe I subconsciously thought that the phoenix is ​​more suitable for love.

In addition, last night, the KouKou group for this book was exploded. Because of the violation, I created a new one. You can see the link or the group number - 49056, 8237, 490568237)

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