I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1408 Wild Wolf, Buffalo and Superman

Where are we going? Hal looked around at the light of the sacred heaven and asked in confusion: Why hasn't the transmission ended after so long?

I specifically asked the Voice of Heaven to stop halfway for a while. Harley chuckled and said, Do you understand what I mean?

Hal stared at her face for a while, You want to make a fortune and steal the magic power of the spirit of existence before releasing it?

The smile on Harley's face was immediately replaced by seriousness, I want to serve my Lord!

Do you have a master? Hal asked doubtfully.

My Lord is also your Lord. Harley crossed herself on her chest solemnly.

Oh, Christ Jesus, Hal said hesitantly, Is this the Lord's request?

Hey, don't ask too many questions. Will you do it for 100 million?

Oh my God, 100 million merits in heaven? Hal said in shock.

We will split the 100 million in half.

The expression on Hal's face changed rapidly.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice: How could God do this?

Everyone said that Harley was greedy and a magic thief, but she kept arguing that she had her own reasons. No one believed it at the time, but today

Hal's outlook on life was strongly impacted. It turned out that Harley had always been a scapegoat. No wonder God favored her so much. He even gave it to her when he came down to earth. It was true that she had paid too much for God and heaven, and she had also brought many sacrifices to her. So many benefits have come.

Why, you can't accept it, your faith collapsed? Harley asked with a smile: Who is the hero you admire most?

Hal was stunned and said, Tear Man

A bison lived freely and undisturbed in a fertile valley. One day, Dachao flew from the sky and saw it. He fell down and punched it to death. Then it was cramped and skinned, and he returned to the metropolis with the beef. At home, share wild game with your family.

What do you think about this matter? Will he be completely disappointed with Dachao after learning about this?

This is different from what God does. Hal shook his head.

“After enjoying bison hot pot, the Dachao family becomes addicted and wants to try it again every now and then.

So, Dachao flew to that valley every now and then to catch bison. What do you think of it? Harry asked again.

I don't have any opinion. Your story is inappropriate. Hal frowned.

Harley said: You continue to listen. There are not only bison, but also wild wolves in the valley. Da Chao goes to hunt cattle every now and then. The number of bison is getting smaller and smaller, and he cannot continue to support the wild wolves and Da Chao's family at the same time.

Dachao stared, activated his super vision, and used thermonuclear rays to kill the wild wolves one after another.

Not all of them were killed. The remaining wild wolves were afraid and ran away. He did not pursue them.

Afterwards, Dachao flew around in a circle. There was no one in the valley, and there was no owner. It was just a completely wild and barbaric place.

So, he ran it as his hometown farm.

He provides a high-quality living environment for bison and eliminates wild wolves, diseases, food shortages, etc. that threaten bison.

When Dachao's son Jonathan grew up, he inherited the bison ranch and was as diligent and hard-working as his father.

When Dachao's grandson was born and grew up, he, like his grandfather and father, took care of the buffalo pasture himself, so that the whole family would have enough beef to eat. For generations, the valley became the Kent family's pasture.

What are your thoughts on this?

Hal frowned. When he heard that Da Chao used thermonuclear rays to kill wolves, he wanted to say that he had gone too far, but then Harley said that there was no owner in the valley, and Da Chao was not quick at all. The valley is carefully managed as a pasture, and I work hard myself without exploiting or bullying anyone.

He really didn't think that the three generations of Dachao had done anything wrong. Instead, he admired their simplicity and hard work.

Harry smiled strangely and continued: After the wild wolf left the valley, he discovered that the outside world is very big, with large estates and pastures, and many cattle and sheep raised in them, but they all have owners.

Not all Americans have thermonuclear rays, but almost every farmer has a shotgun.

For wild wolves, there is not much difference between shotguns and thermonuclear rays, neither of which can be provoked.

Now there are only two ways before the wild wolf, either give up the wildness of the wolf and become a dog wagging its tail begging for food.

Although everything about the dog belongs to the owner, at least it can live and live well.

If they don't want to be dogs and don't want to starve to death, wild wolves can only steal and rob farmers' cattle and sheep.

Hal looked dull and could not speak for a long time.

He understood that she was talking about the current situation of the transcendent world in the multiverse. The bison is the magic power without an owner and no longer exists. The last wild valley also has an owner; Superman and The Rancher are the masters of magic power, the supreme existence. It is God, the spirit of existence; the wild wolf is her, and all mortals. No, most mortals are just dogs in her eyes.

Harry sighed: After Dachao's father died, he went away to wander. His elderly mother took care of the family farm alone. Due to poor management, she was in debt within a few years and almost lost the farm and house.

Fortunately, Dachao returned in time and his agent helped him monetize his traffic. He made money by posting short videos on Puppy Video Network to pay off his debts.

It stands to reason that Martha was diligent and thrifty in running the household, not extravagant and wasteful, hard-working and philanthropic. Her efforts deserved a well-fed and well-fed old age.

Why is she broke?

Why are there so many homeless people in the United States who have lost their homes? Are they too lazy because they don't work every day?

Many people are actually very hard-working like Martha, but there is no equal sign between hard work and getting rich.

The rules of the United States are set by big capitalists like me. If it is an absolute truth that hard work can make you rich, and you cannot get rich without hard work, then how much effort do we have to put in to become billionaires?

But we want to become billionaires, but we don’t want to endure hardships, and we also want to inherit the throne and let our sons and grandsons continue to be superior and rich. What should we do?

Change the rules for getting rich!

We engage in finance, we control the market, and we distort social values. In short, we make the rules of getting rich very beneficial to us. It is easy for us to become proficient and proficient, while hard-working people have a black eye and do not understand or adapt to it at all.

Then the wealth created by hard-working people can no longer make themselves rich, and most of the value they create flows to us.

Where are you talking about? Hal frowned and said, You were still talking about 'Bison and the Valley' just now. Why did you start criticizing the American system again?

Why are you so anxious? I haven't even finished my sentence yet. How do you know that 'Martha's Farm' isn't paving the way for the ending of 'Bison and the Valley'?

I ask you, is it reasonable for Martha's farm to become the property of bank capital?

But the bank didn't break the law. Could it be that the debt was not repaid? Hal said.

Harley sighed: I have said so much before, why don't you understand? It must be too extreme to say that the law is nonsense.

But the meaning of the existence of law is not to protect reason and justice. It is a tool to maintain rule.

When the people take inequality as a matter of course, the law does not need to safeguard equality. People will not rebel for inequality anyway; when the people believe that the country cannot live without an emperor, the law will resolutely protect the monarchy and give the nobility and emperor the authority to override the law. privileges.

In short, how can we make people be honest and obedient? The law will protect them.

Maybe you want to say that since everything is chosen by the people, only if the people are crazy will they ignore reason and fairness.

The problem lies here. Some people are very good at pouring water into most people's heads, such as the ancient Confucian sages, modern experts and professors, star politicians and entrepreneurs.

Those guys became the masters, that is, the rulers; the people who were flooded became the ruled, commonly known as common people.

For example, American politicians and you.

Although you think Martha is pitiful, the bank is not wrong either.

You can accept the reality that Martha works hard but is bankrupt, and that the financier has coffee, banquets, and banking parties but is respected and has a lot of money.

Just because your brain has been filled with water.

The water in your brain also controls your emotions, making you disgusted and resistant to what I say.

There is no way, some people's talent is to work hard, and some people are born to be great masters of filling people's brains.

What on earth do you want to say? Hal asked irritably.

She was right, he was really disgusted and hated what she said.

I would like to say that the process of 'big farmers' annexing 'Martha's small farm' is equally bloody and barbaric, but it is just wrapped in a gorgeous 'legal' coat. It is no more brutal than the process of stealing cattle and sheep from 'Martha's farm'. The wolf is nobler.

They are all animal behaviors stemming from desire and greed.

In this case, what qualifications does the 'farmer' have to stand on the moral apex and reprimand wild wolves for stealing cattle and sheep?

At this point, Harley sighed, A wild wolf that leaves the valley has only two ways to survive, one is to be a dog, the other is to steal.

As we all know, there are far more dogs than wolves in the world.

And true wild wolves are even rarer.

Many ferocious hounds are also responsible for guarding against wild wolves stealing livestock.

But now a strange thing happened. A cunning wild wolf and a group of fierce dogs became friends.

One day, the wild wolf said to her fierce dog friend - Brother, your master has taken a liking to the farm you are currently guarding, and we can take advantage of the chaos.

As a result, the fierce dog was frightened, unable to accept it, its outlook collapsed, and it kept barking - no way, my master is a 'human'! ! Even my domestic dog is nobler than you, a wild wolf. How can a dignified 'human' be as shameless and cunning as a beast like you?

So the wild wolf told the bulldog a story: Once upon a time, there was a fertile valley where her family's ancestors lived, and all the beasts enjoyed the rich beef by their own strength. One day, a tearful man came. The 'beast' was too strong. In front of him, other beasts were like mortals facing the supreme being. Even ants were inferior to wild wolves. He was forced to leave the valley and came to a place called the United States. , they were surprised to find that not all 'cow hunters' were called beasts. Some of them called themselves 'men', and some were called 'dogs'. Neither humans nor dogs could tolerate the behavior of 'beasts', and they called themselves 'beasts'. She is an 'evil and greedy demon wolf'.

After Harley finished speaking, she looked at Hal with a smile.

Hal's expression changed several times, and finally he sighed: Now I completely understand why you don't feel any guilt when stealing other people's magic power.

Even if all the gods and demons in the multiverse curse you, you remain complacent and never repent.

If I were a supreme being, I would be just as afraid and hateful of you as they are.

Harley said: Don't talk about you, if one day I am promoted to the highest level and become a 'human', I will also kill the 'wild wolves'.

The demon wolf only wants to eat meat, and has never thought of establishing an 'utopia' where wild beasts do not eat meat, but eat grass.

The next morning, the Met.

During the Blackest Night, the Hall of Justice that was shattered by Dinah's Phoenix Cry has not only been cleaned up, but a new building has been rebuilt on the original site, and only the interior decoration is still continuing.

The new building is entirely milky white, shrouded in a hazy and holy light under the morning light.

Where did this stone come from? Harley asked standing at the door.

The calcite I found from the Butterfly Nebula has the ability to absorb and store sunlight. It doesn't matter now, but at night, especially the dark night without moonlight, it will be called beautiful, sparkling like daylight. Da Chao said excitedly.

Harley glanced at him and said, Are you really leisurely enough to clean up all the corpses and rubble on the earth?

Dachao explained: Not a single member of the Seven Lantern Corps has left. They are waiting for news about you and Hal. While waiting, they were not idle and helped us clean up the entire solar system.

There are more than 20,000 lanterns, very efficient.

You can walk around the city and make sure you don't notice any difference from before Blackest Night.

And I’m not just wandering around in outer space looking for building materials.

A few years ago, when I was traveling in the starry sky, I discovered the peculiar calcite in the Butterfly Nebula, and I already had the idea of ​​building a hall using it.

This time it was just a matter of moving bricks.

I cut the stone into bricks, and the two Flashes, Barry and Joey, built the wall. In less than half an hour, the new Hall of Justice was erected, without delaying normal work at all.

The two of them didn't say a few words before a group of colorful lanterns fell from the sky.

Ganser looked at Hal intently and found no aura of white light on him, then turned to Harley and said seriously: What did you do to the spirit of existence?

Harley said one word cleanly, Origin Wall.

Origin wall? Gunther was stunned, and then fell silent.

Who knows if you lied to others, maybe you ate it. Lafleeze shouted in the crowd.

Harley said calmly: It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, it won't be long before the news that the existence spirit is hung on the origin wall by me will spread throughout the multiverse.

The witnesses and material evidence are all there, and it cannot be faked.

What kind of personal evidence? Everyone was confused.

Hal explained: Didn't Harley trap a group of gods and demons on the Origin Wall in the early years?

It was the time when the Witch Hunting Squadron was led by Demon King Mammon a few years ago.

There are many gods and demons on that origin wall, and there are even clones of god kings and demon kings.

Even after several years, some gods and demons still have the ability to communicate with the outside world.

They all saw the whole process of Harley burying the spirit of existence into the Origin Wall, and they would never lie on Harley's behalf.

It’s unbelievable that the news has spread in the God’s Realm by now.

Hang the spirit of existence on the origin wall is a good way to solve your worries. Dachao was happy at first, and then worried: But will it affect billions of living beings in the universe?

How do you feel now? Harley asked.

Uh, I don't feel it. Da Chao was stunned, I don't understand magic and my perception is very poor.

Harley raised her chin to Gunther, Ask him, the Guardians can predict even the darkest night tens of millions of years in advance. Changes in life's emotions are simpler than looking up to see whether the weather is cloudy or sunny.

Are there any side effects? The lamp owners looked at Ganser.

Ganse said solemnly: I did sense it before. The spirit of existence was howling in pain, and it continued to howl for several hours. It was in great pain and continued to be weak.

I'm sure you hurt it deeply before you threw it into the wall of origin.

Harley looked around, Have you ever felt the pain of life? No.

You swear to God you didn't do anything to it? cried LaFleeze.

Harley first pinned her blond hair back, revealing her smooth and full forehead and entire face. Then she put her hands on her hips, straightened her chest, raised her head, and said loudly: I swear to God, I bit it until it was bloody. , crying for father and mother, howling and begging. I swallowed a lot of its origin, what can you do to me?

I am explaining to you to give you face, not to be shameless.

You—— Lafleeze's face turned yellow with anger.

The lantern masters and lanterns present also had ugly expressions.

What am I? Why am I standing here, letting you seven lights merge into one, and you can't break my defense? Why do you have the face and courage to question me face to face? You bully me for being too kind, and you can't learn from the Black Death Emperor and Da Xaid, right?”

If we talk to you properly, will you be unreasonable? Atrocitas said angrily.

Come on, tell me what reason requires me not to seize the origin of the spirit of existence.

How can you be so confident and proud when you rob others of their origins? Carol said in shock.

The heroes of Earth looked embarrassed, and some lowered their heads in shame.

Harley held her head high, looked around, and said: I used my ability to rob a supreme leader, and I succeeded, so why can't I be arrogant?

If the spirit of existence had the ability, do you think it would slap me to death?

Even if you see it, you won’t stop it.

If you were capable enough, you would have killed me instantly with the help of seven lanterns. How could you compete with me here?

Carol stared and opened her mouth, dumbfounded not knowing what to say.

If the spirit of existence could shoot her to death, would it shoot her?

Without a doubt, it will.

Will they stop it?

Carol realized bitterly that she was right.

You are reversing cause and effect. If you don't rob the origin of the spirit of existence, it will not hate you, and we will not target you. Gunther said.

There was a sneer on Harry's lips, I can argue with you that it attacked me first, and I retaliated against it casually. But I don't want to say that.

Do you still remember the scene when we met for the second time?

I was in a meeting with Earth's heroes, and thousands of you Green Lanterns were surrounding Earth. What did you say?

You don't care what the people on Earth think, you don't care about sovereignty, and you don't care about how many people die on Earth after the war begins. You are powerful and can crush the Earth, so I have no choice.

I didn't act like a resentful woman that day, scolding you with tears for bullying and being unethical.

You should learn from me. When you don't have the strength to reason with others, you should work hard to improve your strength. Don't be ridiculous and try to make people laugh.

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