I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1407 The Ending of the Spirit of Existence

Hal Jordan's words made Harley confused, What new destiny? By the way, what do you mean when you say you can no longer resurrect the dead? Hasn't the spirit of existence been re-sealed into your body?

Hal, are you okay? At this moment, the superhero team also gathered around, looking at the two people at the bottom of the pit with concern.

I'm fine.

Hal jumped out of the pit first, called the Lord of Color and Light and Ganser and the others, and then explained: The white light that just burst out is the destiny of 'resurrection of the dead'.

My destiny is exhausted, and I can no longer resurrect the designated target.

Obviously, this is the revenge of the spirit of existence on us. It ended its destiny in advance and gave up its ability to resurrect the dead.

How come resurrecting the dead has become destiny? Isn't this its instinct and its authority? Dachao asked in confusion.

Yes, it has been claiming this before, but in fact it lied. Hal shook his head again, It doesn't count as lying.

He looked at Harley with a complicated expression and said: As Harley often said to us, all miracles have a price.

Even existing spirits must abide by the rules of the universe.

Due to the particularity of its identity, it is even more restricted by rules.

It can bring the undead back from the Realm of Death, but every time it does so, it has to pay a price.

Then let it pay the price. It's fat and strong and can afford it, Harley said.

It's not that simple. Hal's eyes swept over the faces of Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, Mr. Wayne, and Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Even the people who are resurrected by me now have to pay for their own resurrection. cost.

What price? Martian Manhunter asked.

Hal said: I'm not sure. Maybe you will encounter something in the future, and you will repay the debt of destiny in the way of destiny.

That is, you are assigned a destiny in which you will accomplish something.

Speaking of this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head: Maybe I'm talking nonsense, and nothing will happen in the future.

The words I am saying now all come from the spirit of existence.

It didn't take the initiative to tell me. It just broke out forcefully and leaked a lot of information in my sea of ​​consciousness.

The information is neither true nor complete.

“Dozens of heroes sacrificed their lives in the Blackest Night, and I guess they were willing to pay the price of fulfilling a certain ‘destiny’ in exchange for a chance to do it again.

For example, Firestorm is only 23 years old, very young, and has a girlfriend and mother to take care of. Baitman said.

Hey, Bateman, I heard you calling my name? A ray of fire fell from the sky, floating next to Bateman, and asked doubtfully: But what is going on? Am I not dead?

Hey, Firestorm? Aren't you dead? Shit, I fought with you, your living corpse. Animal Man exclaimed.

Harley frowned and said, Firestorm, where did you come from?

Why is it that the streets of Keystone City are so empty and there are almost no living people? Firestorm asked in confusion.

I remember that when you died, you were not in a fire storm state. Professor Stein was on the 'Noah's Ark' at the moment. Who is the person who merged with you? Harley said.

The principles of Firestorm are so sci-fi that they are almost magical.

Professor Stein discovered a matrix dimension, activated the power in it, and allowed two people with suitable frequency to merge with each other, thereby controlling the secondary power of creation in the dimension - able to rearrange according to will Atomic structure of inorganic substances.

If even an organism can rearrange its atomic structure, that would be the true power of creation. If it can create anything, wouldn't it be creation?

The power of secondary creation is what Harley calls it.

She considered including it in the list of defensive specialty energy, so she studied it carefully.

Simply put, Firestorm is two people fused into one.

Professor Stein is one of them, and the other is the black boy Jefferson.

The person who died in the Blackest Night was Jefferson, and now it is Firestorm who has been resurrected.

Are you Jefferson? Harley looked at his face carefully. After transforming into Firestorm, he had a ball of nuclear flames on his head, and his face was blond, but if he looked carefully, he was indeed a bit dark.

Yes, I am Jefferson Jackson. Harley, you recognized the right person. The person who merged with me is Ronnie Raymond. I asked him to say hello to you by himself. Hello, Miss Quinn, you may not Get to know me, I was an intern at Central City’s Star Laboratory, a student of Professor Stein, and later joined Dr. Wells’ team.”

The same Firestorm, the same voice, but different tone and expression, spoke words belonging to two people.

Ronnie, didn't you die? Before the Blackest Night. The Flash asked doubtfully.

The Flash Barry Allen is now the owner of Star Labs, and several members of his Flash Team are good friends with Ronnie.

I don't know. Firestorm said blankly.

It should be because of the burst of white light just now. The spirit of existence has the destiny to resurrect some dead people. I resurrected Super Girl and others before, occupying those places.

When I resurrected Black Hand, the spirit of existence was greatly stimulated, broke free from the restraints in anger, and suddenly turned the remaining quota into light of rebirth that spread in all directions, and Firestorm got one of them. Hal Jordan said.

Oliver scratched the back of his head irritably and shouted, How come resurrecting the dead and the number of resurrected dead are destiny?

What is the meaning of such a destiny?

And why does the spirit of existence cling to destiny?

Why can the Black Death Emperor only use it to seal it, and the Black Hand can only use it to resurrect it?

Why? Everyone is working hard, and so many heroes have sacrificed their lives for this. What do our efforts and sacrifices count for?

Hal sighed: Everything I say is not my own subjective will, I just repeat the message from the spirit of existence.

To be honest, I am also very disgusted with the theory of destiny and do not believe in fate at all.

Even if there is a destiny, I will not give in to it.

Otherwise, I would not listen to Harley, suppress the spirit of existence deep in my soul, and become the 'protagonist' myself.

Neptune gave Harley a thumbs up and praised: I almost forgot to tell you, Harley, great job, I've long been unhappy with that long tentacle monster.

Harley smiled triumphantly.

No one likes it, Wonder Woman said.

Hehe, it's really refreshing to see the arrogant and arrogant spirit of existence being unlucky. The honest Flash also laughed.

Hearing the heroes of Earth ridicule the Spirit of Existence, Ganser couldn't help but say: The Spirit of Existence is the light of our life and the source of all emotions and vitality.

All living beings should respect Him and be grateful to Him.

Harry sneered and said: How did that ghost appear in the world? Do you want me to remind you?

The Black Death Emperor sacrificed the entire Green Lantern Corps of Guardians, the cruelest living sacrifice, before summoning the spirit of existence.

Ganser's eyes dimmed and he said, My compatriots died at the hands of the Black Death Emperor.

Haha, is this how you comfort yourself? Harley sneered: If I were you, before becoming a slave to the spirit of existence, I would at least ask it to resurrect the dead tribesmen.

Has it ever made a promise to you?

This is very simple for it. When the Black Death Emperor sacrifices your people alive, their life essence and souls all go to the spirit of existence. As long as it returns them to them, the cost of their death and resurrection is extremely low.

Gunther glanced at Hal.

Hal quickly said: I listened to you and planned to resurrect the Black Hand first and then the Guardian, but you saw the result.

By the way, is Black Hand resurrected? He turned to the direction of Archimedes' airship and asked.

Resurrected. Dinah said: The process of his resurrection is different from that of Super Girl. Super Girl directly turned the dead into a living person, but Black Hand vomited a lot of rotten and smelly black blood.

Supergirl is a corpse when she is resurrected. He is the agent of death. It is normal to have some strange phenomena. Harley said.

Sinestro's eyes looked back and forth on the faces of Harley and Hal, and asked: Now that the destiny to resurrect the dead has disappeared, and the Lord of the White Lamp cannot resurrect the dead, what do you plan to do with the spirits of existence?

You said that you would release the spirit of existence when your teammates are resurrected. Witch Harley, Hal Jordan, do you want to break your promise? Lafleeze shouted.

Harley smiled weirdly, opened her mouth and vomited, and a ball of yellow light flew out of her throat and flew straight to Sinestro.

This is your thing, give it back to you.

The yellow light of fear dispersed, and a red body fell, with half of the torso attached to an arm.

The blood was still fresh, dripping down the wound.

Through the wound, you can still see the wriggling organs in the torso.

Shit, what is this? The heroes took a dozen steps back in horror.

Sinestro's face turned red and dark, and his expression was extremely distorted.

It's still alive and can be put back in. Harley said.

Boom~~ Sinestro shed a golden flame, burning his body to ashes in the blink of an eye. Then he glared at Harley and flew away into the sky without saying a word.

Even if you send Sinestro away, you can't swallow the words you once said. Lafleeze shouted.

Hal said solemnly: I keep my word. The spirit of existence can leave now, as long as it promises not to retaliate against us in the future.

The spirits that existed before came out of the interior of the earth. Can they be sent back? Blood sacrifices that are not at the guardian level cannot return to the human world. Bateman asked.

What are you thinking? The spirit of existence did live in the earth before. But it was not sealed and could not be free.

The reason why the Black Death Emperor sacrificed the Guardians was that he not only sacrificed the Guardians of the Green Lantern Corps, but also all living people in the universe whose hearts were taken out and killed by the Black Lantern Corps were sacrifices.

The Black Lantern Corps is doing evil everywhere, not just to kill living people, they are draining the emotional energy of living people.

The collected seven kinds of emotional energy all flow into the black light furnace through the black light ring, are filtered and purified by the light furnace, and poured into the internal organs of the little blue man.

The Black Death Emperor once cut the throat of a little blue man with his own hands and handed him over to the Black Hand, remember?

Black hands pulled out the glistening entrails from his belly.

They emit seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple because they are filled with majestic emotional energy.

Seven internal organs filled with colored light energy became the core sacrifice of the sacrificial array.

The seven lamps unite into white light. The spirit of existence is the light of life, and life contains emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

The seven emotions unite to produce a massive amount of white light.

That white light resonates with the spirit of existence. Didn't the Black Death Emperor lock its position?

Therefore, all the killings in the Blackest Night are only for the purpose of sacrifice, and the sacrifice circle has only one purpose, to locate the spirit of existence.

The Black Death Emperor is not helping the spirit of existence break the seal, he is hunting it.

So, if the spirit of existence didn't hide, so many people wouldn't have died in the universe? Louise said blankly.

It's not wrong for you to think so, but to be fair, the responsibility for the Blackest Night cannot be attributed to the spirit of existence. It has always existed and stayed at home since the birth of the earth. Harley said.

Louise said: “But it knows the destiny of the Blackest Night and knows that the Black Death Emperor is looking for it.

If he had come out immediately, the Black Death Emperor would not have had to send the Black Lantern Corps to cause massacres in the universe.

Many heroes nodded in agreement, with complaints and even resentment in their tone, Yes, since it knows its destiny and knows that it will have a battle with the Black Death Emperor, why does it wait until the end, after so many people have died? Appear?

Seeing many eyes looking at her, Harley spread her hands and said, Don't ask me, I don't know and don't want to guess what it's thinking.

You should add insult to injury and prove its crimes, but you just spoke for it. Wonder Woman said strangely.

Can't you even tell the truth? The murderer of the Blackest Night is the Black Death Emperor, not the spirit of existence. You should hate the Black Death Emperor if you want.

Isn't that arguing for it? Louise said.

Harley scanned their faces and said thoughtfully: I don't have any expectations from it, so its inaction is not a sin in my heart.

You regard it as an extremely supreme, righteous, kind, and rescuing god. When it fails to fulfill its sacred duty of sacrificing itself and saving all peoples, you will be disappointed, lost, and even angry and resentful.

As the light of life in the universe, isn't it sacred and great? Shouldn't living people be cherished? Oliver frowned.

Harry shook his head and said, Greatness is always just a certain act, and has nothing to do with strength, status, status, career, fame, or words.

This is especially true for the emotional spectrum.

The red light of anger must be a bad guy?

What is the reason for the anger?

If you are angry at the evil deeds of evil people, the red light is a hero.

The Purple Lantern of Love understands love, cherishes love, and love is very beautiful. The Purple Lantern that can use love to brainwash loveless people are all good people?

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple represent only seven emotions.

No emotion is inherently good or evil.

The white lamp is the sum of seven colors and is naturally neutral, neither great nor despicable.

The spirit of existence always stays at home and never cares about the joys and sorrows of the world. Its behavior is extremely neutral, neither good nor bad, neither good nor evil. It only fulfills the destiny entrusted to it by the universe.

To us, it is just like air.

It has been air for a lifetime, but you give it the mission of saving all people and cherishing the lives of living people at a critical moment. Isn't it ridiculous?

Atrocitus said with a complicated expression: I always thought you were mean and full of lies, but I didn't expect you to see the Seven Lantern Corps so thoroughly.

Everyone says that our red lights are ‘devils’, but no one has seriously thought about why we are so angry, and no one cares about it.

Harley waved her hands and said, Don't get me wrong, I just used the red light as an example. Those bad things you did cannot be washed away, they are just demons.

Oliver sighed: No wonder you laughed, cursed, yelled and killed the spirit of existence without any psychological burden. You regarded it as 'air'.

We living beings can exist in the universe, isn't it a blessing from the light of life? Dachao asked doubtfully.

The spirit of existence absorbs our life emotions.

Hal Jordan expressed his speculation, Perhaps Halle is right. Our emotions towards life create the spirit of existence, not the existence that sustains life.

Ganser said with a serious expression: Life emotion is a kind of energy. Without this energy, life will not be born.

Therefore, the spirit of existence will definitely absorb the power of life emotions.

But this is part of the great cycle of life. It absorbs the life emotions emitted by living beings, and then turns them into the origin of life to sustain the birth of new life.

Without it, it means that the universe's life emotions are exhausted, and there is no way for life to be born anymore.

Hal was doubtful and turned his attention to Harley.

Harley said: We are not trying to eliminate the spirit of existence. No matter what position it holds in the multiverse, can't we just find a safe place for it and let it continue to work?

Where are you sending it? Ganser asked, staring at her closely.

How about sending it to Oa and handing it over to your guardians? Harley said with a smile.

Is there no guardian in Oa now? Atrocitas gloated.

Ganser said with a dark face: The Spirit of Existence is a supreme existence and does not need anyone to protect it. Even if you don't take the initiative to release it, he will break out of Hal sooner or later.

Just like before.

He possesses supreme power and never tires.

Hal is just a human being, and there are times when his energy is low.

At that time, Harley Quinn, can you guarantee that you will be right by his side?

Didn't I just say that I would send it away? Harley said.

If you don't specify a place for us all to see, who knows if you really released Him? Ganse said without giving up.

I will tell you the location after I release it, and you can verify it yourself. Harley grabbed Hal, summoned the voice of heaven, and a ray of light from heaven picked them up.

Sent to heaven for suppression? Louise asked in surprise.

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