I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1405 Your fate is up to you.

Harry didn't feel embarrassed to be called out by the spirit of existence for his private behavior of whispering in public.

Not to mention that she didn't discuss anything shady with Dachao. Even if they were really planning a conspiracy and the conspiracy was exposed on the spot, she would only deny it in every possible way and refuse to admit it.

As long as you get over it, there is no need to be ashamed.

At this time, Harry was more angry.

She wanted to have a fight with the Spirit of Existence, and then take the opportunity to get angry and make the Spirit of Existence understand that it was nothing in front of her.

But the lives and fortunes of a group of friends still rely on the spirit of existence to save them.

Supergirl's body stinks a little.

Hi, Your Majesty, the Supreme Spirit of Existence, you really guessed it right. There are some things I'm really embarrassed to say to outsiders. Harry held back his anger and didn't force a smile. He just sighed and said with a sad expression, I'm saying this to outsiders. Superman inquires about the resurrection of his teammates.”

Dachao looked surprised.

He had countless guesses about her reaction, including prevarication, lying, and anger. But he never expected that she would actually tell the truth.

There was a bit of ridicule on the face of the Spirit of Existence, Then what?

Harley continued to tell the truth: Dachao told me your reaction, but you didn't react and your attitude was ambiguous. It seemed that you intended to take this opportunity to make things difficult for us. After all, I have offended you before.

Dachao was shocked again.

Not only was he shocked, but the people around him, including the spirits of existence, were also very surprised.

——Why is Witch Harley so honest?

Not only did she speak sincerely, but her expression and eyes at this time were also very sincere, looking at the spirit of existence with obvious pleading and repentance.

Harley. The heroes looked at her in disbelief.

I apologize, Spirit of Existence. I sincerely apologize to you. I only hope that you will accept my confession and save my dead companions.

As Harry spoke, he walked towards the Spirit of Existence. The expression on his face was very complicated, ranging from unbearable shame and anger to the determination to grit his teeth and persevere.

It truly reflects her tormenting heart at this time.

They understand that it's all about Supergirl, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Martian Manhunter and other superheroes.

She did this for her friends, their companions.

Looking at her face, it was full of humiliation, but she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

Her body seemed to be trembling, and every step was so heavy.

Harry. Da Chao's lips trembled and his eyes turned red.

Harry. Even Louise was shocked. She couldn't believe that she, who had always been so proud and despised the supreme, could be so humble.

Spirit of existence, please help us resurrect those companions!

Hal was deeply touched, not only shocked and moved, but also deeply self-blamed, frustrated and annoyed.

If he could handle the spirit of existence and make it agree to resurrect Supergirl and others, Harley would not have to compromise and suffer great humiliation at this time.

He is the Lord of the White Lamp, and this should be his responsibility.

Harley had already walked up to the spirit of existence and begged: I beg for forgiveness and save them. Each of them is a great hero and should not have such a miserable fate.

Hmph~~ The spirit of existence raised its chin high, without even looking at her.

Spirit of existence, why don't you want to help us? We obey your words and work hard without complaint. Harley has also apologized to you. What else do you want? Hal Jordan said excitedly.

For me, it is easy to resurrect the dead, but every move I make is in line with the established trajectory of destiny.

The voice of the spirit of existence rumbles, like thunder, deafening, full of majesty and high-spirited.

“When I decide to do something, it’s not because you respect me.

I did it because it was my destiny.

When destiny does not show me a certain path, let alone verbally apologize to me, even if I kneel down, kowtow, and beg, I will not embark on that path.

Do you understand?

It seemed to be explaining to Hal, but when it said the last sentence, it lowered its head and looked down at Harley in front of it.

So Supergirl, Dick Grayson and others are resurrected from the dead, are they destined to do so? Harley asked.

The spirit of existence raised its eyebrows slightly, it didn't want her to understand this.

It wanted to tell her that a mere verbal apology was not enough. Even if you kneel down, kowtow, and beg at its feet, it is not enough to show sincerity.

As for destiny

Originally, there was indeed a destiny. It was His destiny to resurrect the Black Hand, defeat the Black Death Emperor's projection, and seal the dimensional passage.

Resurrecting some people from death is also within the destiny.

But now the core destiny has been broken, and he has now lost most of his destiny.

He couldn't see clearly what the future held.

At this moment, His will is destiny, at least the destiny of these mortals on earth.

One of His decisions can change their future. He is their heaven!

He has made a decision in his heart. He will repay the humiliation given to Him by Witch Harley a hundredfold, and ultimately let her achieve nothing.

He will resurrect some people, because in addition to resurrecting the Black Hand, He also needs to resurrect twelve more people.

These two futures are destiny that have not been broken by the Witch Harley.

But none of those resurrected will be close to her.

He not only wanted to humiliate her, but also wanted to make her feel extreme despair and anger.

But it was useless for her to be angry at that time, her destiny was already decided!

Thinking of this, a proud smile appeared on his lips.

What is the spirit of existence thinking? Witch Harley asked it a question, but it didn't answer for a long time. It frowned and snickered sometimes. Is there something wrong with its brain?

Just as he was thinking about his pride, the spirit of existence suddenly heard a discordant sound coming from the distance.

He turned around to look, but it was Atrocitas, the Lord of Red Lanterns.

Several lamp owners pointed at him from a distance, and when they noticed that he was looking over, they quickly shut up and lowered their eyes, acting like honest people.

The Spirit of Existence wanted to get angry, but then, he glanced at the nearby Earth hero with a strange look in his eyes.

He held back, he had indeed lost his composure just now.

Turning to look at the witch Harley who was waiting for the answer, the anger in his heart immediately found a target for venting.

Witch Harley, destiny is unpredictable, and there is no answer to your question. He said coldly.

Hal Jordan was the first to be unhappy, Your Majesty, you have been talking about destiny from the beginning. Destiny is already in your heart. Everything you do and say is destiny. Why are you saying that destiny is unpredictable now? This is not deliberately making things difficult. person?

Hal Jordan, are you questioning me? The Spirit of Existence angrily said, I don't necessarily want you to be the Lord of the White Lantern. Sinestro did it before, and now you can be replaced by someone else.

Hal is a rebellious master. He disobeyed discipline in the army and often disobeyed and rebelled in the Green Lantern Corps.

He didn't feel that he was longing to become the Master of the White Lantern. As the Master of the White Lantern, even his companions could not be resurrected, and he asked Harley to put down her dignity and arrogance to apologize to this unknown Sovereign Majesty.

He had long been angry and angry.

Your Majesty, the Spirit of Existence, I raise a question not as the Lord of the White Lantern, but because your words are questionable. If you don't want to choose me as your host, I won't force you to choose another person at any time. .”

Hal, don't be impulsive. Ganser quickly took his arm and advised: His Majesty, the Spirit of Existence, chose you. It is an honor and a destiny. The destiny cannot be violated.

Then he advised the spirit of existence, Your Majesty, don't rush out of Hal's body yet -

No need to talk nonsense, my choice will not change because of any of you pleading.

The spirit of existence directly interrupted Ganser's words, and then Hal's body glowed with white light, and the light of endless life was about to spurt out.

Alas! Harry sighed, activated all 11 major defensive specialties, quickly raised his kick, and kicked the astonished Ganser 40 to 50 meters away. Then he pointed out and hit Hal in the middle of the eyebrow, with a defensive golden film. Wrapping his body surface, the defensive force field penetrated into his soul, firmly pinning the spirit of existence that was about to leave his sea of ​​consciousness.

Harry, you- Hal was shocked.

When she was apologizing to the spirit of existence just now, she walked all the way up to him, and now she suddenly made a dangerous move, but he didn't react at all.

Harley shouted: Your destiny is up to you! The spirit of existence is not your father, nor your mother, nor God. Does it mean destiny when it says destiny?

Our destiny can only be controlled by ourselves. Open your sea of ​​consciousness to me, and I will help you become the true Lord of White Light!


Listen to me, or do you not want to save those people? Jon, Dick, Hawkman, Supergirl

Hal's expression changed, I understand.

He opened the sea of ​​consciousness without any cover, allowing the power of her soul to flow unimpeded.

Concentrate your energy, use your will to suppress the self-consciousness of the light of life, use your soul to contain all the origin of white light, treat it as a lamp beast, and occupy it.

She gave guidance while using a defensive force field to coordinate his actions.

You bastards, you are so brave, you dare to act against me. I am destiny, the light of life. You can exist in the world, you must be grateful to me for spreading the seeds of life! The spirit of existence struggled hard, Swear loudly.

As it resisted, the white light on Hal's body flickered, and its breath fluctuated violently.

What is Witch Harley doing? Atrocitas asked in surprise.

Gunser, are you okay? Saint Walker immediately helped Ganser up.

Hurry, stop her quickly, Witch Harley is crazy, she wants to usurp the power of the light of life! Gunther shouted anxiously.

What? Lafleeze shouted first, That's the Spirit of Existence. How could she be more greedy than me and even kill the Spirit of Existence?!

Dachao worriedly shouted: Harry, do you really want it?

Yes, I am suppressing the spirit of existence.

Now that he had taken action to pin the Spirit of Existence, and the overall situation was almost decided, Harley stopped pretending and shouted directly in front of everyone: You have all seen what happened just now.

We beg it humbly, but it treats us like mud under its feet.

Even if it is trampled on like mud, I can bear it, as long as it is willing to resurrect our sacrificed companions.

This sentence is very disingenuous.

She calculated the response of the spirit of existence.

If you take the initiative to apologize to it, it will never laugh away your grudges.

The more humble she behaves, the more it will push harder and harder.

In the end, it was very likely that when she gave up all her dignity, it laughed and completely ignored her request.

When Harry thinks this way, it's not that he thinks that the spirit of existence is inherently narrow-minded and vengeful, and is a complete bad guy.

In fact, compared to the Anti-Monitor, Darkseid, and Black Death, the Spirit of Existence definitely counts as the orderly and good camp.

But the supreme being has the arrogance and temper of the supreme being. Harley humiliated it and even stole its origin. This kind of hatred cannot be resolved with a few words of apology.

Her brother Morpheus is also a good man, but how does he treat mortal women who reject his advances?

He threw her into hell and imprisoned her for ten thousand years.

Harley has long recognized the temper of DC's supreme beings, who especially cannot tolerate offenses from mortals.

Therefore, her previous humiliation and humiliation were not to make the spirit of existence forgive her.

She wanted to make it relax its vigilance, let her get close to it, and give her a chance to make a sneak attack.

From the moment she bowed her head in submission, she made a plan to make Hal the true Lord of the White Lamp.

In addition to lowering the vigilance of the spirit of existence, another reason why she pretended to apologize was the reaction of Hal, Dachao and others.

If she does nothing and directly screams to kill the spirit of existence, can a superhero who insists on absolute justice accept her backstabbing of allies?

Making Hal the Lord of the White Lamp requires at least his full cooperation. As long as he has some grudge in his heart, it will be difficult to accomplish this.

As for her doing it herself, drawing out the Spirit of Existence and becoming the Lord of the Lamp herself. Let’s not talk about whether she can defeat the Spirit of Existence or whether she has the talent to become the Lord of the White Lamp.

If it tried to run away, it would disappear in an instant, leaving her no place to look for it.

At this time, Hal can only be the lamp owner, and he alone. Maybe Kyle is also qualified?

The lower her attitude is, the more unreasonable the spirit of existence becomes, and the attitudes of justice heroes such as Hal and Dachao change faster.

Such as now

Oliver grabbed Chao and persuaded him: Harley can't help it. The spirit of existence has been perfunctory with us. It doesn't even want to answer a simple question like 'is it destiny to resurrect Supergirl?' The meaning is obvious.

Unless we don't want to resurrect Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Supergirl, we shouldn't stop Harley. It's useless for her to apologize so humbly and sincerely to the spirit of existence. In addition to forcing the spirit of existence, what else can she do? What to do? Wonder Woman also asked.

To be honest, I have long been unhappy with the spirit of existence. Superboy said.

But if Harley does this, it may trigger a war between the Earth and the Lantern Corps, and the consequences will be huge. Dachao sighed.

No, if they have any opinions, they can come to me. Harley said.

Dachao opened his mouth to say something else.

Harley reminded him: The spirit of existence is not an earthling, not even an alien. It is just a god and demon.

Dachao closed his mouth.

He doesn't kill people, but he kills gods and demons without blinking an eye.

Harley added: What's more, I didn't kill it, I just asked Hal to use its power to resurrect Supergirl and the others. After saving people, I will let it go free and apologize to it again.

Dachao was completely speechless.

The Earthlings didn't say anything and mentally agreed with her behavior, but the Lantern Corps couldn't bear it anymore.

Harley Quinn, stop! Gunther shot a beam of green light at her.

Saint Walker, Atrocitas, and La Freeze followed.

Qingnu hesitated and did not move.

Carol hesitated, looking left and right.

Gunther shouted: The spirit of existence is the foundation of the entire universe. If it is harmed by the Witch Harley, all living people will suffer.

And I’m not asking you to kill Harley Quinn and Hal Jordan.

I'm just asking you to stop their stupid atrocities.

Carol raised her hand and shot a beam of purple light at Harley. She then turned to Qingnv and said, Listen to Gunther. Our attacks can't hurt Harley at all.

Boo boo~~ The beams of emotional energy fell on the light golden light film, like spring rain spilling onto the lake, with almost no ripples.

Qingnv said to Ganser: I think good words and persuasion are more effective than random attacks like this.

Ganse's eyes flickered a few times, he held the light ring and sent a message.

After two breaths, a ray of yellow light flew from the sky and landed on the head of the lamp owner.

Sinestro? The lamp owners were surprised at first, and then suddenly realized, Seven lamps merge into one.

Gunther has already explained the situation to me. You know, I am not surprised at all. Witch Harley is the biggest scourge. Sinestro raised the light ring and emitted the most powerful yellow light, Seven Lights Oneness!”

Carol and Qingnu hesitated again.

Don't forget the mission of the lamp owner, to protect the light of life and protect the universe. Sinestro said solemnly.

Don't be embarrassed, you just listen to him. Harley was distracted. Most of her mental power entered Hal's sea of ​​consciousness to help him suppress the light of life. The soul left in his body could still see and hear in all directions. All sides.

We had an agreement, remember? I'm going to challenge all of you. Now that the Darkest Night is over, you can use the Seven Lamps Unified unscrupulously. I can afford it.

Witch Harley, you are too arrogant.

The anger in Atrocitas's heart turned into energy in the form of blood and emerged from his body surface.

Seven lights into one. Carol gritted her teeth and shot out purple light, and Qingnv no longer hesitated.

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