I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1404 Should I find an opportunity to get angry? That is the question.

You want to communicate with the Black Death Emperor through the Black Hand? Bateman asked in surprise: Doesn't that mean that the Black Death Emperor can still interfere with our universe?

Since He first set his sights on the multiverse, He has become a part of the universe. As long as there are living people in the universe, there will be death, and when death happens, living people will have death emotions, and death emotions are black The Death Emperor himself. Harley said.

Then isn't He omnipresent and omnipotent? Old Flash said in horror.

If He is really the incarnation of death, then He is really omnipresent. But even if He is omnipresent, it does not mean that He is omnipotent. I now want to understand the limits of His ability and His status in the 'realm of death'.

Why do ordinary people's souls go to Limbo or go to heaven or hell after death, but the souls of people killed by black lights go to the 'death dimension'?

Kara is not counted, but I know many heroes who sacrificed their lives believe in God. Louise said doubtfully.

This time she asked tactfully.

According to her previous habit, she should have said: Is the Black Death Emperor more powerful than God and able to steal the souls of his followers?

No matter who it is, they will go to the 'death dimension' as soon as possible after death. The gods and gods do not care about the process of 'death'. They are only responsible for the destination of the souls of believers after death. Harley said.

Well, what's the difference? Louise said blankly.

When you die, the soul will first go to the 'realm of death', and the process of going to the realm of death is death. After the death process is completed, the soul of the undead will be assigned a destination, either to the Kingdom of God or to return to its origin.

To put it simply, living people are like tomatoes growing in the ground. After being processed into tomato paste in the factory, the tomato paste will flow into different households.

The complex process of processing tomatoes into tomato paste is ‘death’.

The factory is the ‘realm of death’, and the family is the ‘realm of death’ such as heaven, hell, and underworld.

Don’t think that death is just a momentary natural phenomenon.

All natural phenomena that mortals take for granted represent a universal law.

The more common a phenomenon seems, the more powerful the laws behind it are.

Oh, now Supergirl's soul is still in the tomato processing plant.

Everyone understood it now, with a look of enlightenment on their faces.

“Kala’s tomatoes were not only stagnant on the factory’s processing table, unprocessed, but the tomato vines were not torn off and were still connected to the crops in the field.

But this process will not last long. We must get people back before the 'factory shutdown' ends.

Harley was talking while her eyes were still looking at Black Hand carefully.

He's not like Supergirl.

She was also captured and wrapped in a defensive gold film into a rice dumpling. Super Girl was already standing still.

The black light ring in the black hand has not disappeared, and is still struggling. Dinah must always stay by the side, holding his wrist with her right hand, and instilling the power of the God of War into his body to suppress the rioting black light power.

Dina, you can let him go. Harley said.


As soon as Dinah let go of her hand, the defensive golden film on Black Hand's body flashed twice and disappeared. He opened his eyes again and glared at them fiercely.

But he didn't struggle to escape, because he was still trapped in a bubble.

In addition, a full set of defensive expertise fell on him, burrowing into his body and disintegrating the power of the black light ring. He didn't have much strength to struggle at the moment.

Xiao Hei, although you have missed many exciting plots, as the spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor, you should be able to sense the current situation, right? Your boss has gone home, and the Blackest Night is almost over.

Of course, I don’t deny that from now on, the universe will add a new force and force—death emotion and the Black Lantern Corps.

What do you want to say? So many great heroes are looking at me eagerly, what else do they expect from me? Black Hand sneered.

Harry smiled lightly and said: They do have expectations, but they are not looking forward to you.

I’m not here to find you, you’re just a human phone through which you can send text messages to my ‘old black friends’.

Seeing that his expression was angry and he was about to curse, Harley immediately said: Don't refuse in a hurry, I want to find your boss. As a guard, even if you don't understand the priorities of the matter, you must at least report it to the superior.

Maybe your master doesn't want to pay attention to me at all. If you go to report it, he will scold you a few times.

But if your master really has something very important to discuss with me and delays important matters, he will not only scold you, but may also kick you out of the Black Lantern Corps.

I don't believe that the master will talk to you. Blackhand's tone was harsh, but his attitude was not as firm as before.

You only need to ask him if he knows Death of the Wuren family. Well, you can mention it more, Death is still my second sister, and I have a very good relationship with her. Harley said.

After saying that, she canceled the defensive force field and defensive golden film, allowing the power of the black lamp in Black Hand to operate normally.

Black Hand stared at her with a struggling expression on his face.

After a while, he sighed dejectedly, gave up the idea of ​​fighting, and closed his eyes to communicate with the dimension of death.

Gradually, wisps of black smoke emitted from Black Hand's body.

Finally, the black power of death formed a blurry head above his head.

Witch Harley, what tricks are you playing? Its voice was very weak, like whispering from a distance of more than ten meters. People with weak perception could not hear His voice at all.

Do you know about the existence of the death of 'Second Sister'? Harley asked.

The Black Death Emperor was silent for a moment and said in a low voice: Tell me, what kind of existence is the 'Second Sister'?

Theoretically, the second sister is death itself and the embodiment of the law of death.

No, I am death itself! Black Death Emperor shouted excitedly.

Well, I think so too, you are the incarnation of death. Harley comforted him first and asked: Have you ever encountered the power of death that is untouchable and uncontrollable after entering the main universe?

In other words, when you activated Blackest Night, did you sense the presence of your second sister?

The Black Death Emperor didn't even think about it, and immediately said categorically: No, I can control all the power of death, I am death itself.

Well, that's it. Harley realized something and said, I've finished asking my questions. Is there anything else you want to say? If not, let's talk about it when we have time.

You went all the way to find me, just for a few words? The Black Death Emperor felt inexplicably depressed.

There's no need to go through all the trouble. Your little brother is at my hand. I just asked casually, how big a deal it is.

How big a deal is it? Black Death Emperor shouted, Do you think it's easy for me to project a ray of consciousness across borders? I paid such a high price to lower the projection, and you just ask casually?

Uh, brother, don't be irritable. Harley quickly comforted her with a smile: I mean, you are the supreme being, even if there are still countless questions in my heart, I am embarrassed to trouble you with those trivial matters.

I just selected the most important one or two questions and asked you shamelessly.

Summoning the Black Death Emperor with black hands is not a one-time deal.

There is no chance that someone will come to your door again in the future. If you say it now, won't you be blacklisted?

Witch Harley, let me ask you, have you seen the 'death' of the Endless Family? It was recently! Black Death Emperor asked in a muffled voice.

I've seen it before. The second sister is very beautiful. She is a goth girl with smoky makeup, but recently...

Harry frowned and said, I haven't seen a real person recently, but it probably isn't because of the Blackest Night.

I once received a blessing from her - death will not see me.

As the incarnation of death, if she doesn't come to see me, I won't be able to see 'death', which means eternal life.

The projection of the Black Death Emperor above Black Hand shook violently, like a pot of boiling water, Do you still have blessings now?

His voice also trembled a little.

No. Although I haven't seen my second sister recently, she came to see me a few days ago. We didn't meet at that time. I just sent a message. Harley also noticed the Black Death Emperor's gaffe and said thoughtfully: Brother Hei, before the Blackest Night fell, I went to the Riut Star. There seemed to be many of your origins there. What's going on?

Hmph~~ The Black Death Emperor glared at her angrily and disappeared without a trace without even saying hello.

Hehehe Harry was stunned for a moment, and then laughed happily.

What are you happy about? Uncle Sam asked doubtfully, It seems that I haven't heard any useful information.

What were you talking about just now? I couldn't hear clearly. The Black Death Emperor's voice was very vague. Louise said blankly.

I didn't hear it either. The Black Death Emperor's voice was too quiet. Her words attracted a burst of agreement.

He uses mental power to communicate with us, and the expression is very clear. Maybe the loss is too great after crossing the dimensional barrier, and you are not good at mental perception skills, so it is a bit difficult to listen. Uncle Sam explained.

If it is difficult to even transmit sound, it means that it will not be easy for the Black Death Emperor to interfere with our universe through Black Hand. The old Flash breathed a sigh of relief, I saw Black Hand easily summoning the Black Death Emperor before, and I was worried. He will continue to cause trouble in the future.”

He will definitely continue to cause trouble. We must deal with the hidden danger of Black Hand. Bateman stared at Black Hand.

Black Hand smiled casually, I'm already dead, can you kill me again?

The spirit of existence said that resurrecting you is its destiny. Bateman said.

Resurrection? Black Hand was stunned, his face changed wildly, and he shouted excitedly: No, I will not be resurrected, I belong to death, and no one can take me away from my master!

It seems that resurrecting you is really a good plan. Bateman nodded.

Life is ugly and short, only death is eternal! You will not get what you want. Resurrection requires a huge price, but it is easy for me to seek my own death. Hahahaha, no one can stop me from embracing death! Black Hand shouted crazily. .

With a thought, Harley used defensive gold film and force field to paralyze him again.

What he said makes sense. Even if he is resurrected, he can easily commit suicide. Barbara worried.

Harley glanced at her, As long as I am willing, I can find 10,000 ways to make him unable to die.

What method? Barbara asked curiously.

For example, take out the brain, stuff it into culture fluid, and see how it commits suicide.

Ouch. Barbara's beautiful face twisted into a ball.

Damian's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and praised, What a great idea!

Pah! Bateman slapped him on the top of the head with a dull face.

Uncle Sam stroked the long beard on his chin and asked: Harry, what were you laughing at just now? It seems that you heard some extraordinary information from the simple words of the Black Death Emperor.

Haha, yes, now I finally understand what kind of existence the Black Death Emperor is. Thinking of the Black Death Emperor, Harley laughed again.

What is He? Everyone looked at her curiously.

He is the embodiment of 'death'. Harley smiled.

Well, what kind of answer is that?

Harley said: I just used tomatoes, tomato processing plants, and ketchup to explain the death of a living person - a living person is like a tomato in the field. After being processed into ketchup in the factory, the ketchup will flow into different households.

The process of processing tomatoes into ketchup is ‘death’, and the factory is the ‘field of death’.

If consciousness was born in this factory, then she would be Death, the second sister of the Endless family.

The current situation is that another small workshop for processing tomato paste has appeared in the city. Although it is small in scale, the tomato paste it produces has a unique taste and can occupy a certain market share.

Later, the tomato paste factory acquired the small workshop, absorbed its technology, updated its own factory's production line, improved its brand competitiveness, and became stronger.

The Black Death is the new piece of equipment in the ketchup factory.

The process of processing raw tomatoes into tomato paste is death. Once in the small workshop, He was complete death, He was equal to death, and death was equal to Him.

Now it has become a machine in a big factory. He is still processing tomato paste, so He is still death.

But He is also part of the whole factory, part of 'death'.

He and death can no longer be equated. He belongs to death, but death is far more than Him.

Death is always ‘death’, it’s my second sister!

Some frowned in thought, some were stunned, and some were at a loss. No one spoke for a while, and the Archimedes airship was very quiet.

What's the reason? Bateman asked first, It seems like you haven't talked much.

Harry said: It's not that the longer we chat, the more and more certain information we get.

For example, two ancient people who have never left the earth are arguing about the appearance of the earth. Even if they argue from the age of 20 to 80, they can't come up with anything conclusive and true.

If a person with superpowers stood in orbit outside the earth and viewed the entire earth, he would be able to tell who was right and who was wrong between the two ancients with just one question.

I asked Black Death Emperor if he had ever seen death.

If he can sense the second sister, at least the two can be distinguished and belong to different individuals.

As a result, let alone seeing it, He was not even aware of the existence of death, and firmly believed that he was death itself.

But I have seen the second sister, and I am sure that the second sister exists.

The answer is very clear. I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain.

The ancient people who had lived on the earth all their lives did not know what the earth looked like because they lived inside the earth and could not see the whole picture of the earth.

Only when you leave the earth can you see the earth.

The Black Death Emperor cannot sense the existence of death, just because he lives 'inside' death - he is a part of 'death'.

It sounds a bit mysterious, I don't quite understand it. Louise murmured.

I don't understand either. Star Man and Animal Man's expressions became much more relaxed.

What's so difficult to understand? To sum it up in one sentence, the Black Death Emperor is a part of death. A look of satisfaction flashed across Damian's face.

Bateman put his big hand on his shoulder and said in a low and hoarse voice, It's no use parroting. If you really understand, you can find usable information.

Don't look down on me! Damian broke away from his father's suppression, turned around and pointed at Supergirl's body, saying: We are discussing Black Death. Master Harley asked Black Hand to call Black Death, isn't it just for Supergirl and Dick's sake? soul?

Master Harley said that their souls went to the realm of death, but she was not sure which realm because she could not judge the relationship between the Black Death Emperor and the second sister at the time——

Pah! Harley slapped him on the back of the head and scolded: What did you call second sister?

Isn't she the second sister of the Endless Family? You said it.

Second sister is not a name, you... Harley tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said, I'm giving you an advantage. Just call me after me. My second sister is your second aunt.

No, I don't want this kind of advantage. Not just anyone can have a relationship with me.

Damian held the sword in his hands with a look of pride on his face.

You are amazing, you are noble! Harley gave him a thumbs up in his face and said sarcastically: I just hope that when you understand how high the sky is and how vast the earth is in the future, you will still not be worried about what you said today. And regret it.”

Damian tilted his head, looking disapproving.

Star Man patted him on the shoulder and said, Go on, where did Supergirl's soul go?

Damian said: With just one question, Master Harley confirmed the relationship between the Black Death Emperor and the death of the Endless Family.

Black Death is just a part of death.

Therefore, if you want to find the souls of Supergirl and Dick, you don't need to ask Black Death, just look for death. Death's 'Death Domain' includes all death domains.

Didn’t Master Harley call her ‘Second Sister’?

With this kind of relationship, you can at least find out where the soul is.

The heroes looked at Harley with expectations in their eyes.

Harry sighed: Although the second sister is my second sister, she is limited by the rules and cannot help much.

The most valuable part of this information is that I guessed that the 'ketchup processing factory' is currently closed for repairs.

Perhaps a new production line is being installed?

During this period, the boundary between life and death is extremely fragile, and it is the best time to resurrect the dead.

We have to hurry up and seize this opportunity.

Still have to rely on the spirit of existence? Bateman frowned.

Let's see what it says first.

When the Archimedes airship returned to Earth, it was already two hours later.

There is no need to rush back, the spaceship is following the normal star map route.

The spirits of existence and the lamp owners were getting a little impatient in waiting.

As soon as the airship jumped out of the miniature wormhole, the Green Lantern guarding the outer orbit of the earth came over to call for help.

Harley looked at the colorful lights outside, A lot of Lanterns from the Seven Lantern Corps are coming??

Well, the seven legions are here to help the people of Earth clean up all living corpses and planetary debris within the solar system.

The other party was just an ordinary lantern. Harley sneered in her heart and didn't look bad on his face.

The Archimedes airship did not return to Gotham, but went straight to the Beach City battlefield, where the spirits of existence and the lamp owners were.

As soon as she got off the spaceship, Harley saw that the white light uniforms worn by Superboy, The Flash and other heroes had disappeared.

The White Lantern Corps, gone? she frowned.

His Majesty the Spirit of Existence said that the White Lantern's mission is over and it has taken away our power. Dachao said.

While he was talking, he also secretly winked at her: Speak more politely later.

Witch Harley, give me the black hand. The spirit of existence said in an indifferent tone.

It did not leave Hal's body, still floating above him like a ghost.

You want to resurrect him? Harley asked.

Like a master, Ganser carefully accompanied the Lord of the White Lamp. Hearing this, he stepped out and explained: Resurrecting the Black Hand can cut off the connection between the Black Death Emperor and the main universe.

Then what? What plans does His Majesty, the Supreme Spirit of Existence, have next? Harley asked.

It has nothing to do with you. The spirit of existence said calmly.

Harry said: I also have arrangements for the Black Hand. I want to know if there is any conflict between His Majesty's plan and my arrangement.

Ganse quickly said: Resurrecting Black Hand is the simplest and most effective method.

Harley frowned, wrapped her mental power with a defensive force field, and said with a voice transmission super: Does the spirit of existence agree to resurrect our people?

Dachao glanced at the spirit of existence cautiously, and it looked over with a wooden face.

——Oops, it discovered that we were communicating quietly.

He was a little anxious and worried.

——Don’t worry, it can’t hear it.

Harley's face was expressionless and her tone was calm.

——It neither agreed nor objected.

Great super way.

——Do you think it intends to agree, or does it have no intention of helping us at all? If it has that intention, I will be careful and be obedient; if it does not agree, I will find an opportunity to get angry.

Harley said.

Witch Harley, what are you whispering about? Is there anything you can't say in public? the spirit of existence shouted angrily.

It has a high status and can only be held up by others. It will never tolerate others, especially the disdain from Harley.

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