As the supreme being, you can obviously change your form at will, but now you only use one arm. It shows that you like to be a one-armed swordsman. Isn't calling you 'one-armed man' a sign of respect for you? Harley pointed at him. 's right arm mocked.

The Black Death Emperor has the appearance and body shape of a human being, that is, the skin is deathly black, and the muscles are like dried bacon, tightly attached to the bones.

The right arm disappeared at elbow level, and the left hand held a death scythe. The contact point between the scythe and the handle was shaped like a black lamp.

The attire is very unconventional. There is a black iron collar around his neck, and an iron chain is connected to the collar. The other end of the chain is on his wrist, and he also wears a black iron bracer on his wrist.

Other than that, there is not much difference between him and a normal tall and thin human being.

Witch Harley, you are seeking death.

The title of one-armed man had already made the Black Death Emperor very angry, and now he was laughed at in public, or by the witch Harley who was the instigator. He was furious, roared, and waved the scythe of death at her.

Shua~~ The crescent moon rushed into the sky, and the black moon blade, which was a hundred meters high, jumped in front of Harley as if teleporting.

Boom~~~ Even if she activated her defense specialty, the surface of the defensive force field in front of her was rippling like water waves.

Harley even had no choice but to take two steps back.

Awesome! She gave him a thumbs up and praised sincerely: One move made me retreat. He is worthy of being the supreme being.

She is indeed a little frightened by his power. You must know that she not only has six basic power defenses, but also has connection power defense, and a full set of seven-color energy defense. Even the black light defense expertise itself is as high as level 8!

The opponent just used pure energy attacks.

Her compliment was sincere, but the Black Death Emperor became angry after hearing it.

He is the supreme incarnation of death, and his attacks not only contain a massive amount of death emotional energy, but also the power of the rules of death.

If his move had landed in a small, vibrant world, that world would immediately be extinct and turn into another dark hell.

But she only took two steps back, and didn't even break the defensive golden film in front of her.

How did she do it?

While angry, the Black Death Emperor was also a little surprised.

Seven lights in one! Ganse shouted, interrupting his reverie.

As early as when Harley blocked his Death Crescent, the Seven-Colored Lamp Master assumed an attacking stance.

At this time, following Ganse's command, the seven-color light beam shot out, spanning a short distance of a hundred meters, and landed on the Black Death Emperor's chest at the same time.

There are no complicated formations or martial arts techniques for the Seven Lanterns in One.

That is, the seven-color lamp masters simultaneously emit pure emotional energy beams at maximum power - the lamp ring can simulate any type of attack. Different attack methods, the energy attributes converted from emotional energy are also different. At this time, they do not have any attribute changes. It is a purely emotional energy beam that is theoretically less lethal.

As the lamp owners connect with each other in mind and spirit, the seven-color energy beams they control also merge with each other, blending into water and milk, and transform into dazzling white light.

After the seven-color lamps are fused, they actually become white light. Well, it conforms to the optical principle. After the sunlight is refracted by the prism, it is divided into seven-color light. The seven-color light passes through the lens in reverse direction and merges into white light.

White light shrouded the Black Death Emperor's body, making a squeaking sound like squid being fried on a sizzling iron plate. A thick, rancid black smoke emerged from his body.

Ah~~~ The Black Death Emperor screamed miserably and extremely angry, You ants, you actually hurt my body——

Ah~~~ Halfway through his roar, Harley followed the blue light emitted by the young girl and shot it in front of him. The middle finger and index finger of her right hand were lined up to form sword fingers, and she stabbed his left eye socket.

Not only that, she also transferred the white bone stick to the sword fingers. The two fingers were almost transparent, and the bright bones inside could be seen.

Boo! The dark and shiny eyes in the Black Death Emperor's eyes exploded like grape berries under leather shoes.

But that's all. The bone club forged by soaking Harley's calf bones and absorbing a large amount of tears of death and the wind of nothingness did not drag the Black Death Emperor into the Tomb of the Gods.

It's not like Superboy-Prime, whose eyes exploded and half of his head disappeared.

Go away! The Black Death Emperor waved the scythe in his hand angrily. Harley intuitively saw a black light flashing in front of her eyes. The defensive golden film exploded instantly, and the black vortex of thorns was automatically activated. However, she still felt a chill in her waist and abdomen. Divided into two, blood spilled across the sky.

Oh my god, Harley~~ Hal exclaimed.

Hehehehe Lafleeze grinned.

Atrocitus did not laugh out loud, but his mouth split open.

Ah, it hurts so much, I'm dead~~~

Harry wailed, and his two bodies fell on the edge of the throne, twitching twice and becoming silent.

Witch Harley, are you pretending to be dead in front of the incarnation of death? Are you looking down on me, or are you humiliating yourself? The Black Death Emperor roared angrily, and raised his knife to slash at me again.

Harry, who was already dead and in silence, quietly opened one eye and saw that he was really here. He was not shouting at him. He immediately swish, like a spring stretched to the limit, suddenly let go of his hand, and the two parts of his body instantly returned. Huddle together.

It was as if the wound did not exist at all, and even the blood that had been scattered around was squirming, crawling, and gathering together like life.

Harry rolled around like a lazy ass and barely managed to avoid the Death Crescent of the Black Death Emperor. He got up and cursed at the Seven Lantern Masters: I know some of you want me dead, and you might even be thinking about finding an opportunity to shoot me with a black gun, but Think carefully with your rotten stupid heads, even my human shield is dead, who of you can block His death sickle?

What a bunch of losers!

She had a reason for saying that.

She was able to poke the Black Death Emperor's eyeballs out, not because of how fast she was or how unexpected her actions were.

She used her dirty tricks in front of him. The reason why he didn't react was simply because the white light generated by the seven lights combined was very strong, which made him act a little late and didn't move out of the way.

But when she was cut in two, the white light suddenly weakened, and even showed signs of splitting into seven-colored light again.

Anyone who is not a fool can understand what this means.

Someone is working hard and wants her to die!

We swore an oath to unite and go all out when facing the enemy! Don't let down the opportunity Harley created for us. Hal shouted loudly.


No one spoke, and every lamp owner's expression was serious and serious. The white light became blazing again. The Black Death Emperor was not burned to death or fatally injured, but he also lost the opportunity to make a second blow to Harley. .

You bastards, how dare you hurt my lord!

At this moment, Scarface, whom Harry thought was not something to be afraid of, roared wildly and flew towards the seven lamp owners.

Her appearance changed drastically. Her already ugly scarred face had densely bulging black meridians, her cheeks were shriveled and wrinkled, her mouth was cracked to the base of her ears, her rotten and smelly tongue was large and long, and there were barbs sprouting from the tongue coating. Extremely ferocious and terrifying.

In addition to the change in appearance, her strength also increased several times. Ganser and Said, who were guarding both sides of the Seven Lamp Masters, simultaneously fired blue light shock waves mixed with powerful spiritual power at her. The black energy on her body was not dissipated.

Chiliu~~~ Scarface threw down Lafleeze, the owner of the orange lantern. The triangular sharp claws penetrated the muscles of his arms, and the long tongue was like a whip, wrapped around his neck, and he opened her as big as a basin with all his strength. Mouth pull.

No, help~~~ Lafleeze struggled hard and stopped attacking the Black Death Emperor. He only erupted with intense orange light energy all over his body, trying to break away from Scarface's swallowing.

Scarface, stop! Hal shouted and turned around, shooting a beam of green light at Scarface. Seeing that they could not maintain the white light of the seven lights, several other lamp owners followed suit and changed directions.

Lafleeze himself burst out with orange light, and the other six lamp owners attacked Scarface with their own colored lights, which happened to complete the seven lights in one on Scarface.

The white light, which could only squeak and roast on the Black Death Emperor, fell on Scarface and immediately exerted a terrifying effect.

Uh-huh, no~~~~ Her body suddenly stiffened, her dark eyes suddenly widened, and the black light symbols in her pupils disappeared, showing an expression of extreme fear and despair, and she just let out a miserable howl.


The scarred face exploded into a pool of dirty black blood in the bright white light, leaving no residual limbs.

Hiss, seven lights combined into one, so terrifying! Sinestro took a breath. The putrid smell came from the blood of the scarred face.

Rumble The black light lamp rises from the ground. Below it are five finger-like pillars. The lamp mouth emits bright light. The time and space water around it ripples, spinning into a transparent vortex.

People and objects within the space quickly collapse toward the center of the vortex.

Energy value is 100%, transmission is enabled, target sector 2814.

Shua~~~ The black lamp lamp furnace, the little blue people above the lamp furnace, and the Black Death Emperor himself all disappeared into this small and broken dark dimension.

What are you doing? You just beat a little blue man to death, but all of them are standing there in a daze, not even paying attention to the big boss. Harley yelled.

Aren't you a human shield? Why didn't you hold Him back? Atrocitas shouted.

My whole body was broken in two, don't I need to breathe back? Harley said angrily.

Lafleeze shouted: But I am also in danger. Scarface wants to eat me. You should go up and entangle the Black Death Emperor. You won't die anyway.

Harley, don't argue with them. I just heard the sound coming from the black light furnace. It went to sector 2814. Target 8 is the earth. We need the Lord of Color and Light to save the earth. Hal's mental message said .

Harley suppressed the idea of ​​killing the disobedient lamp owner, put on the ring, and went to save the earth. She said in a low voice: I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore. Start the direct transmission to the earth immediately.

Lafleeze was prepared to deliberately delay the time and disgust her, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he met her eyes.

It was naked, extremely suppressed murderous intent.

——No, Witch Harley can't hold it in anymore and wants to find an excuse to go crazy and kill!

He quickly closed his mouth, shifted his gaze, and tightened his grip on his right hand.

Well, he is holding the orange central energy lamp furnace in his right hand. It is his most precious treasure. He can feel at ease only if he touches it and sees it all the time.

He had noticed dozens of times that Witch Harley was secretly glancing at this treasure.

Atrocitas said: Opening the direct portal consumes too much energy.

His voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he closed his mouth and lowered his head, because as soon as he opened his mouth, Harley looked over blankly. He gritted his teeth and said something against her gaze, with a bit of bloody courage in his heart. Most of the energy dissipated.

With the blue light by my side, I have enough energy, so I can activate the teleportation. Hal said, then stretched out his hand to open a green aperture.

Lafleeze and Atrocitus did not dare to make any more noise, and the others did not hesitate at all.

When everyone flew into the portal, Hal found that Harley was standing there motionless, just looking down and playing with her phone.

Harry, won't you come in?

We don't know how fast the Black Death Emperor is. Maybe you are slower than him. I asked the voice of the sky to send me back and we will arrive in an instant.

While Harley was speaking, she had already sent several messages in succession on her mobile phone to the Justice League of Earth through the Watchdog.

I see.

When the portal disappeared, Harley did not immediately summon the voice of heaven.

She looked around. This small dark plane was like a glass bottle, embedded inside the dimensional wall, and the dimensional wall separated the main universe from another world.

Because the seven lights merged into one, positioned here, and broke the bottle, the small plane was on the verge of collapse, and the source of power at the core of the plane was leaked wantonly.

And that power was actually the pure power of black death.

This small plane was created by the Black Death Emperor using his own power.

Harley licked her lips, Even though the Black Death Emperor is the Supreme Being, the portal is opened by the Black Lantern Furnace, which is 80% the same teleportation method as the Lantern, and the same speed.

Within a few hours, it would be impossible to reach Earth.

Moreover, even if I rushed back as soon as possible, I still wouldn't be able to defeat the Black Death Emperor without the help of the seven-color lantern.

That guy is too strong. Anyway, the humans on earth are in my belly, and for their safety, I can't be too reckless.

Well, only by upgrading the Black Lantern Defense Specialty to level nine can you confidently face the Black Death Emperor.

After finding an excuse for herself, she opened her mouth, and a large amount of yellow light power poured out, turning into dozens of big hands, treating this small plane as bread, tearing it into pieces, and stuffing them into her mouth.

Only level nine defense expertise can provide 100% immunity to multiverse-level energy attacks.

If her expertise is only level eight, even if she has a full set of seven-color lamp defense, connection power defense, God power defense, and six DC universe basic power defenses, she still cannot be 100% immune to injuries.

She cannot be 100% immune to damage, and there is no theoretical upper limit to the supreme attack. With unlimited attacks, she will inevitably suffer heavy damage against limited damage immunity.

This has been verified in the battle just now.

And this broken little plane was originally the lair of the Black Death Emperor. It has a strong power of death. Maybe it can raise her expertise to level nine?

Huhuhu As the plane was swallowed up in large areas, a violent time and space storm blew around Harry.

If an ordinary person stood in it, they would be minced in an instant.

However, Harley remained motionless, only using her hands and feet to devour the food.

Hey when she swept through the remaining clouds and swallowed up the small plane, she actually saw a door - a huge dimensional crack.

In other words, this is a passage connecting the main universe and another world.

A stream of pure black death power flowed out from the dark and shining door, dyeing the surrounding gray-white space-time storm black.

An idea flashed in Harley's mind, and she suddenly understood that there was the real lair of the Black Death Emperor!

Her expression changed several times, and finally she gritted her teeth and dove in.

She seemed to fall into a vast ocean, and the water was the energy of darkness and death.

The energy is not gentle, but very violent. It is very corrosive and is almost as powerful as the Sunless Sea of ​​Little Black Bean. Not to mention mortals, even gods who come here may be assimilated into the power of black death.

Harley uses her expertise to resist the erosion and feast on it.

Gudong, Gudong. The expertise experience jar was bubbling crazily, and it was visible to the naked eye that the jar was gradually overflowing.

Level nine black light defense expertise!

It's such a pity to leave like this. Harley touched her belly, which contained more than six billion people on earth.

Even if the earth is blown up now, earth civilization will still survive.

After comforting herself again, she worked hard again.

And this time, not only did she eat the tiger by herself, but she also held the big cross, and the signal to communicate with the Voice of Heaven was very unstable.

Voice of Heaven, there is a lot of black death power here. Do you like it, my brother God?

In. Tianzhi's voice was simple, but he responded promptly.

It also goes out of its way to strengthen the signal connection with her.

Come on, come and get it. You can take whatever you can, and you can take credit for it. Harley generously showed her generosity to others.

The voice of the sky said: You devour it first, digest and purify the energy, and then give it to me as a sacrifice through the War God's Brilliance Seal.

It's so complicated and time-consuming. Although my digestion ability is strong, it has its limits. I'm short of time right now. Moreover, purification is not difficult for you at all. Harley said.

When she sold the origin of the Three Palaces, Tianzhi Sheng didn't ask her to help purify it.

The voice of heaven said faintly: If you come to purify the power of death, you are stealing power. Heaven only accepts the sacrifices of believers in a reasonable and legal manner according to its usual practice.

As for the origin of the sacrifices, heaven does not know and does not care, but heaven will remember the merits of believers, do you understand?

Harley only raised two middle fingers to make a gesture, then turned on full power and devoured it crazily. While devouring it, she poured power into the God of War Seal.

“With this great power, I sacrifice my brother Jehovah, Amen!”

Boom~~ Her God of War's glowing impression seemed to be inserted into a straw, and the sucking power was even more terrifying than her devouring power.

Oh, Brother God, please slow down, there is a lot of energy here, enough for you to eat and drink, no need to rush!

After shouting, Harry's heart moved and he said: Voice of Heaven, how much merit can I get?

One hundred million.

Bold and majestic! Harry praised, and then said: I use these 100 million meritorious deeds in exchange for a world moving circle to move this world to the Origin Wall. Do you think it's okay?

Tian Zhisheng seemed stunned and didn't speak for a while.

It wasn't until Harley repeated it again that it said in a complicated tone: One hundred million meritorious deeds, you just want it but you don't want it?

Oh, this money is easy to come by, and it doesn't hurt to spend it. Moreover, recently, superheroes always want to ask me for loans. One loan is hundreds of thousands or millions. With their ability, 80% of them will be a bad debt.

If I don't have money, I can find excuses to refuse them.

But if they know that I made 100 million for nothing, the poor relatives who live in big households will probably swarm here.

Rather than taking advantage of them, it would be better for me to enjoy myself and dig the grave of the Black Death Emperor. My thoughts are clear and I feel comfortable all over!

Just these two reasons? Tian Zhisheng asked doubtfully.

Harley pondered: These two are enough. I have to say that there are other ideas. The power of the Black Death Emperor is the 'new power' in the multiverse.

From my current location, it is difficult to communicate with heaven, and the signal is very poor, which means that this energy dimension was not in the main universe before.

So, maybe pushing it to the wall of origin can please the origin of the universe?

The Voice of Heaven said: One hundred million merit is not enough, so I can lend you another three hundred million. Heaven will exert an irreversible force on this dark dimension, causing it to slowly slide towards the origin wall.

Do you want to do it or not?

Is there interest on the loan? Harley asked.

Yes, the interest is 7.5% based on thousand years.

Harley gritted her teeth and said: I've done it. No matter whether the Origin Wall will reward me or not, I can be sure that I can see the ugly behavior of the Black Death Emperor. That's all it's worth. If you dare to chop me with a knife, hum!

You're such a madman.

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