I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1366 Harley’s worries

It's dawn, Quinn Manor, Ivy's bedroom.

Ivy, Ivy, wake up~~ Harley leaned in front of her red face and shouted softly.

Harley~~~ Ivy nervously pulled the quilt and wrapped her body tightly. When she opened her eyes and saw clearly that it was Harley, she blushed again and lifted a corner of the quilt, You, Come in.

When Harry lowered his head, he saw half a large white loaf of bread and said angrily: Why don't you go in? I have something to discuss with you.

Ivy blinked and looked at her for a while, then turned to look at the window. It was still dark outside.

What time is it right now?

It's almost six o'clock. It's autumn now and it gets late. Harley said.

But we didn't go to bed until almost five o'clock. Ivy said helplessly.

How can you, a great master of magic, sleep? And at such a young age, how can you sleep peacefully?

You can dream when you sleep, and there is everything in your dreams. Ivy looked at her and murmured.

Squeak~~ At this time, the door opened, Selina poked her head in, and shouted impatiently: Is she awake?

What on earth is going on? Ivy really woke up now and asked nervously.

We are going to have a family gathering for the second sister's blessing. Harley sat down next to Ivy's bed and waved to Selina to come in.

What second sister? Ivy asked confused.

Do you still remember the immortal blessing that Second Sister Death gave me?

Selena rubbed her face, looked at Harley's face, and said with envy: How could you forget? Harley, your tender face that will always be 20 years old, is shouting to me about the existence of blessings all day long. Woolen cloth.

She is two years older than Harley, and is now 30. Although she is well-maintained, there is obviously a big age gap between her and Harley and Ivy.

Ten years ago, the three of them were called the Arkham Three by Gotham media.

Harley glanced at her and said simply: Due to some technical reasons, I can no longer accommodate the second sister's blessing, but the blessing is my wealth and must not disappear out of thin air.

After much effort from the elder sister, including shamelessness and constant pestering, I finally convinced the second elder sister to keep the blessing but transfer it to someone else.

Selena's eyes lit up for a moment.

Harry, you want to give me my second sister's blessing?! she shouted excitedly.

Harry shook his head and said, It must be given to my family, but our family has a large population, so we need to discuss it carefully.

As she spoke, she also took out a black key and said, This is it, the embodiment of the second sister's blessing. It must be used before sunrise, so I am in a hurry to wake you up.

This is... Ivy looked at it and said: The Encore of the Talisman of Life from the Egyptian God System?

Harley said: It is the talisman of life of the Egyptian god, but its owner is the second sister.

Everyone can see the second sister twice in their life, once when they are born and once when they die, and the process in between is performed by the God of Death.

In other words, the gods of death in the multiverse are all hers, not her younger brothers, and there is no subordinate relationship between them and her.

However, the second sister is the rule of death itself. To become a god of death, you must master at least one law with the attribute of death.

Well, it can be said that they are all believers in death.

Therefore, many gods use some of her symbols as their own sacred symbols.

The Talisman of Life Encore is just one of them. The gothic eyeshadow under her eyes was even used as a totem of the Eye of Resurrection by Horus.

In fact, for the second sister, these symbols are just decorations, and they cannot be replaced tomorrow.

Selena swallowed and looked away from the key with difficulty, Harry, it's almost dawn.

Harry opened his palms and said, In this family, I, you two, Rachel, Fathead, Dodo, and Cassandra, who is this thing for?

Selena wants it, but is too embarrassed to say it directly.

Ivy glanced at her and said, Harry, what do you think?

Harry said: First of all, exclude Fat Head, Duoduo, Rachel——

She looked around, She didn't come home tonight.

Selina said: Cassandra is not at home either. They are currently busy building the Teen Titans headquarters, and they will probably not be home for a long time.

Harley sighed, she hadn't seen her in a while.

Rachel has a body of gods and demons, and she doesn't need it. Cassandra is extremely talented in martial arts, and martial arts god is her future. So, between you two, who wants it? How about guessing?

Selina opened her mouth, but finally nodded, Guessing is fair.

Ivy shook her head and said: If it's just me and the little cat, there's no need to guess the game. Give her the encore. Although I'm not a god, it's still easy for a magic master to maintain his youth for hundreds of years.

Selena first showed emotion and joy, then hesitantly said: A hundred years of youth is not as good as eternal youth.

But you have become a yellow-faced woman, and you don't even have ten years of youth left. Ivy said.

Selena's face darkened, and she snatched the encore from Harley's hand, How do I use it?

Harley looked at her face carefully and said, You have crow's feet at the corners of your eyes, and your complexion is also sallow.

I'm thirty years old. Selena sighed.

Harley said: What I mean is that you first ask for a bottle of youth potion, lower your age by a few years and then use the second sister's blessing.

Her blessing is just 'Death will not see you', or in other words, freezing time from today will not make the old woman become a girl.

Selena was a little moved, but when she looked up at the window, the eastern sky was already white, Is it too late?

Harley took out her mobile phone, and a call woke up Xanadu from his sleep. Then the rose flower on Ivy's window sill suddenly expanded a thousand times, swallowing the three women in one gulp.

It took less than a second to walk through an emerald green Green Channel of All Things, Boom!

They were spit out by the crabapple flower in front of Xanadu.

Squeak~~ The door to God's house opened automatically.

Selina looked at everything in front of her, but suddenly hesitated, Harry, you forgot Helena, and Bruce.

Helena is only three months old before she turns seven. Do you want her to stay seven years old all her life and be an 'Arkham Little Nezha'? Harley said angrily.

As for Bruce, it's even more ridiculous. If you give him an encore, he is still your family now, but in ten years you will probably become his ex-wife.

Will he abandon me when he is young? Selena murmured.

Marriage should not have tests. Don't test him, and don't test yourself. Because it has been in a state of constant wear and tear. If you want to be happy, you can only work hard and maintain it. Harley said.

A few days later, one afternoon, in the recreation area of ​​the Hall of Justice, Metropolis.

Harry, what do you want from me? Kyle asked curiously, stirring the coffee in the cup.

Harley looked at his face carefully and said, You look very bad. Da Chao told me that you have been in a bad state recently.

It'll be fine in a while. Kyle lowered his eyes.

Is it about your father or the experience of the Parallax Demon? The little blue man said that experience left an indelible trauma in your heart.

I told Hal earlier that I would take you to the manor and help you heal by merging with the ion shark, but you woke up alone in Oa the next day. Harley said.

The ion shark can't help me. Kyle put down the spoon, put his elbows on the table, and covered his face with his hands, Because of me, my father, who has already spent his old age peacefully, suffered a tragic accident.

He died so tragically, his head was cut off and placed in a life-support box. For so many days, I didn't dare to ask you about the whereabouts of his soul. I didn't dare to face him.

And those legion teammates, I stuffed them into my mouth, bit them into two pieces, and swallowed them alive.

Harley looked at him with more pity in her eyes, That's not you, it's Parallax Monster. I have already avenged you and taught Parallax Monster a lesson.

Although Parallax is controlling my body, I can hear, see, and feel everything my body is going through. I can still remember that Khan's blood and organs were tumbling in my mouth, and his head was I screamed in my throat.

He's saying, 'Kyle, I believe in you, you can defeat that demon, you're a good man, you're the greatest Green Lantern to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps'.

I let him down and he ended up being a digestion in my stomach.”

Kyle's voice was choked with sobs.

Harley sighed: This is real war. The enemy will do anything to win. As a soldier, you should adapt to all this.

You are not the only victim of the war between yellow and green. There are many people who are worse off than you.

Such as Khan.

Not only was he half-eaten and died miserably, his home planet was also bloodbathed by Amon Su, and all his wives and children were killed.

Even his lover Laila, who wanted to avenge him, lost her life in the most humiliating way.

And all the countless merits she had earned in the Green Lantern Corps were taken back, and she ended up with nothing. She was even buried in the place where she was a royal princess, but her emperor brother refused to accept her body.

He said - she was removed from the family from the day their father died, she said it herself, she stood over his body and told them - put on the ring and she would forever and completely belong to the Green Lantern Corps .

Hal and the others could only find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to let her rest in peace.

But he was buried one day, and the next day the tombstone was broken and the grave was dug.

She is much worse than you.

Amonsu is not the only yellow light on the loose.

Khan isn't the only Green Lantern to suffer bloody revenge from the Yellow Lantern Demon, either.

At least your mother is still alive, and your home planet Earth has not been harassed by the Yellow Lantern Demon.

You have no right to feel sorry for yourself here.

I'm not a soldier, I'm just a painter. Kyle said with a painful expression.

Chao is a reporter, Bruce is a young master, and Cyborg is a high school dropout. No one is born a warrior, but once you step into the battlefield, you must learn to be a good warrior.

Your situation is very special. You have a destiny and you can't quit even if you want to. Harry said seriously.

Kyle sighed, What do you want me to do?

Are you feeling better? Harley asked.

Not good, but I can hold on.

Have you ever called your mother? Otherwise, I will take you to Heaven Mountain later. Harley said.

Kyle shook his head and said: She lives a comfortable and happy life now, and I don't want to disturb her.

After a pause, he hesitated and said, Can you take me to heaven to find my dad?

Your dad may not be in heaven, Harley said.

Kyle said excitedly: He is a good man, a great patriot who has shed blood and sacrificed his life for the country for most of his life. He has never done anything bad.

I have read your father's file. He is indeed very patriotic, and he has devoted half his life to the government. He is neither corrupt nor derelict in his duties. He lived in poverty in his later years and had nothing to do with the world. But his job is the CIA!

Harley tried her best to keep her tone tactful, but in the end she still felt helpless.

What happened to the CIA? You also said that he is patriotic, does not seek personal gain and works seriously.

Kyle's voice was a little loud, which attracted many glances from the heroes in the cafe.

OK, OK, let's go to heaven later. Harley surrendered.

Wait a minute, what are you waiting for? Kyle was stunned.

Okay, let's talk as we walk. Harley took out her mobile phone and called the manor.

In less than two minutes, Selina drove the blimp to the Hall of Justice.

Why is it you today? What is Ivy doing? Harley asked strangely.

Ivy has always been her driver.

Selina jumped out of the airship and said cheerfully: I dropped by to visit Louise. Well, a small gathering among best friends.

What's a good day today? Harley asked casually.

Selena rubbed her fair and rosy face in front of the makeup mirror and said happily: It's a celebration for me to be 18 again. Alas, for such a big event, you didn't even hold a party for me.

Harley said coolly: Take it easy and be careful not to push a certain 'hero's wife' to extremes again and become a super villain.

Selena froze, put away the makeup box, and said with a smile: No.

Entering the Archimedes airship with Kyle, Harley revealed the main purpose of looking for him this time.

You know that black stone that contains the power of black death? It is an emotional power, but your destiny is the 'incarnation of life'.

This is why the Sinestro Corps targeted you last time.

Hal is the embodiment of will. He has burned out his destiny and will never be able to return to his peak strength during the Time Demon Period.

Your destiny is still there, and there is a potential within you waiting to explode.

I guess that potential is the emotional spectrum of life.

Kyle was stunned for a moment and then asked in confusion: How can life be considered an emotion? When I rebuilt the Green Lantern Central Energy Battery, I had a deep connection with the Origin Wall Energy Pool.

I can be 100% sure that there are only seven energy pools and seven spectral energies.

Since there is death, why can't there be life? Whether it is reasonable or not, we don't have to say, the reality is like this, we can only accept it. Harley said.

I thought the power I controlled at that time was the equation of life. Isn't Heavenly Father looking for it? That's what you told me at the time, Kyle murmured.

“Maybe Heavenly Father is mistaken, maybe the equation of life is also about the emotional energy of life.”

What do you want me to do? Kyle asked directly.

Harley said: The Black Stone was split into two, and half of it was taken to Oua by Hal. The little blue man was at a loss. The other half was in the Zhenglian Laboratory, and no explanation was found.

I think you can give it a try and see if you can activate your life incarnation talent through energy stimulation of opposite attributes.

After activation, will Heavenly Father come to Earth immediately and take it away? I think it's better never to activate it. Kyle frowned.

Harley sighed: This is exactly what I am worried about, worried about the 'life crisis' behind the Blackest Night.

Uh, are you starting to think about the crisis after the Black Night? What kind of 'life crisis'? Kyle was shocked and confused.

If the Blackest Night is related to the power of black death, then the Blackest Night will inevitably come. It will come sooner or later. This is destiny. Harley said with certainty.

After talking to Morpheus, she felt confident to say this.

If that black stone can stimulate you to activate your life potential, then tell me, if the darkest night really comes, how will you hide? The stimulation will be stronger by then, and the emotional energy of the incarnation of life will burst out on the spot, shocking the whole audience. .

Everyone in the universe knows it, and the Heavenly Father also knows it, and then His saliva will flow out.

When the dark night ends, Heavenly Father and the Creation Star will begin to plan your life force, and a new crisis will come.

Kyle exclaimed: Harry, you are so amazing, so thoughtful and thoughtful.

He was completely convinced and thought there was a very high chance that things would go as she said.

As long as you understand, we're here.

Archimedes' airship stopped at the gate of heaven and did not go any further.

Old Za, come and tell Kyle Reiner where his father's soul is.

Why don't you check it yourself? Although the bald Zaulie was not willing to pay attention to her, he still went to the Golden Hall with a ray of consciousness. After a moment, he looked at Kyle and said politely: Your father is not in heaven.

Harley wasn't surprised at all.

Kyle found it difficult to accept, Have you read it wrong? My father is a patriot.

Seeing him so excited, Zaulie understood why Hallie didn't want to check it out himself.

She sighed: If you want to know the complete reason, you can ask Harley to take you to hell to find the judge of the underworld.

She is very familiar with Him, and she even asked Him to pre-trial Lex Luthor last time.

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