I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1365 Second Sister’s Blessing

Imitate the gods? What do you mean? Hal asked confused.

Harley said: You know that there is a kind of deathbed transformation called 'Nightmare Demonization', right? The way for gods and mages to survive this disaster is to let go of the corresponding negative emotions.

They did not throw away the severed emotional illusions, but blended them together and turned them into a magic weapon.

It sounds like the Guardians, why do you want to use this method of giving up your emotions? Hal asked.

It's so easy for you to ask this. As long as there are other options, the gods don't want to castrate themselves. Harley shook her head.

Hal thought for a while and then asked: After surviving the nightmare, apart from the improvement of the magical realm, what is the most direct benefit?

In other words, what else do you think the guardian has gained besides 'absolute sanity'?

Harry's eyes flashed, The change in magic power increases the magic power, and the change in cognition changes the outlook and enhances insight.

End-of-life transformation is essentially a kind of 'uncontrollable evolution on a local scale'. Which 'part' the transformation occurs in will enhance the corresponding ability of that 'part'.

Nightmare demonization is an evolution of the mind and emotions.

Therefore, after a successful breakthrough, the power of the mind will definitely skyrocket, and the will will become stronger.

Heart and will seem to be the Guardian's strengths, and they are also the Green Lantern's core talents. Ivy exclaimed.

You said that except for Gunther, all the other little blue people have been cut off? But I remember that Gunther is also an emotionless wooden person. Harley looked at Hal and wondered.

He even planned to marry Said recently. Do you think he has feelings? Hal asked strangely.

Little Blue Man is getting married? Harley was shocked and frowned: Can these two words really be connected?

Said was originally on the planet Zamaron and was the guardian of the Purple Lamp of Love, but in recent years she has been staying in Oa. Hal said.

Isn't it to raise the little blue man who will live out his second life?

It only took the little blue man one year to grow up and mature, and Said is still in Oa. Hal said.

Did Gunther tell you that he was going to get married? Harry still felt a little incredible.

The first little blue man she dealt with was Gunther.

That guy led a group of Green Lanterns to besiege her near the Origin Wall, and split her into two pieces with a sword.

At that time, he was as indifferent as the Supreme Green Lantern.

Gunther didn't say it directly, but when he was chatting with me, he vaguely revealed similar information. He seemed to want to leave the Green Lantern Corps, Hal said.

Harley asked in surprise: Did that guy improve his level and get back the emotions that were cut off?

Hal looked up at the clock on the wall. It was almost four in the morning.

Harry, I have to go back to Oa. You should rest early.

We're not sleepy and we're not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry?

Hal said helplessly: Even if the Guardian cuts off the emotions, even if Gunther gets the emotions back, what does it have to do with us, what else is there to talk about?

They don't cut off your emotions, and those who were cut off by the Supreme Green Lantern have no complaints, but are happy with it and are proud of it.

If Ganser can really regain his emotions and return to his true nature, the impact of this will be great. He can achieve many things that the God King dreams of but can only dream about in his dreams.

Could it be that he has mastered the magic secret book? Can others learn his secrets or techniques?

Hal saw light in her eyes, the bright orange light of greed.

Harry, I wouldn't be surprised at all if an orange ring flew out of the window right now and asked you to claim it as its owner. He said seriously.

Harley was stunned for a moment before she realized that he was laughing at her, and sneered: If an Orange Lantern ring really comes to me, I will be surprised - the Lord of the Orange Lantern is actually willing to share his power with others, too much It’s unqualified.”

Hal was stunned for a while and said thoughtfully: You are right, those who have the power of the orange light are controlled by greed, and they probably will not develop the legion like us.

Do you think the Orange Lantern has appeared at this moment? It's just because he didn't distribute the Lantern Rings that his whereabouts were exposed?

I'm more interested in Ganser now. Tell me about him. I won't hide it from you, I am indeed greedy for his skills. Harley said.

Next time, I'm really in a hurry. Hal stood up and said.

Rush to tell Gunther Blackstone and Little Blue Man about the mole? No need.

Hal shook his head and said in a sad tone: Tomatu will escort Laila's body back to her hometown this morning. I want to see her buried in peace with my own eyes.

Laila is dead? Didn't she just take away the light ring? Harley said in surprise.

Hal glanced down at her and said in a low voice: Maybe you have always looked down on the Green Lantern Corps, but for us, the Lantern Ring and the Corps are everything to us.

She couldn't bear the blow and committed suicide? Harley said softly.

Hal shook his head and said: After the lamp ring is taken away, she can no longer stay in Oua.

As a result, on the way back to her hometown, she became so angry that she attracted a red light ring.

That was three days ago, and yesterday the Red Lantern Corps ambushed our team escorting Sinestro.

Many of our brothers died, and Laila died on the spot as a red light.

It wasn't us, it was the Yellow Lantern Corps, it was Sinestro.

The target of the red light is not us, but Sinestro, because Atrocitus hates Sinestro who arrested and imprisoned him during the green light.

This is really... Harley didn't know what to say.

Lila was actually worse off than she knew now.

The other lanterns can all return to their hometowns with honors, except Lyla. Well, there is also a Sinestro.

Sinestro was feared by the Korugas, but Lyra was hated by everyone in the Golden Dragon Empire, including her family.

Because her assessment task as a Green Lantern is to deal with her mother civilization - Harley was suppressed by the Central Energy Battery, which caused many flaws in the Green Lantern. The Green Lantern Corps shrunk in power, and the Lanterns gathered in Oa. Laila's father took advantage of the opportunity. Led the Golden Dragon Empire to annex several nearby small civilizations, Laila's mission is to punish the barbaric and cruel invaders.

The grand hegemony of the Golden Dragon Empire was shattered by its own princess. The soldiers who died in the battle died in vain, military expenditures were wasted, all the territory they occupied was spit out, and the strongest man in the empire and the lord of the empire (Laila's father) also died.

It can be said that Lila gave everything to the Green Lantern Corps as early as that important mission.

Oa is her only destination.

She had nowhere else to go.

It would be better to send her back to her hometown than to put her in a high-tech prison and squat there.

It was also because she gave everything to the Green Lantern but was deprived of the Lantern Ring and all honors, which was completely unreasonable, that she was so angry that she attracted the Red Lantern Ring.

As a result, just two days after the red light became red, the traffic light stopped again.

Totally screwed.

Even the one in 10,000 chance of restoring his reputation and regaining the green light is gone.

By the way, she was also a member of the Lost Lanterns. She had been tortured by machine hunters for many years. Just two years after she was freed, she died first of her lover - her lover and her family, and then herself.

Life is a capital miserable (ps).

If you don't sleep now, where are you going?

When Hal turned into green light and disappeared into the night sky, Selena and Ivy yawned and prepared to go back to the bedroom to rest. However, they saw Hall spinning around half a circle, wearing the same white sportswear that they hadn't changed out of for several days. , turned into a slim dress, obviously looking like going out again.

You guys go to sleep first. I will go to the dream dimension and ask my second sister about the power of black death.

Harley floated to the outside of a small building at the foot of the mountain like a ghost. Her body shattered into hundreds of black bubbles. The bubbles burst silently. Her figure disappeared into the material world and came to the dream of housekeeper Angela.

Shit~~ As soon as he fell asleep, Harley yelled and ran against the wind with a twisted face.

The Sandman's robe can help her enter other people's dreams. She usually enters the kingdom of dreams through other people's dreams.

Dreams may be absurd, or they may be a real harbinger of the future.

If it is an absurd dream, run against the wind, find the ivory door on the edge of your personal dream, and step onto the spiral staircase of dreams.

If this is a true omen, run with the wind and eventually reach the Gate of Horns.

Harley had been cursed by the three goddesses of fate. For the first time, she entered the dream of a little lemure. In the dream, the lemure became a big devil. She thought it was ridiculous, so she ran against the wind and almost ran into the whirlpool of the dream, falling forever.

Just because the reality is more absurd, the little evil demon she left on the battlefield of San Gong actually swallowed the soil stained with the blood of San Gong's demon essence - San Gong was pierced through the chest by Da Chao, and his heart was broken into pulp and the blood from his heart was scattered. All over the place.

As of today, the evil demons who have obtained the essence and blood of the Three Palaces have been promoted to Demon Lords, the new Three Palace Demons!

Well, the spiritual power of the Three Palaces in the essence and blood condensed into a residual soul and was reborn with the weight of the little evil demon.

So in recent years, the League of Assassins has begun to roam Gotham again.

But this time, Harley was 100% sure that Fat Angela was daydreaming, because in the dream, the eldest young master Dick Grayson was lying next to her.

It almost blinded her eyes.

But Harley also has to admit that Fat Angela is very discerning. Now the 18-year-old Dick is in his prime, full of energy, and looks like Daniel Wu from the United States. His body is stronger than Eddie Peng because of his daily martial arts training.

As the eldest son of the Wayne family, he has been rich for many years, and he also knows his temperament very well.

Completely different from the hard-working and dull Bruce back then, young Dick was the most influential figure in college.

Mother Fuck! While thinking wildly and running wildly for a while, Harley was suddenly shocked and shocked: there was a gray fog in front of her, and there was no shadow of the door at all.

She got lost on the edge of the dream, which meant she was heading in the wrong direction.

Is the scene I just saw a sign of the future? !

Harley couldn't believe how Dick tasted.

Why are you running in the opposite direction again? It should be easy to distinguish between real omens and absurd dreams.

A black shadow appeared above her head, and her black robe rustled in the wind.

But when she raised her head, her eyes were spinning. When she came back to her senses, she had arrived at a gorgeous palace.

There was an extra chair under her butt, and the Sandman sat opposite. The two of them drank tea in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows in the warm afternoon.

Harry rubbed his temples and sighed: I may have been cursed, always encountering absurd truths.

Morpheus poured her a cup of bright red and fragrant tea without saying a word.

Harry put aside his distracting thoughts and recounted his experience on the planet Riut. He then took out a small piece of black stone and handed it over, asking, Which supreme being does this thing come from?

Morpheus only glanced at the stone and did not reach out to pick it up.

How do you know it comes from a Supreme Being?

It is an emotional energy with the attribute of death, and its energy level far exceeds that of several lamp beasts. Harley analyzed briefly.

Morpheus said calmly: Before He appeared, I didn't know His existence.

When He appears in the material universe, I will know His identity and origin, but I will not be able to tell you.

You are not an ordinary person.

If I tell you the truth, you can drastically distort your destiny with my information.

But I must be within my destiny.

But once I speak, you will immediately pull me away from my destiny, so I cannot speak.

He spoke in a convoluted way, but Harry generally understood.

And he revealed a very important piece of news - the mysterious Supreme comes from outside the DC world!

This explains why Little Blue Man, Fat Head, and Blood Slaughterer all insist on the emotional energy pool in the origin wall, which has only seven colors and no death.

At least at this time, death emotion has not yet joined the DC Emotional Spectrum Energy Family.

According to DC's original plan for Dr. Manhattan, the outsider with the power of black death will definitely enter the main universe, triggering a major crisis that planned to bury the world but was buried by the world.

In the end, the emotion of Black Death, like the quantum power of Manhattan, became a fundamental force in the DC universe.

Morpheus on the opposite side suddenly turned pale and said, You seem to have glimpsed destiny, just because of my words.

Harry woke up from his reverie and found that his condition was much worse than before.

What’s wrong with you?

I suffered a backlash from fate, and all miracles have a price. Morpheus sighed.

She got the benefit and he paid the price.

Harley understood, immediately stopped making random associations, and said with a smile: Isn't fate our eldest brother?

He also cannot take a wrong step on the road of destiny. Morpheus said.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, you helped me collect the dreams of all living beings. Didn't that interfere more with destiny? Harley asked doubtfully.

The destiny of Crisis on Infinite Earths is to restart the universe. Collecting the dreams of all living beings has no impact on whether the universe restarts. Morpheus said.

Harley is thoughtful. The main plot is clear and unchangeable, but the details of the branch plots are not described in detail in The Book of Destiny, so there is huge room for manipulation.

Just like the instructions of the company's top leaders are this business trip, we must win big customers. Signing the contract is the main line. Whether or not you secretly do health care during the business trip is just a detail and not important.

After thinking about this clearly, Harley stopped embarrassing Morpheus and took the initiative to change the topic: Is our second sister at home? I want to talk to her.

Morpheus looked her up and down, For the immortal blessing?

Can you tell? Harley asked in surprise.

Morpheus nodded first, then shook his head and said: When you still have her blessing, people from the Endless Family can see her 'encore' (ps) on you as long as they look carefully.

However, I know that your blessing was lost because she came to see me a few days ago.

Harry was shocked, What did the second sister say?

It seemed that she had just lost the second sister's blessing and the second sister noticed it.

She asked me to ask you for the reason. Morpheus looked at her with burning eyes.

Harry looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle, his face full of piety, and he made the sign of the cross on his chest with his right hand skillfully.

Morpheus remained unmoved and continued to stare at her.

Harley complained in her heart that he was ignorant, and her face was a little tense. She could only sigh: After all, I am the God of War in heaven and a believer in God.

——You can’t have the blessings of strange gods on you, it’s not that I don’t want it, it’s that the old God doesn’t allow it!

I don’t know if Morpheus understood her subtext.

He said: She said that she noticed that you were devouring a kind of power, and then her blessing gradually disintegrated.

Oh, they say I am a thief who steals magic power, but who knows? Harley shook her head helplessly, with a complicated expression of being embarrassed and unwilling to betray her god brother.

She winked at Morpheus and said meaningfully: When I obtained the origin of the Three Palace Demons, the Voice of Heaven paid a sky-high price for it.

But the same devil origin is replaced by the Seven Demons, but the price is reduced to 1%. Do you understand what I mean?

Morpheus nodded slightly if he understood something.

Harley just went astray and didn't tell a lie.

And although her thoughts were biased, the topic was consistent with his previous question: the old God was collecting new magic everywhere to make his God's power more powerful, so after receiving the God descending to earth given by Him, she was swallowing After receiving the power of death, he became resistant to the second sister's blessing.

Very reasonable!

At the same time, Hallie also had something to say: What she said was all the truth and she did not slander God. Others may think wrong and it has nothing to do with her, a devout believer in God.

How is the second sister planning to compensate me? Harley asked with a shy face and a smile.

You gave up her blessing yourself, why are you asking her to compensate you? Morpheus frowned.

“Brother, you still don’t understand me?!” Harley shouted with a look of grievance, “How could I, a person who spends every penny and spend every penny, voluntarily give up a supreme blessing?

What you said is simply an insult to my greedy personality!

Not only was Morpheus unable to refute, but he also believed from the bottom of his heart that what she said made sense.

She never gave up the blessing on her own initiative.

what do you want?

(ps1: Green Lantern: Emerald Knight is a DC animated film. Search on Station B and there are also short films. There is a plot introducing Lila, a very heroic red-haired girl, but the ending is really tragic.

ps2: Ankh, a cross symbol with a ring on the top, that is, a circle on the top and a cross or T on the lower half, represents life. This is the mark of the second sister's death and the mark of strength.

You may be wondering, isn't the second sister dead? How can it be marked with 'life'.

The second sister is death, but she is also life. Each member of the Endless Family embodies a rule and also represents the opposite of the rule. )

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